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Journal Reviews     
A rden , M argaret . (London). 'Freud and Jung'. Free Associations
C arr , C oeli . (U.S.A.). 'Selling the Feminine'. The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal
D avies , M iranda . (London). 'Heroic deeds, manic defence, and intrusive identification: some reflections on psychotherapy with a 16-year old boy'. Journal of Child Psychotherapy
F ordham , M ichael . (London). 'The Jung-Klein hybrid'. Free Associations
G iegerich , W olfgang . 'Killings: psychology's Platonism and the missing link to reality'. Spring
J acoby , M ario . (Zollikon, Switzerland). 'The Psychology of self in Jung and Kohut'. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists
N eumann , M icha . (Israel). 'The psychology and psychopathology of the second generation of holocaust survivors'. Zeitschrift für Analytische Psychologie
R eis , P atricia . (U.S.A). 'Female gender trouble: pursuing the perverse with Madonna'. The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Jounal
R oose , J eanine A uger . (Los Angeles). 'The Still Point of the Turning World'. In Mad Parts of Sane People in Analysis
S amuels , A. (London). 'Men Under Scrutiny'. Winnicott Studies
S amuels , A. (London). 'The mirror and the hammer: depth psychology and political transformation'. Commentaries by Figlio, K., Shamdasani, S., Mayers, D. and Papadopoulos, R. with a Reply. Free Associations
W yly , J ames . (Chicago). 'Abstract Art and the Unconscious', Quadrant  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
G ad , I rene , (New York). '"Beauty and the Beast" and "The Wonderful Shpp". The couple in fairy tales: when father's daughter meets mother's son.' In Psyche's Stories, ed. M. Stein and L. Corbett.
H obdell , R oger . (London). 'Individual and group therapy combined'. In The Practice of Group Atialysis , ed. J. Roberts and M. Pines.
S amuels , A. (London). 'Education and ecology: psychological reflections'.
S amuels , A. (London). 'Jung and anti-Semitism'.
S amuels , A. (London). 'Le père et ses enfants'. Cahiers Jungiens de Psychartalyse
S amuels , A. (London). 'O espelho e o martelo: Psichologia profunda e transformaçao politica' (The mirror and the hammer: depth psychology and political transformation)
S amuels , A. (London). 'Original morality in a depressed culture'. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought
S amuels , A. (London). 'Parents as messengers', British Journal of Psychotherapy
S amuels , A. (London). 'Pluralism and training'. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists
U lanov , A nn B elford . (New York). 'The objectivity of subjectivity: the feminist and spiritual strengths of psychoanalysis'. In Jung and Christianity in Dialogue , ed. R. Moore and D. Meekle
U lanov , A nn B elford . (New York). 'Scapegoating: the double cross'. In Lingering Shadows: Freud, Jung and Anti-Semitism , ed. A. Maidenbaum
U rban , E. (London). 'The eye of the beholder: work with a ten-year old deaf girl'. Journal of Child Psychotherapy
V an E enwyck , J. R. (Illinois). 'The chaotic dynamics of everyday life'. The Quarterly Journal of the American Theosophical Society  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are invited to submit for review articles published in professional journals on subjects likely to be of interest to readers of The Journal of Analytical Psychology. Chapters or sections of books may also be sent provided the book has not been submitted to our Book Review section.]
B ash , K. (Berne). '"Bewusstseins" Schwund' (Loss of 'consciousness'). Nervenarzt
C ahen , R. (Paris).
C lark , G. (London). 'A black hole in psyche'. Harvest
M c C ully , R. (Charleston). 'The nature of collective movements: the hidden second force'. Amer.J. Psychotherapy
R assback -M c P herson , S. (Los Angeles). 'In Yahweh's shadow'. Psychological Perspectives
S amuels , A. (London). 'The theory of archetypes in Jungian and post-Jungian analytical psychology'. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal.
