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The purpose of the present study was to examine heart rate (HR) and affective reactions to state self-objectification as a function of gender. We examined negative affect, positive affect, guilt, and HR at 6-second and 5-minute intervals across baseline, control, high objectification, low objectification, and cologne conditions in men (n = 53) and women (n = 57). Mixed factorial MANOVA results indicated a statistically significant Gender × Condition interaction. Both men and women showed a cardiac orienting response to high versus low objectification. Cardiac stress reactions to objectification were higher among women. Negative affective reactions to objectification were more pervasive across conditions among women.  相似文献   

This study reports on 170 Israeli school children at risk for missile attack during the Persian Gulf War, The Bar-Ilan Picture Test for Children (Itskowitz & Strauss, 1982, 1986) was specially adapted to the war situation specifically to measure children's affective reactions and coping strategies. Children with a greater sense of control and social support, and more complex defenses, tended to demonstrate better coping strategies. Children who were less defensive showed higher levels of anxiety under stress. Children scoring higher in social support showed greater perceived control over their immediate environment and more verbal expressivity with respect to the crisis situation. Girls scored higher than boys on emotional and verbal expressiveness. These data, elicited through semiprojective procedures, are consistent with much of the prior research based mainly on objective scales or self-report questionnaires. Overall, the results lend additional validity to the nexus of relations (largely established through conventional objective scales) between resources, coping, and outcomes in a naturalistic stressor situation.  相似文献   

This study investigated psychological reactions of adolescents to a severe stress situation—the evacuation of the Sinai settlements. The research focused on emotional reactions of anxiety and anger to this stress situation. Two central problems were investigated: (a) The intensity of the emotional responses of anxiety and anger of the adolescents to the stress situation, before and after the evacuation, and (b) the impact of three intervening variables on these emotional reactions—cognitive perception of the political situation, family functioning, and personality characteristics. Data for this study were collected in a regional high school in Israel from 418 pupils in 9th through 12th grades. Seventy-eight of the pupils lived in the Yamit area. Measurements were obtained at three points in time: 6 weeks and 1 week before the evacuation and 2 months after it. The results supported the predicted trend that adolescents in the Yamit group before the evacuation would score higher on state anxiety and state anger than would those in the comparison group. Two months after the evacuation there was a significant drop in those scores. The trait measures remained stable in both groups and no significant differences were found between the two groups on these scores. Concerning the impact of the three intervening variables on the intensity of the state emotional responses, the results did not support any of the hypotheses.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life -  相似文献   

Two studies examined the influence of encouragement for creativity, curiosity, harmonious passion, and autonomy support as antecedents of creative self-efficacy and imagination and divergent thinking as consequences. College students completed a battery of questionnaires. Structural equation modeling treating the variables as latent and not normally distributed was used to test our hypotheses. Results from study 1 showed a positive influence of encouragement for creativity and curiosity on creative self-efficacy. Similarly, creative self-efficacy was a positive predictor of reproductive and creative imagination. Results from study 2 showed a positive effect of harmonious passion on creative self-efficacy. Creative self-efficacy was a positive predictor of fluency and originality scores from a divergent thinking task. The theoretical and applied implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

Usual scoring systems for figure drawing techniques are based on structural and content aspects of the drawing, and ignore the affectively toned associations that occur when an observer first sees a drawing. A system for measuring two components of judgment, (a) emission of affective associations (b) evaluation of affective associations, has been developed. This method was applied with some success in studying individuals who had represented in their drawings an image that corresponded to their actual physical appearance. The research so far suggests that the evaluation component of judgment may contribute more to discrimination than the emission component.  相似文献   

This investigation studied variability in visual thresholds for six subjects for 50 consecutive days. The results show the following:

1. Session-to-session variability agrees closely with the variability estimates made by Hecht and Zegers.

2. No periodic or cyclic trends appeared for the group or for any individual subject.

3. For all six subjects for the first 15 days of testing, a learning phenomenon was observed for the mean and standard-deviation data. There was a slow rise over the last 10 days of testing for the mean, but not for the standard-deviation data. (A discussion of the possible causes of the rise of the mean over the last 10 days suggested the influence of extraneous factors, such as boredom and fatigue.)

4. No effect of the menstrual cycle upon the threshold values was found.

4. No effect of the menstrual cycle upon the threshold values was found.  相似文献   

We examined reactions to the Race Implicit Association Test (IAT), which has been widely used but rarely examined as an educational tool to raise awareness about racial bias. College students $(N=172)$ were assigned to read that the IAT reflected either personal beliefs or both personal and extrapersonal factors (single vs. multiple explanation conditions). They then completed the IAT and quantitative measures of affect, attitudes, and belief in bias. A subset of participants $(n=32)$ also wrote reaction papers, which were used to develop qualitative themes to more fully describe reactions to the IAT. Quantitative results revealed that participants with a stronger implicit preference for European Americans more strongly believed in implicit bias in the multiple (vs. single) explanation condition. Mixed methods analyses using data transformation and typology development indicated that participants whose qualitative IAT responses were more negative were subsequently more likely to help an African American.  相似文献   

