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The role of cognition in depression: a critical appraisal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This paper traces the contributions made by women to Freud's ideas about women. Freud paid back the gifts he received from women with encouragement and support for their careers and with a theory that was instrumental in freeing women from both domestic bondage and fantasies of inferiority, but which was used by later "Freudians" as justification for returning women to an exclusively domestic life. Paying particular attention to Sabina Spielrein, Lou Andreas-Salomé, and H.D., the paper illustrates some of the contributions of women to early psychoanalysis, and speculates on ways in which Freud's thinking was guided by his belief that women are, and should be considered, equal to men.  相似文献   

McNally RJ 《Memory (Hove, England)》2007,15(3):280-94; discussion 295-311
Freyd's (1996) betrayal trauma theory holds that children sexually abused by their caretakers are prone to develop amnesia for their abuse because awareness of abuse would imperil the survival of victims by disrupting their attachment to caretakers on whom they depend for food, shelter, and clothing. The purpose of this article is to provide an empirical and conceptual critique of betrayal trauma theory. Data from studies adduced as supporting the theory have usually been open to alternative interpretations, whereas other studies have failed to provide any support for the theory. Moreover, there is no convincing evidence that children are incapable of remembering their abuse--develop genuine amnesia for it--shortly after their molestation. Also, even if children abused by caretakers fear disruption of their attachment to the offender, there is no reason to assume that they must develop amnesia for their abuse; they can maintain the relationship merely by failing to disclose their abuse. Finally, a more parsimonious explanation for why some adults may fail to think about their abuse until many years later is provided.  相似文献   

A new framework for the study of the human moral faculty is currently receiving much attention: the so-called 'universal moral grammar' framework. It is based on an intriguing analogy, first pointed out by Rawls, between the study of the human moral sense and Chomsky's research program into the human language faculty. To assess UMG, we ask: is moral competence modular? Does it have an underlying hierarchical grammatical structure? Does moral diversity rest on culture-dependant parameters? We review the evidence and argue that formal grammatical concepts are of limited value for the study of moral judgments, moral development and moral diversity.  相似文献   

Schema theory: a critical appraisal and reevaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors critically review a number of the constructs and associated predictions proposed in schema theory (R. A. Schmidt, 1975). The authors propose that new control and learning theories should include a reformulated (a) notion of a generalized motor program that is not based on motor program but still accounts for the strong tendency for responses to maintain their relative characteristics; (b) mechanism or processes whereby an abstract movement structure based on proportional principles (e.g., relative timing, relative force) is developed through practice; and (c) explanation for parameter learning that accounts for the benefits of parameter variability but also considers how variability is scheduled. Furthermore, they also propose that new theories of motor learning must be able to account for the consistent findings spawned as a result of the schema theory proposal and must not be simply discounted because of some disfavor with the motor program notion, in general, or schema theory, more specifically.  相似文献   

This article provides an updated review and synthesis of the research and clinical literature dealing with multiple family therapy as an identifiable treatment approach. Major emphasis is placed on the literature published since an earlier comprehensive review (63). It is concluded that multiple family therapy is a viable and promising treatment modality, yet one that in clinical practice remains underused, conceptually underdeveloped, and poorly differentiated from other treatment approaches. Recommendations are made and pathways are identified that may promote the further growth and development of the approach.  相似文献   

On 24 February 2012, then United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visited Zambia for three days. His call to respect human rights and give protection to all people regardless of sexual orientation was received mostly with hostility by the Zambian public. The media was inundated with opposing press statements from both government and civil society persons and entities. Politicians, church leaders, and the public widely condemned Ban's advocacy for “gay rights”. Although the debate on homosexuality is not new in Zambia, there is a dearth of research on the subject. This paper seeks, modestly, to re-examine popular rationale for heterosexism to contribute to the resolution of one of the perennial problems colouring African political, social, and cultural discourse. By deconstructing the popular views and systematising the debate, the paper aims at providing a baseline and guideline for addressing the problem of heterosexism in Zambia. Without suggesting that Africa is homogenous, what happened in Zambia following Ban's visit could have predictably happened in many African countries, notably Uganda and Nigeria. This paper, however, uses Zambia as a point of reference. The paper relies on views indicating negative attitudes and beliefs that legislators, and policy makers, church leaders and ordinary citizens have toward homosexuality. These positions have been thematised into six major grounds for the sexual prejudices against homosexuality. These are subjected to logical and epistemic scrutiny. Ultimately, the arguments in support of heterosexism are shown to be untenable.  相似文献   

