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Margaret Mead. Coming of Age in Samoa. New York: Morrow, 1928. Pp. xv+297. $3.00.

Margaret Mead. Growing Up in New Guinea. New York: Morrow. 1930. Pp. xii+372. $3.50. Reviewed by Raymond R. Willoughby.  相似文献   

In this study the authors compared women's and men's reactions to various professional travel situations. A multivariate analysis of covariance was used to determine the effects of sex, professional role, and years traveling on the perceptions of these travel situations.  相似文献   

The study examined the impact of changes in the work environment on the construction of place-identity among university academics. Data were collected from five academics at a large distance learning university in South Africa. The institution was undergoing major structural changes at the time of the study. Unstructured questions were used for the data collection. These data were analysed using content analysis and the results suggested academics construct identities towards their place of work and changes to this place may be perceived as a threat.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between component factors of the work environment and burnout. Age, time on the job, and the intensity of religious beliefs were hypothesized to moderate the work environment/burnout linkage. The Work Environment Scale (Moos, 1986) was used to assess the work environment, and burnout was measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach & Jackson, 1986). Results identified peer cohesion, work pressure, supervisor support, job clarity, and autonomy as work environment variables which are linked to burnout. Age, time on the job, and the intensity of religious beliefs moderated the influence of the work environment on burnout. Results are discussed with respect to organizational effectiveness and management.  相似文献   

A model of goal-setting processes was developed that depicted the influence of previous performance, assigned goals, and self-efficacy on personal goals and performance. Three levels of assigned goals were manipulated in a counterbalanced fashion across two performance trials. Assigned goals were hypothesized to have a greater influence than self-efficacy on personal goals for the first trial, whereas efficacy was hypothesized to have a stronger influence than assigned goals on Trial 2 goals. Although the hypothesized model fit fairly well overall, the specific results concerning the relative impact of assigned goal and self-efficacy were not supported. In general, the observed trends indicated the effects were the opposite of what was expected. Potential explanations for these results and recommendations for future research are offered.  相似文献   

A model of goal-setting processes was developed that depicted the influence of previous performance, normative information, and self-efficacy on personal goals and performance. Three levels of normative information were manipulated in a counter-balanced fashion across two trials. Norms were hypothesized to have a greater influence than self-efficacy on personal goals for the first trial, whereas efficacy was hypothesized to have a stronger influence than norms on Trial 2 goals. A sample of 135 undergraduates completed a practice and two performance trials of a word game, and the results were analyzed using LISREL structural modeling techniques. Although the general hypothesized model fit fairly well, the specific results concerning the relative impact of norms and self-efficacy were opposite of the expected direction. Potential explanations for these results, and recommendations for future research are offered.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(1):97-120
This investigation evaluated potential revisions to the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The data analyzed were collected from trainees in 17 U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy jobs as part of the Joint-Services Enhanced Computer-Administered Test (ECAT) battery validation study. Predictors included the trainees’ preenlistment scores for the 10 tests in the current ASVAB, plus the 9 experimental ECAT battery tests. The criteria were measures of training performance. All possible combinations of tests that (a) included the Word Knowledge and Arithmetic Reasoning tests of the ASVAB and (b) could be administered in a 134- to 164-min interval were evaluated with respect to 5 indexes of test battery performance: criterion-related validity, classification efficiency, and 3 types of subgroup differences (White vs. Black, White vs. Hispanic, and male vs. female). The 5 indexes were calculated for each of the 16,437 possible combinations of tests. The standard deviations of the indexes across the combinations of tests showed that (a) values on the validity index varied little, (b) values on the classification efficiency and White versus Black and White versus Hispanic subgroup differences indexes varied moderately, and (c) values on the male versus female difference index varied substantially. The validity index of the combinations showed a moderate correlation with the classification efficiency index and a nearly zero correlation with subgroup differences. However, the classification efficiency index showed a small-to-moderate positive correlation with the subgroup difference indexes. The subgroup difference indexes showed moderate-to-high positive correlations with one another. Examinations of the top 20 combinations of tests identified by each index demonstrated that tests that optimize one type of index usually do not optimize each of the other indexes. In particular, trade-offs were observed between (a) the maximization of validity (and classification efficiency) versus the minimization of all 3 types of subgroup differences and (b) the minimization of differences between Whites and Blacks (or between Whites and Hispanics) versus the minimization of differences between men and women. These results suggest that no combination of the tests considered in this investigation simultaneously optimizes all 5 test battery performance indexes.  相似文献   

