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Self-report measures are much used in social psychology. However, such measures are susceptible to response bias. The 33-item Marlowe–Crowne Social Desirability scale (Crowne & Marlowe, 1960) is widely used to detect social desirability in responding. This study used confirmatory factor analyses and item and scale analyses to evaluate different, time-saving, short versions of the scale. The results from 633 management undergraduates showed that all the short versions and the 2-factor model are a significant improvement in fit over the full scale. There were no gender differences on the 14 measures. It is recommended that when the full scale is used, the separate attribution and denial scores are also used. Researchers who decide to use a short version should seriously consider Ballard's (1992) Scale 1 or composite versions because the present study identified these as the best short versions.  相似文献   

A tutorial example demonstrates the effects of social desirability bias on fictional multiculturalism and mental health data and how bias can be moderated by parital correlations using social desirabiliry measures of different degrees of validity. The 33-item Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability scale was translated from English to Norwegian and presented to 117 university students and 124 non-students. Using psychometric criteria, and a "seed-crystal" method accretion, a 10-item Norwegian short-form of the Marlowe-Crowne scale was produced.  相似文献   

编制中国成年人社会赞许性量表。参考已有同类量表,通过小组讨论、专家访谈等方法编写题目,通过两次预测筛选、修改并确定量表题目,在此基础上再进行第三次测试以检验量表的心理测量学特征。结果表明,本次编制的中国成年人多维社会赞许性量表具有可接受的内部一致性、分半和重测信度以及结构效度、内容效度、同质效度和聚合效度。结论:中国成年人多维社会赞许性量表具有可接受的心理测量学特征,可被用来测量和评估现代中国成年人的社会赞许性。  相似文献   

Over the years, researchers have developed various short versions of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (D. P. Crowne & D. Marlowe, 1960). The authors used confirmatory factor analyses (J. L. Arbuckle, 1997) as well as item and scale analyses to evaluate the adequacy of the full version and various short versions. Overall, the results from 232 Canadian undergraduates showed (a) that all the short versions in the present study are a significant improvement in fit over the 33-item full scale and (b) that W. M. Reynolds's (1982) Forms A and B are the best fitting short versions. No gender differences were found for the full scale or any of the short versions. The results show that the full scale could be improved psychometrically and that the psychometrically sound short versions should be available because they require less administration time than the full scale.  相似文献   

《学习适应量表》的验证性因素分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
在北京多所学校对425名学生进行了《学习适应量表》的测量,验证性因素分析结果表明,总量表和各个分量表的模型拟合都未违反基本适令标准,总量表的整体模型拟合性良好,内在结构适合性也比较好。学习方法、学习习惯、学习态度、学习环境和身心适应五个分量表的整体模型拟合性较好,但内在结构不佳。  相似文献   

Using a sample of 555 undergraduate students, the present study examined the factorial dimensionality of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (MCSDS). In particular, using confirmatory factor analysis, the study explored the goodness of fit of both one and two factor models, the latter of which were based upon the work of Paulhus and Reid (1989). Findings indicate that while both one and two factor models demonstrate many features of adequate fit, the two factor model emerged as superior. The study concludes with a discussion of the meaning of the results and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

用验证性因素分析法对控制源量表的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时志宏  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2007,30(3):683-685,679
验证性因素分析方法克服了传统的探索性因素分析的不足,为心理学发展和研究的精细化、数学化提供了更可行的途径。本研究运用验证性因素分析方法对心理控制源量表进行了分析研究,研究发现L1SREL软件对SPSS不能分析出来的因素可以进一步地给予精确数据。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the Marlowe-Crowne Scale would be negatively related to a variety of intellectual ability measures was investigated in a sample of college students. As predicted, MC scores were negatively correlated with measures of intelligence (Quick Test), associational ability (Remote Associates Test), and academic achievement (course grades). These results suggest that the vulnerable self-esteem and defensiveness traditionally ascribed to high versus low MC scorers may at least in part, reflect a history of poorer performance in intellectual and academically related activities.  相似文献   

Ramanaiah, Schill, and Leung (1977) reported empirical evidence supporting Millham's (1974) hypothesis that attribution and denial are two separate components of the MC-SD scale. This paper presents the results of two studies conducted to test the hypothesis that the results obtained by Ramanaiah et al. (1977) may be attributed to method variance caused by the keying direction in the MC-SD attribution and denial subscales. The first study was concerned with the development of balanced attribution and denial scales, while the second study investigated whether the results from Ramanaiah et al., which used the original unbalanced attribution and denial scales, could be replicated with the balanced scales developed in Study I. The results strongly supported the tested hypothesis, indicating that the two subscales are measuring essentially the same construct.  相似文献   

This study was designed to adapt and to assess the reliability and factor structure of an Italian translation of the full and short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. A sample of 1,244 Italian adults who had experienced a range of adverse life events participated in this study. Five models of the underlying structure of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory were tested via confirmatory factor analyses. Analyses of both the short and full form of the PTGI provided support for the original correlated five-factor structure. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis supported the invariance of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory across gender.  相似文献   

A program of Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale research is described, focusing on the distinction between positively keyed and negatively keyed items. Balanced short forms exist for the measurement of an overall social desirability construct, but evidence suggests the use as well of separate subscales. These subscales are seen to correlate differentially with the substantive personality variable neuroticism, with content-free measures of semantic style, and with self-peer agreement. A simple procedure for the concomitant measurement of possible tendency to acquiesce is also described.  相似文献   

