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People pursue their goals for different reasons, and previous research has distinguished two types of autonomous reason: relationally autonomous reasons (RARs) and personally autonomous reasons (PARs). The present study examines how RARs and PARs predict goal performance and well‐being differently for people in individualistic and collectivistic cultures. Participants included 250 American and 246 Chinese undergraduate students. They listed two of the most important goals they were currently pursuing, and completed survey measures to assess their RARs, PARs, goal effort and progress, and personal and collective self‐esteem. The moderating effect of culture on how RARs and PARs influence goal outcomes was tested through structural equation modelling analyses, so that both RARs and PARs could be incorporated into the analyses. The results indicate cultural differences in the degree to which PARs and RARs relate to goal performance and well‐being. Implications regarding the role of autonomy in different cultures are discussed.  相似文献   

Culture plays a crucial role in motivation. Personally autonomous reasons (PARs) for goals reflect the needs, desires, and commitment for oneself, whereas relationally autonomous reasons (RARs) for goals reflect the needs within close relationships. It was hypothesized that PARs are the better predictor of well‐being for Americans, while RARs are the better predictor of well‐being for Japanese. One‐hundred and seventy American and 219 Japanese university students completed well‐being questionnaires and rated seven goals on several attributes. The results confirmed that RARs were a better predictor of well‐being for Japanese than for Americans, but PARs predicted well‐being for both groups. Implications for theories of goal motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations role stressors and job attitudinal variables, as well as the potential moderating effects of social support in a sample of 190 Roman Catholic priests. The priesthood is an important occupation to study because the work priests do can be considered a vocation instead of a job. Role stressors were negatively correlated with job attitudes (e.g., job satisfaction, turnover intention). Consistent with a buffering hypothesis, several sources of social support (parishioners, staff, fellow priests) consistently moderated this relationship, in that the relationship attenuated as social support increased. The implications of these results are discussed with respect to the role of the priest, as well as with other types of work‐based vocations.  相似文献   

杨英  龙立荣  周丽芳 《心理学报》2010,42(8):875-885
授权能够有效提升员工绩效和组织利益, 但中国企业管理者不授权现象比比皆是。本研究从授权风险的角度探讨管理者不愿授权的原因, 并检验领导-成员交换(LMX)和组织集权度的调节作用。通过17家企业收集到的157位管理者与471位下属的配对资料, HLM分析结果显示:任务绩效、组织利益风险考量与管理者授权行为负相关, 且这种负向关系还受到LMX的强化; 此外, 组织集权度在权力地位、组织利益风险考量与授权行为的负向关系中具有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

Design: Interviews about attitudes about psychotherapy with 12 undergraduate students who had never been in psychotherapy were analysed using consensual qualitative research. Results: Participants believed that the client role is to disclose, be receptive, and be motivated; that the therapist role is to listen, support, and give advice; and that the therapeutic relationship should be close and personal. Participants had ideas about the benefits (a healing therapeutic relationship, personal and interpersonal changes) and the barriers (self‐stigma and public stigma, difficulty revealing, need to solve problems on own, cost) associated with seeking therapy, and they disliked the idea of being diagnosed. In contrast with participants who were securely attached, those who were insecurely attached more often wanted a professional therapeutic relationship, wanted the therapist to ask questions, mentioned fewer benefits to therapy, and thought that they would have difficulty disclosing to a therapist. Discussion: Implications for changing attitudes about psychotherapy and improving training programs for practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we contrast the effects of leader-member exchange (LMX) with the effects of perceived job mobility on in-role performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). We further model negative affectivity as the antecedent of both LMX and perceived job mobility and suggest that LMX and perceived job mobility mediated the relationship between negative affectivity and performance. We obtained matching data from supervisor and subordinates in a major battery manufacturing company in southern China. Subordinates provided the negative affectivity, perceived job mobility, and LMX assessment, and their immediate supervisors provided the in-role performance and OCB assessment. Results from a structural equation analysis show that both LMX and perceived job mobility predicted OCB. Instead of being a direct antecedent of OCB, the relationship between negative affectivity and OCB is found to be mediated by LMX and perceived job mobility. Theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Using multisource data, this article examined the relationship of two types of employee perceptions of overall fairness (i.e., fairness of the organization and fairness of the department), with supervisor ratings of in-role task performance and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). We also examined whether high-quality leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships compensate for negative effects of fairness on job performance and citizenship behaviors. Focusing on a sample of 154 health care workers, we found that only employee perceptions of overall fairness regarding the department were related to supervisory ratings of OCB and in-role task performance. Moreover, LMX moderated the relationships between fairness perceptions and (a) task performance, (b) organization-focused OCB, but not (c) individual-focused OCB. We discuss implications for research and the potential for reducing negative effects of low fairness perceptions on job performance through positive LMX.  相似文献   

