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Results are reported for experiments that examined eye movements directed toward recently cued objects. In 1 experiment participants were slower to initiate saccades toward the earlier location of an object that had been cued, even though the cued object had subsequently moved away from that location. Other experiments involved exploring the reference frame within which the inhibited eye movements are encoded. These experiments revealed that the eye movement that is inhibited is encoded in an oculocentric-rather than an environmental-reference frame. However, simple detection as indexed by manual keypress responses is encoded in an environmental reference frame. The results have implications for inhibition of return, for the link between eye movements and attention, and for the nature of the spatial reference frames in which both covert and overt movements of attention are encoded.  相似文献   

When two targets (T1 and T2) are inserted in a rapid stream of visual distractors (RSVP), detection/ identification accuracy of T2 is impaired at intertarget lags shorter than about 500 msec. This phenomenon, the attentional blink (AB), has been regarded as a hallmark of the inability of the visual system to process multiple items. Yet, paradoxically, the AB is much reduced when T2 is presented directly after T1 (known aslag-1 sparing). Because lag-1 sparing is said to depend on observers’ spatial attention being set to process the first target, we predicted that if observers are set to monitor two RSVP streams, they could process more than two items; that is, two instances of lag-1 sparing would be obtained concurrently. The results of three experiments indicated that this was the case. When observers searched for two targets in each of two synchronized RSVP streams, lag-1 sparing occurred concurrently in both streams. These results suggest that the visual system can handle up to four items at one moment under RSVP circumstances.  相似文献   

为提高道教的自身文化建设和道风建设,中国道教协会在著名的道教圣地道教祖庭江西龙虎山天师府举行正一派道士授(升)箓活动。我能有幸参加这次学习交流活动,感到非常高兴和欣慰。这无形地激发了我的学习兴趣,提升了我们的上进精神。  相似文献   

When a distractor was presented simultaneously with or directly following a target, it produced more interference when it was presented in the same visual hemifield as the target than when it was presented in the opposite visual field. This result is interpreted in terms of biased competition; there is more competition between stimuli when they are presented in the same visual field, rather than in opposite visual fields. However, when the distractor was presented 125 msec or more prior to the target, this pattern was reversed. In those cases, there was more distractor interference when target and distractor were presented in opposite visual fields. This can be explained by assuming that attention was captured by the distractor, and that there was an additional cost of reorienting to a location in the opposite visual field.  相似文献   

Our intuition that we richly represent the visual details of our environment is illusory. When viewing a scene, we seem to use detailed representations of object properties and interobject relations to achieve a sense of continuity across views. Yet, several recent studies show that human observers fail to detect changes to objects and object properties when localized retinal information signaling a change is masked or eliminated (e.g., by eye movements). However, these studies changed arbitrarily chosen objects which may have been outside the focus of attention. We draw on previous research showing the importance of spatiotemporal information for tracking objects by creating short motion pictures in which objects in both arbitrary locations and the very center of attention were changed. Adult observers failed to notice changes in both cases, even when the sole actor in a scene transformed into another person across an instantaneous change in camera angle (or “cut”).  相似文献   

Some investigators have found that words previously associated with shock elicit electrodermal responses (EDRs) when presented in the nonattended channel of a dichotic listening task. The present experiment tested for this phenomenon while closely monitoring for shifts in attention to the nonattended channel. College student volunteers verbally shadowed a series of unrelated words presented to the attended channel while words made significant by previous association with shock (and semantically related words) were occasionally presented to the nonattended channel. Three principal findings were obtained. Fist, when EDRs were averaged across all trials and across all subjects, it was found that EDRs were elicited by the significant words presented in the nonattended channel. Second, for the subgroup of subjects that had the significant words presented to the right ear (activating the left cerebral hemisphere), it was found that EDRs were elicited by the significant words presented to the left ear (activating the right cerebral hemisphere), it was found that EDRs were elicited by the significant word seven on trials on which there were no apparent shifts in attention. The results of this study indicate the importance of closely controlling and monitoring for shifts in attention and suggest the potential importance of cerebral laterality in mediating EDRs to stimuli presented in a nonatttended channel.  相似文献   

