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This study investigated the influence of defendant sex, sexual orientation, and participant sex on perceptions of a crime-of-passion. An online sample of 458 individuals read a scenario describing a homicide and provided judgments of verdict, sentence length, legal elements, and sexism. We hypothesized heterosexual female defendants would most likely receive a verdict of manslaughter, be found less guilty, and receive shorter sentences. We were also interested in whether benevolent sexism would contribute to defendant culpability decisions. Lastly, perceptions of legal elements for manslaughter (e.g., great provocation) and murder (e.g., intentionality of actions) were explored. Results demonstrated heterosexual female defendants were less guilty and received the shortest sentences. Also, heterosexual defendants were most likely to meet the manslaughter legal elements. Benevolent sexism contributed significantly to guilt perceptions.  相似文献   

Levin, Schneider, and Gaeth (LSG, 1998) have distinguished among three types of framing—risky choice, attribute, and goal framing—to reconcile conflicting findings in the literature. In the research reported here, we focus on attribute and goal framing. LSG propose that positive frames should be more effective than negative frames in the context of attribute framing, and negative frames should be more effective than positive frames in the context of goal framing. We test this framework by manipulating frame valence (positive vs negative) and frame type (attribute vs goal) in a unified context with common procedures. We also argue that the nature of effects in a goal-framing context may depend on the extent to which the research topic has “intrinsic self-relevance” to the population. In the context of medical decision making, we operationalize low intrinsic self-relevance by using student subjects and high intrinsic self-relevance by using patients. As expected, we find complete support for the LSG framework under low intrinsic self-relevance and modified support for the LSG framework under high intrinsic self-relevance. Overall, our research appears to confirm and extend the LSG framework.  相似文献   


The authors examined the effects of interactions (a) between defendant attractiveness and juror gender and (b) between defendant race and juror race on judgment and sentencing among 207 Black, Hispanic, and White participants in the United States. After reading a vehicular-homicide vignette in which the defendant's attractiveness and race varied, the participants rated guilt and recommended sentences. The women treated the unattractive female defendant more harshly than they treated the attractive female defendant; the men showed an opposite tendency. The Black participants showed greater leniency when the defendant was described as Black rather than White. The Hispanic participants showed an opposite trend, and the White participants showed no race-based leniency. The findings on racial effects were consistent (a) with in-group favorability bias among the Black participants and (b) with attribution effects unrelated to race among the White participants.  相似文献   


White (N = 161) and Black (N = 152) college students served as mock jurors in a simulated civil case in which a female plaintiff accused a male defendant of sexual harassment. The authors experimentally manipulated the race (Black or White) of the litigants and asked the mock jurors to decide whether the defendant was guilty; to rate the certainty of their belief in the defendant's guilt; and, when they judged the defendant guilty, to recommend an award to the plaintiff. Mock jurors of both races tended to favor litigants of their own race and their own gender. Racial bias was highest among White male jurors and lowest among White female jurors.  相似文献   

Forgiveness and Health: Age Differences in a U.S. Probability Sample   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forgiveness is a variable closely related to religiousness and spirituality that has been hypothesized to be protective of mental and physical health. However, we do not clearly understand which aspects of forgiveness are most clearly associated with health outcomes, and the conditions under which these relationships occur. This study used national probability data to systematically examine age differences in the association between forgiveness, religiousness/ spirituality, and respondent reports of mental and physical health. Results showed age differences in the levels of forgiveness of others and feeling forgiven by God. In both cases, middle and old age adults showed higher levels of these forms of forgiveness than young adults. Furthermore, the relationship between forgiveness of others and respondent reports of mental and physical health varies by age. Forgiveness of others was more strongly related to self-reported mental and physical health for middle and old age adults than for young adults.  相似文献   

Presentence reports on 628 offenders were content analyzed. Regression analysis found that remorseful offenders received less severe sentences than non-remorseful offenders. Offenders convicted of minor offenses received more lenient sentences if they had used alcohol in conjunction with their crimes than if they did not use alcohol. The opposite was the case for offenders commiting serious crimes. Remorseful offenders with few prior alcohol-related convictions received less severe sanctioning than non-remorseful offenders with similar conviction records. In contrast, recidivists who were remorseful were dealt with more harshly than their non-remorseful counterparts.  相似文献   

