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Premature stimulation of a later developing sensory system is known to impact the functioning of earlier developing sensory systems. For example, exposure to premature (prenatal) visual experience results in a decline in species-typical auditory responsiveness in several precocial bird species. The present study examined the influence of experiential enhancement of an earlier developing sensory system on a later developing modality. Specifically, the influence of enhanced prenatal auditory stimulation on subsequent postnatal auditory and visual functioning of bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) chicks was assessed. Results indicate that birds receiving exposure to increased amounts of unaltered, species-typical embryonic vocalizations before hatching show species-typical auditory responsiveness at both 12 hr and 24 hr after hatching, but exhibit an accelerated pattern of species-typical visual responsiveness by 24 hr of age. These findings suggest that enhancement of an earlier developing sensory system can facilitate the development of a later developing sensory system and serve to demonstrate the dynamic nature of early perceptual organization.  相似文献   

We assessed whether exposure to amodal properties in bimodal stimulation (e.g. rhythm, rate, duration) could educate attention to amodal properties in subsequent unimodal stimulation during prenatal development. Bobwhite quail embryos were exposed to an individual bobwhite maternal call under several experimental and control conditions during the day prior to hatching. Experimental groups received redundant auditory and visual exposure to the temporal features of an individual maternal call followed by unimodal auditory exposure to the same call immediately or after a 2-hr or 4-hr delay. Control groups received (1) the same exposure but in the reverse sequence (unimodal --> redundant bimodal), (2) asynchronous bimodal --> unimodal, (3) only unimodal exposure, or (4) only bimodal exposure. All experimental groups showed a significant preference for the familiar maternal call over a novel maternal call when tested 2 days after hatching, whereas none of the control groups showed a significant preference for the familiar call. These results indicate that intersensory redundancy can direct attention to amodal properties in bimodal stimulation and educate attention to the same amodal properties in subsequent unimodal stimulation where no intersensory redundancy is available.  相似文献   

Asynchronous bimodal stimulation during prenatal development elicits higher levels of behavioral and physiological arousal in precocial avian embryos than does unimodal sensory stimulation. To investigate whether the increased arousal associated with prenatal bimodal stimulation has enduring effects into postnatal development, bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) embryos received no supplemental stimulation, unimodal auditory stimulation, or bimodal (audiovisual) stimulation prior to hatching. Embryos exposed to concurrent bimodal stimulation demonstrated greater levels of behavioral activity and failed to use maternal visual cues to successfully direct species-specific perceptual preferences following hatching. These results provide initial evidence that asynchronous bimodal sensory stimulation during prenatal development can have enduring effects on early postnatal behavioral arousal and perceptual responsiveness and suggest that developmental limitations on prenatal sensory stimulation play an important role in the emergence of species-typical behavior.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that concurrent multimodal sensory stimulation can interfere with prenatal perceptual learning. This study further examined this issue by exposing 3 groups of bobwhite quail embryos (Colinus virginianus) to (a) no supplemental stimulation, (b) a bobwhite maternal call, or (c) a maternal call paired with a pulsating light in the period prior to hatching. Experiments differed in terms of the types of stimuli presented during postnatal preference tests. Embryos receiving no supplemental stimulation showed no preference between stimulus events in all testing conditions. Embryos receiving exposure to the unimodal maternal call preferred the familiar call over an unfamiliar call regardless of the presence or absence of pulsating light during testing. Embryos exposed to the call-light compound preferred the familiar call only when it was paired with the light during testing. These results suggest that concurrent multimodal stimulation does not interfere with prenatal perceptual learning by overwhelming the young organism's limited attentional capacities. Rather, multimodal stimulation biases what information is attended to during exposure and subsequent testing.  相似文献   

