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Personal political salience (PPS) is proposed as a personality characteristic that assesses individuals' linkage of political events with their personal identities. Its role in facilitating the development of politicized collective identity and action is examined. In four samples of midlife and activist women, we show that PPS was consistently related both to politicized gender identity and political participation. Further analyses show similar results for PPS, politicized racial identity, and political participation. Politicized gender identity mediated the relationship between PPS and women's rights activism, and politicized racial identity mediated the relationship between PPS and civil rights activism. PPS is demonstrated to independently predict political action and also to provide a personality link between group memberships, politicized collective identity, and political participation.  相似文献   

夏凌翔  耿文超 《心理学报》2012,44(4):478-488
根据前期系列研究的结果提出了高个人自立者的自我图式、他人图式均比低个人自立者积极的假设, 从外显和内隐两个方面分别设计实验对个人自立高分组和低分组各30名大学生进行了研究, 以检验该假设。研究1采用形容词4级评定任务, 结果发现:①在反应时指标上, 高、低个人自立组的差异不显著; ②在评价等级指标上, 个人自立高分组对积极词的评价等级显著高于低分组, 对消极词的评价等级边缘显著的低于低分组。研究2采用外来情绪Simon任务(extrinsic affective Simon task, EAST), 结果发现:①在反应时指标上, 在过去自我和将来自我条件下, 高、低个人自立组的EAST分数没有显著差异, 在现在自我条件下, 个人自立高分组的EAST分数显著高于低分组; 在过去、现在和将来他人条件下, 个人自立高分组的EAST分数均显著高于低分组。②在错误率指标上, 高、低个人自立组的差异不显著。总的来看, 两个子研究的结果均支持了研究假设。  相似文献   

A model of the relationship between attitude involvement and attitude accessibilitywas developed and tested. The model specifies that attitude involvement leads to selective(biased) issue-related information-gathering strategies, which in turn produce extreme andunivalent (unambivalent) attitudes. Finally, attitudes associated with univalent and extremeunderlying structures should occasion relatively little decision conflict and thus should be highlyaccessible. Questionnaire response data gathered in a national telephone survey and from twosamples of undergraduates revealed that both attitude extremity and attitude ambivalence onselected political issues mediated the relationship between attitude involvement and attitudeaccessibility. Some findings indicated that selective processing mediated the relationshipbetween attitude involvement and attitude extremity and ambivalence. Discussion focuses on theprocesses linking involvement to accessibility, the factors that moderate theambivalence-accessibility relationship, and the relevance of the model to media-based primingeffects and tothe nature of public opinion and the survey response.  相似文献   

Terror management theory posits that people are motivated to affirm cultural meaning systems, including political ideologies, to avoid the awareness of mortality. Accordingly, studies show that increasing mortality salience (MS) intensifies people's attitudes toward political issues and figures. However, whereas in some studies MS increases affirmation of preexisting political ideologies, be they liberal or conservative (supporting a “worldview‐defense hypothesis”), in other studies MS elicits a general shift toward conservatism, regardless of preexisting ideology (supporting a “conservative‐shift hypothesis”). The current study used meta‐analysis to assess the overall magnitude of MS effects on explicitly political attitudes and to clarify the nature of these effects by comparing effect sizes for these competing hypotheses. The overall effect of MS on political attitudes was large (r = .50). The effects of MS‐induced worldview defense (r = .35) and conservative shifting (r = .22) were significant and statistically equivalent. We discuss the conditions (e.g., contextual salience of political values) under which conservative shifting or worldview defense occurs.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examines the role that students' political reputation in class plays in their future political activities offline together with other people. When aged 16, students were asked to nominate the classmates they considered politically knowledgeable and verbal in class, that is, as having a political reputation. This measure of political reputation was used to predict the participants' political activities offline four years later at age 20 and their attempts to take a stand in public in the national election the same year. The study controlled for individual differences in political interest, self-perceived political impact in class, the students' political activities at age 16, and also gender and immigrant status. About 300 Swedish students were followed up four years later. Political reputation in class positively predicted future political activities offline, membership of political organizations, and attempts to take a stand in public for a party in the forthcoming national election. At the same time, the role played by political reputation depended upon students' other characteristics, especially their levels of anger and popularity, as observed by classmates. Evidently, the group dynamics in class that give some students a political reputation have long-term consequences for their future political activities.  相似文献   

吴论文  杨付 《心理科学进展》2019,27(12):2109-2121
政治技能(Political skill)作为一种重要的社会能力, 是组织核心竞争力的关键, 近年来受到学者广泛关注。根据内容分析法(Content analysis)要求, 深入探讨分析了政治技能的实施效果及其理论解释, 总结出5种理论视角: 社会交换理论、社会影响理论、资源保存理论、社会认知理论和社会资本理论。未来研究应关注中国组织情境下政治技能的概念和测量、探索政治技能的诱因、基于团队层面政治技能的实施效果和基于资源保存理论视角的政治技能实施效果。  相似文献   