This study is one segment of a research project initiated by the Bureau of General Research, Kansas State University, Manhattan, to examine work attitudes and work experience of school personnel and their implications for career education. This article deals with the work-experience portion of that project. Data were obtained through the use of Work Attitude Inventory of Teachers (WAIT), a survey instrument that included a work-experience questionnaire. The instrument was administered independently to school administrators, vocational educators, secondary teachers other than vocational, elementary school teachers, and guidance and counseling personnel. Respondents recorded work experience outside teaching as well as teaching experience. The responses were categorized according to length of employment (full, part time, summer) and according to the U.S. Office of Education's 15 career clusters. The combined sample of 831 respondents to the work-experience element showed an average of 14.5 years of teaching experience and one out of five persons with no work experience outside education. Most work experience recorded was of a temporary nature and usually in a low-level or menial category.  相似文献   

Personality has been studied as a predictor variable in a range of occupational settings. The study reported is based on a systematic search and meta-analysis of the literature, using the "Big Five" personality framework. The results indicated that there was substantial variability in the effect of personality on workplace accidents, with evidence of situational moderators operating in most cases. However, one aspect of personality, low agreeableness, was found to be a valid and generalisable predictor of involvement in work accidents. The implications of the findings for future research are discussed. Although meta-analysis can be used to provide definite estimates of effect sizes, the limitations of such an approach are also considered.
La personnalité a étéétudiée comme variable prédictrice dans un ensemble de situations professionnelles. Ce travail s'appuie sur une investigation approfondie et une méta-analyse de la littérature faisant appel au modèle de la personnalité du « Big Five >>. Les résultats montrent qu'il existe de fortes variations en ce qui concerne le rôle de la personnalité dans les accidents du travail, avec l'interférence de facteurs situationnels dans la plupart des cas. Cependant, un aspect de la personnalité, une « agreeableness >> basse, apparaît comme étant un prédicteur valide et général de l'implication dans les accidents du travail. On réfléchit à l'intérêt de ces résultats pour de futures recherches. La méta-analyse peut certes procurer une évaluation précise de l'impact d'une variable, mais il faut aussi prendre en considération les limites de cette approche.  相似文献   

Our investigation involved the measurement of constraints in a variety of Air Force work settings and the examination of hypothesized relationships between these constraints and performance, affective reactions, and reenlistment plans in seven Air Force occupational specialties. The severity of constraints was found to be mild across the specialties investigated. The presence of constraints tended to be associated with decreased satisfaction, increased frustration, and increased thoughts of leaving the Air Force. However, contrary to expectations, constraints were not related to either performance or intentions to leave.  相似文献   

The social work profession's efforts in achieving legal regulation are explored. Widespread success is found in these efforts, and 48 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands now have legal regulation. There is variance in terms of the level of legal regulation, however, as reflected in the level of educational or practice attainment required and levels of protection provided. Interdisciplinary collaboration in this area among mental health professions is examined.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of self-control in the measurement of integrity. We present two empirical studies. In Study 1 we examine the nomological net for the integrity construct. Results indicate that self-control accounts for a substantial portion of the variance in integrity scores over and above measures of the Big Five personality dimensions. In Study 2, we examine the impact of ego depletion on a measure of integrity. Consistent with hypotheses, results indicate that scores on measures of integrity and self-control were lower under ego depletion conditions. Implications for the measurement and assessment of integrity are discussed.  相似文献   

Research indicates that work and family are significant sources of stress. However, this research has underemphasized the cognitive appraisal process by which work and family generate stress. This study used person-environment fit theory to examine how the comparison of work and family experiences to the person's values relates to stress and well-being. Using data from 1758 employees, we assessed fit regarding autonomy, relationships, security, and segmentation for both work and family, and examined the relationship of fit with work and family satisfaction, anxiety, depression, irritation, and somatic symptoms. In general, well-being improved as experiences increased toward values and improved to a lesser extent as experiences exceeded values. Well-being was also higher when experiences and values were both high than when both were low. These relationships were generally strongest for within-domain fit and well-being (i.e., work fit and work satisfaction, family fit and family satisfaction), and several relationships were moderated by work and family centrality. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

