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The annotated bibliography, comprised of fifty-five works by fifty-one authors and 3,242 pages (1,096 in Latin and 2,146 in English) of writings directly related to angelology, is arranged in chronological order. It is preceded by a Specifications Statement, which describes the domain, scope, selection process, organization and editorial practices of the bibliography. The selected works are representative of an array of Protestant confessional groups including the Anglican, Arminian, Calvinist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Puritan, and Remonstrant traditions. Designed to ease the task of conducting research on angelology as it relates to post-Reformation literature, it provides a useful bibliographical tool to scholars of historical theology, historians of Reformation, Renaissance and Enlightenment thought, and those with interdisciplinary interests.  相似文献   


This article examines a variety of specialized encyclopedias from several disciplines that can be used to introduce students to the topic of Coptic art. The reference works included here can be found in a variety of academic libraries, from Carnegie research institutions to learning resource centers in community libraries, and will help students develop the foundational knowledge necessary to approach more specific topics within Coptic art. Although students may be comfortable, with varying degrees of effectiveness, searching the online catalog or navigating library databases to find books and journal articles, they are, for the most part, unaware of the wealth of useful information found on the metaphorical reference shelves. It is here that librarians can serve a valuable role identifying specific reference titles that introduce students to scholarly texts on a myriad of topics.  相似文献   


For the past two hundred years scholars have repeatedly dismissed ‘The Church Militant', the third movement of George Herbert's The Temple. In fact, this scholarly disavowal has been so severe that many students of Herbert's work are unaware of the poem's very existence. Upon close analysis of ‘The Church Militant', however, we find the poem to be a vital, integral part of The Temple. I contend that not only is this movement integral but that a careful consideration of the poem will serve also to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding the structure and arrangement of Herbert's work. Especially instructive is a consideration of the heroic tradition as it informs this third and final movement of The Temple. While using elements of the epic to express a narrative of Christian history and doctrine, Herbert in ‘The Church Militant’ reawakens in his readers an awareness of the significance of the legacy of Christian heroism.  相似文献   

Widespread scholarly agreement has it that Descartes' theory of judgment favors a compatibilist interpretation. This essay explains and rebuts the standard arguments made on behalf of compatibilist readings, while explaining and defending a libertarian interpretation. Along with relevant Fourth Meditation doctrines and texts, my analysis encompasses a much discussed 1645 letter discussing his account. Although some scholars view the letter as departing from the account of the Meditations, I argue that the two works present a consistent view – allowing us to take at face value that the letter purports to elaborate Descartes' intended meaning in the associated Fourth Meditation passage.  相似文献   


This article is an overview of a significant new reference tool, a CD-ROM index to The Dictionary of American Hymnology. The author seeks to explore the bibliographic background and history, as well as the potential utility of this CD-ROM index for scholars and religious professionals.  相似文献   

Throughout Islamic history scholars have put forward cases about the ‘right’ way to understand the faith. Focal to these processes is positioning a scholarly narrative as authoritative and authentic. This article contrasts two scholarly narratives of contemporary Sunni Islam as a means to explore how authority and authenticity are constructed. In addition to a critical discourse analysis, the respective positions are contextualized within their respectively claimed classical scholarship. The article identifies the means through which authority and authenticity are justified and it highlights the divisive nature of the discourses, often driven by carefully selected analogies, exaggerations, and the citing of extreme positions as exemplary of the errors of others. The findings have implications for understanding the intolerant, and sometime violent, interactions between Sunni Muslims.  相似文献   

The roots of Sorokin's sociology are found in his Russian works. Barriers of language and politics however, have prohibited their study by many social scientists and historians. This article is the most systematic effort to compile, translate, and annotate the catalogue of Sorokin's scholarly writings from 1910 to 1922. The recent changes that made this bibliography possible have stimulated a resurgence of Russian respect and interest in Sorokin, and opened new opportunities for research and collaboration. These are explored in the closing section of the article.  相似文献   

I develop and defend the following functional view of art: a work of art typically possesses as an essential feature one or more points, purposes, or ends with reference to the satisfaction of which that work can be appropriately evaluated. This way of seeing a work’s artistic value as dependent on its particular artistic ends (whatever they may be) suggests an answer to a longstanding question of what sort of internal relation, if any, exists between the wide variety of values (moral, cognitive, aesthetic, etc.) that may be possessed by works of art and their value qua works of art.  相似文献   

The Journal of Creative Behavior 's remarkable half‐century is a good occasion for reflecting on the role of a scholarly field's institutions in fostering creative work. In creativity studies, some of our institutions are flourishing, particularly our many excellent peer‐reviewed journals. But we face some institutional challenges that will require some creative solutions from creativity researchers. This article considers three challenges: (a) how to train and place the next generation of scholars when so few creativity researchers work at doctoral‐level graduate programs; (b) how to tighten the field's social network by bringing together people from different subfields and career stages in face‐to‐face gatherings; and (c) how to identify and develop the leadership needed to manage our scholarly organizations.  相似文献   

Views of what role convention plays in the creation and appreciation of art works gravitate towards two extremes. One view holds that works of art can be apprehended and appreciated as well as created with no reference to convention. The other claims that conventions fully determine how works of art are apprehended and are therefore necessary conditions for the creation of works of art as well as constitutive of appreciation. The former is a version of the Romantic view of art as something that appeals spontaneously to man's most profound emotions, to man's sentient nature, without making use of or needing mediating conventions. The conventionalist view denies that it is possible to respond spontaneously to art. All apprehension and appreciation of art are structured by conventions, and the reader/audience cannot go beyond these conventions because they constitute , the experience of the work of art. This paper explains the sense in which the constitutive view may be best understood.  相似文献   

