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Two studies with American students demonstrated the utility of interpersonal theory in social psychological research. The hypothesis in Study 1, following Mead's (1934) interactionist viewpoint, was that others' perceptions of an individual relate to how that individual thinks these others view him and that these reflexive self-perceptions are subsequently linked with an individual's self-perceptions. This conceptualization corrected Shrauger and Schoeneman's (1979) erroneous parallelism between self-images and reflected perceptions and between self-images and others' actual perceptions. It extended previous works by using interpersonally based self- and other-acceptance measures, a “naturalistic” setting, and repeated measurements. Three of four regression analyses supported the hypothesis. Study 2 was conducted to investigate further significant differences found between the self-and other-acceptance measures. As predicted from Sullivan's (1953) interpersonal theory, individuals considered it more important to be viewed as accepting of others than of self, although their other-acceptance schemata was, in general, more poorly defined.  相似文献   


In this study salience, importance, and multidimensional aspects of spontaneous social identities were examined. A Social Identity Survey was developed and administered to an ethnically diverse sample of American undergraduate students. Freely generated, social identities were rank ordered for importance and rated along four conceptually-derived dimensions: emotion, evaluation, importance, and stability. Results showed pattern differences among three groups of highly salient social identities: (a) gender, religion, and ethnicity; (b) academic major and student; and (c) hobbies and athletics. Ethnic differences suggest that mainstream Americans attributed less importance to the gender and ethnic identities in comparison with Asians and Hispanics.  相似文献   

Clinical validation of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cheung FM  Kwong JY  Zhang J 《心理评价》2003,15(1):89-100
The clinical validity of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI; F. M. Cheung, K. Leung, et al., 1996) was examined in 2 studies involving a group of 167 male prisoners in Hong Kong and a group of 339 psychiatric patients in China. Elevated scores on the clinical scales were obtained for the clinical samples. Logistic regression analyses confirmed that the CPAI scales were useful in differentiating between male prisoner and the Hong Kong male normative sample and between psychiatric patients and a random sample of normal adults in China. Multivariate analyses of variance results showed significant differences on the CPAI clinical scales and personality scales among subgroups of psychiatric patients with diagnoses of bipolar, schizophrenic, and neurotic disorders. The usefulness of an indigenous personality inventory is discussed.  相似文献   


The study was conducted to determine whether state obesity-prevalence rates can be predicted by state differences in residents’ levels on the Big Five personality variables (O. P. John &; S. Srivastava, 1999). State obesity prevalence was the mean percentage of the state population from 2000 to 2005 with a body mass index ≥ 30.0 as assessed by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010), which currently interviews more than 350,000 adults annually. State neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness z scores, based on the responses of 619,397 residents to an Internet survey from 1999 to 2005, were taken from P. J. Rentfrow, S. D. Gosling, and J. Potter (2008). Alaska, Hawaii, and North Dakota had scores outside ?3 and +3 standard deviations on at least 1 variable and were excluded as outliers. For the 47 remaining states, state obesity prevalence was significantly correlated with neuroticism (.35), agreeableness (.38), openness (?.44), socioeconomic status (?.74), white percentage (?.34), and urbanization (?.43). Multiple regression analysis showed that socioeconomic status could account for 54.0% of the criterion variance and that agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness together could account for another 17.1%.  相似文献   

人格结构的中西方差异与中国人的人格特点   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
该文旨在通过对中西方人格结构的比较和分析揭示文化与人格结构的关系,并探寻中国人人格结构的文化意义。根据词汇学假设进行的中西方人格结构的研究结果表明,人格结构的形成是建立在对行为归类的基础之上的,中西方人格结构的差异最直接的原因就在于中西方对行为归类的差别。中国文化比较强调整体性、联系性以及评价性是造成中国人与西方人行为归类差异的原因,而更深层次的原因则是中西方文化中对人性看法的差异。中国人人格量表有着比较理想的预测效度,而且与西方大五人格量表相比更高的预测效度,这些均表明中国人人格结构的合理性。文中还提出了进一步研究的展望  相似文献   


Male-female personality differences have been assumed but seldom empirically demonstrated. American and Indonesian college students were assessed for personality traits by the Cattell Clinical Analysis Questionnaire in the appropriate language. Predicted differences based on culture and nationality were found. Despite the cultural differences, similar sex differences were also found. Women of both groups were higher than their male counterparts on warmth, emotionality, prudence, sensitivity, and conformity; men were higher than their counterparts on emotional stability, dominance, and impulsivity. These findings support Chodorow's theory of universal differences in male and female personalities based on the universal role of the woman as the caretaker of the young.  相似文献   