The impact of traumatic events on empirical and metaphysical assumptions was examined, by comparing assumptions of a group of 25 persons who had recently experienced a major stressor with assumptions of a group of 25 persons who had not had such an experience. Each group was composed of 22 women and 3 men, with a mean age of 20 years. Participants completed written measures assessing level of adjustment, empirical world assumptions, religious motivation, and religious and spiritual experiences. Naturalistic interviews were conducted with the trauma group. The trauma group obtained significantly higher scores on symptoms of psychological distress but did not differ in evaluations of the empirical world as predictable, safe, or controllable. Interviews suggested that the metaphysical assumptions were not challenged by trauma; rather, they provided a framework for understanding and coping with trauma.  相似文献   

Counselor educators (N= 378) provided their viewpoints regarding the impact of counselor identity on professional advancement and recognition. Respondents indicated that counselors, the American Counseling Association, and other counseling organizations are responsible for advocacy of the counseling profession. Collaboration among counselors for the development of a single coherent message is necessary for advocacy efforts aimed at congressional Medicare leaders, managed care organizations, state licensing boards, and allied professions.  相似文献   


This paper provides a theoretical framework for assessing the likely impact of variations in the remuneration level on a salesperson's income and sales. It is shown how salespeople who display various behavioral responses to financial incentives should have different sets of values for two observable and measurable elasticities ei and es (elasticities of income and sales with respect to remuneration). The behavioral responses to financial incentives under consideration are: Salespersons are (1) money sensitive, (2) unresponsive to financial incentives, (3) leisure sensitive, (4) income satisfiers, and (5) “irrational”. The theory can be applied by observing and measuring the two elasticities ei and es, and then inferring salespeople's work habits. The theory is consistent with some empirical data. Practical and normative implications for sales force motivation, compensation plan design, and recruiting are discussed.  相似文献   

The need to support individuals in the implementation of their decision-making strategies has often been articulated. However, computerized decision support addressing this need is conspicuous by its absence. We argue that this lack is a consequence of the dearth of theoretical guidance for the derivation of practical design guidelines. This paper, utilizing research in psychology and cognitive engineering, attempts to fill this theoretical gap. A laboratory experiment testing the utility of a DSS incorporating the derived design guidelines is described. Results indicate that itispossible to incorporate implementation support into DSS, that such support increases decision making efficiency and effectiveness, and that need as well as usefulness of such support increases with the level of complexity of the decision strategy.  相似文献   

本研究采用文献总结法、工作分析法、专家评判法、问卷调查法、五级估量模糊集评判技术等,对公安民警职业胜任心理素质进行分析,从基本心理素质、特殊心理素质两级水平及一般能力、人格特质、社会能力三个维度,构建了八类警种的公安民警职业胜任心理素质评价体系,简称"2级3维"评价体系.本研究结果为制定更为科学实用的公安民警心理素质的测评工具提供依据.  相似文献   

Just why a patient should trust a particular healer isa question that has not been adequately explored inthe literature on healing. This ethnographiccase-report examines the healing performance of achiropractor and proposes that it contains fourintrinsic claims to trustworthiness: he claims to bea qualified and sincere healer who is inpossession of knowledge and techniques that derivetheir power from their truth content and whichempower him to make beneficial changes in thepatient. Taking each claim in turn I described thenature of the claim, how it might be adequatelyvalidated, ways in which his healing performance mightvalidate it and how he might be assisted by thepatient, and how their actual validation may bedistorted by the healer and patient. It is suggestedthat while unusual in many regards, this unorthodoxhealing performance may be a foil by which toexamine other more orthodox healing performances.  相似文献   

Forty male scientists (including 4 who eventually won Nobel prizes) were interviewed four times between 1958 and 1978 concerning their work habits, use of time, hobbies, attitudes, and related issues. The 38 who were still alive in 1988 then filled out a questionnaire concerning their various forms of thinking (e.g., verbal, visual, kinesthetic), their avocations, forms and extent of physical exercise, and when they were most likely to have significant scientific insights (e.g., while working on a problem directly, while working on other problems, while relaxing, on walking). The questionnaire and interview information was then collated and statistically analyzed with regard to the impact of each scientist to determine if any correlations exist between scientific success and avocations, preferred modes of thinking, use of time, energy, or related factors. Significant correlations were found between scientific success and particular modes of thinking (especially visual ones), between success and various hobbies (especially artistic and musical ones), between particular hobbies and use of particular modes of scientific thinking, between success and having a broad range of avocations and forms of physical exercise, and between success and the efficient use of time to manage many competing vocation and avocational demands. We conclude that successful scientists have highly integrated networks of enterprise, whereas less successful colleagues tend to have fewer nonscientific activities that they do not integrate. They develop nonfunctional networks of enterprise in which activities compete against, rather than sustain, each other.  相似文献   

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