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Etude comparative du conflit cognitif interpersonnel en Europe occidentale et aux Etats-Unis. — La recherche a été menée conjointement dans divers pays européens (Grande-Bretagne, France, Italie, RFA) et aux Etats-Unis, selon la même procédure. On induit des différences cognitives détetminées entre les 2 membres d'un groupe, en les entraînant différemment (ce dont ils ne sont pas conscients) dans une tâche d'apprentissage portant sur des problèmes politiques; il s'ensuit un conflit quand on réunit les deux sujets et qu'on leur demande d'aboutir à des solutions communes. Les résultats montrent que — a) les différences cognitives ne sont pas réduites en Europe alors qu'elles le sont, lentement, aux Etats-Unis; — b) les sujets européens aboutissent moins souvent que les sujets américains à des solutions de compromis; — c) les européens réagissent différemment à l'idée de « Contrôle de l'Etat ». Ce type de recherche peut être utilisé pour étudier le conflit cognitif sur une base interculturelle; les résultats font apparaître des problèmes importants qui n'ont pas encore été étudiés.  相似文献   

初入学儿童认知发展中的个别差异和个人内部差异初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方富熹  方格 《心理学报》1991,24(4):38-45
本研究以守恒、类包含、双维逻辑关系等多项认知任务施加于同一被试,探查了初入学七岁儿童的认知发展。结果表明这一年龄儿童已基本上获得有关守恒概念(除容积守恒),逻辑推理能力正在形成和发展。学校教育条件,家庭文化教育背景及个人智能等因素对认知发展有重要影响。个人内部的认知发展存在着横向参差现象,其原因有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

陈平  李珍  辛涛 《心理与行为研究》2011,9(2):125-132,153
项目曝光控制是认知诊断计算机化自适应测验(CD-CAT)中亟需解决的重要问题之一。采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法对CD-CAT中五种常用选题策略(随机化方法、KL信息量方法、香农熵方法、后验加权的KL信息量方法和综合后验加权和距离加权的KL信息量方法)的题库使用情况进行探讨。结果发现:四种非随机化选题策略的题库使用均匀性较差、测验重叠率高,从而导致测验安全性较差;香农熵方法的判准率总是最高。今后可以将传统CAT中的项目曝光控制技术融入到CD-CAT选题策略中。  相似文献   

A study of work interference with family (WIF) among managers is described, contrasting four clusters of countries, one of which is individualistic (Anglo) and three of which are collectivistic (Asia, East Europe, and Latin America). Country cluster (Anglo vs. each of the others) moderated the relation of work demands with strain-based WIF, with the Anglo country cluster having the strongest relationships. Country cluster moderated some of the relationships of strain-based WIF with both job satisfaction and turnover intentions, with Anglos showing the strongest relationships. Cluster differences in domestic help were ruled out as the possible explanation for these moderator results.  相似文献   

The Primary Mental Abilities Test and the Test of Behavioral Rigidity were administered to 1060 Ss obtained by stratified-random sampling of the membership of a prepaid medical plan. Independent samples of 26 men and 26 women in each five-year interval in the age range from 21 to 76 years were tested in 1966 and 1963. Composite longitudinal and cross-sectional padients were constructed and examined for the effect of time and cohort differences. Time difference is defined as that component of change between two successive measurements within the same generation which is due t o environmental experience. Cohort difference is defined as the difference in scores obtained by successive generations when measured at the same age level. Positive cohort and time differences were found for most unspeeded tasks while negative cohort and time differences occurred for the speeded tasks. It was concluded that cross-sectional studies tend to overestimate decrement on unspeeded tasks due to the effect of increasingly favorable life experience or genetic improvement in the species. As a result, within generation decrements appear to be relatively small. Decrement on speeded tasks is under- estimated by the cross-sectional method for the opposite reasons; i.e., un- favorable life experience or decrease in ability over successive generations. The results of repeated measurement and independent random sampling methods for the short-term study of developmental change were compared and the adequacy of the latter approach seems substantiated.  相似文献   