A factor analysis of the PRF ANDRO reveals a structure reflecting the PRF scales from which the items came. It is argued that there is little value in combining a conglomeration of items from different Personality Research Form scales as has been done with the MASCUL and FEMIN scales of the PRF ANDRO. Rather, relevant intact PRF scales should be considered as separate predictors, for example in regression equations. Alternatively, if single scales are required to represent masculinity and femininity, it is suggested that PRF dominance and nurturance, the scales from which MASCUL and FEMIN draw a plurality of their items respectively, are more suitable than the two PRF ANDRO scales. These latter scales are less internally consistent and show less convergence with other sex-role scales than PRF dominance and nurturance.  相似文献   

A factor analysis of the PRF ANDRO reveals a structure reflecting the PRF scales from which the items came. It is argued that there is little value in combining a conglomeration of items from different Personality. Research Form scales as has been done with the MASCUL and FEMIN scales of the PRF ANDRO. Rather, relevant intact PRF scales should be considered as separate predictors, for example in regression equations. Al ternati vely, if single scales are required to represent masculinity and femininity, it is suggested that PRF dominance and nurturance, the scales from which MASCUL and FEMIN draw a plurality of their items respectively, are more suitable than the two PRF ANDRO scales. These latter scales are less internally consistent and show less convergence with other sex-role scales than PRF dominance and nurturance.  相似文献   

This article reviews and criticizes the recent writing of Charles Gerkin (Living Human Document, 1984;Widening the Horizons, 1986). Gerkin is concerned to ground the practice of ministry in the Judeo-Christian Tradition in a world of pluralistic claims to meaning. He calls his approach a narrative hermeneutical perspective, and shows in case material how the stories of individuals and groups can be reinterpreted through the work of ministry. Poling examines Gerkin's work to see what views of human nature and God are operative here. The result is a dialogue about the nature of pastoral theology and its role in the church today.  相似文献   

The present paper systematically reviewed and critically appraised three different dimensions of motivational interviewing currently utilized in smoking cessation initiatives: social support, motivation, and tailored interventions. A review of four databases generated 57 primary articles, 17 of which met the inclusion criteria of an intervention study utilizing at least one dimension of motivational interviewing, adults between 18 and 64 years, no comorbidities, and a follow-up period of at least 6 weeks. More than 11,600 participants are represented in this review. The implementation of social support, motivation, and tailored interventions yielded mixed results. Furthermore, threats to validity emerged, including self-report, follow-up period, sample sizes, a priori differences in groups, and web-based and text-based interventions. Further research must ascertain the efficacy of the three dimensions of motivational interviewing indicated by the mixed results reported in terms of statistical significance of cessation rates. More empirically rigorous designs with evaluations based on stringent replicable criteria are needed.  相似文献   

批判性思维是指个体基于良好判断、使用恰当的评估标准对事物的价值进行评估和思考的过程。尽管心理学家对它的研究时间并不长,但对这个概念的探索却从启蒙运动时代的笛卡尔就开始了。笛卡尔认为人们的很多知识都是建构在错误的基础上的,所以为了追求真理,最好的方法就是对现有的观念和认知统统加以怀疑,怀疑后才会发现并解决问题,从而达到促进知识发展和寻找确定性的目标,这种怀疑和质疑正是批判性思维的本质。Ennis、Facione等从20世纪80年代中期开始用心理学的方法确定了西方人批判性思维的特征,并从批判性分析能力、思维开放性和运用批判性思维倾向性三个方面衡量批判性思维。本研究计划包括4个系列实验:研究1是确立中国人批判性思维的结构;研究2是探讨智力、批判性思维与大学生创造力的关系;研究3是探究批判性思维与知识型员工创新之间的关系;研究4是通过对批判性思维的干预提升中国人的创新能力。通过这一系列的研究,找到批判性思维影响创新的机制,以及智力到创新行为之间的作用路径,从而使我们更好地理解培养批判性思维的价值,为党的十八大提出的万众创新提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The suffering of creatures experienced throughout evolutionary history provides some conceptual difficulties for theists who maintain that God is an all-good loving creator who chose to employ the processes associated with evolution to bring about life on this planet. Some theists vexed by this and other problems posed by the interface between religion and science have turned to process theology which provides a picture of a God who is dependent upon creation and unable to unilaterally intervene in the affairs of the world and avert suffering. In the present paper I seek to critique process theism, focusing on divine action and the aforementioned problem posed by evolutionary suffering. I show that the promise of a more compelling account of a loving God who suffers with creation advanced by the process theist is illusory. Rather, the process God is less dynamic than promised. And on such an account the freedom of both God and the world are significantly more circumscribed than one may find in other forms of theism.  相似文献   

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