An increasing replication of studies find a correlation between religious belief and practice and mental and physical health and longevity. This paper discusses some of the implications of this research for the ways in which religion might understood psychologically. Most interpretations of this data focus on the presence of one or more mediating variables. This paper argues that the presence of these mediating factors helps us understand more precisely some of the ways in which religion actually does impact on human life and in what the psychological uniqueness of religion actually consists.  相似文献   

临床决策与卫生政策   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
从讨论趋利性临床决策与泛企业化卫生政策的共同作用是造成我国医改失败的根本原因入手,在对3个典型案例进行深入剖析的基础上,论证了临床决策和卫生政策相互依存、相互作用的基本关系;研究了临床决策与卫生政策的决策主体、影响因素、决策过程、信息反馈、关系调整的循环路径;认为完善决策机制是保证临床决策和卫生政策正确有效的必要条件,提出了进一步完善临床决策和卫生政策的决策机制的具体意见和建议。  相似文献   

Presented as part of a symposium at the 1996 American Psychological Association Convention in Toronto, Canada, this paper reflects an historical overview of the political issues faced by psychologists in academic medical centers. Ivan Mensh, Ph.D., senior psychologist and founding member of the Association of Medical School Psychologists, suggests that those psychologists involved in medical education should learn who the decision makers are and how decisions are made at academic medical centers in order better to assure the continued viability of psychology in those settings.  相似文献   

卫生是人类重要的社会实践活动。卫生也是保护人体健康的重要社会事业,需要法律的保护和导向。卫生法为卫生发展提供了良好的社会环境,并控制医药卫生无序、失控及异化带来的社会危害性,造福人类,促进经济发展和社会进步。  相似文献   

王晓田 《心理学报》2007,39(3):406-414
投资决策的进化心理学研究着眼于辨认人类获得进化适应的特定环境中经常出现的典型性风险,探寻为了应对这些风险而进化出的信息处理机制,并验证现时的社会因素和个体因素对这些心理机制的激活或抑制作用。在研究一中,被试预测了与自己同龄的男人或女人如何分配一笔中彩的奖金给自己和其他可能的受益人。研究发现:(1)钱数的分配大体由亲缘关系的疏密程度决定;(2)两性被试都假想男性比女性更慷慨,但实际上男性表现得更自利;(3)女性被试预测男性中奖人的金钱分配比男性被试预测女性中奖人的金钱分配更为准确;(4)女性被试的受益人更多,分享的社会范围更广。研究二探讨了父母对子女投入精力的不同取决于家庭的相对财富而非绝对财富的进化心理学假说。用哺乳与否和生育间隔期为测量指标,研究结果显示:(1)家庭实际收入影响父母对子女的总投入;(2)与邻里家庭相比,父母对于自己家庭相对收入的认知影响了对子女有别的差异性精力投入。基于男性普遍在财富和生育数量上比女性有更大的变异度,投资儿子比投资女儿更具博弈性。两项研究表明,人类的理性决策既受限于社会关系又适应于相对的财富状况  相似文献   

本研究采用青少年健康促进量表(Adolescent Health Promotion scale,AHP)以长沙市450名中学生为对象,对青少年的健康促进行为水平及其在不同性别、年龄和学校类型上的差异进行了调查和分析。研究结果表明,青少年在人际支持行为上得分最高,而在运动行为上得分最低;经分析,运动行为及人际支持行为上存在明显的性别差异;AHP的六个因子在不同年龄段和学校类型上均呈现显著差异。  相似文献   

通过分析和回顾我国卫生法律制度的整体架构和历史沿革,对当前制度进行评价并展望未来,系统阐述了我国卫生法律制度如何保障国民健康权。目前我国卫生法律制度框架已初步形成,卫生行政法、民法中的医疗侵权、医疗刑法、有关社会法等均对健康权进行保护,但制度仍面临母法缺失、协调性不佳、精细度不足和立法滞后等挑战。以新医改为契机,卫生法律制度的完善应加快进程,应尽快制定母法,并对相关部门法做出调整,加强有关法律法规之间的协调性。  相似文献   

