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The purpose of this study was to determine if a genetic counseling student’s perception of the supervisory working alliance (SWA) is related to their self-efficacy on select clinical practice-based competencies (PBCs), evaluating the second tenet of the Reciprocal Engagement Model of Supervision (REM-S) from a student perspective. Second year genetic counseling students (N?=?168) completed a survey containing demographic and clinical rotation experience questions, the Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory-Trainee Form (SWAI-T), and the Genetic Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale (GCSES). Overall, the SWAI-T was significantly associated with all factors of the GCSES. Additionally, the relationship between the SWAI-T and self-efficacy was specific to those who had only one supervisor, thus highlighting the SWA may be most important under these circumstances. This serves as an important step in being able to guide supervisors toward effective methods in supervision, which may include encouraging supervisors to build a strong relationship with their supervisee in order to help strengthen the student’s confidence in their clinical skills.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between the supervisory working alliance and supervision outcome variables using meta‐analysis. The authors reviewed 27 articles, dissertations, and theses published between 1990 and 2018. The authors used the MIX program to calculate the meta‐analyses. The results indicate that the supervisory working alliance is positively related to supervision outcome variables. Supervisees’ perceived relationship with the supervisor was positively related to the relationship with the client. This shows that the phenomenon of isomorphism is a repeated pattern in the relationships in supervision and counseling. The authors discuss the limitations and implications.  相似文献   

In this study we explore how the “match” between supervisor and supervisee on contextual variables affects both conflict and the working alliance, which affects supervisee satisfaction. Participants included 132 supervisees in academic programs nationwide. The extent of match between supervisor and supervisee characteristics was not found to impact conflict, the working alliance, or supervisees’ satisfaction with supervision. Working alliance was highly predictive of supervisee satisfaction. Despite the findings that match was not related to working alliance or satisfaction, we believe that supervisors should still have open discussions with supervisees about their similarities and differences.  相似文献   

Theoretically, when the supervisory working alliance is strong, the trainee and supervisor share a strong emotional bond and agree on the goals and tasks of supervision. Tested was Bordin's (1983) proposition that changes in counselor trainees' perceptions of the supervisory alliance over the course of supervision would predict supervisory outcomes. A national sample of beginning practicum- to intern-level trainees were assessed at the beginning and end of an academic semester. Contrary to predictions, changes in the alliance were not predictive of changes in trainees' self-efficacy. However, improvements in the emotional bond between the trainees and supervisors were associated with greater satisfaction.  相似文献   

The relationships between perfectionism, counseling self‐efficacy, and the supervisory and client working alliance were investigated among 143 counseling trainees and 46 supervisor–trainee dyads. Maladaptive perfectionism was negatively correlated with the supervisory alliance and working alliance. Counseling self‐efficacy moderated the relationship between adaptive perfectionism and the supervisory alliance (perspective of the counseling trainee) and maladaptive perfectionism and the supervisory alliance (perspective of the supervisor). The authors conclude that supervisors should consider perfectionism and counseling self‐efficacy as important factors in supervision.  相似文献   

胡姝婧  江光荣 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1491-1496
为了解短程咨询中工作同盟和领悟对咨询效果的影响,以12个个案94次会谈为对象,考察工作同盟、领悟分别与会谈效果、治疗效果的关系,并考察二者共同作用于效果的方式。结果表明,咨访双方评定的工作同盟都可以正向预测会谈效果,但不能预测治疗效果;领悟与会谈有效性正相关,领悟正向预测治疗效果;咨询师评定的同盟的三个维度以领悟为中介影响其对会谈效果的评价。  相似文献   


The objective of the present study was to examine the joint effects of stress, coping, and coping resources in predicting depressive symptoms. A community sample comprising 194 people aged 65 and older was interviewed. Task-oriented coping and emotion-oriented coping both appeared to be directly related to depressive symptoms. In addition, emotion-oriented coping moderated the impact of stress to varying degrees, depending on the amount of stress experienced. Coping resources (social support and coping self-efficacy) also were directly related to depressive symptoms. Furthermore, coping self-efficacy appeared to be related to the kind of coping strategies used. Respondents with higher coping self-efficacy used more task-oriented coping and less emotion-oriented coping. These findings suggest that it is advisable to include coping resources when studying stress-coping processes. Developing prevention and intervention programs aimed at teaching people adaptive coping strategies and helping them to build up their coping resources seems advisable.  相似文献   

