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This study examined the relationship between differentiation of self and psychological reactance. A total of 279 college students completed the Personal Authority in the Family System Questionnaire, the Therapeutic Reactance Scale, the Questionnaire for the Measurement of Psychological Reactance, and demographic questions. Results showed that three measures of differentiation (i.e., intergenerational individuation, peer intimacy, and peer individuation) significantly predicted psychological reactance. Implications of these results for therapists are provided.  相似文献   

Psychological reactance is an important construct for social scientists. The measure most often used to tap psychological reactance is the Therapeutic Reactance Scale (TRS; E. T. Dowd, C. R. Milne, & S. C. Wise, 1991). However, little research to date has examined the psychometric properties of the TRS. Eight hundred and eighty‐three individuals completed the TRS, and their responses were factor analyzed. Evidence indicates that psychological reactance is a multidimensional phenomenon. As currently written and interpreted however, the TRS is unable to accurately measure these multiple dimensions.  相似文献   

Psychological reactance, the theory that people resist attempts to constrain either their thoughts or their behaviors (J. W. Brehm, 1966), has been an influential concept in social psychology. In an attempt to measure reactance, J. Merz (1983) developed the Questionnaire for the Measurement of Psychological Reactance (QMPR). Subsequent researchers (S.-M. Hong & R. Ostini, 1989; R. K. Tucker & P. Y. Byers, 1987) have debated both the exact factor structure and the psychometric stability of the QMPR. In the present study, 898 undergraduates completed the QMPR. Factor analysis suggested that psychological reactance is multidimensional. The authors found 3 factors underlying the QMPR, but the QMPR provided unreliable estimates for each of those factors. According to the results, the QMPR as currently written is psychometrically unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Psychological Maltreatment (PM) and Neglect subscales of the Computer Assisted Maltreatment Inventory (CAMI; DiLillo et al., 2010 DiLillo, D., Hayes-Skelton, S. A., Fortier, M. A., Perry, A. R., Evans, S.Messman-Moore, T. L. 2010. Development and initial psychometric properties of the Computer Assisted Maltreatment Inventory (CAMI): A comprehensive self-report measure of child maltreatment history. Child Abuse and Neglect, 34: 305317. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The CAMI is a retrospective self-report measure that assesses multiple forms of child maltreatment (i.e., sexual, physical, psychological, neglect, exposure to interparental violence) retrospectively from adults. The CAMI's PM and Neglect subscales were administered to a geographically diverse sample of 400 college students and a sample of 412 newlyweds. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted for each group separately by subscale. Represented in the PM factor structures were items that depict emotional responsiveness, terrorizing/spurning, demanding/rigid, corrupting, and isolating parental behaviors. The Neglect scale included items depicting basic needs, cleanliness, abandonment, monitoring and medical neglect factors. Revised versions of the CAMI PM and Neglect subscales based on the factor analysis are presented.  相似文献   

The Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) is a widely used measure of perfectionism. Previous studies of the nature of the factors of the FMPS have resulted in mixed findings and have failed to identify a stable factor structure. This study investigated the factor structure of the FMPS using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), addressing previous methodological limitations. Participants were 6,449 students from two Australian universities. Exploratory factor analysis suggested a five‐factor model and a reduction in variables from 35 to 29 (FMPS‐29). CFA demonstrated goodness of fit of the revised measure. We also compared our model with a number of existing measurement models of perfection and found the proposed model provided a superior fit for this university student population. Support was found for the two second‐order constructs commonly referred to as adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism, although there appears to be little benefit in using this model over the first‐order model. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

测验信度估计:从α系数到内部一致性信度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
温忠麟  叶宝娟 《心理学报》2011,43(7):821-829
沿用经典的测验信度定义, 简介了信度与a 系数的关系以及a系数的局限。为了推荐替代a系数的信度估计方法, 深入讨论了与a 系数关系密切的同质性信度和内部一致性信度。在很一般的条件下, 证明了a 系数和同质性信度都不超过内部一致性信度, 后者不超过测验信度, 说明内部一致性信度比较接近测验信度。总结出一个测验信度分析流程, 说明什么情况下a 系数还有参考价值; 什么情况下a 系数不再适用, 应当使用内部一致性信度(文献上也常称为合成信度)。提供了计算同质性信度和内部一致性信度的计算程序, 一般的应用工作者可以直接套用。  相似文献   

