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刺激属性对内隐社会知觉的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
周爱保  陈晓云 《心理科学》1998,21(3):234-237
本文通过选择不同词性(消极词、积极词和中性词)的双字词64个,主要对“刺激属性”变量进行了实验操作;采用“意识过滤”技术和速示辨认测验对内隐社会知觉的特点进行了考察;结果发现,实验材料的笔划数和被试的性别对内隐社会知觉没有影响,刺激的特性和刺激的启动作用对内除社会知觉有显著的影响;同时还证明速示辨认测验不受意识的“污染”,将速示辨认作为内臆测验的方法是比较“纯净的”。  相似文献   

语句中协同发音对音节知觉的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用音节相似度听辨实验,以大学生为被试,对音节间协同发音现象所引起的音节知觉差异进行了考察,结果发现:音节之间的协同发音影响音节音段内容的变化,而这种变化主要取决于相邻前音节末尾韵母部分的差异,以及相邻后音节首辅音发音部位的差异;对于发音相同、语境不同的音节,音节在超音段内容变化所引起的知觉效应明显大于协同发音引起的知觉效应  相似文献   

过去经验对内隐社会知觉的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周爱保 《心理学报》1998,31(2):149-153
通过选择不同年代的大学生被试以及不同年代的浒词材料对“经验”变量进行了实验操作;同时,采用“意识过滤技术”一速示辨认测验对内隐社会知觉的特点进行了考察;结果发现,实验材料双字词原笔划数,被试的性别对内隐社会知觉没有影响,而经验对内 有显著的影响,此外,还证明示测验作为间接测量方法是比较“纯净”的,没有受到意识的“污染”。  相似文献   

L'A. traite des différences selon les cultures dans I'attention préférentielle accordée à la forme ou à la couleur, dans le contexte des caractéristiques propres aux échantillons qui sont en corrélation avec cette préférence. II fait la revue des recherches antérieures qui ont décrit L'influence de L'âge chronologique, considéré comme refl?tant L'impact de L'éducation, de la surdité, du sexe et de la personnalité. Selon une hypothèse de relativité linguistique, L'influence de L'éducation et celle de la culture pourraient s'expliquer par la “codabilité” des couleurs et des formes : L'A. présente une recherche expérimentale qui montre qu'une telle hypothèse ne rend pas compte des différences interculturelles et propose une autre explication, à savoir L'influence de L'expérience perceptivc qui entraînerait la familiarisation avec les formes abstraites.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of teleconferencing medium and status on users' reaction to the medium. Subjects received either high or medium status inductions, and subgroups solved a problem in two node audio, video, and face-to-face conferencing configurations. These subgroups proceeded through the three media treatment conditions in counterbalanced order, and responded to scales measuring the aestheticism, evaluation, privacy, potency, and activity of the medium. Analysis indicated both face-to-face and video conferencing elicited more positive aestheticism and evaluation reactions than the audio conferencing medium. Face-to-face and audio conferencing media were perceived as being more private than the video teleconferencing medium while both video and audio media were perceived as being more potent than face-to-face conferencing. The analysis revealed neither an activity of the medium nor status main effect. The results were discussed in light of information theory.  相似文献   

影响藏族大学生藏、汉文化认同的因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文通过问卷和访谈对藏族大学生的藏、汉文化认同状况进行了实地调查,初步分析了影响藏族大学生对本民族文化和汉族文化认同的因素。结果显示,藏族大学生的藏、汉文化认同之间存在着显著的负相关;父亲的受教育程度对藏族大学生对藏族文化的认同有显著影响;由于在教学中使用的语言不同,接受藏、汉双语教学的专业学习的学生,其藏族文化认同低于使用汉语单语教学的学生;学习汉语的时间对藏族大学生的藏、汉文化认同得分都有显著的影响。  相似文献   

汉字形码和音码的整体性对部件识别的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本实验从分析汉字整体知觉的具体表现形式入手,通过三个实验探讨字的整体知觉对部件知觉的影响。实验一以分解方式为变量,考查字形整体知觉对部件识别的影响,发现识别不同结构的字的部件之活动受知觉分解路线(如顺读或逆读)的影响。作者认为这种分解方式效应很可能跟部位有关。实验二证实了这一分析,并进而认为部位效应又跟部位与字形整体知觉的紧密程度有关。实验三以语音码为变量,发现成字部件的字音与整体字语音一致者(形声字),其分解知觉成绩比不一致者(非形声字)有明显的优势。这意味着,整体字音知觉的单一性对部件知觉的作用。最后,本研究还考查了部件识别法的有效性,并认为在研究知觉的整体与部分关系问题时,该法不失为一种新的实验范型。  相似文献   