The relationship between client emotional expression and therapist interventions was studied in two working alliance conditions. An events-focused methodology was used to examine a total of 8 events taken from a variety of therapeutic orientations. Results indicated that, in the presence of a good client–therapist relationship, therapists showed higher levels of empathy and effectively focused on the immediately expressed feelings; in turn, their clients were engaged in exploration of feelings. In poor-relationship dyads, clients expressed negative feelings toward the therapists. Interventions rated as effective by clinical judges were characterized by accurate therapist understanding of clients' emotional expressions and working with strains in the therapeutic relationship. Ineffective interventions were associated with inaccurate assessments of clients' emotional states. Intensive analysis of these sessions led to three distinct models of in-session emotional expression events. Theoretical and practical implications of these models will be discussed.  相似文献   

为了探讨流动儿童压力应对方式与抑郁感、社交焦虑的变化特点及其动态关系,本研究通过整群抽样法从5所北京市公立学校和1所打工子弟学校选取1164名流动儿童,采用问卷调查的形式对其进行为期一年的追踪测查,追踪时回收有效数据680份.对前、后测均参加调查的680名被试的数据进行分析,结果发现:(1)经过一年的城市适应,流动儿童整体的积极应对增多,消极应对减少,抑郁感下降,但社交焦虑水平无明显变化;(2)流动儿童个体在压力应对、抑郁感、社交焦虑的发展上均表现出两极分化的现象,年龄越小、来京时间越短、低年级及女生流动儿童群体的发展趋势更为良好;(3)流动儿童压力应对方式与抑郁感、社交焦虑间存在相互作用的动态关系,前测压力应对方式、抑郁感、社交焦虑均能显著预测后测相应变量的水平,前后测压力应对方式对抑郁感、社交焦虑均有即时预测作用,而前测抑郁感和社交焦虑对后测压力应对方式有不同的延时性影响.  相似文献   

Despite an awareness of the inverse relationship between stress levels and job performance, researchers have not addressed the specific coping strategies used by salespeople in their efforts to cope with sales-related stress. A framework is developed that suggests dispositionally optimistic salespeople may employ different coping strategies than do pessimistic salespeople. Support for hypotheses that have been grounded in this broad proposition was developed in a study that employed a multi-firm sales sample. Optimists were found to employ more problem-focused coping tactics, while pessimists used more emotion-focused coping. Issues relating to why problem-focused coping tactics are preferable as well as how greater use of problem-focused coping may be promoted within a sales organization are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined coping with stress from an organizational perspective by positing a relationship between Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and coping strategies (defined as change, accepting, or withdrawal). It was hypothesized that coping strategies would mediate the relationship between PsyCap and people’s well-being and performance. Questionnaire findings from a five hundred and fifty four employees showed a significant relationship between PsyCap and coping. Coping strategy in terms of change partially mediated the relationship between PsyCap and the outcomes of well-being and performance. Coping strategy in terms of withdrawal partially mediated the relationship between PsyCap and performance. PsyCap was found to have a strong, positive, and direct correlation with well-being and performance. Well-being was not found to associate significantly with performance. These findings suggest that the central variable in the model is not coping but PsyCap. PsyCap appears to have a strong, direct, and significant effect on the dependent variables. The theoretical implications are examined and future research avenues suggested.  相似文献   

压力反应、压力应对与睡眠质量关系述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
压力反应是个体应对应激源作用时所产生的非特异性表现, 而压力应对是个体社会生活中一种综合的压力适应过程。压力反应及其应对是压力与睡眠质量之间的重要变量。生理、认知、情绪和行为等方面的压力反应与睡眠质量有直接的交互作用, 而认知调节、情绪调节、应对方式、社会支持和人格倾向等压力应对因素则能够改变压力与睡眠之间相互作用的强度、持续时间以及最终结果。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between and among religion, religious coping, and positive/negative psychological adjustment and investigated whether the four religious coping styles of Self-Directing, Deferring, Collaborative, and Turning to Religion would significantly moderate the relationship between religion and psychological adjustment. Each of the four religious coping measures were significant moderators between religion and positive and negative adjustment. However, the high self-directing and high religion group showed opposite results from the other three coping styles, in that they were the most maladjusted and least satisfied with life compared to the other three integration and religious coping groups. The participants high on religion and high deferring, high collaborative, and high turning to religion groups were less maladjusted and more satisfied than the other three groups in each of these religious coping styles.  相似文献   