Results from 6 experiments suggest perinatal visual experience interferes with postnatal auditory responsiveness in bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Light- or dark-reared control chicks responded similarly to bobwhite maternal Calls A or B following hatching. Light-reared chicks that experienced 10 min/hr of Call A or B from hatching until testing preferred the familiar call at Days 2-4, but dark-reared chicks preferred the familiar call at all ages. Increased amounts of exposure to maternal calls during postnatal Days 1-2 led to auditory responsiveness deficits in light-reared chicks. Similarly, embryos exposed to 10 min/hr of prenatal visual cues required 48 hr of postnatal Call A or B exposure to demonstrate auditory discrimination. These findings highlight the linkages between developing auditory and visual systems during infancy.  相似文献   

Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) that received either 0, 2, 4, or 8 mg/kg methyl parathion (O,O-dimethyl o-p-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate) treatment were investigated as to their susceptibility to predation by a cat (Felis domesticus) predator. Four hours after receiving methyl parathion (MP), physical activity levels were monitored in quail and included the number of seconds spent still, walking, running, or flying before and after a cat was introduced into an experimental arena. The cholinesterase (ChE) activity for each quail on experiment was determined. Quail that were captured exhibited significantly greater inhibition of brain ChE activity and spent significantly more time being still than noncaptured birds. Birds receiving MP at 8 mg/kg spent more seconds being still than those in other treatment groups and had ChE activity reduced to 42.8% of normal activity. There was a tendency for quail at increasing treatment levels to be more susceptible to capture by the cat predator. The neurological and behavioral effects of methyl parathion may have important ecological ramifications.  相似文献   

This study examined whether reinstating specific aspects of the normally occurring postnatal setting (ongoing social interaction with siblings during rearing and/or testing) would influence bobwhite quail chicks' attraction to their species-typical maternal call. Results revealed that incubator-reared chicks exhibit a strong preference for the species-typical bobwhite maternal call over a group of same-aged siblings in simultaneous choice tests at 24 hr and 48 hr after hatching, but only if the birds are kept in relative social isolation. No preference for the maternal call was found at 24 hr or at 48 hr if chicks were reared in a group of same-aged chicks from hatching and tested to the maternal call vs. siblings or the maternal call paired with a live adult bobwhite hen vs. siblings. These results raise doubts about the appropriateness of the usual methods of isolation rearing in the study of species-typical perceptual preferences and underscore the importance of considering features of the natural social context in the analysis of early perceptual and social behavior.  相似文献   

This study assessed an intersensory redundancy hypothesis, which holds that in early infancy information presented redundantly and in temporal synchrony across two sense modalities selectively recruits attention and facilitates perceptual differentiation more effectively than does the same information presented unimodally. Five-month-old infants' sensitivity to the amodal property of rhythm was examined in 3 experiments. Results revealed that habituation to a bimodal (auditory and visual) rhythm resulted in discrimination of a novel rhythm, whereas habituation to the same rhythm presented unimodally (auditory or visual) resulted in no evidence of discrimination. Also, temporal synchrony between the bimodal auditory and visual information was necessary for rhythm discrimination. These findings support an intersensory redundancy hypothesis and provide further evidence for the importance of redundancy for guiding and constraining early perceptual learning.  相似文献   

Studies examining the effects of stimulus contingency on filial imprinting have produced inconsistent findings. In the current study, day-old bobwhite chicks (Colinus virginianus) received individual 5-min sessions in which they were provided contingent, noncontingent, or vicarious exposure to a variant of a bobwhite maternal assembly call. Chicks given contingent exposure to the call showed a significant preference for the familiar call 24 hr following exposure and significantly greater preferences than chicks given noncontingent exposure. Chicks given vicarious exposure to recordings of another chick interacting with the maternal call showed significant deviations from chance responding; however, the direction of chick preference (toward the familiar or unfamiliar) depended on the particular call used. These results indicate that both direct and indirect (vicarious) exposure to stimulus contingency can enhance the acquisition of auditory preferences in precocial avian hatchlings. Precocial avian hatchlings thus likely play a more active role in directing their own perceptual and behavioral development than has typically been thought.  相似文献   

