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Much interest has been focused on Gestalt therapy in recent years. Many counselors, however, are unfamiliar with this style of therapeutic intervention. The author offers a brief introduction to some of the basic tenets of Gestalt therapy, noting goals that are similar to those in counseling theories. He also suggests several interventions from Gestalt therapy to be considered for group counseling and discusses their applications.  相似文献   

J D Ball  D S Meck 《Adolescence》1979,14(55):529-534
This paper presents a rationale for the use of group techniques in counseling adolescents, based on selected developmental theories. In addition, it delineates specific practical implications and guidelines for group counselors to consider. Specifically, group selection, group size and composition, and topical content are discussed as they relate to developmental issues during adolescence.  相似文献   

正念是指对当下身心体验不带有评判地觉察。基于双加工理论,以正念为核心的训练对个体冲动性不同要素均具有明显干预效果。一方面,有助于降低因情感系统引发的冲动驱力:通过调整个体的奖赏评估与预期,缓和诱发冲动的压力与负性情绪反应,减弱自动化反应的联结和强度;另一方面,提升个体由认知控制系统调节的冲动控制力:增强个体的认知控制和行为抑制能力。由于冲动性驱动因素和控制因素二者加工时序的先后差异和作用方向对抗性特点,正念训练促进两类要素的积极交互影响,缩小冲动性“驱动”与“控制”力量之间的不平衡,为个体更好地回应自身反应与外界刺激提供了有利缓冲,是降低个体冲动性的有效干预手段。  相似文献   

Explanations for the etiology of incest can be grouped into four general categories. Although some authors believe that one of the explanations is persuasive for most or all cases of incest, it appears that there is empirical and case report support for all four explanations. In this paper, it is suggested that assessing which of the four explanations best characterizes a particular incestuous family will provide valuable guidelines for determining the most appropriate legal and therapeutic interventions for that family.  相似文献   


Premarital counseling programs have been proliferating in the United States since their appearance in the 1930s. In order to evaluate the success such programs have had in preparing couples to build successful marriages, reduce the incidence of divorce and prevent unsuccessful marriages from occurring, the authors reviewed those programs which outlined standardized intervention procedures and utilized dependent measures to assess the program's effectiveness. Thirteen programs met these criteria. In general, premarital counseling programs were found to be atheoretical in their approach to intervention, loosely designed and nonspecific as to their goals.  相似文献   

Existing marital counseling procedures have not been experimentally evaluated or generally have not been based on an experimentally derived theory. The present study formulated a model of marital discord based on reinforcement theory, developed a marital counseling procedure based on that theory and experimentally evaluated its effectiveness. The model viewed marital discord as the resultant of non-reciprocated reinforcement. The counseling procedures attempted to establish general marital reciprocity of reinforcement by teaching reciprocity in several specific areas of marital unhappiness. The reciprocity procedure was conducted for about 3–4 weeks with 12 couples, after first conducting a catharsis-type counseling as a control procedure. The results showed that the reciprocity procedure increased reported marital happiness, whereas the control procedure did not. Once reciprocity was achieved in a specific problem area, the benefits generalized somewhat to other yet-to-be counseled areas. The increase in marital happiness occurred for each of the specific areas of marital interaction, for 96 per cent of the clients, and was maintained and increased during the available follow-up period. These results indicate that the procedure is an effective, rapid and enduring method of producing marital happiness.  相似文献   

Loneliness: counseling adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Mijuskovic 《Adolescence》1986,21(84):941-950
This paper discusses the related concepts of loneliness and the guidance counseling of adolescents. Part One argues that the fear of loneliness and the accompanying need to avoid it constitutes a universal motivational principle in all human beings, and that it is especially acute during adolescence. Part Two shows how loneliness may serve the counselor as a basis for understanding and interpreting much of adolescent behavior. Part Three proposes some therapeutic principles and procedures designed to alleviate the sense of loneliness and isolation so prevalent among contemporary adolescents.  相似文献   

The events of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, during which more than 1.5 million Armenians were massacred by the Ottoman Turkish Empire, has left a deep, painful scar on this small but prominent culture. Those who lived through the Armenian Genocide survived death marches, rapes, drownings, physical mutilation, and other such heinous crimes. As they have passed, it is being recognized that subsequent generations continue to fight for justice, manifesting their ancestral pain, sadness, and mourning for the loss of their family members. As sociocultural trauma has a multigenerational impact within families and communities and affects the feeling of membership and belonging within that community, understanding how previous traumas shape future generations of that group is important for clinicians. This article reviews the scarce research on intergenerational trauma in the Armenian community within the United States after the Armenian Genocide, using the constructivist self-development theory to provide clinical implications and suggestions.  相似文献   

Peri- and posttraumatic emotional responses have been understudied, and furthermore, have rarely been compared among trauma types. The current study compared college students' retrospective self-reports of peri- and posttraumatic responses of fear, shame, guilt, anger, and sadness among four types of traumatic events: sexual assault, physical assault, transportation accident, and illness/injury. Overall emotional responding was generally high for all trauma types, and for those in the sexual assault group, emotion increased sharply from the peri- to posttraumatic time point. Generally, fear was higher during the trauma compared to after the trauma, whereas the other emotions tended to remain stable or increase posttrauma. The sexual assault group tended to report higher levels of posttrauma emotion than the other trauma type groups.  相似文献   

A view of a scene is often remembered as containing information that might have been present just beyond the actual boundaries of that view, and this is referred to as boundary extension. Characteristics of the view (e.g., scene or nonscene; close-up or wide-angle; whether objects are cropped, static, or in motion, emotionally neutral or emotionally charged), display (e.g., aperture shape and size; target duration; retention interval; whether probes of memory involve magnification/minification or change in physical distance), and observer (e.g., allocation of attention; age; planned fixation, gaze direction, and eye movements; monocular or binocular viewing; prior exposure; neurological correlates) that influence boundary extension are reviewed. Proposed mechanisms of boundary extension (perceptual, memory, or motion schema; extension–normalization; attentional selection; errors in source monitoring) are discussed, and possible relationships of boundary extension to other cognitive processes (e.g., representational momentum; remembered distance and remembered size; amodal completion; transsaccadic memory) are briefly addressed.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a 22-year (1988–2009) content analysis of quantitative empirical research that included acculturation and/or enculturation as a study variable(s). A total of 138 studies in 134 articles were systematically evaluated from 5 major American Psychological Association and American Counseling Association journals in counseling and counseling psychology, including Journal of Counseling Psychology, The Counseling Psychologist, Journal of Counseling and Development, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, and Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. To guide the analysis, the authors conceptualized acculturation/enculturation as a “bilinear” (i.e., developing cultural orientations to both majority and ethnic cultures) and “multidimensional” (i.e., across multiple areas such as behaviors, values, identity, and knowledge) cultural socialization process that occurs in interaction with “social contexts” (e.g., home, school, work, West Coast, Midwest). Findings include the patterns and trends of acculturation/enculturation research in (a) conceptualization and use of acculturation/enculturation variable(s), (b) research designs (e.g., sample characteristics, instruments, data collection, and analysis methods), (c) content areas, and (d) changes in total publications and trends over time. Additionally, meta-analyses were conducted on the relationship of acculturation/enculturation and a few key variables of mental health, adjustment, and well-being. Major findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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