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The debate concerning the approach of the early Christians to the military can be advanced by paying attention to a genre of literature that scholars have largely ignored: the church orders. These documents—the Apostolic Tradition, Canons of Hippolytus, Testament of Our Lord, and Apostolic Constitutions—are illuminating in that they deal with ethics within comprehensive treatments of worship, catechesis and pastoral life. They also are useful in that they, as variations upon a common original, are means of monitoring change across the third and fourth centuries. This article uses the church orders to assess four elements of a “new consensus” (David Hunter) on Christians in the military. By and large it confirms these, but at times it alters emphases and adds nuances. It argues that: (1) the church orders viewed killing as the big problem for Christians in the legions, not idolatry; (2) the church orders confirm that the pre‐Christendom church was divided on Christian participation in the legions; (3) the church orders provide evidence for both discontinuity and continuity on the issue across the centuries, although the deepest continuity, based on John the Baptist's “rule” of Luke 3.14, is between the pre‐Constantinian laity and later theologians; (4) the church orders confirm a regional variation in attitude and practice. The church orders' authority in practice is never clear.  相似文献   


After a brief historical account of the early nineteenth-century Platine Church of Argentina, the author provides a select bibliography of archival guides, printed primary sources, and secondary literature on the subject. The scope of this survey and bibliography is 1806-27, and is derived from the author's doctoral dissertation.  相似文献   


A perspective of the Reformed conception of church discipline in the sixteenth century has highlighted two models: the disciplinarian one associated with Geneva and the magistratical one identified with Zurich. This essay argues that a simple binary distinction between the Geneva and Zurich models of church discipline is inadequate to account for the complexity and diversity of sixteenth-century Reformed theological positions, particularly as represented in the articulations of the influential reformer, Peter Martyr Vermigli.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(3):275-287

Sex-talk is often differentiated or eradicated from God-talk within the Black church in America; as a result, many pertinent issues like androcentrism, heterosexism, homophobia, and violence against women continue to flourish because of the lack of dialogue regarding sexuality. Because of this womanist theologians like Kelly Brown Douglas have convincingly argued that people of African descent must engage in a ‘sexual discourse of resistance’, particularly the Black church in America, if true wholeness is to be achieved. This paper will explore themes present with Sherley Anne Williams's novel, Dessa Rose, which may be useful as catalysts for such a discourse.  相似文献   


Assisted living facilities (ALFs) offer a level of care between independent living and nursing homes. Recently researchers have begun to explore quality-of-life issues concerning residents of ALFs. Considerable research suggests that religion is positively associated with both emotional and physical health. This study examines how residents use religious practices to cope with the challenges of life in ALFs. Qualitative analysis of in-person interview data from 55 residents of ALFs revealed a variety of religious practices, such as prayer, church attendance, and Bible reading. Most residents deemed religion important and reported that religious practices provided a framework for coping with problems. Coping ranged from the mundane (e.g., attending a gospel concert to offset the otherwise dull routine of the home) to the transcendent (e.g., enlisting the support of an omnipotent ally in the face of adversity). Six ways residents utilized religion as a coping mechanism emerged. Residents used religion to maintain continuity with their previous lives; to obtain relief from physical or emotional pain; to provide a framework for socialization; to develop courage; to maintain a purpose for their lives; and to prepare for death. Suggestions for enhancing the quality and variety of religious activities within ALFs are offered.  相似文献   


An article on canon law resources on the World Wide Web is sorely needed. Using Copernic Pro software, several search engines were consulted and the results correlated. The kinds of websites selected for this article include general websites on canon law, limited area search engines useful to the canonical researcher, official church organizations, laws of the Christian churches, schools, institutions, societies, encyclopedias, the history of canon law, professional assistance in canon law, foreign language sites, and subjects in canon law (e.g., marriage, abortion, and women's ordination). The information available varies widely, and includes church documents, review articles, bibliographies, discussion lists, databases, and commercial sites.  相似文献   

Archbishop Wulfstan of York (d. 1023) stands as one of the most powerful churchmen of his age. His sermons, law-codes, and political tracts are carefully crafted pieces of rhetorical power, albeit often prone to exergasia, anaphora, and epiphora. They are excellent examples of the quality and power of episcopal prose in the eleventh century, and the very real concerns facing the Anglo-Saxon realm. Beyond the enduring appeal and colourful flavour of his writings, it is possible to see a very determined effort to demand from the lay population a large number of payments for the service of the Church. Whilst this may appear a rather narrow-minded focus, certainly in a time of war and invasion, it will be argued here that for Wulfstan they offered a vehicle by which disaster could be averted, society could be aligned along proper Christian lines, and the nation itself could be saved.  相似文献   