S amuels , A. (London). 'Dethroning the self. Spring
S amuels , A. (London). 'Beyond compensation: modifying Jung's approach to dreams'. Harvest
S artorius , B. (Geneva). 'Der Mythos von Narziss: Notwendigkeit und Grenzen der Reflexion' (The myth of Narcissus: necessity and limits of reflection). Analytische Psychologie
S artorius , B. (Geneva). 'La tentation faustienne' (The Faustian temptation). Cahiers de Psychologie Jungienne
S chlegel , M., Z eier , H. (Zürich). 'Psychophysiologische Aspekte des Assoziationsexperiments und Normdaten zu einer Reizwörterliste' (Psycho-physiological aspects of the word association test and normative data for a list of stimulus words). Analytische Psychologie
W ilkinson , A. (London). 'Fashion, addiction and progress in group analysis'. Group Analysis  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
C larus , I. (Stuttgart, BRD). 'Die Tränen, ihre äussere und innere Wirklichkeit' (Tears, their outer and inner reality). Analytische Psychologic
E rlenmeyer , A rvid . (Berlin). 'Jung und die Deutschen'. Analytische Psychologie
H ubback , J udith (London). 'Eve'. In To Speak or Be Silent: The Paradox of Disobedience in the Lives of Women
J ones , P eggy (London). 'Avoiding the edge'. British Journal of Psychotherapy
J ust , W ilhelm (Austria). 'Experiencing One-ness: Unus Mundus-Vir Unus'. In Unus Mundus: Kosmos und Sympathie; Beitrage zum Gedanken der Einheit von Mensch und Kosmo
O dajnyk , V. W alter . (New York). 'Zazen: a psychological exploration'. Psychological Perspectives
S amuels , A. (London). 'Countertransference and polities'. British Journal of Psychotherapy
S amuels , A. (London). 'Educazione ed ecologia: riflessioni psicologiche'. L'immaginale
S amuels , A. (London). 'Men under scrutiny'. Psychological Perspectives
S amuels , A. (London). 'Nationale Psychologie, National Sozialismus und Analytische Psychologie'. Analytische Psychologie
S amuels , A. (London). 'Oltre il principio di compensazione: la modificazione dell'approccio di jung al sogno' (Beyond the principle of compensation: modifying Jung's approach to the dream). Riflessi
S amuels , A. (London). 'Person and psyche'. Harvest
S amueis , A. (London). 'The political clinic', Psychological Perspectives  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
D avidson , R. H. & D ay , R. 'Symbol and realization: a contribution to the study of magic and healing.'
D reifuss , G. (Haifa): 'The significance of the shofar in the rite of the Jewish high holidays'
E ngel , W. (New York): 'Psychotherapeutic prophylaxis in a changing world'
F ordham , M. (London): 'Reflection on child analysis read at the Rome conference "Jung e la cultura europea"'
F ordham , M. (London): Jungian view of the body-mind relationship
F ordham , M. (London): ' Simbolismo nella prima e seconda infanria (Symbolism in infancy)'
H enderson , J. L. & W heelwright , J. B. (San Francisco): American handbook Of psychiatry
H enderson , J. L. (San Francixo): 'The picture method in Jungian psychotherapy'
L ambert , K. (London): 'The problem of authority in the early development of the individual'
L ambert , K. (London): 'Facilitating elements in analysis'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): 'Tantric imagery and Rorschach perception'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): Separatdruck aus Rorschachiana X
M arshak , M. D. (London): 'Art education in relation to psychic and mental functioning'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Neuro-ethics of "Walking" in the newborn'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Maori art and pseudo-hypoparathyroidism—a medical contribution to prehistoric anthropology'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Basis for a neurological test of frontal lobe system functioning up to adolescence. A form analysis of action expressed in narratives'
P ye , F. (London). 'Feminine images of success'
W heelwright , J. (San Francisco): 'Psychological types'
W allace , E. (New York): 'Conventional boundaries or protective temenos'
W illiams , M. (London): 'Transcience and eternity'  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are invited to submit for review articles published in learned journals on subjects relevant to this section. They may also send chapters which would be of interest to our readers, but which were written for books that neither the publisher nor the editor of the book is submitting to our Book Review section.]
