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君子如何安身立命是孔孟儒学的一个重要问题。要安身立命首先要"知命"。故孔子曰"不知命,无以为君子"。但究竟什么是"命",古往今来众说纷纭。本文从"命"字的语义分析入手,剖析了"命"字所指的多重语义及其相互之间的关系,再从天道之命、社会使命、肉体生命三个层面分析"命"的哲学意义,进而论述孔孟安身立命之学的具体内涵,指出先秦儒家的安身立命之学是在人的个体生命、社会关系、精神超越三个层面完整理解人的"存在",全面安顿人生,从而实现"为生民立命"的目标。  相似文献   

在仁、礼关系上,孔子存在以仁释礼与以礼成仁的不同进路。荀子虽然形式上视仁为最高的德,并提出了由"爱人"到"自爱"的仁学理论,但不是将仁落实在心性上,而是体现在制度中,是以礼成仁,发展的是政治化的仁学。荀子的仁义偏重于义,主张"处仁以义",通过义来成就仁。荀子以差等为正义,为儒家礼学奠定了基础,但他突出等级、差等,缺乏平等精神,是其思想的不足。今日儒学应发展出寓差等于平等的正义观,而要做到这一点,就要将儒家的忠恕之道由道德原则上升为政治原则,使其成为礼的原理、法则,这样仁的内在原则与礼的外在原则才可以真正得以贯通。  相似文献   

公共性是人的本质属性。儒家哲学对社会交往、公共活动、公共利益、公私矛盾与统一等公共性问题有着自己独特的理解。儒家公共性兼具超越性与现实性两个向度。"道"是儒家公共性超越向度的表达,是人间秩序建构的价值标准,是现实社会的合法性基础;"礼"与"仁"是儒家公共性现实向度的表达,"礼"为现实社会构筑制度基础,"仁"为现实生活提供精神支柱。儒家哲学正是围绕"道"、"礼"、"仁"的实现而展开其公共性内涵。在这一展开过程中,儒家的社会理想与人生意义得以实现。  相似文献   

"仁、义、礼、智、信"为"儒家五常"。"儒家五常"影响中国几千年,成为中国道德体系中的核心因素。身在职场,要吸收"儒家五常"的精华,修身养性、明仁知礼,丰富工作点亮生活。职场之仁。仁者,仁义也。在与人相处时,要做到融洽和谐。在职场中,凡事不能光想着自己,多  相似文献   

"文质彬彬"是孔子的一个重要美学命题,追求文质兼备、文质适中是孔子文质观的最高美学原则。在个人修身成人层面,"文"表现为"礼","质"表现为"仁";"文"是"质"的外在化,"礼"是"仁"的外在化。在文艺作品中,"文"与"质"可分别指代作品的形式与内容。孔子的文质观,是儒家美学文质观的集大成者,也对后世产生深远影响。  相似文献   

从生存伦理学角度分析孔孟儒家的天命观,可以认为在儒家的生存谋划中,“顺天休命”的思想是其根本,也表明了其宗教性根源。“天”由最初的意志神、“命”由最初的宿命逐渐被扬弃为面向事情本身的形式指引,表明了儒家极力回到原始生存经验的努力。在其间发展出的启蒙心态,即对“天”的临界心态是非常重要的一环,也标志着儒家精神气质的成熟,既达致了启蒙精神所鼓吹的存在的勇气,又未走向西方启蒙运动中理性的虚妄。而知命、立命(将命分判为正命与非正命)、革命等思想构成了一个以“热爱命运”为中心的生存模式。  相似文献   

东周时期,针对礼文的形式化弊病,儒家苦心孤诣,力图匡救时弊,强调礼的根本在于内在精神。儒家礼学思想,从"礼物"上表现为一种"尚朴贵质"论,此即《天子建州》"豊(礼)之于宗庙也,不腈(精)为腈(精),不美为美"所蕴含的礼学观;就"礼仪"而言,则体现为"重情",重视人的诚敬之心与内在德性的取向,此即《天子建州》"义(仪)反之,腈(精)为不腈(精),美为不美"所体现的礼学观。儒家力求在历史发展中,礼乐能够质文统一、情文俱尽,简文"礼者,义之兄"即体现出这种礼文质兼善、和谐相济的礼学观念。  相似文献   

儒家自由裁量的两个道德原则是"仁"和"礼",前者是普遍主义的道德裁量原则,后者是特殊主义的道德裁量原则.儒家借"仁"和"礼"的道德裁量原则彰显仁政和仁德,维持传统社会的宗法等级秩序."仁"和"礼"的裁量原则使传统司法陷入泛道德主义的流弊,成为法吏恣意枉法、出入人罪的腐败渊薮.通过梳理"仁"和"礼"的道德裁量原则在传统司法中的消极影响,有助于我们更深入地了解传统法文化,把握其本质所在,以作建设法治社会的历史借鉴.  相似文献   

"未知生,焉知死"是孔子对子路"问死"的回应,反问句的形式导致历来阐释者众多而莫衷一是。古今主要解读之得失,皆在于对"知生"与"知死"的理解。通过语言分析,辅以《论语》之内证进行释读,可以发现这句话有"知生"方能"知死"的含义。在此基础上对"知生"与"知死"作进一步的解析,则二者之含义得以明确。"知生"的深层含义是"知命","知死"则是知晓如何对待自身之死。孔子之所以不直言"知命",一为语言修辞之故,二则"命"只能在"生"之体验中获知,同时也只能在此世现实的人生中完成。  相似文献   