Researchers now know that when theoretical reliability increases, power can increase, decrease, or stay the same. However, no analytic research has examined the relationship of power to the most commonly used type of reliability—internal consistency—and the most commonly used measures of internal consistency, coefficient alpha and ICC(A,k). We examine the relationship between the power of independent samples t tests and internal consistency. We explicate the mathematical model upon which researchers usually calculate internal consistency, one in which total scores are calculated as the sum of observed scores on K measures. Using this model, we derive a new formula for effect size to show that power and internal consistency are influenced by many of the same parameters but not always in the same direction. Changing an experiment in one way (e.g., lengthening the measure) is likely to influence multiple parameters simultaneously; thus, there are no simple relationships between such changes and internal consistency or power. If researchers revise measures to increase internal consistency, this might not increase power. To increase power, researchers should increase sample size, select measures that assess areas where group differences are largest, and use more powerful statistical procedures (e.g., ANCOVA).  相似文献   

师范生心理素质的结构及特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该研究以山东师范大学和鲁东大学7个不同专业的1000名大四学生为被试.运用师范生心理素质问卷进行正式测试,采用Amos4.0统计软件对数据进行验证性因素分析。结果表明,师范生心理素质的合理的结构应是一阶九因素二阶三因素的结构,数据与理论模型拟合较好。结果还表明,男女生在非权势性因素的得分差异显著,文理科学生在责任心和客观性因素的得分差异显著。  相似文献   

A sample of 134 suicide attempters completed the Reasons for Attempting Suicide Questionnaire (RASQ). Maximum likelihood factor and principal components analyses confirmed the multidimensionality of the RASQ, with two-component and three-factor models each receiving support. Scales from these competing multidimensional RASQ models demonstrated adequate internal consistency reliability. For the two-component model, two previously developed scales demonstrated differential validity with suicide indices. It is concluded that the RASQ has at least two dimensions, and it is recommended that the RASQ be scored for two scales: Internal Perturbation-Based Reasons and Extrapunitive/Manipulative Motivations.  相似文献   

Third-grade children (n = 72) completed arithmetic problems in an individually conducted experimental session while receiving one of three types of verbal feedback (positive statements, negative statements, or their combination), either randomly or contingent on the accuracy of their answers. Random feedback produced a higher rate of responding than did contingent feedback with no loss of accuracy. The varying types of verbal feedback statements did not produce differential effects on either rate or accuracy measures. These results were discussed in terms of the ineffectiveness of verbal feedback in producing differential results with tasks not involving new learning and in terms of mechanisms which could account for the efficacy of random feedback.  相似文献   

Researchers have long been aware of the mathematics of factor indeterminacy. Yet, while occasionally discussed, the phenomenon is mostly ignored. In metrology, the measurement discipline of the physical sciences, uncertainty – distinct from both random error (but encompassing it) and systematic error – is a crucial characteristic of any measurement. This research argues that factor indeterminacy is uncertainty. Factor indeterminacy fundamentally threatens the validity of psychometric measurement, because it blurs the linkage between a common factor and the conceptual variable that the factor represents. Acknowledging and quantifying factor indeterminacy is important for progress in reducing this component of uncertainty in measurement, and thus improving psychological measurement over time. Based on our elaborations, we offer a range of recommendations toward achieving this goal.  相似文献   

The article presents an analysis of the factorial structure and measurement invariance of the Innovative Behavior Questionnaire, developed by Scott and Bruce. Although the instrument is widely used to capture individuals' innovative behavior, very little evidence concerning its psychometric properties is available. A time‐lagged study among 382 employees was conducted to check the factorial structure of the questionnaire, using confirmatory factor analysis, as well as its measurement invariance across gender and time. One‐factor structure (with correlated error terms of first three items) and strict invariance across time and across gender of the Innovative Behavior Questionnaire were demonstrated. As such, the measure can be used as a reliable tool for capturing individuals' innovative behavior by self‐report.  相似文献   