A igrisse , G. (France). 'Sensation et créativité'
B eyme , F. (Basel). 'Die Psychosomatik der Kranken mit Migräne und Kopfschmerz' (The Psychosomatic condition of patients with migraine and headaches)
C antaerts M. (Brussels). 'Le transfert, Jung, l'hysterique'
D reifuss , G. (Haifa). 'Psychotherapy of Nazi victims'. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
G ordon -M ontagnon , R. (London). 'Le codit', in Cahiers de Psychologie Jungienne
M eier , C. A. (Zürich). 'Science et conscience'
N agy , M arilyn (Palo Alto). 'Menstruation and Shamanism'. Psychological Perspectives
P laut , A. (London). 'General Gordons Paradies'. Analytische Psychologie
R auhala , L. (Helsinki). 'The problem of meaning in psychology and psychiatry', in Studies in the Theory of Values
S amuels , A ndrew (London). 'Fragmentary vision: a central training aim'
Rivista di Psicologia Analitica  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are invited to submit for review articles published in professional journals on subjects likely to be of interest to readers of the Journal of Analytical Psychology. Chapters or secrtions of books may also be sent provided the book has not been submitted to our Book Review section.] Beebe , J. (San Francisco). ‘The trickster in the arts’ Gordon -Montagnon , R. (London). ‘Jung: fils rebelle ou prophete?’ Gordon -Montagnon , R. (London). ‘Desire and woman: a Jungian approach.’ Gordon -Montagnon , R. (London). ‘Tentative d'anatomie d'un concept: le soi.’ Salzmann , M. (Paris). ‘Divin Corbeau. Approche d'un my the sibérien’ Samuels , A. (London). ‘Gender and psyche: developments in analytical psychology’  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
S amuels , A. (Ed.) Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives.
S idoli , M ara . The Unfolding Self.
F abricius , J ohannes . Alchemy: The Medieval Alchemists and their Royal Art.
A ziz , R obert . C. G. Jung' Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity.  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
A stor , J. (London). 'Michael Fordham e 1'analisi dell'infanzia'
B osanquet , C. (London). 'The confusion of tongues and the Rugby Conference'
D avies , M. (London). 'Defensive pattern in a pre-pubertal boy'
H ornby , S., H erst , E. (London) The Application of Psychodynamic Understanding to Organizations in the Helping Services
J acoby , M. (Zürich). 'Wechselwirkung zwischen Neuroseverständnis und psycho-therapeutischen Vorgehen in der Analytischen Psychologie'
J acoby , M. (Zürich). 'Bezichung und Deutung aus der Sicht der analytischen Psychologie, oder, zur psychotherapeutischen Forderung der Entfaltlungsterndenz des Selbst'
M acdiarmid , D. (London). 'Self-cathexis and other-cathexis: vicissitudes in the history of an observation'
M oore , N. (London). 'The shape of change'
P eters , R. (London). Nuclear initiation and the Sacrifice of Innocence
R oy , M. (Boston). 'Sexual abuse of children: incest archetype in theory and practice'
S alzmann , M. (Paris). 'La conjonction des opposés dans le travail sur l'ombre'
S teinberg , W. (New York). 'The therapeutic utilization of countertransference'
Z inkin , L. (London). 'The grail quest and the analytic setting'
Z inkin , L. (London). 'The group as container and contained'
Z inkin , L. (London). 'A gnostic view of the therapy group'  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
A ffield -N iemeyer , P. (Berlin). 'Laughter and its shadow: archetypal symbols and their history, exemplified by a discussion of the recognition of the Gestalt in the human face, in smiling, laughing, and the fear of being thought ridiculous'. Analytische Psychologic
E rlenmeyer , A. (Berlin). 'Die Funktion des Religiösen und der Über–Ich–Begriff in C. G. Jungs Theoriebildung. Historische und klinische Aspekte (The function of religion and the concept of the super-ego in the formation of C. G. Jung's theories. Historical and clinical aspects)'. Analytische Psychologic
McG lashan , A. R. (London). 'Symbolization and human development: The use of symbols in religion from the perspective of analytical psychology'. Journal of Religious Studies
O dajnyk , V. W alter (New York). 'Meditation and alchemy'. Psychological Perspectives
S amuels , A. (London). 'Gender and the borderline'. Chiron .