以北京市12所中小学的4160名学生为调查对象,采用层次回归方法考察了家长投入对子女学业投入的影响以及家长自主支持/控制的教养风格和子女的学业心理需要满足在其中的作用。结果发现:(1)中小学生的家长投入程度随学段升高而降低;(2)家长注重在家辅导方面的投入,在参与社区及学校活动等方面的投入较为欠缺;(3)家长投入对子女的学业投入具有显著的正向预测作用;(4)家长自主支持/控制的教养风格在家长投入与子女学业投入的关系中起调节作用,且该调节效应部分地通过子女的学业心理需要满足这一中介变量产生作用。  相似文献   


Literature provides mixed results on the effect of participatory practices on outcomes such as individual performance and job stressors. By examining these relationships via the mediation of job crafting behaviors, while considering the moderating effect of autonomy, we help clarifying the reasons behind the apparently ambiguous effects of participation. We surveyed 318 employees in an Italian mass retail company. On the one hand, we found a positive effect of participation on performance and a reduction of both role conflict and role overload thanks to increased job crafting behaviors aimed at seeking job resources. On the other hand, we also found that participation and autonomy may augment job stressors because of an associated increase of job crafting behaviors aimed at seeking challenging demands.  相似文献   

在基于身份认同理论的母亲守门员效应的框架下,本研究探讨了父亲关于自身教养价值的态度对其教养投入行为的影响机制,通过方便取样的方式在全国27个省市共选取了364对3-7岁儿童的父母,采用父亲教养投入问卷、父亲教养价值态度问卷、协同教养问卷进行测查,结果发现,母亲关于父亲教养价值的态度是父亲教养投入的促进性因子,在父亲关于自身教养价值态度影响其教养投入的过程中具有调节效应;这种调节效应以父亲协同教养的一致性为中介变量。这一研究结果可增强人们对母亲守门员效应的理解,对亲职教育的干预实践也具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

王震  仲理峰 《心理科学进展》2011,19(7):1037-1046
领导-成员交换关系差异化是指在一个工作团队中, 团队领导与不同成员的交换关系在质量上的差异性。尽管它是领导-成员交换理论的核心内容, 但相比领导-成员交换关系质量, 关系差异化直到最近几年才得到学术界的关注。已有的研究表明它对个体和团队产出具有重要影响。本文从概念、研究起源、测量、影响因素、影响效果以及作用机制方面, 对近年来国、内外的理论和实证研究进行了评述, 并在此基础上指出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

朱玥  王晓辰 《心理科学》2015,(2):426-432
通过对191名员工及其领导的配对问卷调查,探讨了服务型领导对员工建言行为的作用机制。结果发现:(1)服务型领导对员工建言行为有积极影响;(2)服务型领导通过领导-成员交换的中介效应影响员工建言行为;(3)员工的学习目标取向对领导-成员交换与建言行为之间的关系具有调节效应,即员工的学习目标取向越强,领导-成员交换对建言行为的影响越大;(4)学习目标取向调节了领导-成员交换对服务型领导-建言行为的中介作用。  相似文献   

关于领导-部属交换理论的研究主要集中在职场范围内,少有研究关注领导-部属交换对员工家庭生活的影响。本研究以工作家庭增益理论(Work-Family Enrichment Theory)、领导权变理论(Contingency Theory)为基础,构建了领导-部属交换、资源获取、负向情感特质和员工家庭贬损之间的关系模型。以成都市某银行的193名员工及员工配偶为样本对研究假设进行了实证性检验,研究结果表明:(1)领导-部属交换对员工家庭贬损具有负向的影响;(2)领导-部属交换对员工资源获取具有正向的影响;(3)员工资源获取对员工家庭贬损具有负向影响;(4)员工资源获取在领导-部属交换和家庭贬损之间起着完全中介的作用;(5)下属的负向情感特质越强,领导-部属交换对员工资源获取的直接影响以及对员工家庭贬损的间接影响就越强。  相似文献   

While several studies have investigated the effect of employees’ need for achievement on their work-related outcomes, how leader-follower congruence in need for achievement is related to critical workplace outcomes remains underexplored. Integrating person-environment theory and similarity-attraction theory, this study investigated the influences of leader-follower congruence in need for achievement on followers’ job performance and job well-being through the mediating effect of leader-member exchange (LMX). Using cross-level polynomial regression and response surface analysis to analyze the data from 391 leaders and 1,124 followers, we found that leader-follower congruence in need for achievement had a positive effect on followers’ job performance and job well-being though the mediating role of LMX. The theoretical and managerial implications are further discussed.  相似文献   