Gaze following allows individuals to detect the locus of attention of both conspecifics and other species. However, little is known about how this ability develops. We explored the emergence of bobwhite quail hatchlings’ ability to track human gaze by assessing their avoidance behavior in an open arena under five testing conditions: (1) a Direct Gaze condition, in which an experimenter looking down was positioned above one of two approach areas; (2) a Gaze Follow condition in which an experimenter, positioned equidistant between two approach areas, directed his/her gaze towards one of the areas; (3) a Masked Gaze Follow condition, in which the experimenter wore a mask during the Gaze Follow test; (4) a Deprived Face Experience condition, in which hatchlings were deprived of experience with human faces prior to the Gaze Follow test; and (5) a Control condition in which no experimenter was present during testing. Results revealed that hatchlings from the Direct Gaze condition preferred the non-gazed approach area at all ages tested. Hatchlings from the Gaze Follow condition preferred the non-gazed approach area at 48 and 72 h, but not at 24 h of age. In contrast, hatchlings from the Masked Gaze Follow, Deprived Face and Control conditions did not prefer either approach area at any age tested. These results indicate that experience with human faces plays a key role in the rapid emergence of gaze following behavior in bobwhite quail hatchlings.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of altered prenatal auditory experience on bobwhite quail chicks' (Colinus virginianus) species-specific preference for the bobwhite maternal call. Results revealed that when the repetition rate of the embryonic vocalizations normally present in the prenatal environment was altered, the species-typical auditory preference of hatchlings for the maternal call was also altered. Specifically, embryos exposed to embryonic vocalizations with a faster repetition rate than normal subsequently preferred a bobwhite maternal call with a faster repetition rate over one with its normal repetition rate. Bobwhite embryos thus appear able to abstract features of their prenatal auditory environment to other auditory events in the postnatal period. This demonstration of prenatal perceptual learning is in keeping with other recent studies from behavioural embryology, which have also demonstrated that prenatal perceptual experience can influence later responses to species-typical stimulation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Furchtreaktionen gekäfigter, von Hand aufgezogener Baumwachteln (Colinus virginianus) wurden mit Hilfe eines handzahmen Bussards der Art Buteo jamaicensis und seiner lebensgroßen Flugattrappe qualitativ und quantitativ untersucht. Dabei beachteten wir Kontrollmaßnahmen, die andere Autoren in ähnlichen Untersuchungen bisher vernachlässigt hatten.Zweimal am Tage setzten wir zehn männliche und acht weibliche erwachsene Baumwachteln in einem 152.5 auf 183.0 cm weiten und innen 37.5 cm hohen Gehege aus und ließen die beiden Auslöser auf vorgeschriebener Bahn darüber hinwegfliegen. Nachdem jedes Versuchstier den einen oder den ändern der beiden Auslöser in einer Serie von Versuchen wahrgenommen und darauf angesprochen hatte, wurde in einer unmittelbar danach folgenden Versuchsreihe der noch unbekannte Auslöser geboten.Die Versuchsergebnisse wurden statistisch bearbeitet. Die Reaktionen der Baumwachteln waren dem lebenden Bussard gegenüber erheblich ausgeprägter als gegenüber der Attrappe, deren Auslösewert, verglichen mit dem des lebenden Bussards für die erste Spontanreaktion der Wachteln 95,3 % geringer war. Wiederholtes Darbieten eines Auslösers führte zur Abgewöhnung einer Reaktion (Habituation im Gegensatz zu Ermüdung). Die Auswirkung der Erfahrung mit dem einen Auslöser übertrug sich auf die Begegnung mit dem zweiten und wirkte sich als beschleunigtes Abgewöhnen der Furchtreaktion, nicht aber als deren vollständige Unterdrückung aus. Damit wird deutlich, daß die beiden Auslöser verschiedene Kombinationen von spezifischen Schlüsselreizen aufweisen, und im besonderen, daß die Schlüsselreize der Attrappe zur Auslösung des vollständigen artspezifischen Furchtverhaltens nicht zureichend sind.In der Diskussion der Befunde wird die biologische Bedeutung der Abgewöhnung hervorgehoben; ebenso wird auf die Ähnlichkeit der Abgewöhnung mit dem Vorgang der Auslöschung einer bedingten Reaktion hingewiesen.