S amuels , A. (London). 'On fathering daughters'. Observer
S amuels , A. (London). 'Dimensioni simboliche dell'eros nella relazione transferale–controtransferale: impieghi clinici della metafora alchemica di Jung' (Symbolic dimensions of Eros in transference and countertransference: some clinical uses of Jung's alchemical metaphor). Analysis
S pringer , A. (Berlin). 'The return of the repressed in the mask of the victim'. Journal of Psychohistory
S auer , G. (Berlin). 'Lehrer traumen von Schule und Schulern (Teachers' dreams about school and pupils)'. Beiträge, Pädagogischer Arbeit
U rban , E. (London). 'Childhood and the child within: views of an analytical psychologist'. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists
V an E enwyk , J. R. (Evanston) 'Switching tracks in psychotherapy: parallel paradigms in psychology and religion'. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy  相似文献   

S amuels , A ndrew . Jung and the Post-Jungians
D ourley , J ohn P. The Illness That We Are: A Jungian Critique of Christianity
N atoli , J oseph (ed). Psychological Perspectives on Literature: Freudian Dissidents and Non-Freudians: A Case-book  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are asked to send offprints of articles in learned journals on subjects relevant to this section. Offprints of articles in other publications will not normally be reported here, likewise offprints of articles in books, since they may constitute part of a volume that can be made the subject matter of a review.]
Journal of Population :
Dalla Parte dei Bambini: Bollettino del Servizio di Neuropsichiatria infantile degli Spedali Riuniti S. Chiara—Pisa
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'La morte di Ernst Bernhard' (The death of Ernst Bernhard). Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'Alcune Note Introduttive al Congresso' (Some Introductory Remarks to the Congress). Rivista di Psicologia Analitica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'Lettera a Honegger' (Letter to Honegger). Rivista di Psicologia Analitica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'La profezia psichica' (Prophesying). Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica
K raemer , W illiam . (London)
K raemer , W illiam . (London)
M eares , R. A. and H obson , R. F.: (Melbourne and Manchester). 'The persecutory therapist'. Br. J. Med. Psychol.
v. O ertzen , K. D. (Zürich): 'Psychotherapie marxistisch orientierter Patienten'
P ignatelli , M arcello (Rome). 'Educazione a vivere attraverso l'analisi" (Education for living through analysis). Rivista di psicologia analitica
P ignatelli , M arcello (Rome)
P ignatelli , M arcello . (Rome.) 'The awareness of the limit as psychological totality.' Rivista di psicologica analitica
S trobel , H. (Dietikon, Switzerland): Lehranalysanden traumen von der Gruppe: Traumreaktion nach Gruppensitzungen (Analysts in training dream about their group). Prax. Psychother.
W ilkinson , A. H. (London): 'Psychosomatic concepts and approach in student health services', chapter 7 in Students in need—essays in memory of Nicholas Malleson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
S amuels , A ndrew , The Political Psyche
S amuels , A ndrew . The Political Psyche
S tein , M urray . Solar Conscience/Lunar Conscience: An Essay on the Psychological Foundations of Morality, Lawfulness, and the Sense of Justice
E stés , C larissa P inkola . Women who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
R utter , V irginia B eane . Woman Changing Woman: Restoring the Mother-Daughter Relationship
M oses , R afael (ed.). Persistent Shadows of the Holocaust: The Meaning to Those Not Directly Affected
W ilcocks , R obert . Maelzel's Chess Player: Sigmund Freud and the Rhetoric of Deceit
W agner , S uzanne . Matter of Heart, C.G. Jung: The Extraordinary Journey into the Soul of Man  相似文献   

Kietzman M L, Sutton S & Zubin J (Eds): Experimental Approaches to Psychopathology Academic Press Inc, New York, San Francisco, London 1975. 488 pp.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
S amuels , A. The Plural Psyche. Personality, Morality and the Father
S egaller , S., B erger , M. Jung, The Wisdom of the Dream
S tork , A nthony . Freud
H aynal , A ndre . The Technique at Issue. Controversies in Psychoanalysis from Freud and Ferenczi to Michael Balint
B rähler , E. (Ed.) Body Experience. The Subjective Dimension of Psyche and Soma  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M eltzer , D. and W illiams , M. H. The Apprehension of Beauty.
W ehr , G erhard . Jung: A Biography.
W innicott , D. W. Human Nature.
