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In this paper we discuss and analyze the model of career that has been associated with the academic environment and compare that with past and present career contracts in the corporate environment. We also trace the evolution of the career model in the two institutions. We argue that the recent boundaryless or protean model of the corporate career represents a move toward the original view of the academic as an autonomous professional. And, in turn, it appears that careers in academe have moved toward more of a corporate direction, as universities have become more customer focused and business driven. Implications for these differences and similarities for universities and for corporations are discussed.  相似文献   

To determine whether social changes in attitudes toward the role of men and women have influenced gender identity measures, 60 male and female college students were assessed using both a Thematic Apperception Test measure (May's, 1966, Deprivation/Enhancement measure) and a self-report measure (Bem's, 1974, Sex Role Identity [BSRI]), both of which were developed more than 20 years ago. Although some recent research has found the BSRI to no longer differentiate between men and women (Twenge, 1997; Wilcox & Francis, 1997), this study found significant gender differences for both gender identity measures.1  相似文献   

It has been argued that selecting students for graduate degrees in professional schools should involve the use of information on a student's potential for “career” as well as academic success. The purpose of this study was to describe the elements of career success of 96 former doctoral students in educational administration and to measure their relationship to conventional academic and individual variables, such as GRE and MAT scores, career experience, age, sex, and quality of reference. It was found that there were no statistically practical or significant relationships between measures of academic success and career success.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a rapid evidence assessment that aimed to identify the characteristics and efficacy of interventions that aimed to or reportedly changed personal or social identity. Following a rapid but systematic search of the published, peer-reviewed research on identity change, 400 studies or reviews were screened for eligibility for inclusion in the review, and 22 were retained. The interventions and samples were diverse and studies came from a broad geographic area. The quality of the research varied, but the majority was assessed as carrying a low weight of evidence. Just under two-thirds of the studies were qualitative, and most explored, retrospectively, participants' perceptions of, or applied theoretical frameworks to, identity change sometime after an intervention. Quantitative studies provided little evidence of the effectiveness of interventions in changing identity. Qualitative studies most commonly applied and then supported the Social Identity Theory of Identity Change to explain perceived changes in identity. Implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - A variety of attentional and perceptual changes occur in peri-hand space, including increases in visual temporal acuity. These changes in cognition have been...  相似文献   

This study investigated the way in which people time two overlapping intervals. Timing models already proposed in the literature predict different effects of the degree of overlap on each estimate, and empirical findings were compared to these predictions. Two unimodal experiments (in which each to-be-timed interval was a visual stimulus) and one bimodal experiment (in which one to-be-timed interval was auditory and the other visual) were conducted. The estimate of the first interval was either unaffected or decreased, and the estimate of the second interval consistently increased as the intervals were more temporally separated. The only model in the literature that could account for such result patterns is a single pacemaker single accumulator structure with an additional recency weighting (see the weighted sum of segments model). That is, participants appear to segment the two overlapping intervals into three non-overlapping and overlapping segments, time these segments separately, and then combine them to estimate each interval. Importantly, a recency weighting, determined by the time that has passed since the end of that segment, is also applied to each segment in the summation process. Further, in the bimodal experiment the order in which the stimuli of different modalities were presented affected the way in which they were timed, a finding that none of the current models can explain. This highlights that a comprehensive model of interval timing must consider not only the modalities of to-be-timed intervals but also the order in which different modalities must be timed.  相似文献   

We report two naming experiments examining the effects of filler type on the size of regularity and frequency effects. Low-frequency exception words were used as one filler type in both experiments. Their effects were contrasted with the effects of nonword fillers (Experiment 1) and low-frequency regular word fillers (Experiment 2). In both experiments, the size of the regularity effect was unaffected by the filler type manipulation. In contrast, the frequency effect interacted with filler type such that relative to the low-frequency exception filler environment, the size of the frequency effect was reduced in the environment of low frequency regular word fillers, but not in the environment of nonword fillers. These results appear to be better explained in terms of Lupker, Brown, and Colombo's (1997) flexible time-criterion framework than in terms of a pathway control hypothesis (e.g., Zevin & Balota, 2000).  相似文献   

The model proposed here assumes that depressive disorders could reflect an extreme state of a current behavioral strategy. According to this model, a subject facing a problem of survival without apparent solution may choose between two behavioral patterns: searching for a solution or waiting for that solution to occur. This choice can be made after one or several estimations of the cost and benefit attached to each of these alternatives. Two of the main behavioral models of depression are interpreted according to this model: namely, infant response to maternal separation in monkeys and "behavioral despair" in rodents. Practical and theoretical consequences of this model are discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives. To compare conceptually similar decision-making components from the theory of planned behavior (attitude) and the transtheoretical model (pros and cons) to determine the extent to which attitude towards exercise adds to the prediction of stage of exercise behavior beyond that of pros and cons.Method. A sample of college undergraduates (N=223) were given stage of change, attitude and decisional balance measures regarding their exercise behavior. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the underlying measurement structure of the decision-making components, while a series of discriminant function analyses (DFAs) was performed using a combination of pros, cons, and cognitive and affective attitudes as predictors of membership in one of the five stages of change.Results. SEM determined that a correlated four-factor model, which included pros and cons and two attitude subscales, provided the best fit to the data. The DFAs revealed that the addition of attitude components to pros and cons significantly increased the overall explained variance across the stages of change from 32% to 56%, and improved the predictive ability of pros and cons from 31.2% to 48.2%.Conclusions. Although conceptually related, pros, cons and attitude were not closely linked at a construct-measurement level. Furthermore, the addition of attitude to pros and cons increased the overall explained variance across stages of change and improved the predictive ability of pros and cons alone. The measurement model and DFA results taken in combination strongly suggest that the addition of cognitive and affective attitudes may strengthen the decision-making aspect of the transtheoretical model.  相似文献   

