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心理测验中个人拟合研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个人拟合研究是对心理测验中偏差行为鉴别的一种新方法,它以Guttman理想模型、项目反应理论和非参数项目反应理论为基础。传统个人拟合指标是对宽泛偏差行为的检验,当前个人拟合研究更具体、更形象,针对于某种偏差行为的专门性指标和图形与回归分析受到了越来越多的关注。但无论哪种个人拟合方法都会受到各种无关因素的影响,如何克服这些影响,提高个人拟合方法的实际应用价值将成为个人拟合研究的主要方向  相似文献   

当前心理测验的应用问题与伦理规范   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
乐国安  王恩界 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1294-1297
心理测验法在心理学研究中是一种常用的方法,但是,这种方法的应用价值受到诸多条件的限制。本文从经典测验理论出发回顾了影响心理测验应用价值的一些因素,并对心理测验的使用者做了重点分析,指出只有经过培训并获得相关资格者才能管理心理测验,而且施测者应该从自身与被测者之间的关系出发,严格地遵循心理测验的伦理价值,并在法律的规范下使用心理测验,才能充分地体现心理测验的真正价值。  相似文献   

The present study investigated two behavioral properties of decision making. Participants were presented two alternatives, each of which yielded two consequences jointly (joint receipt, JR). Monotonicity of JR states that choices remain invariant when the same lottery is adjoined to both of the original alternatives. The data failed to reject monotonicity of JR. Scale invariance states that choices remain invariant under proportionate (scale) changes of the lottery consequences. This property was not rejected for three of four classes of JR lotteries having a common consequence, but it was rejected for two of three classes of binary lotteries and for two of the four classes of general JR lotteries. We conclude that scale invariance does not hold in general. The implication of these findings for utility theory, testing its fundamental assumptions, and determining the functional form of utility is discussed. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

A survey has been undertaken to examine long-term psychological after-effects of a devastating earthquake (the Tangshan earthquake) in China in 1976. Subjects (equal number of males and females, aged between 20 and 70) consisted of 110 paraplegic and 100 non-deformed persons. The 16-PF Questionnaire, two attitude tests and individual interviews were used in the investigation. Results show that the earthquake had long-term effects on people's minds. The effects are extensive and long-lasting, and differed between different groups. This indicates that in the study of the impact of Global Change on humans, earthquake disasters should be brought into focus, not only as physical disasters but also with reference to the psychological shock caused by an earthquake.  相似文献   

Bealer  George 《Philosophical Studies》2001,105(3):281-307
Ontological functionalism's defining tenet is that mental properties canbe defined wholly in terms of the general pattern of interaction ofontologically prior realizations. Ideological (or nonreductive)functionalism's defining tenet is that mental properties can only bedefined nonreductively, in terms of the general pattern of theirinteraction with one another. My Self-consciousness Argumentestablishes: (1) ontological functionalism is mistaken because itsproposed definitions wrongly admit realizations (vs. mentalproperties) into the contents of self-consciousness; (2)ideological (nonreductive) functionalism is the only viable alternativefor functionalists. Michael Tooley's critique misses the target:he offers no criticism of (1) – except for an incidental, andincorrect, attack on certain self-intimation principles – and,since he himself proposes a certain form of nonreductive definition, hetacitly accepts (2). Finally, as with all other nonreductivedefinitions, Tooley's proposal can be shown to undermine functionalism'sultimate goal: its celebrated materialist solution to theMind-Body Problem. The explanation of these points will require adiscussion of: Frege-Russell disagreements regarding intensionalcontexts; the relationship between self-consciousness and thetraditional doctrine of acquaintance; the role of self-intimationprinciples in functionalist psychology; and the Kripke-Lewiscontroversy over the nature of theoretical terms.  相似文献   

A bodily self is characterized by pre-reflective bodily self-consciousness that is “immune to error through misidentification.” To this end, the body's double involvement in consciousness is considered: it can experience objects intentionally and itself non-intentionally. Specifically, pre-reflective bodily self-consciousness, by contrast with the consciousness of the body that happens to be one's own, consists in experiencing one's body as the point of convergence of action and perception. Neither proprioception alone nor intention alone is sufficient to underlie this pre-reflective bodily self-consciousness. Rather, it is made possible thanks to a sensori-motor integration, allowing a sensitivity to the sensory consequences of one's action, through action monitoring.  相似文献   

The author compared simulations of the “true” null hypothesis (z) test, in which ò was known and fixed, with the t test, in which s, an estimate of ò, was calculated from the sample because the t test was used to emulate the “true” test. The true null hypothesis test bears exclusively on calculating the probability that a sample distance (mean) is larger than a specified value. The results showed that the value of t was sensitive to sampling fluctuations in both distance and standard error. Large values of t reflect small standard errors when n is small. The value of t achieves sensitivity primarily to distance only when the sample sizes are large. One cannot make a definitive statement about the probability or “significance” of a distance solely on the basis of the value of t.  相似文献   