年龄和知识学习对国家分类的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过两个自由分类实验探讨年龄和知识学习对国家分类的影响。实验1探讨年龄对国家分类的影响。结果表明,不同年龄的人对国家分类基本一致,但有一定差异。实验2探讨分类前的知识学习对国家分类的影响。结果表明,知识学习能有效地影响分类。阅读文章的主题影响被试的分类标准。整个研究表明,社会概念的分类是事物特征、知识经验和分类情境相互作用的产物。分类既受事物特征的影响,也受人的知识经验影响,还受分类情境影响,从而支持一种权变的观点。  相似文献   

The impact of response distortion (faking) on selection decisions was investigated. Participants (N = 224) completed the NEO-PI-R under instructions to “make the most favorable impression” and/or “answer honestly.” Those instructed to fake were often over-represented at the top of the score distributions as instructions to fake resulted in higher scores both between and within groups in a test–retest situation. There was significantly lower correspondence between participants’ honest scores and their faked scores as well as multiple instances where participants with unfavorable honest scores subsequently produced the most favorable scores when faking. Response distortion may remain a serious threat to the use of personality test scores in selection.
Adrian ThomasEmail:

高职学生心理健康问题研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
邱开金 《心理科学》2007,30(2):444-446
高职学生是中国高校学生中的一个特殊群体。职业化教育模式影响下的高职学生.面对的是学历教育与职业教育并举的教育,职业心理和学习心理折射出高职学生在职业定势、学习动机、成才抱负、人际关系、青春期回应等方面的诸多心理健康问题。本研究从问卷探源到本质归因,提出高职学生心理健康教育问题的具体应对策略和思考。  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges facing psychology in health settings today is the need for unification on critical issues of client access, workforce oversupply, education and training, and outcomes evalutions. Health care psychology specialty areas can no longer afford to operate in parallel. A unified vision is needed to overcome threats to the viability of the profession and to maximize the potential for achieving common goals. The current paper describes the formation of the Interdivisional Healthcare Committee (IHC), whose purpose is to establish a common agenda for promoting the professional, educational, and scientific goals of health care psychology. The IHC's initiative to develop new CPT codes for increasing access to psychologists' services in health care settings is outlined.  相似文献   

Recent developments in health care delivery in the United States have left many professionals baffled by the continuing changes in practice sparked by the relatively new managed care environment. Psychologists who practice in medical settings are struggling to balance the seemingly competing needs to deliver quality care to clients and patients, while meeting the demands of third-party payers and trying to remain true to their ethical responsibilities. Critical elements of managed care, which many suggest compromise the ethical provision of quality care, include utilization review, financial incentives, and threats to confidentiality. Recommendations are proposed so that mental health professionals may be proactive in protecting their ethical responsibilities in this changing environment.  相似文献   

This report describes the current status of health psychology in the nation of Catalonia (Spain). Emphasis is placed upon autonomy and self-governance, which have progressively influenced the structure and functioning of the health care system and the professional colleges. The current university educational model of training and practice in health psychology is reviewed. The most important characteristics of professional psychologists are presented. A critical view of health psychology research in medical settings and future perspectives of health psychology in Catalonia are also discussed.  相似文献   

努力程度对消费者购买意愿的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
童璐琼  郑毓煌  赵平 《心理学报》2011,43(10):1211-1218
在日常生活中, 消费者经常面临着各种各样的自我控制问题。当消费者有合适的理由时, 他们会放松自我控制。基于此, 本文经由三个实验探查了消费者努力程度对消费者购买意愿的影响。其中, 实验一和实验二通过操纵被试的相对努力程度, 发现努力会提高人们对于产品的购买意愿, 并且证明负罪感的变化是导致这一影响的内在原因。实验三通过改变产品品类, 证明相对于实用品, 努力对于人们对享乐品的购买意愿的影响更大。  相似文献   

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