Contrasting approaches to the evaluation of careers education activities are outlined, one based on the organisational needs of careers services (an 'accountability' model), the other based on individual needs of careers advisers (a 'developmental' model). The case is considered for adopting educational research methods developed from the ethnographic research tradition, such as action research, to help careers advisers meet the challenges facing them in the development, delivery and evaluation of careers education in higher education. Practical experience is cited, together with some positive outcomes that have arisen from undertaking fieldwork research. The difficulties and dilemmas in carrying out such research are presented.  相似文献   

When nonstigmatized individuals enact certain role-violating behaviors, they risk becoming "falsely accused deviants" (H. S. Becker, 1963, p. 20). For instance, when heterosexual men perform stereotypically feminine behaviors, they are liable to get misclassified as homosexual. Findings presented here reveal that expectations of identity misclassification fuel nonstigmatized individuals' negative reactions to role violations (Studies 1-2) and that using a disclaimer--that is, informing their audience of their nonstigmatized identity--assuages people's discomfort during a role-violating behavior (Studies 3-4). Moreover, when not concerned about being misclassified, nonstigmatized individuals benefit psychologically from the enactment of a challenging role violation (Study 4). Discussion considers the nature of the threat that misclassified role violators face and compares the plight of the falsely accused deviant to that of the truly stigmatized individual.  相似文献   

The professional identity of the chaplain in Dutch health care institutions is in need of a new theoretical underpinning. The continued employment of the "spiritual caregiver," as the professional is called in the Netherlands, may be at stake. In former days, she or he was primarily a religious office holder fulfilling ecclesiastical functions. Against the background of secularization and individualization of religions and worldviews, the spiritual caregiver now turns more and more into an existential counselor, focusing on the search for meaning and life-orientation of all the clients/patients/residents, irrespective of their religion or philosophy of life. This brings along the need for a conceptualization of spiritual care. What is the spiritual caregiver's particular contribution to care and treatment, compared to that of, for instance, psychotherapists and social workers? What are the specific aims, methods, and key images of the profession? This brief communication sketches the specific context in which the Dutch spiritual caregiver has to work and the identity dilemmas he or she faces.  相似文献   

Extreme variation in the accessibility of autobiographical memory is a major characteristic of functional amnesia. On the basis of its ability to temporarily disrupt the retrieval of memory material, posthypnotic amnesia (PHA) has been proposed as a laboratory analogue of such amnesia. However, most PHA research has focused on relatively simple, nonpersonal information learned during hypnosis. This experiment extended PHA to autobiographical memory by examining high- and low-hypnotizable subjects' explicit and implicit memory of two autobiographical episodes, one of which was targeted by a PHA suggestion. The effects of PHA were consistent with the major features of functional amnesia: PHA disrupted retrieval of autobiographical information, produced a dissociation between implicit and explicit memory, and was reversible. The nature of PHA's effect on autobiographical memory and the potential utility of a PHA paradigm for investigating functional amnesia are discussed.  相似文献   

Vocational guidance and the careers education programmes which vocational theorists currently argue should span the secondary school years imply that entry into employment is the outcome of choice processes exercised on significant differences among available jobs in respect of the talents they require and the kind and extent of opportunity for self-fulfilment that they offer. Because Roberts (1977) has questioned these assumptions, the case is here argued that careers education programmes (CEPs), if begun early enough, can exert an influence upon all young people's educational and occupational choices, and that such an influence is educationally and socially defensible.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated the competing interpretations of cognitive dissonance and impression management theories regarding the pill and misattribution studies of attitude change in the forced compliance situation. Attitude change was eliminated when subjects were told about the tension side effects of taking a placebo, replicating the usual effect. Attitude change was also eliminated, however, when subjects took the pill following counterattitudinal behavior. In one condition of the second experiment, subjects were given instructions about tension side effects but were also told that the drug would not affect their moral judgment or behavior. These instructions eliminated attitude change in a standard pill condition. The typical finding of attitude change was manifested in the misattribution/no-excuse condition. The primary and secondary data from both studies provided more support for the impression management interpretation of the standard misattribution manipulations than for a theory of misattribution of dissonance-produced arousal.  相似文献   

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