史事宗易学研究方法析论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夫援史证《易》本为易家释《易》普遍之现象,然自赵宋三李一杨(李光、李杞、李中正、杨万里)开宗奠基后,历宋元明三朝而踵继者众,至有清一朝,更以超迈往古之姿,创猗欤盛哉之势,将史事易学推至极盛。由于此派易学著作甚多,易家援引史事形貌多样,不仅丰富史事易学之内容,亦充实义理易学之内涵,并建构出此派易学独特之体系,值得吾人深入研究。海内外曾从事相关研究者虽不乏其人,惟此派易学研究方法仍有讨论之空间,愿将个人研究之拙见,提供未来研究者之参考,冀收后出转精之效。其内容包括史事易学之定义、史事易家之典型、史事易学发展史略、援史证《易》研究之重点(如援史动机、援史类型、援史与卦爻比附之切当性、援史之史观、以说理为本以援史为末),以及史事易学研究之发展性等等,希望透过文献资料之搜集与分析,进而从易学与易学史之角度推论,俾有助于史事宗易学研究方法之建立,与史事易学研究深度广度之推扩。  相似文献   

In describing the principles of psychoanalytic iconography, I follow a historical approach, pointing out that the rudiments of such an interpretive mode are present in Freud's works on Leonardo and on the Moses of Michelangelo and reach a classical expression in Kris's paper on Messerschmidt. Some recent scholarly studies of works of art rest on the incorporation of psychoanalysis into contemporary views of the nature of man, thus permitting a level of analysis of art not previously attained. The interface between a psychoanalytic understanding of the artist's life and preoccupations and the unconscious content present in the work itself continues to offer an opportunity for refining the analytic tool as an instrument for understanding aesthetic response and creativity.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(3):257-274

Despite the growing body of gay scholarship in religious studies, there is a dearth of responses by heterosexual scholars in the field of men's studies in religion. Gay theology can still count more predictably on the ire of a conservative public than on a nuanced, non-homophobic critique by their heterosexual colleagues. What contributes to disregarding gay scholarly voices? Paradoxically, their voices are marginalized to the point of invisibility and yet are also in the center of public discourse. This article sifts through some reasons of why heterosexual men shy away from a public debate of the merits of gay scholarship. Besides methodological reservations, heterosexual male anxieties cause such weariness. Autobiographical insertions by gay scholars combined with discipline-transgressions may lead to ‘homosexual panic’ even among non-homophobic scholars. The article argues that heterosexual men's studies in religion need to overcome their silence and engage the scholarship of gay theology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this bibliography is to present social psychologists with a comprehensive listing of research works published between 1976 and 1979 by Latin American social psychologists. The bibliography hopes to solve some of the problems encountered by English-speaking psychologists who wish to keep abreast of recent developments in Latin America: Most of the articles are published in Spanish or Portuguese in journals that are difficult to obtain at U.S. or Canadian libraries. This bibliography joins other previous efforts to inform English-speaking psychologists of works carried out in Latin America. Foremost among these are Ardila and Finley's (1975) bibliography on Latin American psychology and Marin's (1978, 1979, 1980) previous bibliographies on Latin American social psychology, Citations included in this bibliography met the following criteria: (1) the work was written by a Latin American or the data was collected in Latin America (throughout the bibliography, Latin America was perceived to be all countries in the .Americas excluding the United States and Canada); (2) the cover date of the publication ranged from 1976 to 1979; and (3) the theme of the article was perceived in Latin America as being within the domain of social psychology. Works are cited by topics, and alphabetically within each topic. All citations include the original title of the article or book and its English translation where appropriate. Each abstract is nonevaluative and includes the most significant aspects of the contents of each citation. Reprints of the articles can be secured by contacting the authors. Their addresses can be obtained by consulting the recent International Directory of Psychologists (Jacobson &; Reinert, 1980), or by writing the author of this bibliography.  相似文献   


This article offers a fresh interpretation of William Tyndale’s doctrine of justification with particular reference to his concept of covenant. It resists past scholarly attempts to resolve the apparent tension in his theology between faith and works in favour of either solifidianism or legalism. Instead, a close examination of Tyndale’s publications suggests that he maintained the gracious nature of justification without adopting justification by faith alone in the style of Martin Luther. Tyndale emphasized love for divine law as the essence of Christian righteousness. The gradual development of reciprocity in his concept of covenant came to undergird this formulation. Greater clarity with regard to Tyndale’s own theological position exposes misplaced comparison between Tyndale and Luther whilst encouraging the identification of views shared with Erasmus and the Swiss reformers consistent with certain trends in late-medieval theology.  相似文献   

I argue against Kendall Walton's argument against formalism, in his 'Categories of Art', that we must always take the history of production into account in ascribing aesthetic properties to works of art. I concede that he is right about representational properties and about what I call 'contextual' properties of works of art. But that conclusion cannot be generalized to abstract and non-contextual art, and it cannot be generalized to the non-representational and non-contextual features of representational and contextual works of art. I then dispute Walton's intriguing 'guernicas' example. I also consider his other counter-examples. I argue that art-historical categories can be put to one side when we consider the aesthetic nature of abstract and non-contextual abstract works of art. However, there is no doubt that many other works of art possess significant non-formal aesthetic values.  相似文献   


There are few examples of paintings or sculptures in churches of the Reformed tradition today. I argue that, despite this, it is in fact consonant with the writings of early Reformed thinkers, such as John Calvin, Martin Bucer, and Huldrych Zwingli, to allow for the use of certain types of artwork in these churches. I make a start by arguing that each of these thinkers affirmed works of art that may be described as histories. I then go on to look at how we can use ideas central to the theology of John Calvin to argue for the use of landscapes in Reformed churches. Finally, I consider how we might use such works of art in churches in order to address concerns about their use that members of the Reformed community may have.  相似文献   

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