Persons in North America who are over 80 years of age are generally overlooked by religious leaders. They are, however, the fastest growing cohort in society. This age crescendo promises to be a significant factor in the future ministry of the rapidly increasing number of graying churches and synagogues.  相似文献   

This article offers a critical response to the documents on marriage and on fasting of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, which took place in Crete in 2016. It suggests greater attention be given to the concept of oikonomia in contemporary Orthodoxy, both in the context of the issues raised in these two documents and with respect to other contentious issues. In contemporary Orthodoxy, the exercise of oikonomia is understood in different ways. One approach is the legalistic understanding of the term that is employed in the council documents; the second and more traditional approach is to understand oikonomia as discernment of what is true and authentic, even outside the canonical limits of Orthodoxy. The article asks whether such a perspective could characterize the church’s approach to other complex pastoral issues, such as those related to marriage and fasting.  相似文献   

During the sixteenth century the disputes between Catholics and Protestants became the battleground to determine and shape authentic Christianity and the Church. Humanism played a key role in this process conditioned by cultural and theological diversity, justifying doctrinal positions and legitimizing the existence of respective institutions with an appeal to history. Translations from church historical sources illustrate how they often derived from theological preconceptions. Starting with the ‘episcopacy issue’ opened initially by Luther and Calvin inter al., this article analyzes the translations of the Greek word episkopos in the Magdeburg Centuries, Cesare Baronio's Ecclesiastical Annals, in contemporary vernacular versions of Eusebius’s Ecclesiastical History, in J. C. Dietrich’s Lexicon and in some English Bibles. The material gathered and also compared with the position of the Council of Trent shows how these confessionally conditioned translations impacted on the scholarly world, and how they influenced church law with religio-political consequences, thereby having a striking significance.  相似文献   


This article describes a community outreach volunteer project designed to reach frail community-based older adults. The project is an example of church and secular agency collaboration in which the church provides leadership in volunteer recruitment and the agency provides training and outreach activity monitoring. The church's role in this project illustrates that small and medium-size African American churches can play an important role in mobilizing volunteer resources and can perform a linking role in helping secular agencies to gain access to frail, hard-to-reach, low-income older adults.  相似文献   

This article explores the significance of the Fresh Expressions movement in the UK since the ground‐breaking Mission‐Shaped Church report was published by the Church of England in 2004. After reviewing the background to this report, the article explores some of the report's central themes and examines some of the more recent research on the movement's impact in the UK. It then highlights six ways in which fresh expressions continue to be significant as a missionary response in a post‐Christian context. These include the movement's theological underpinnings, its reassessment of key questions in ecclesiology, its commitment to local and contextual mission, and the emergence of a predominantly lay leadership. In recognizing that the movement is still in a state of evolution, the article concludes by suggesting some areas of continuing debate and challenge for the future.  相似文献   


This article introduces the history of Reformed churches in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Against the backdrop of the history of the Reformation there, it discusses the cooperation between the Reformed and Lutherans, the response of the Counter-Reformation, and the history of the most important Lithuanian Reformed churches. It focuses on the nobility, especially the Radziwi?? family, the most important protectors of the Reformed. The family saw the Reformed faith as the key to the unity of the Grand Duchy, and an important way of strengthening the position of Lithuania vis-à-vis the Kingdom of Poland. They hoped that the Reformed faith could become the foundation of a sovereign Lithuanian state. As well as discussing the foundation and fate of Reformed communities in Vilnius and across Lithuania, the article also presents the first detailed account of the interiors and furnishings of their church buildings.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the structure of the class FGModS of full generalized models of a deductive system S from a universal-algebraic point of view, and the structure of the set of all the full generalized models of S on a fixed algebra A from the lattice-theoretical point of view; this set is represented by the lattice FACSs A of all algebraic closed-set systems C on A such that (A, C) ε FGModS. We relate some properties of these structures with tipically logical properties of the sentential logic S. The main algebraic properties we consider are the closure of FGModS under substructures and under reduced products, and the property that for any A the lattice FACSs A is a complete sublattice of the lattice of all algebraic closed-set systems over A. The logical properties are the existence of a fully adequate Gentzen system for S, the Local Deduction Theorem and the Deduction Theorem for S. Some of the results are established for arbitrary deductive systems, while some are found to hold only for deductive systems in more restricted classes like the protoalgebraic or the weakly algebraizable ones. The paper ends with a section on examples and counterexamples. Dedicated to the memory of Willem Johannes Blok  相似文献   