Recent research highlights a seemingly flexible and automatic form of cognitive control that is triggered by potent contextual cues, as exemplified by the location-specific proportion congruence effect--reduced compatibility effects in locations associated with a high as compared to low likelihood of conflict. We investigated just how flexible location-specific control is by examining whether novel locations effectively cue control for congruency-unbiased stimuli. In two experiments, biased (mostly compatible or mostly incompatible) training stimuli appeared in distinct locations. During a final block, unbiased (50% compatible) stimuli appeared in novel untrained locations spatially linked to biased locations. The flanker compatibly effect was reduced for unbiased stimuli in novel locations linked to a mostly incompatible compared to a mostly compatible location, indicating transfer. Transfer was observed when stimuli appeared along a linear function (Experiment 1) or in rings of a bullseye (Experiment 2). The novel transfer effects imply that location-specific control is more flexible than previously reported and further counter the complex stimulus–response learning account of location-specific proportion congruence effects. We propose that the representation and retrieval of control settings in untrained locations may depend on environmental support and the presentation of stimuli in novel locations that fall within the same categories of space as trained locations.  相似文献   

Certain stimuli have the power to rapidly and involuntarily capture spatial attention against our will. The present study investigated whether such stimuli capture spatial attention even when they appear in ignored regions of visual space. In other words, which force is more powerful: attentional capture or spatial filtering? Participants performed a spatial cuing task, searching for a letter target defined by color (e.g., green) and then reporting that letter’s identity. Two of the four search locations were always irrelevant. Unlike many previous experiments, participants were forced to ignore these locations because they always contained a target-colored distractor letter. Experiment 1 assessed capture by a salient-but-irrelevant abrupt onset cue appearing 150 ms before the search display. One might expect onset cues to capture attention even at ignored locations given that the main function of capture, presumably, is to rapidly alert observers to unexpected yet potentially important stimuli. However, they did not. Experiment 2 replicated this result with a different neutral baseline condition. Experiment 3 replicated the absence of capture effects at ignored locations with an even more potent stimulus: a relevant cue possessing the target color. We propose that people are effectively immune to attentional capture by objects in ignored locations – spatial filtering dominates attentional capture.  相似文献   

Many cognitive processes depend on our ability to hold information in mind, often well beyond the offset of the original sensory input. The capacity of this visual short-term memory (VSTM) is limited to around three to four items. Recent research has demonstrated that the content of VSTM can be modulated by top-down attentional biases. This has been demonstrated using retrodictive spatial cues, termed "retro-cues," which orient subjects' attention to spatial locations within VSTM. In the present article, we tested whether the use of these cues is modulated by memory load and cue delay. There are a number of important conclusions: (1) Top-down biases can operate on very brief iconic traces as well as on older VSTM representations (Exp. 1). (2) When operating within capacity, subjects use the cue to prioritise where they initiate their memory search, rather than to discard uncued items (Exps. 2 and 3). (3) When capacity is exceeded, there is little benefit to top-down biasing relative to a neutral condition; however, unattended items are lost, with there being a substantial cost of invalid spatial cueing (Exp. 3). (4) These costs and benefits of orienting spatial attention differ across iconic memory and VSTM representations when VSTM capacity is exceeded (Exp. 4).  相似文献   

Simple reaction time to a light target may be lengthened when the light is preceded by a nonin-formative s timulus at the same location. This is known asinhibition of return. Does inhibition of return result if the relation between successive stimuli is defined in terms of color or orientation? Subjects pressed a key when a small square was displayed. In Experiments 1–3, location and color of the square were manipulated; there was inhibition of return based on location, but not on color. In Experiments 4–5, a confounding of color and luminance was eliminated, with no change in results. In Experiments 6–7, the background was composed of vertical stripes and the squares were composed of left- or right-oriented diagonal stripes. There was evidence of inhibition of return based on location, but not on orientation. These data support the idea that location is processed differently from other features.  相似文献   