Studies suggest that individuals are less likely to process information they can easily look up. Instead of committing information to memory, they rely on the Internet to store information for them—a phenomenon known as “offloading.” We examine the effects of offloading on political knowledge and voting behavior. Using data from a 10-wave panel experiment designed to study information processing in two distinct information environments, we demonstrate that people whose environment is conducive to offloading learn more during an election campaign than individuals whose information environment is not conducive to offloading, even though they look at less information during the campaign. Individuals in the offloading condition also make better vote choices despite examining less information. These results suggest that offloading reduces cognitive load, thereby freeing up processing space in working memory, which can increase learning of information that is accessed, and improve decision-making.  相似文献   

梦中脑内信息加工的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用信息加工的观点讨论梦中脑内信息加工的特点 ,认为梦中脑内信息加工多数是浅的自动加工 ,既有串行加工又有并行加工 ,而进入梦境的信息是串行加工的。  相似文献   

吴梦  白新文 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1889-1898
“团队作为信息加工者的观点”认为, 团队执行复杂任务需要经过一系列认知决策, 哪些信息被共享, 以及信息共享和整合的质量, 共同决定团队效能的高低。动机性信息加工理论则进一步提出, 认知动机和社会动机共同决定了哪些信息被共享, 以及信息共享和整合的质量。认知动机决定信息加工的深度, 社会动机决定信息加工的方向, 两种动机共同决定决策质量。这一理论可以很好地整合谈判和创造力领域的研究结果, 并在团队效能领域得到很好的应用。动机性信息加工理论是对双过程模型和“团队作为信息加工者观点”的发展和整合, 并为决策质量的影响因素提供新的分类框架和研究思路。  相似文献   

以网名为材料, 通过三项视觉搜索实验考察了与自我相关的网络信息可能存在的加工优势。结果发现, 自己的网名在作为靶刺激时可以更快且更准确地被探测出来; 而在作为干扰刺激时, 其对于靶刺激却并未表现出比对照刺激更强的抑制作用。在与真实人名进行的直接比较中, 自己的网名与真实人名的加工成绩未出现显著差异, 且都好于作为对照的名人名字。这些结果证明了与自我相关的网络信息具有和物理世界中的自我信息相似的加工优势, 且与以真实人名为材料的多项实验结果完全一致, 从而表明自己的网名与真实人名可能具有相同的加工机制。  相似文献   

This is a reflective account of the experiences of the authors who immigrated to the United States from India at different developmental, historical, political, and social stages. Although their culture-of-origin was the same, the meaning and experience of immigration was different for each author. The narratives show a natural continuum of experiences based on their developmental stage during immigration, reasons for immigration, and the historical context of both India and the US at the time of immigration. A common theme is the ambivalence experienced by them in their process of creating a physical and psychological home in a different culture.  相似文献   

On average, veterans are more civically and politically engaged than civilians. Previous research on the effects of military service, however, did not account for differences in veterans’ combat experiences. Using survey data from a representative sample of Vietnam veterans, this study presents evidence that veterans who were exposed to severe combat trauma and veterans who exhibited attitudes and fears associated with post‐traumatic stress had significantly lower levels of political efficacy and trust. The negative consequences of combat exposure and post‐traumatic stress are not mitigated when veterans have quality social support or when they seek professional counseling. These findings inform political psychology and hold implications for claims regarding the empowering influence of service in the U.S. military, increased political engagement, in particular. Among Vietnam veterans, exposure to severe combat trauma and post‐traumatic stress were both associated with reduced political efficacy and trust.  相似文献   

摘 要 以高低强迫倾向个体为研究对象,考察其在不同概率情景设置的Flanker任务中的信息加工灵活性,研究结果表明:高强迫倾向个体的信息加工方式相对较缓慢、单一,以集中加工方式为主;高强迫倾向个体对情境的变化较少做出反应,在信息加工的灵活性上存在缺陷,而低倾向个体的信息加工方式相对较灵活;高强迫倾向个体不易受线索提示的影响,对信息加工方式的策略性调控能力不足。  相似文献   

The events of 11 September 2001 have led to a higher perceived risk of terrorism in the United States. A better understanding of the political consequences of 9/11 requires a more complete accounting of the nature and consequences of perceived threat. Here, the distinction between perceived personal and national risks is examined in terms of two competing hypotheses: (1) The personal threat of terrorism has a pervasive influence even on national decisions and perceptions, in line with its highly arousing nature. (2) The effects of personal threat are highly circumscribed and overshadowed by the impact of perceived national threat, consistent with findings on the meager impact of self–interest and other personal concerns on public opinion. A survey of 1,221 residents of Long Island and Queens, New York, explored the degree to which personal and national threat affect perceptions of the consequences of, and possible solutions to, terrorism. As expected, there was a clear distinction between perceived personal and national threat, although the two are related. Perceived personal threat did not influence the perceived economic consequences of terrorism, although it had a narrow effect on personal behaviors designed to minimize risk. Overall, the findings imply that the effects of personal threat are circumscribed, consistent with past research on the limited personal basis of political judgments. However, the tests of these hypotheses were constrained by a limited set of dependent variables that included national consequences but not policy solutions designed to limit terrorism.  相似文献   