Socially and environmentally responsible organizations must attend to the fit of employees with the values of the organization. Recruiting practices are a key tool for ensuring fit with an organization's culture and values. We develop and test a model of the process through which recruitment information about an organization's social and environmental responsibility values differentially affect job seeker perceived fit, attraction, and job pursuit intentions depending on job seekers’ desire to have a significant impact through work. Our model of mediated moderation is tested with a sample of 339 actual job seekers using conditional process modeling and nonlinear bootstrapping techniques. Results support expectations that advertisement messages about an organization's social and environmental responsibility values interact with applicants’ desire to have a significant impact through work to influence job pursuit intentions through the hypothesized mediational process. Implications of the model for research on recruitment and organizational social and environmental responsibility are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study examined interactive effects among personality and job stressors in predicting employees' engagement in counterproductive work behavior (CWB) defined as behavior that harms organizations or people in organizations. Survey data were collected from 932 employees and results showed significant negative relationships of agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability with CWB directed at organizations (CWB‐O) and people (CWB‐P), and significant positive relationships of interpersonal conflict and organizational constraints with CWB‐O and CWB‐P. Further, it was found that the positive relationships of interpersonal conflict with CWB‐O and CWB‐P were strongest for people of low emotional stability–low agreeableness among all emotional stability–agreeableness combinations, and that the positive relationships of organizational constraints with CWB‐O and CWB‐P were strongest for people of high emotional stability–low conscientiousness among all emotional stability–conscientiousness combinations.  相似文献   

大量研究表明,校园氛围对青少年学业成就具有重要影响,但是关于校园氛围起作用的中介和调节机制却少有研究涉及。本研究提出一个有调节的中介模型,考察了学校依恋在校园氛围与学业成就关系中的中介作用,以及该过程是否受到自控水平的调节。采用分层整群抽样的方法,选取广东省10所学校2758名初中生作为被试,匿名填写校园氛围问卷、学校依恋问卷、自控问卷、学业成就问卷。结果显示:(1)在控制了性别、年级、社会经济地位后,校园氛围对学业成就具有正向预测作用;(2)学校依恋是校园氛围与学业成就之间的中介变量;(3)校园氛围通过学校依恋对学业成就的间接效应受到自控的调节,相对于自控水平高的青少年,间接效应对于自控水平低的青少年更显著。因此,校园氛围与学业成就之间既存在中介效应,又存在调节效应。  相似文献   

Although several studies have documented an inverse association between stressful events and sleep quality, much less is known about the factors that might moderate or buffer against the adverse effects of psychosocial stress on sleep. Building on previous research, we employ national cross‐sectional survey data from the 2017 Baylor Religion Survey (n= 1,410) to test whether the association between recent stressful events and sleep quality varies according to several dimensions of religious involvement. We also formally assess whether any attenuation of the association between stressful events and sleep quality is at least partially mediated or explained by lower levels of depressive symptoms (mediated moderation). Our moderation analyses indicate that the inverse association between stressful events and sleep quality is in fact attenuated by religious cognitions (secure attachment to God and assurance of salvation), but not religious attendance or private religiousness. We also observe direct evidence of mediated moderation through depressive symptoms for both religious cognitions. Taken together, our results demonstrate that religious cognitions may buffer against stress‐related sleep disturbance by helping people avoid symptoms of depression.  相似文献   

学业成绩是衡量学生掌握知识水平的重要指标,受到认知能力、社会支持和学习动机等多重因素的显著影响,而这多重因素间的关系及其对学业成绩的共同作用机制尚不明确。本研究采用标准化的认知能力测验、社会支持量表、学习动机量表对4,973名初中生进行测试,并以各科测验成绩总分的平均值作为学业成绩指标。结果表明:(1)认知能力、社会支持、学习动机均与学业成绩正相关;(2)社会支持在认知能力对学业成绩的影响中起调节作用,学生感受到的社会支持水平越高,学业成绩表现越好,且其认知能力对学业成绩的预测作用越强;(3)社会支持的调节作用部分通过学习动机这一中介变量实现。本研究构建了一个基于个体因素(认知能力和学习动机)和环境因素(社会支持)共同影响学业成绩的理论模型,有利于人们深入理解认知能力影响学业成绩的内在机制和边界条件,为提升学生学业成绩提供了理论依据和实证支持。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to test whether the effect of workload on emotional exhaustion (health impairment process) and social support on depersonalization (motivation process) could be mediated by personal resources such as self-efficacy, self-esteem and optimism. Two multiple mediation models are tested separately, and then the point estimate and bias-corrected and accelerated 95 % confidence interval of the total and specific indirect effect are determined using the bootstrap approach with 1000 bootstrapped samples. The results show that workload positively affects emotional exhaustion, whereas social support negatively affects depersonalization, thus further corroborating the health impairment process and motivation process as assumed by the job demands-resources (JD-R) model. The total indirect effect is significant for both models, and self-esteem and optimism are the significant mediators for the health impairment process, whereas only optimism is the significant mediator for the motivation process.  相似文献   

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