The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) were translated into Xhosa, a language widely spoken in South Africa to yield translated scales referred to as the XBDI-I (Xhosa BDI-II), the XBAI (Xhosa BAI) and the XBHS (Xhosa BHS). These scales were administered to a sample of 122 Xhosa respondents which included students and patients. The psychometric properties of the translated scales were comparable to those of the original English versions. Measures of internal consistency were as high as those for the validation studies in the USA and good item-scale correlations were obtained. This suggests that the translation yielded clinically useful scales which tap symptoms that are largely culturally universal.  相似文献   

高校教师心理契约问卷的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在文献分析与教师访谈的基础上,编制了《高校教师心理契约问卷》。对174名高校教师进行预试,通过对问卷的信度、效度的检验与探索性因素分析后,形成初步问卷。应用该问卷对11个省31所大学的358名教师进行测量,验证性因素分析后修正了高校教师心理契约的结构模型。结果表明,高校教师心理契约的结构符合三维度结构模型,且教师责任和学校责任两方面均分为交易责任、发展责任和关系责任。编制的高校教师心理契约问卷共24个项目,信度、效度良好,适合用以研究高校教师的心理契约。  相似文献   

The twin scales, Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire and Body Sensations Questionnaire (D. L. Chambless, G. C. Caputo, P. Bright, & R. Gallagher, 1984), have been used frequently in the area of anxiety, and in particular, panic disorder with agoraphobia. The present study employed confirmatory factor analysis to investigate the factor structure of the scales in a sample of Australian patients with anxiety disorder. Model testing indicated that neither the original nor the modified factor structures offered a good fit to the data. In addition, confirmatory factor analyses highlighted statistical inconsistencies in the scales. Except for a few, most of the items were problematic. This indicated a need for possible revision of the scales. Moreover, until further research is conducted, researchers and clinicians are recommended to use the scales with caution.  相似文献   

A central component of Beck et al.’s (1979) cognitive theory of depression is faulty information processing reflected by so-called cognitive errors. These cognitive errors are the reason why depressed individuals systematically misinterpret the significance of events in a negative way. They are usually assessed with the application of the Cognitive Error Questionnaire (CEQ). This study examines the psychometric properties and factor structure of the German version of the CEQ in a sample of 796 volunteers at a German university. Results confirmed that the German CEQ has satisfactory to very good psychometric properties, like the American original. Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that a hierarchical four-factor model with four subscales and 1 s order factor fits the data best. Therefore, besides using the German CEQ in studies with German-speaking samples, the similarities in psychometric properties of the American and German CEQ allow for cross-cultural studies.  相似文献   

师范生心理素质评价量表的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该研究在前期研究的基础上,经进一步理论分析.初步编制了由责任感、有恒性、客观性、非权势性、创造性、监控性、教育效能感、角色认同、成就动机9个分量表构成的“师范生心理素质评价量表”。经项目分析、预测、非正式测量确定了量表的具体测验题。对976名师范生正式测量结果的分析表明,该量表有较高的信度和效度,能够较好地评定师范生的心理素质.对优秀教师与一般教师亦有一定的区分鉴别作用。在文章的最后,作者进一步讨论了师范生心理素质及其结构。  相似文献   

积极心理资本自提出以来,便备受关注,它超越了人力资本和社会资本,是一种能够被有效开发和管理,并能够对个体的绩效产生重要影响的核心积极心理要素。在以往研究中,研究者提出了积极心理资本的四维结构说、三维结构说和多维结构说,并据此开发了相应的测量工具。在后果变量方面,主要探讨的是积极心理资本与工作态度、工作行为、工作绩效、幸福感等方面的关系。积极心理资本自身也是一个重要的中介与调节变量,而PCI干预模型可有效提高个体的心理资本水平。今后研究的重点包括研究对象与内容的拓宽、研究方法的改进与完善以及本土化和跨文化研究的加强等。  相似文献   

This study examines the factor structure and internal consistency of the Spanish version of the Family Quality of Life scale (FaQoL). After translating and back-translating the instrument, we administered it to 324 families with a child with disabilities or developmental delays or who was at risk and who was enrolled in an early intervention (EI) program. Families were recruited from EI services in Spain, from 12 autonomous communities. Children’s average age was 38.6 months. Results showed the FaQoL scores had high internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analysis showed an adequate fit with the original factors, even slightly higher than the original four-factor solution. These results allow factors scores to be used reliably with Spanish families.  相似文献   

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