Culturally validated rating scales for social anxiety disorder (SAD) are of significant importance when screening for the disorder, as well as for evaluating treatment efficacy. This study examined construct validity and additional psychometric properties of two commonly used scales, the Social Phobia Scale and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, in a clinical SAD population (n?=?180) and in a normal population (n?=?614) in Sweden. Confirmatory factor analyses of previously reported factor solutions were tested but did not reveal acceptable fit. Exploratory factor analyses (EFA) of the joint structure of the scales in the total population yielded a two-factor model (performance anxiety and social interaction anxiety), whereas EFA in the clinical sample revealed a three-factor solution, a social interaction anxiety factor and two performance anxiety factors. The SPS and SIAS showed good to excellent internal consistency, and discriminated well between patients with SAD and a normal population sample. Both scales showed good convergent validity with an established measure of SAD, whereas the discriminant validity of symptoms of social anxiety and depression could not be confirmed. The optimal cut-off score for SPS and SIAS were 18 and 22 points, respectively. It is concluded that the factor structure and the additional psychometric properties of SPS and SIAS support the use of the scales for assessment in a Swedish population.  相似文献   

Several studies have employed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to examine the latent structure of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist (PCL; Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska, & Keane, 1993), a measure that assesses PTSD symptomatology. Findings have failed to support the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision [DSM–IV–TR]; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) PTSD model, consisting of reexperiencing, avoidance/numbing, and arousal factors, and no consensus has emerged regarding the best fitting alternative model. Additionally, most studies have utilized homogeneous trauma samples. This study used CFA to examine the PCL factor structure in a sample with exposure to various traumatic events. Superior fit was demonstrated by a model specifying reexperiencing, avoidance, dysphoria, and arousal factors.  相似文献   

Warr, Cook, and Wall's Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) is a widely used measure of job satisfaction in industrial/organisational (I/O) psychology research and practice. However, the factor structure has not been adequately explored, with two‐factor and three‐factor solutions previously proposed. This study tested the factor structure of the JSS using robust analysis methods on data gathered from a convenience sample of 381 (females = 264, males = 116) Australian employees. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a hierarchical three‐factor model of job satisfaction in terms of model adequacy coefficients; however, the three factors were highly correlated, thereby rendering a multifactorial approach to the JSS untenable. The results support the continued use of an overall score of job satisfaction when using this measure in I/O psychology research and practice. Further testing of the structure is recommended within a range of employment sectors, as the assumed multifactorial structure of the JSS common in the literature was not supported by the current study.  相似文献   

The Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI) is an 18-item self-report tool designed to measure the construct of anxiety sensitivity (i.e. the belief that anxiety may have harmful consequences such as sickness, embarrassment, or loss of control) in children and adolescents. Previous factor analytic examinations of the CASI have produced varied results. Gender may play a role in this observed variability. In an effort to confirm the factor structure of the measure across gender, CASI items for 671 children and adolescents were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicated that for boys two-, three-, and four-factor structures provided a relatively good fit to the data, with the three-factor structure emerging as having the best fit overall. In contrast, for girls only the three-factor structure fitted the data well. Direct comparison of fit of the three-factor model across gender provided evidence to support the notion that childhood anxiety sensitivity is similar in structure across gender.  相似文献   

McCreary  Donald R.  Rhodes  Nancy D.  Saucier  Deborah M. 《Sex roles》2002,47(3-4):169-177
The Sex Role Behavior Scale (SRBS; Orlofsky & O'Heron, 1987; Orlofsky, Ramsden, & Cohen, 1982) is the only measure of the extent to which people engage in male- and female-valued behaviors, as well as sex-specific behaviors. Because of this, researchers must be assured of its reliability and validity. Although the SRBS has demonstrated good reliability, validity tests have been limited to examinations of scale intercorrelations, correlations with other gender role measures, and tests of gender differences. Tests of the SRBS's construct validity have not been performed. Thus, a scale-based confirmatory factor analysis of the short form SRBS was undertaken to determine the validity of its proposed 12-factor, lower-order and 3-factor, higher-order factor structures. In this sample of undergraduates, both lower-order and higher-order models failed to provide a good fit to the data, which suggests that a new version of the SRBS may be required. Discussion focussed on possible directions for a revision, potential limitations, as well as the need for more measures like the SRBS.  相似文献   

幼儿好奇心结构教师评价模型验证性因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在参考已有文献和进行开放式问卷调查的基础上,编制幼儿好奇心教师评定问卷,并以此问卷调查了929名幼儿,运用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析方法探讨幼儿好奇心结构教师评价模型,结果表明,教师评价幼儿好奇心时存在一个由好问、喜欢摆弄、敏感、关注未知、探索持久、好奇体验以及反应性和探究的主动性等因子构成的三阶结构。  相似文献   

This study reports on the psychometric properties of the Femininity Ideology Scale (FIS) from the responses of 407 undergraduate participants in the USA. Factor analysis supported the five factor structure. Cronbach alpha coefficients of the factors and total scale were adequate. Support for discriminant validity was found after examining the relationship between the FIS and the Bem Sex Role Inventory, which measures feminine traits. Support for convergent validity was found after examining, first, with the entire sample, the relationships between the FIS and the Male Role Norm Inventory, and second, with the female sample, the relationships between the FIS and the Feminist Identity Development Scale. We also found that FIS scores vary in relationship to the social contextual variables of race/ethnicity and sex.  相似文献   

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