Abstract: John Yolton has argued that Locke held a direct realist position according to which sensory ideas are not perceived intermediaries, as on the representational realist position, but acts that take material substances as objects. This paper argues that were Locke to accept the position Yolton attributes to him he could not at once account for appearance‐reality discrepancies and maintain one of his most important anti‐nativist arguments. The paper goes on to offer an interpretation of Locke's distinction between ideas of substances and modes, a distinction that helps Locke to explain appearance‐reality discrepancies, although not in a large enough range of cases to strengthen Yolton's interpretation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effects of sex of subject, sex of photo, and hemispheric specialization on the ability of male (n = 21) and female (n = 21) subjects to recognize previously seen black and white male and female faces. Results indicated better performance with female faces and a significant interaction for sex of photo and laterality. Overall performance was best for female photos and worst for male photos in the LVF. A greater number of false alarms occurred in the LVF with male photos. The differential processing of distinctive cues of male and female faces by the LVF and RVF was discussed.  相似文献   

距离、观察姿势对大小知觉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
問題 大小知觉是視知觉心理学中重要問題之一,也是人在实践活动中所經常接触的問題。前人研究表明,大小知觉总是与知觉对象的距离成一定的关系,并提出所謂大小-距离不变假設(Size-Distance Invariace Hypothesis)来說明这种現象。在一般情况下,对象离开观察者愈远,网膜视象随距离按比例縮小,而观察者所知觉的大小却仍接近对象的原来实际大小(物理大小),也就是說大小知觉保持着一定的恆常性。这是大小知觉与距离关  相似文献   

本文用Garner快速分类法研究了发音人规范化和语境补偿过程与声调知觉的关系。得到的主要结果是:(1)发音人变化对声调识别产生了显著的Gar-ner干扰;声调变化对男女声判别产生了同样的十扰。(2)语境变化对声调识别也产生了显著的Garner干扰。按照Garner方法的假设,这说明发音人规范化和语境变异补偿与声调识别之问是相互联系和相互影响的。(3)虽然发音人和语境同时变化引起的声调识别反应时延长约等于它们单独变化时反应时延长量之和,但正确率下降远大于单独变化时下降量之和。说明发音人和语境变异对声调识别的干扰不是独立的,它们之间存在相互作用。这种作用增加了声调识别的难度。  相似文献   

Abstract: Interpreters of Locke's Essay are divided over whether to attribute to him a Representational Theory of Perception (RTP). Those who object to an RTP interpretation cite (among other things) Locke's Book IV account of sensitive knowledge, contending that the account is incompatible with RTP. The aim of this paper is to rebut this kind of objection – to defend an RTP reading of the relevant Book IV passages. Specifically, I address four influential assumptions (about sensitive knowledge) cited by opponents of an RTP interpretation and argue that in each case the assumption is false.  相似文献   

Abstract— If, as we believe, language is a specialization alt the way down to its roots, then perception of its consonantal elements should be immediately phonetic, not as in the conventional view, a secondary translation from percepts of an auditory sort. Supporting observations come from an experiment in which formant transitions that distinguish [da] and [gal were presented as sinusoids and combined with a synthetic syllable made of resonances, thus causing the auditory system to treat these acoustically incoherent parts as different sources Evidence for the source difference was varied by changing the intensity of the sinusoids relative to the remainder of the syllable. Over the greater part of a 60-dB range, listeners accurately identified the consonants, indicating that they had integrated the stimuli according to a coherence that existed only in the phonetic domain. At the lowest intensities, indeed, the consonants were accurately identified, even though the whistles—the normal responses to the sinusoids—were not. There followed then a range over which perception was duplex. Both consonants and whistles were accurately identified At the highest intensities, phonetic integration failed, but accurate perception of the whistles was maintained. That the phonetic percept was present when as auditory counterpart was absent, and vice versa, is evidence that the phonetic percept is independent of its auditory counterpart and not a translation from it, as is the fact that the two percepts followed very different courses in response to the experimental variable.  相似文献   

Abstract: It is common to assume that if Locke is to be regarded as a consistant epistemologist he must be read as holding that either ideas are the objects of perception or that [physical] objects are. He must either be a direct realist or a representationalist. But perhaps, paradoxical as it at first sounds, there is no reason to suppose that he could not hold both to be true. We see physical objects and when we do so we have ideas. We see or hear birds and bells but we also have visual and auditory ideas of birds and bells. This suggestion is explored through examination of what Locke says about perception in his Elements of Natural Philosophy and the accounts offered both by Locke in the Essay Concerning Human Understanding and by some of Locke's successors.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that an organization's climate could inhibit or encourage discriminatory behavior, and that subjects' need for approval would interact with climate to influence their decisions. One hundred and sixty-one male business students read one of two sets of materials intended to manipulate company climate, and then evaluated a fictitious resume of a male or female applicant for a managerial position within the company. Decisions regarding hire, salary, applicant fit with the company, and anticipated longevity were dependent measures. The hypothesis regarding organizational climate received partial support. In a discriminatory climate women applicants were evaluated less favorably than men in terms of likelihood of hire and degree of fit between the applicant and the organization. Although not statistically significant, a similar pattern of results was obtained on the salary measure and on the measure of applicant predicted longevity. Contrary to expectations, approval motivation was not related to the dependent measures.  相似文献   

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