This study examined the conditions under which conditional stimulus control by the sample stimuli in three-key matching-to-sample paradigms would generalize across the different possible sample locations. In Experiments 1 and 2, the samples appeared on the left and right side keys during initial training and then on the center key during testing. Transfer of pigeons' matching performances to the center-key samples was evident after both identity and symbolic matching training. In Experiment 3, pigeons trained on symbolic matching with two side-key samples or with a side-key and a center-key sample generally transferred their learned matching performances to those samples when they subsequently appeared in the remaining (novel) location. These results indicate that, when two-choice conditional discriminations are learned with more than one sample location, the visual characteristics of the sample per se predominantly come to control the pigeons' comparison choices. This finding encourages the use of the multiple-location training procedure as a way of reducing control by location, thus providing a more discriminating test of symmetry in animals.  相似文献   

Using vision, humans can accurately judge distances to locations on the ground surface up to distances of at least 20 m. Most theories of depth perception assume that this ability is associated with the fact that we live in a terrestrial world in which locations of interest often appear on the ground and for which feedback about distance is often available from nonvisual sources such as walking. Much less is known about the ability of humans to judge absolute distances to locations other than on or supported by the ground plane beyond a few meters, at which point binocular stereo provides at best limited information about distance scaling. We show that one commonly used action measure for probing absolute distance perception exhibits accurate performance, even for targets located on the ceiling of a large room. We follow this with evidence that distance to ceiling locations is recovered with a mechanism that depends, at least in part, on the angle from the line of sight to the target location and a gravity-based frame of reference.  相似文献   

In almost all studies of bimanual movements with same and different amplitudes, the difference between amplitudes has been confounded with a difference between endpoint locations. The present authors varied those parameters orthogonally. In addition, they presented target locations on the surface on which the movements were produced (direct cues) and on a monitor (indirect cues). Participants' (N = 12) reaction times were longer when both amplitudes and endpoint locations differed than when they were the same. Intermanual amplitude correlations were reduced whenever 1 of the movement parameters differed for the 2 hands; only when cues were presented on the monitor was the amplitude correlation further reduced when both movement parameters were different. The results indicate that structural constraints on bimanual movements take effect on both amplitudes and endpoint locations. The relative importance of those 2 parameters is largely independent of the type of cue.  相似文献   

Failures of selective attention may be explained by the attentional white bear (AWB) hypothesis maintaining that prior knowledge of distractor location causes attentional allocation to it. The AWB is demonstrated by embedding infrequent trials of two simultaneous dots among flanker trials. The dot at the expected distractor location is perceived as appearing before the dot at the expected empty location, indicating attentional allocation to expected distractor locations. A major requirement of the AWB hypothesis is that it occurs in a top-down manner due to expectations. We devised a variation of the original AWB experiment, which enabled us to differentiate between the top-down and bottom-up contributions. The results show that top-down expectancies, which are a critical part of the AWB characterization, occur independently of bottom-up contributions.  相似文献   

The emotional Stroop effect denotes slower responses to the colour of negative words (e.g., death) compared to neutral words (e.g., mug). Popular explanations assume a general power of negative words to capture visual attention. However, in the typical task, the irrelevant word stimulus and the relevant colour stimulus are perceptually integrated. We compared interference from negative words, which were part of the relevant visual object, to interference from negative words that were part of an irrelevant object, or occurred in the background, respectively. Results showed that only negative words in the relevant object delayed colour-naming responses, compared to neutral words. Negative words outside the relevant object failed to affect performance. This finding is at odds with the claim that negative words could capture spatial or object-based mechanisms of visual attention. However, the finding is consistent with the idea that negative words interfere with the allocation of dimensional attention to different features of an attended object.  相似文献   

Frings C  Wühr P 《Cognition & emotion》2012,26(6):1056-1068
The emotional Stroop effect denotes slower responses to the colour of negative words (e.g., death) compared to neutral words (e.g., mug). Popular explanations assume a general power of negative words to capture visual attention. However, in the typical task, the irrelevant word stimulus and the relevant colour stimulus are perceptually integrated. We compared interference from negative words, which were part of the relevant visual object, to interference from negative words that were part of an irrelevant object, or occurred in the background, respectively. Results showed that only negative words in the relevant object delayed colour-naming responses, compared to neutral words. Negative words outside the relevant object failed to affect performance. This finding is at odds with the claim that negative words could capture spatial or object-based mechanisms of visual attention. However, the finding is consistent with the idea that negative words interfere with the allocation of dimensional attention to different features of an attended object.  相似文献   

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