S idoli , M. and D avies , M. (Eds.) Jungian Child Psychotherapy: Individuation in Childhood.
W illeford , W. Feeling, Imagination, and the Self: Transformations of the Mother-Infant Relationship.
R yce -M enuhin , Joel. The Self in Early Childhood.
M ahdi , L. C., F oster , S. L ittle , M. (Eds.). Betwixt and Between: Patterns of Masculine and Feminine Initiation.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
J ung , C. G. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932
P apadopoulos , R enos K. (ed.). Carl Gustav Jung: Critical Assessments
S poto , A ngelo . Jung's Typology in Perspective
S tein M urray (ed.). The Interactive Field In Analysis: Volume One
S tevens , A nthony . The Two-Million-Year Old Self
B ollas , C hristopher & S undelson , D avid . The New Informants, The Betrayal of Confidentiality in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
S hepherd , R., J ohns , J. & R obinson H. R. (eds). D. W. Winnicott Thinking About Children
C lay , J ohn . R. D. Laing: A Divided Self
C oltart , N ina . The Baby and the Bathwater  相似文献   

The following interview began as a family conversation over the Christmas holidays in 1987 at the home of Jane and Joseph (Jo) Wheelwright on the Hollister Ranch in Santa Barbara County, California. Betty, the Wheelwrights' daughter-in-law and a writer and teacher, was curious about their thoughts on gender differences. With the tape recorder running, they agreed to answer some questions.

The Wheelwrights both worked personally with C. G. Jung and have been Jungian analysts for 50 years. They, with others, founded the C. G. Jung Institute of San Fmncisco in 1943. Dr. Joseph Wheelwright is Emeritus Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco and a former faculty member of the University of California in Berkeley. He has published about 50 articles in various psychological journals in the US. and abroad. Jane Hollister Wheelwright has written about gender issues in Women and Men (San Francisco Jung Institute, 1978) and in For Women Growing Older: The Animus (C. G. Jung Educational Center of Houston, Texas, 1984). She grew up in the wilderness, an experience that has influenced many of her preceptions.  相似文献   

Dr. Joseph L. Henderson has the richest and longest history of any analyst who trained with Jung. He is in his 97th year, in excellent health and spirit, and continues to practice daily. He was in Zürich in the 1930s when Jung was developing many of his theories in the seminars Henderson attended. Henderson trained and analyzed with Jung, although he worked with other analysts as well. He received his medical training in London. Jung asked Henderson to write a chapter in Man and His Symbols, and he has been writing ever since. He is the author of Thresholds of Initiation and other books related to Jungian psychology. After World War II, along with the late Joseph Wheelwright, Elizabeth Whitney, Jane Wheelwright, and other analysts, he co-founded the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, one of two Jungian centers in the U.S. at that time. He continues to work with candidates in training to become analysts, and to help research organizations such as the Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS)  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are asked to send offprints of articles in learned journals on subjects relevant to this section. Offprints of articles in other publications will not normally be reported here, likewise offprints of articles in books, since they may constitute part of a volume that can be made the subject matter of a review.]
A llenby , A. I. (London). 'Science and psychology'
B osanquet , C amilla (London). 'Analytical psychotherapy'
D reifuss , G. (Haifa). 'Artists in the creative process of Jungian analysis'
F ierz , H. K. (Zürich). 'Die Bedeutung des Traumes in der Analytichen Psychologie C. G. Jung.'
L eutwiler , A rthur (Zürich). 'Über den Umgang mit Suizidgefährdeten'
P laut , A. (London). Individuation: Ein Grundkonzept der Psychotherapie (Individuation): a basic concept of psychotherapy)
P ouplier , M echthild (Stuttgart). 'Zur Problematik von Sieg und Niederlage'
P ouplier , M. (Stuttgart). 'Über die Einbeziehung von Partnern Partnerinnen in die Stationäre Psychotherapie'
Z oya , L. (Milano). 'Riflessioni sulla terapia analitica delle tossicomanie, con particolare riferimento all'alcoolismo'
Z oya , L. (Milano). 'Un caso di problematica etica inconscia'
Z oya , L. (Milano). 'La terapia analitica di fronte alia vecchaia'  相似文献   

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