书写字体的性别差异研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
莫雷  杨莲清 《心理学报》1995,28(4):407-412
从珠海市中小学一年级至初中三年级随机选出540名学生,要求他们每个人抄一段400字左右的短文,收回抄写卷540份。40名有经验的教师,对书写者的性别做出判断,并回答一份关于判断男女笔迹的依据的问卷。结果表明:1.小学低年级男女生的字体没有明显的性别差异,到中高年级以后,性别差异才明显地表现出来。二、三年级之间,五、六年级之间是差异形成的两个加速期。2.判断者对小学低年级书写者的性别的判断不准确,主要是由于将女生的字体误判为男生的字体而造成的。3.男女生字体的差异主要表现在五个方面,即字体大小程度,字的力度、字体的刚劲度、字的工整度和字的棱角度。  相似文献   

知识教学中认知策略与原有知识间关系的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱燕 《心理科学》1998,21(5):415-419
模拟课堂教学情境,探讨知识教学中学习者的认知策略与原有知识间的相互关系。研究表明,二者存在明显的相互作用,策略学习只有在学习者具备适当原有知识的基础上才能有效地促进学习;当原有知识缺乏时,策略教学对学习成绩没有显著性影响;原有知识水平的高低可直接影响学生的学习成绩。该结论对于实际教学工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The cognitive ability levels of different ethnic groups have interested psychologists for over a century. Many narrative reviews of the empirical literature in the area focus on the Black-White differences, and the reviews conclude that the mean difference in cognitive ability ( g ) is approximately 1 standard deviation; that is, the generally accepted effect size is about 1.0. We conduct a meta-analytic review that suggests that the one standard deviation effect size accurately summarizes Black-White differences for college application tests (e.g., SAT) and overall analyses of tests of g for job applicants in corporate settings. However, the 1 standard deviation summary of group differences fails to capture many of the complexities in estimating ethnic group differences in employment settings. For example, our results indicate that job complexity, the use of within job versus across job study design, focus on applicant versus incumbent samples, and the exact construct of interest are important moderators of standardized group differences. In many instances, standardized group differences are less than 1 standard deviation. We conduct similar analyses for Hispanics, when possible, and note that Hispanic-White differences are somewhat less than Black-White differences.  相似文献   

This study investigates the degree to which subgroup (Black-White) mean differences on various assessment center exercises (e.g., in-basket, role play) may be a function of the type of exercise employed; and furthermore, begins to explore why these different types of exercises result in subgroup differences. The sample consisted of 633 participants who completed a managerial assessment center that evaluated them on 14 ability dimensions across 7 different types of assessment exercises. In addition, each participant completed a cognitive ability measure. The results suggest that subgroup differences varied by type of assessment exercise; and furthermore that the subgroup difference appeared to be a function of the cognitive component of the exercise. Lastly, preliminary support is found that the validity of some of the assessment center exercises in predicting supervisor ratings of job performance is based, in part, on their cognitive component; however, evidence of incremental validity does exist.  相似文献   

Only a few studies have examined the characteristics of sexual assault based on the tactics used by the perpetrator. In this study we compared the experiences of women who were forced to engage in vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse due to verbal coercion, physical force, or intoxication. Random-digit dialing was used to obtain a sample of 272 single African American and Caucasian women between the ages of 18 and 49 from the Detroit metropolitan area. Participants completed a computer-assisted self-interview that asked detailed questions about a past sexual assault and their reactions to it. Among the 139 women who were forced to engage in vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse, sexual assaults that involved physical force produced the most severe negative outcomes. Situations that involved the woman being too intoxicated to resist differed from others primarily in terms of how much alcohol the man and woman consumed. Although all types of sexual assault were perceived as being at least moderately serious, verbally coerced assaults were on average perceived as being least serious. These findings suggest that the perpetrators' tactics affect women's responses to sexual assault.  相似文献   