广告中性别刻板印象的信息加工方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王沛  孙连荣 《心理学报》2005,37(6):819-825
通过操纵注意方式、刻板印象的启动方式及被试的刻板化状态,探讨了广告中性别刻板印象信息加工的方式和特点。结果表明:(1) 广告中性别刻板印象信息的加工是自动化加工和控制性加工共同作用的结果,刻板化启动引起更多的自动化加工,反刻板化启动引起更多的控制性加工;(2)注意方式影响广告中性别刻板印象信息的控制性加工而不影响其自动化加工,集中注意时控制性加工的贡献最大;(3)对于广告中的性别刻板化信息,刻板化程度高的人具有更严格的判断标准。  相似文献   

An Information Processing Theory of Ambivalence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the sources of ambivalence toward political parties and candidates. We propose and test an information-processing theory of ambivalence in which systematic processing is hypothesized to heighten partisan and candidate ambivalence. We show that ambivalence is linked to several dispositional sources of systematic processing, including individuals' information, motivation, and cognitive style. Specifically, we find that ambivalence tends to be greater among the well informed and those who are high in need for cognition while it tends to be lower among those motivated by directional goals. Collectively, our results suggest that levels of partisan and candidate ambivalence are greatest among those most likely to engage in effortful processing of information and that these effects are independent of value conflict. The results further suggest that the effects of effortful processing on ambivalence are moderated by attitude commitment.  相似文献   

情境模型中的时间表征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阅读理解中情境模型的建构是当今阅读研究的热点 ,自Zwaan等人提出事件标记模型理论以来 ,很多研究者对影响情境模型建构的空间维度进行了深入的研究 ,尽管对情境模型中时间维度的研究相对缺乏 ,但仍得出了一些有价值的研究成果。本文对情境模型中时间表征的理论假设、实验研究、技术手段及主要研究结论作了介绍和评析 ,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

社会信息加工中的相关性维度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王新波  刘萍 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1130-1132
在以往的社会信息加工研究中,多数情况只对刺激作积极、消极的效价区分,这往往导致实验结论中出现困惑和矛盾之处。Peeters提出了另一个区分刺激的维度:相关性(他相关、主相关)。Wentura等人把这一区分引入实验设计后,不但合理解释了以往研究中的问题和疑点,而且获得了新的发现。因此,相关性区分的引入对于此类研究有着重要意义,并对印象形成、刻板印象和群体等其他实验社会心理研究都有一定启发。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to demonstrate that sad and happy moods can cause individuals to be similarly sensitive to the valence of observed stimuli with regard to how effortfully such stimuli are processed. In Study 1, individuals in whom a sad or happy mood had been induced unitized a behavior sequence less finely when its contents were neutral as opposed to positive. Individuals in a neutral mood state maintained a comparable level of unitization regardless of the valence of the behavior sequence. In Study 2, individuals in whom a sad or a happy mood had been induced processed the arguments in a persuasive communication more extensively when its contents were affectively uplifting rather than depressing. Sad individuals showed this pattern only if no prior affective expectation was provided. Taken together, these studies may fit with the notion that under certain conditions sad and happy individuals similarly decrease the amount of information processed from a neutral (Study 1) or depressing (Study 2), relative to a positive, stimulus.  相似文献   

文本阅读中背景信息的加工过程:激活与整合   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
王瑞明  莫雷  吴俊  崔磊 《心理学报》2007,39(4):589-601
采用移动窗口技术和眼动技术探讨了文本阅读中当前信息跟背景信息的具体加工过程。被试为华南师范大学本科生92名。实验1使用移动窗口技术,计算机屏幕上每次只呈现一个句子,让被试自己按键逐句进行阅读,通过分析不同实验条件下探测词的再认反应时间和不同实验条件下目标句的阅读时间来探讨文本阅读中信息加工的具体过程。实验2使用眼动技术在一种更自然的情境中通过分析不同实验条件下眼动指标的差异来进一步探讨文本阅读中信息加工的具体过程。实验结果表明,文本阅读中背景信息的加工过程包括激活和整合两个阶段,这两个阶段相互独立但又紧密联系,激活是整合发生的前提,有整合必先发生激活,但激活发生后并不一定会发生整合;文本阅读过程中读者阅读时间的延长主要发生在整合阶段  相似文献   

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