Work stress and personal resources that protect against personal strain and psychological distress were surveyed in 78 Royal Australian Navy submariners. We hypothesized that work stress and distress would be greater for senior than junior ranks, for married than single personnel, and for submariners with few personal resources. We also hypothesized that distress, and the moderating effects of personal resources, would be greater at sea than ashore. Work stress and psychological distress were greater for senior than junior ranks, both at sea and ashore. As well, psychological distress was greater at sea than ashore, particularly for senior ranks, but was moderated by personal resources. These findings have important implications for improving work conditions and individual well-being for submariners.  相似文献   

Self-blame has been viewed as functional for victims' adjustment to negative life events. This perspective has been primarily based on the findings of Bulman and Wortman's 1977 study of the spinal cord injured. The present study replicates and extends the Bulman and Wortman study, using similar measures on a comparable sample and comparable life event. Patients did not differentiate among the concepts of responsibility, fault, and blame for the cause of the accident. Patients were behavioral rather than characterological self-blaming and alcohol use prior to the accident was the best predictor of self-blame. Attributions of responsibility for the cause of the event versus responsibility for rehabilitation (sequelae of the event) did not distinguish effective from ineffective copers. Bulman and Wortman's (1977) single-item measure of coping correlated with this study's multidimensional assessment of coping. There was no relationship between patients' attributions of self-blame and nurse's ratings of patients' coping but other-blame was associated with poorer coping.  相似文献   

The concept of alliance in psychotherapy supervision is now a half century old. But over the course of its first 50 years, how has the supervisory alliance come to generally be viewed by supervision scholars and practitioners? and What is its specific place now within different visions of supervision? In this paper, I would like to consider those two questions by: (a) describing the two enduring perspectives on the supervisory alliance that have dominated and continue to dominate the supervisory scene; and (b) examining the ways in which the alliance appears to currently be conceptualized and implemented across several distinct views of supervision. Each view of supervision is also presented as containing and actuating its own message and meaning about the role of alliance in supervision, and those messages and meanings are accordingly identified. The supervisory alliance appears to now be widely regarded as being a transtheoretical common factor that binds by means of: (a) bond/rapport; (b) supervision goals; and (c) supervision tasks. Much like the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy, the supervisory alliance has increasingly come to be seen as the very heart and soul of supervision itself and may indeed be the quintessential integrative variable in psychotherapy supervision.  相似文献   

大学生生命智慧与应付方式的关系探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究探讨大学生生命智慧的现状,揭示大学生生命智慧与应付方式之间的关系.采用自编<大学生生命智慧问卷>和<大学生应付方式问卷>对472名大学生进行调查,结果发现:大学生生命智慧的整体水平较高,并存在明显的年级差异和性别差异;生命智慧与应付方式之间存在高相关,在面对挫折时,富有生命智慧的大学生多采用调整心态、调节情绪、总结经验、转换视角等积极的应付方式;生命非认知智慧是应付方式最重要的预测变量.  相似文献   

以736名小学、初中、高中学生为被试,着重探讨了父母冲突内容、青少年应对策略和青少年社会适应之间的关系。研究发现:(1)父母冲突中指向孩子和指向父母自身的冲突普遍较少,但指向孩子的冲突显著地多于指向父母自身的冲突。指向孩子的冲突存在显著的性别和年级主效应;(2)青少年所使用的间接应对策略要显著地多于直接应对策略,直接应对和间接应对策略均存在显著的性别和年级主效应;(3)青少年的不良行为存在显著的性别主效应,学习问题、抑郁和主观幸福感存在显著的年级主效应;(4)父母冲突多的青少年和使用应对策略少的青少年出现的不良行为、学习问题和抑郁要显著地高于父母冲突少、使用应对策略多的青少年,但前者感受到的主观幸福感要显著地少于后者;(5)指向孩子的冲突和直接应对策略可以显著地预测青少年的不良行为,指向孩子和指向父母自身的冲突可以显著地预测青少年的学习问题。间接应对策略和指向父母自身的冲突可以显著地预测青少年的抑郁情绪,同时,间接应对策略可以显著地影响青少年的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

Chandler identified eight generalized benefits of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) for a person’s growth. These beneficial areas include (a) motivation, (b) distress tolerance, (c) alternative form of nurturance, (d) physical soothing, (e) genuine acceptance, (f) interactional enjoyment, (g) increased trust, and (h) increased encouragement to overcome barriers. Homestead identified supervision ideals, skills, and barriers within the supervisory alliance. If supervision is negative, this experience may disrupt the supervision relationship, process, and requirements. If not properly addressed, potential harm may come to the supervisee, supervisor, and possibly the client’s welfare. This review will identify how these eight areas of AAT may benefit the supervisory alliance to ensure the best care for the supervisee, supervisor, and the client.  相似文献   

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