论仁与礼、礼的稳定与变革的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家道德及人际沟通哲学具有重要的现代意义。第一,儒家仁和礼的关系如何?第二,儒家如何处理礼的稳定性和变革?通过符号学家索绪尔对符号结构和特性的描述,以及对儒家经典进行文本分析,可以认为:儒家的仁和礼是相辅相成的关系——仁自身必然含有实践的性质,而礼就是仁的外显形体。对于礼的稳定性和变革的问题,儒家指出:礼既需要稳定性,也需要变革的空间,而礼的变革是必须在礼的稳定性基础之上进行的。  相似文献   

Middle childhood is a crucial juncture in the lifespan where children work toward achieving a sense of competence foundational for future development. However, middle childhood has historically been underrepresented in the personality literature. The current study provides a comprehensive examination of personality in middle childhood using a large (N = 2510), longitudinal sample of 10- to 12-year-old twins. The structure, heritability, and correlates of personality in this period were investigated using personality ratings of parents, teachers, and children. Results showed that personality in middle childhood has a coherent structure, is heritable, and is relevant for developmentally salient outcomes such as externalizing behavior, substance use, and academic engagement. Results emphasize the importance of investigating personality in middle childhood across multiple informants.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that personality traits change as a result of clinical therapy, although evidence for this effect is derived from efficacy studies that reflect relatively controlled experimental designs. Little is known about how therapy in real world contexts affects change in personality. In two longitudinal studies (N’s = 1270 and 5217), the present research examined whether personality trait change was associated with therapy experience. Propensity score matching was used to compare trajectories of personality trait change in individuals with and without therapy experiences. Overall, therapy experiences were associated with significant increases in undesirable traits and markers (e.g., chronic stress, depression, neuroticism), and significant decreases in desirable traits (e.g., self-esteem, conscientiousness).  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of employed individuals was used to test the relationship between social investment at work—the act of cognitively and emotionally committing to one’s job—and longitudinal and cross-sectional personality trait development. Participants provided ratings of personality traits and social investment at work at two time-points, separated by approximately 3 years. Data were analyzed using latent change models. Cross-sectional results showed that extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability were related to social investment at work. Additionally, a positive association was found between longitudinal change in social investment in work and change in personality traits—especially conscientiousness. Finally, the correlated changes in social investment and personality traits were invariant across age groups, suggesting that personality traits remain malleable across the lifespan.  相似文献   

Traits and goals represent discrete units of personality. Here, we examined the consensus, validity, and cues of trait judgments made on the basis of targets’ goals. Targets (N = 409) generated lists of personal goals and rated their traits. Observers were provided with targets’ (a) lists of goals, (b) first goals, or (c) fifth goals, and then reported trait judgments of targets. Perceptions of targets, which were formed on the basis of the emotional content of goals, were largely consistent among observers. Furthermore, observer reports made on the basis of participants’ lists of goals converged with self-reports of all traits whereas reports made on the basis of single goals converged with self-reports of certain (e.g., extraversion), but not all, traits.  相似文献   

The stereotype that only-children are more self-centered than others has gained little support from studies on personality traits but had not been previously tested with respect to personal values, which are also an important part of personality. Data from 3085 Australian adults revealed that only-children give more importance to power values and less importance to benevolence values than individuals with siblings. These differences, which are consistent with the stereotype, were strongest in young people but diminished gradually with age and disappeared in those over 62 years old. The results challenge the view that personality is largely unaffected by shared life-experiences associated with family structure, at least regarding the values aspect of personality.  相似文献   

Personality developmental studies typically rely on single reporter data, while multi-informant studies are rare. In two longitudinal studies, the present investigation examined inter-judge differences in the development of the Big Five personality traits from childhood to young adulthood. Study 1 investigated personality development as judged by the self and parents from age 12 to 17 to 29 (N = 186). Study 2 investigated personality development annually from age 12 to 18 as judged by the self, and both parents and siblings (N = 574). Results showed personality maturation from childhood to young adulthood with disruptions during adolescence. Only parent-reports indicated maturation in adolescents’ negative affectivity (decreases in N), while self-reports indicated maturation in self-regulatory traits (increases in A and C).  相似文献   

The personality systems framework is a fieldwide outline for organizing the contemporary science of personality. I examine the theoretical impact of systems thinking on the discipline and, drawing on ideas from general systems theory, argue that personality psychologists understand individuals’ personalities by studying four topics: (a) personality’s definition, (b) personality’s parts (e.g., traits, schemas, etc.), (c) its organization and (d) development. This framework draws on theories from the field to create a global view of personality including its position and major areas of function. The global view gives rise to new theories such as personal intelligence—the idea that people guide themselves with a broad intelligence they use to reason about personalities.  相似文献   

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses using different personality measures in three samples confirmed the existence of general factor of personality (The Big One) within the five-factor model. The Big One is characterized by high versus low Emotional Stability, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Openness, and by high versus low higher-order factors of personality, Stability, and Plasticity. A comprehensive theoretical model of personality structure was therefore proposed with the Big One at the highest level of the hierarchy. The Big One was interpreted as a basic personality disposition that integrates the most general non-cognitive dimensions of personality. It is associated with social desirability, emotionality, motivation, well-being, satisfaction with life, and self-esteem. It also may have deep biological roots, evolutionary, genetic, and neurophysiological.  相似文献   

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