Gazing behavior of 10 three-month-old twin infants (five male and five female) and their mothers during play, bottle feeding, and spoon feeding activities were analyzed. Video-tape equipment was used in the home; data were gathered as naturalistically as possible. Mothers looked at infants for a greater percentage of the total time and for longer durations than infants looked at mothers. A consistency-activation personality theory in which mothers are highly motivated to gaze at infants, but infants seek visual interest by looking away from mother, is suggested to interpret the findings. Both looking and not-looking gazes and mean and median measures of central tendency were shown to be helpful and necessary for the gazing analysis.  相似文献   

Four studies examined the consequences of American Indian mascots and other prevalent representations of American Indians on aspects of the self-concept for American Indian students. When exposed to Chief Wahoo, Chief Illinwek, Pocahontas, or other common American Indian images, American Indian students generated positive associations (Study 1, high school) but reported depressed state self-esteem (Study 2, high school), and community worth (Study 3, high school), and fewer achievement-related possible selves (Study 4, college). We suggest that American Indian mascots are harmful because they remind American Indians of the limited ways others see them and, in this way, constrain how they can see themselves.  相似文献   


In the wake of 9/11, the mental health community began to develop a model for recovery and preparedness. A public information campaign regarding the psychological consequences of terrorism was launched, and it succeeded in reducing the stigma of utilizing mental health services. However, as this campaign began to succeed, it became clear that most clinicians in the community had little training in evidence-based assessment and treatment procedures for the psychological sequelae of terrorism. This article describes the development, delivery, and initial assessment of one attempt to correct this problem by broadly disseminating an effective treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Using models of behavior change, we were able to study trainee attitudes and the training process in ways that will help improve training effectiveness beyond what traditional Continuing Professional Education (CPE) has been able to do.  相似文献   

I report the results of two studies that explored relationships between employees' justice perceptions and their psychological well-being. In both studies, the main and interactive effects of distributive justice and procedural justice accounted for significant, unique variance in employees' psychological distress. Consistent with predictions derived from a framework that integrates stress and coping theory with justice theory, relationships between procedural justice and psychological distress were stronger when distributive justice was lower. I discuss theoretical implications for the organizational justice literature and identify the studies' limitations and practical implications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the universality of the “inverse square root law” insofar as it purports to show a constant relationship between emotional involvement and subjectively perceived geographical distance. It was argued that the square root exponent in the “law” was derived from experiments that used a limited range of stimuli (place names). With students as subjects, two experiments were conducted in order to discover the relationship between emotional involvement and subjective distance when both very close and very distant places were considered. It was shown that the inverse square root function was not constant but rather varied with the range of stimuli.  相似文献   

The effects of imagery on immediate and long term recall and organization (i.e., clustering) were studied with regard to high and low imagery concrete stimulus nouns from the same generic categories, imagery and no imagery instructions, number of recall trials, and two presentation rates. Three major aspects were involved: (a) establishment of imagery norms for 80 categorically related nouns, (b) behavioral analysis of these norms, and (c) a verbal free recall experiment conducted with 960 sixth and eighth grade boys and girls to compare the verbal and imaginal symbolic processes. Recall and organization were found to be facilitated by imagery nouns or instructions. Eighth graders not only recalled and organized better than sixth graders, but also used imagery more effectively. Four written trials were better than one, and a five second presentation rate was better than 2.5 seconds. These trends held in immediate and long term recall. Results were discussed in terms of the code availability hypothesis of Paivio's two-process theory. It was concluded that imagery is an important factor in free recall and organization and functions analogously to verbal processes.  相似文献   

论"自我"的自欺本质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓晓芒 《世界哲学》2009,(4):110-117
自我意识就是把自己当对象看、同时又把对象当自我看的意识,但对象和自我本来是不同的,因此自我意识里面包含一个自欺结构。这种结构从形式逻辑和日常意识来看是自相矛盾的,必然导致无穷后退并引出一个上帝;但从辩证法来理解则正是主体的能动性之源。这种有意识的自欺使人生成为艺术,但也体现了人性的“根本恶”,能够调解这种自相矛盾的只有忏悔。忏悔不是一次性的,而是不断深入的无限过程,只有在这一反思和怀疑的过程中,人性才能越来越真诚。  相似文献   

History is replete with well‐intentioned actions and policies that have resulted in dramatic unintended consequences. We review evidence that several psychological biases result in an overly narrow focus on the intended consequences of acts and, consequently, tendencies to ignore or give too little weight to potential unintended consequences. First, a motivated desire for the intended consequences of acts can blind people to the likelihood of alternative possibilities. We review evidence that people process information and evidence in biased ways, leaving them overconfident that the desired consequences will come to pass. Second, even in the absence of motives regarding potential consequences, biases in cognition lead people to focus their attention narrowly on intended consequences in a way that limits their consideration of important alternative, unintended consequences. We review how biases toward focalism and anchoring contribute to a failure to foresee unintended consequences. Finally, we review evidence that subtle manipulations of both motivation and attention can be used to increase the focus and weight given to potential unintended consequences and, consequently, improve anticipation.  相似文献   

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