Male and female subjects interviewed a same-sex applicant for an entry-level management position. In reality, this person was an accomplice who presented a carefully standardized pattern of positive and negative information. Prior to the interview, participants were exposed to treatments designed to place them in a positive, neutral, or negative mood. Results indicated that subjects’ moods influenced their reactions to the applicant. They rated this individual higher on job-related and personal dimensions and made more favorable employment decisions about him or her when in a positive than negative mood. In addition, participants recalled more information presented by the applicant that was consistent with their current mood than information that was inconsistent with these feelings. Implications of these findings for the development of closer conceptual links between (a) basic knowledge about social cognition and (b) practical issues relating to the conduction of fair employment interviews are discussed.  相似文献   

Transgender, gender variant, and/or gender nonconforming persons are marginalized and pathologized in society and communities. The advent and widespread use of social media introduce an entirely new avenue of expression where cyber bullying and verbal assaults are common. Yet, social media also has the capacity to reach more people in more places, thus presenting a potentially powerful platform for advocacy. Grounded in digital critical participatory action research, the authors present a multimedia advocacy project that highlights advocacy strategies in which counselors can utilize social media to raise awareness, promote inclusion, and resolve microaggressions toward transgender persons.  相似文献   

典型自立者人格特征初探   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:26  
夏凌翔  黄希庭 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1065-1068
用包含 2个问题的开放式问卷对 2 1 5名被试进行了调查 ,结果如下 :①共获得 1 0 6位自立者 ,被试最认同的典型自立者是郝思嘉、简·爱、孙少平和保尔·柯察金 4人 ;②被试更喜欢选择与自己同性别的自立者 ;③坚韧性、独立性、成熟性、主动性、道德性和开放性是被试最看重的自立者人格特征。最后 ,还对自立与自强的关系以及自立者人格特征等问题进行了讨论 ,认为 :①独立性、主动性、责任性、开放性与灵活性大致是自立者的 5种基本人格特征 ;②从自立到自强是一个连续体 ,但他们有不同的人格特征 ;③自立可以区分为特质自立和情境自立。  相似文献   

This study focused on understanding the detailed and dynamic mental models that people develop for judging veracity. It was hypothesized that individual differences in such mental models, assessed by using Thagard's (1989) ECHO computer simulation program, would predict participants' attributions and confidence in making attributions. After watching videotapes of targets, 120 participants rated targets' veracity and their own confidence in making attributions. Half of these participants also provided “on-line” information that, in turn, was entered into ECHO. The two groups did not differ in their judgments of veracity, but the on-line group was significantly more confident. Results from ECHO and network analysis indicated not only that participants' mental models for detecting deception are detailed, changing, and idiosyncratic, varying in their structure and degree of coherence, but also that a number of previously unidentified cognitive structures are used for detecting deception. Results that confirm the hypotheses are also presented.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose that the massive, unsolicited, real-time data generated by social media might provide media psychologists with new paths for examining the role that morality and moral thinking play during the consumption of entertainment. Our broad goal was to explore a potentially new methodological approach to the study of morality and media and to offer an initial case study in applying that approach. The case study examined if, and if so how, viewers used Twitter to express their moral thoughts during the Season 3 finale of Downton Abbey. Based on moral foundation theory and affective disposition theory, we derived and examined a set of propositions. Specifically, we observed and discussed the importance of tweets (a) reflecting language from five moral domains, (b) for a beloved character who suffers pain and loss, and (c) about a character who regularly violates moral norms. We conclude that social TV analysis offers a promising new way for researchers to explore issues of morality and media reception.  相似文献   

Hershenov  David B. 《Philosophia》2020,48(4):1437-1446

Eric Olson criticizes Lynne Baker’s constitution account of persons on the grounds that personhood couldn’t be ontologically significant as nothing new comes into existence with the acquisition of thought. He claims that for something coming to function as a thinker is no more ontologically significant than something coming to function as a locomotor when a motor is added to it. He levels two related charges that there’s no principled answer about when and where constitution takes place rather than an already existing object just acquiring new properties. I’ll argue that none of these objections are problems for understanding person to be a substantial kind.


This study employed a person-environment (P-E) fit approach to explaining volunteer satisfaction, affective commitment, and turnover intentions. It was hypothesized that personality fit would explain additional variance in volunteer affective outcomes above and beyond motives to volunteer. This hypothesis was supported. Personality fit but not culture fit was related to satisfaction and affective commitment. Volunteer turnover intentions were predicted by gender and by social and values motives. The implications of the results are discussed with respect to the two literature domains that were combined in this study: the functional approach to volunteerism and P-E fit theory. Functional approaches to volunteerism and paid work should be more strongly linked to each other in future research. Moreover, P-E fit theory should be extended by including conditional determinants that moderate P-E fit effects.  相似文献   

彝族、白族和纳西族大学生的基本颜色词分类   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
运用自然分类和多维标度法,研究了彝族、白族和纳西族237名大学生对11种基本颜色词的分类。结果表明,三个民族的大学生对11种基本颜色词的分类有一致之处,但也有文化差异。主要表现在:⑴基本颜色词的分类数目不同;⑵基本颜色词的类别不同;⑶基本颜色词语义空间的维度不完全相同;⑷每一类别中包含的颜色词及颜色词的数目不同。这些差异体现了文化和语言对颜色认知的影响  相似文献   

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