Research performed in fulfillment of the requirements of the course, Individual Studies in Animal Biology (BLY 630), under the direction of E. G. F. Sauer, Department of Biology.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - Pigeons are classic model animals to study perceptual category learning. To achieve a deeper understanding of the cognitive mechanisms of categorization, a careful consideration...  相似文献   

We investigated how male Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) learn through extensive social and sexual experience to discriminate between male and female conspecifics. Opportunity for heterosexual copulation was important for this learning, but even extensive copulatory opportunity was not sufficient to produce a sexual discrimination; subjects also required exposure to other males. Exposure to females after copulatory opportunity did not produce a sexual discrimination but facilitated its acquisition. Time or exposure to only the visual features of male birds (provided by taxidermic models) after copulatory opportunity did not result in differential responding to male and female conspecifics. Finally, presenting stimulus birds one at a time proved to be a more sensitive test of sexual-discrimination learning than presenting two stimulus birds at the same time. The results indicate that sexual-discrimination learning is similar to conventional associative learning.  相似文献   

Color preferences and preference generalization were tested in naive and imprinted Japanese quail chicks drawn from the 20th generation of a genetic control line and two genetic lines that were bidirectionally selected for preferences between blue and red. Twelve hours of imprinting to blue or red on the first posthatch day resulted in large preference changes in the genetic controls, and these subjects exhibited no or only small additional changes from 3 more days of imprinting (for the total of 66 hr of exposure time). By contrast, 12 hr of imprinting of artificially selected subjects did not change or only marginally changed their genetically manipulated preferences, but 66 hr of imprinting changed them by magnitudes as large as or larger than those in genetic controls. Reciprocal imprinting partially mimicked the phenotypic effects of bidirectional selection. Differences between transfer and generalization of phenotypically similar but genetically and experimentally different preferences indicated dissimilar mediation of the implicit gene effects and learning effects.  相似文献   

Jacobs and Michaels (2001) have argued that increased precision in judgments of the viewing distance to a perceived event should be attributed in part to perceptual learning. They found that observers used feedback to attune to the appropriate information variables gradually. McConnell, Muchisky, and Bingham (1998) had found that observers used feedback to calibrate event-specific scaling coefficients, that the calibration of one type of event generalized to other types, and that calibration occurred suddenly. We argue that Jacobs and Michaels must be partially correct and that, in our experiments, both calibration and perceptual attunement were required for accurate and precise judgments.  相似文献   

In the bidirectional control procedure, observers are exposed to a conspecific demonstrator responding to a manipulandum in one of two directions (e.g., left vs. right). This procedure controls for socially mediated effects (the mere presence of a conspecific) and stimulus enhancement (attention drawn to a manipulandum by its movement), and it has the added advantage of being symmetrical (the two different responses are similar in topography). Imitative learning is demonstrated when the observers make the response in the direction that they observed it being made. Recently, however, it has been suggested that when such evidence is found with a predominantly olfactory animal, such as the rat, it may result artifactually from odor cues left on one side of the manipulandum by the demonstrator. In the present experiment, we found that Japanese quail, for which odor cues are not likely to play a role, also showed significant correspondence between the direction in which the demonstrator and the observer push a screen to gain access to reward. Furthermore, control quail that observed the screen move, when the movement of the screen was not produced by the demonstrator, did not show similar correspondence between the direction of screen movement observed and that performed by the observer. Thus, with the appropriate control, the bidirectional procedure appears to be useful for studying imitation in avian species.  相似文献   

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