The Lambeth Commission (2004) proposed a number of short-term and long-term solutions to issues raised by recent and highly controversial developments in the Episcopal Church (USA) and the diocese of New Westminster (Canada). From these events have emerged important questions about the nature of communion between, and the autonomy of, each of the 44 member churches of the Anglican Communion, and the way in which decisions of common concern are made. In order to consolidate this communion, as a long-term project, the Commission proposes the adoption of an Anglican Covenant by all 44 churches of the Communion. This article describes the terms of the proposed Covenant and identifies their provenance, in order to establish that the proposal is for the most part a restatement of classical Anglicanism. Only in serious cases of disagreement which substantially risk the unity of the Communion is the proposal innovative. The article also describes briefly reactions to and possible implementation of the proposed Covenant.  相似文献   

Sasaki  Katsumi 《Studia Logica》2002,70(3):353-372
The idea of interpretability logics arose in Visser [Vis90]. He introduced the logics as extensions of the provability logic GLwith a binary modality . The arithmetic realization of A B in a theory T will be that T plus the realization of B is interpretable in T plus the realization of A (T + A interprets T + B). More precisely, there exists a function f (the relative interpretation) on the formulas of the language of T such that T + B C implies T + A f(C).The interpretability logics were considered in several papers. An arithmetic completeness of the interpretability logic ILM, obtained by adding Montagna's axiom to the smallest interpretability logic IL, was proved in Berarducci [Ber90] and Shavrukov [Sha88] (see also Hájek and Montagna [HM90] and Hájek and Montagna [HM92]). [Vis90] proved that the interpretability logic ILP, an extension of IL, is also complete for another arithmetic interpretation. The completeness with respect to Kripke semantics due to Veltman was, for IL, ILMand ILP, proved in de Jongh and Veltman [JV90]. The fixed point theorem of GLcan be extended to ILand hence ILMand ILP(cf. de Jongh and Visser [JV91]). The unary pendant "T interprets T + A" is much less expressive and was studied in de Rijke [Rij92]. For an overview of interpretability logic, see Visser [Vis97], and Japaridze and de Jongh [JJ98].In this paper, we give a cut-free sequent system for IL. To begin with, we give a cut-free system for the sublogic IL4of IL, whose -free fragment is the modal logic K4. A cut-elimination theorem for ILis proved using the system for IK4and a property of Löb's axiom.  相似文献   

Skvortsov  D. 《Studia Logica》2000,64(2):257-270
A method for constructing continua of logics squeezed between some intermediate predicate logics, developed by Suzuki [8], is modified and applied to intervals of the form [L, L+ ¬¬S], where Lis a predicate logic, Sis a closed predicate formula. This solves one of the problems from Suzuki's paper.  相似文献   

Given an intermediate prepositional logic L, denote by L –d its disjuctionless fragment. We introduce an infinite sequence {J n}n1 of propositional formulas, and prove:(1)For any L: L –d =I –d (I=intuitionistic logic) if and only if J n L for every n 1.Since it turns out that L{J n} n1 = Ø for any L having the disjunction property, we obtain as a corollary that L –d = I –d for every L with d.p. (cf. open problem 7.19 of [5]). Algebraic semantic is used in the proof of the if part of (1). In the last section of the paper we provide a characterization in Kripke's semantic for the logics J n =I+ +J n (n 1).  相似文献   


Prayer requests from members and attendees of a progressive Christian church located in a large American City was the subject of this investigation. This church serves congregants from Roman Catholic and Protestant backgrounds, and a large, but not exclusively gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community. ap Siôn’s study of prayer typology and subject contents from rural England influenced this investigation. This study used computer technology and document analysis to categorize 8,059 individual prayer card requests submitted between 2014-2018 from church members and attendees. Results showed the most common prayer requests were “Thanks and Thanksgiving” prayers with “Praise and Adoration” prayers among the least common. Few references to sin and forgiveness were found. The most frequently mentioned subjects of prayers were those referencing personal needs and concerns. Findings and comparison with ap Siôn and other research suggest these prayer requests demonstrate the social and theological cohesiveness of Christian prayer. Additional research is suggested comparing Christian prayer with prayers in other religions and how prayer behaviors interact with the rise of multiculturalism in society.  相似文献   

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