Les AA. présentent les premiers résultats d'une étude interculturelle en cours sur le contenu des abécédaires. Le contenu des abécédaires peut être étudié sous deux angles : (1) dans sa fonction pédagogique (comment il influe sur L'apprentissage de la lecture); (2) dans sa fonction sociale (comment il communique et fait comprendre les valeurs et attitudes propres à un pays). Dans cette seconde perspective, on compare les abécédaires de cinq pays (Angleterre, Allemagne de L'Ouest, Etats-Unis, Russie, Corée du Sud) en utilisant des échelles d'attitude qui ont été appliquées à la fois aux images et aux textes dans leur traduction anglaise. On constate que sur 38 types d'attitudes, 17 présentent des différences importantes quant à la fréquence d'évocation dans les livres des cinq pays étudiés. On établit pour chaque pays un profil d'attitude, ce qui permet de mettre en évidence les différences et les ressemblances d'un pays à L'autre. Les conclusions ont été comparées aux résultats d'autres recherches interculturelles. Les AA. expriment le souhait que L'étude des attitudes et valeurs sociales donne lieu, avec ce type de méthode, à une vaste coopération internationale.  相似文献   

This case study describes initially unsuccessful attempts to use the delayed-cue procedure to teach conditional discriminations to an individual with moderate mental retardation. The task was matching printed-word comparison stimuli to dictated-name sample stimuli. In three experiments, the subject typically waited for the delayed cue unless differential responses to the dictated samples (repeating the sample names) were required. Hence, the study provides an example of a way to make the delayed-cue method more effective. The stimulus control bases for the results are discussed.  相似文献   

4—14岁儿童比例推理及认知结构的发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苗丹民 《心理学报》1991,24(2):57-67
本实验研究的主要目的是,探讨4——14岁儿童比例推理能力及内部认知结构发展的一般规律。结果:1.采用有序样本的聚类分析和因子分析,将其发展划分为七个阶段。2.发展的一般规律为:从单维、定性、加法推理到两维、定量、乘法操作;从比差运算上的整合,到整倍数乘法运算上的整合,最终达到在命题运算水平上对非整倍数函数关系操作上的整合;其发展的核心是,四个结构关系由低向高逐渐构建和整合,由此提出四结构关系建构理论。3.小学高年级和中学低年级儿童比例概念基本形成,与加拿大同龄儿童比较,有显著差异,表明国内比例概念的教学是有成效的。  相似文献   

认知作业年老化的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
李德明  卫星  孙福立 《心理学报》1994,27(2):184-189
用言语—操作和人机对话两种方式完成12项认知作业年老化比较研究,被试242人,46-75岁。结果表明:(1)一些作业(符号数字、视觉数字广度、听觉数字广度、词对联想学习、图象自由回忆和无意图形再认)成绩随年老明显下降,另一些作业(图象分类、卡片分类、心算和矩阵填图)成绩不随年老明显降低;(2)再次验证心算、符号数字、数字鉴别和计数四项非词语性作业速度随年老进行性减慢。  相似文献   

分时距认知特点的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
黄希庭  顾铸 《心理科学》1997,20(3):193-196
本研究探讨了分时距估计的认知特点,检验了SS模型、PT模型和CS模型的预测效度,结果表明:分时距估计主要是在信息提取阶段采用分段推算策略对时间信息进行重建的过程,变化/分割和注意分配对分时距估计有显著影响;SS模型的预测效度最低,PT、CS模型的预测效度较高。  相似文献   

从大脑损伤引起的阅读障碍探讨阅读认知的心理过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡超群 《心理学报》1986,19(1):60-64
本文通过对两例由大脑损伤引起不同阅读障碍的个案分析研究,作出两点推论:第一、阅读理解过程经历着两个不同层级的信息加工处理阶段:(1)字词层级的认知—掌握字词的形、音、义及其连系,(2)语句层级的阅读理解——语句的句法分析,掌握语句的意义;第二、语句层级的理解是一个更起作用、更积极的能动过程。  相似文献   

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