Social science literature reveals the consistent recurrence of illegitimacy and attendant social problems. Various explanations have been posited, but this study chose to focus on personality traits of one-time and recidivist unwed mothers. The MMPI was given to 37 unwed mothers, 21 one-time, and 16 recidivists. These two groups were compared with a normal group of girls. The recidivist group differed significantly from the norm group on eight scales: F, D, Hy, Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc, and Ma; the one-time unwed mother group differed from the norm group significantly on four scales: F, Pd, Sc, and Ma. The recidivist group differed from the one-time group in the direction of less adjustment of five scales: Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc, and Es.  相似文献   

Social maladjustment has been related to an external locus of control orientation. It was hypothesized, therefore, that delinquent females would be more external than a control sample. Further, since alienation from others is also associated with maladjustment, it was expected that the delinquents would also prefer greater distance from others. These hypotheses were confirmed with discussion being in terms of implication for rehabilitation of delinquents.  相似文献   

Three personality tests, the Basic Personality Inventory (BPI), the Jackson Personality Inventory (JPI), and the Personality Research Form-E (PRF-E) were evaluated for readability using a number of indices. Sentence length, word length, sentence type, and four readability formulas indicated that the readability of the BPI, JPI, and PRF-E would not impede the administration or interpretation of these tests in broad segments of the population.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the development of the Cross‐Cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI) as a culturally relevant measure for personality assessment in collectivistic cultures. In addition to universal personality traits, the CPAI included indigenously derived scales that assessed the relational aspects of personality. We reported three studies that illustrated the usefulness of these indigenous scales in Chinese organizational settings. The Interpersonal Relatedness factor scales on the CPAI contributed additional value beyond scales from the universal factors of Social Potency and Dependability in profiling MBA students at senior‐level positions, in assessing hotel workers’ customer orientation, and in predicting senior executives’ leadership behaviors.  相似文献   

The theoretical grounds, purposes, and features of the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory (MAPI; Millon, Green, & Meagher, 1982) and its forthcoming replacement the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI; Millon, in press) are reviewed. The rationale and procedure for the construction of the component scales are briefly explained, and the logic of configural or profile interpretation is examined and recommended. Uses and limitations of the MAPI and MAC1 are considered. Evaluative research, although limited in scope, points to the general utility of the MAPI and MACI as clinical tools, and to areas where further study may enhance their applicability in a counseling context.  相似文献   

The Thurstone Verbal Fluency Test, Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test, and NEO-FFI personality test were administered to 182 university participants (126 female, 56 male). The men scored higher than the women on the spatial test, and the women scored higher than the men for the verbal fluency test, as reported by others. Women reported more extraversion and agreeableness than men. Extraversion was correlated with verbal fluency for both sexes. For the men, verbal fluency was also positively associated with agreeableness, and for the women, verbal fluency was associated with openness and conscientiousness. No relationships between personality and spatial ability were found. Thus, the relationships between cognitive variables and personality factors differed between the sexes. These findings are discussed in terms of the common frontal neural substrate of verbal fluency and these aspects of personality, as well as the inherently social nature of language as a communication tool.  相似文献   

Tschanz  Brian T.  Morf  Carolyn C.  Turner  Charles W. 《Sex roles》1998,38(9-10):863-870
Multi-sample analysis of the Emmons factor modelof the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) was usedto test the prediction that exploitive tendencies andfeelings of entitlement are less central to the construct of narcissism among females thanthey are among males. As predicted, the hypothesis ofcross-gender equivalence of the Emmons factorvariance/covariance matrixwas rejected. Follow-upanalyses confirmed thatthis hypothesis was rejectedprimarily because Exploitiveness/Entitlement showedweaker correlations with the other Emmons factors amongfemales that it did among males. Results are discussed in terms of such factors as norms regardingappropriate sex role conduct, as well as the powerdifferential between males and females.  相似文献   

This experimental questionnaire study examined individual differences in affective and normative reactions to acculturation strategies. A sample of 265 Dutch emigrants with a dual cultural background read scenarios describing the experiences of an emigrant. Eight (4 × 2) different scenario versions were developed, each referring to 1 of 4 acculturation strategies ( Berry, 1997 ) and representing either the Frisian or the Dutch native culture. Participants reacted most positively to the integration strategy. There were no differences in reactions to Frisian or Dutch original culture. With respect to the influence of personality, as measured with the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire ( van der Zee & van Oudenhoven, 2000 ), individuals high in flexibility responded more positively to the assimilation strategy than did individuals who scored low on this dimension.  相似文献   

Subjects were given the same generalized personality interpretation based on personality inventories differing in length. The short inventory was seen as more efficient than the two longer forms. While no significant differences were noted between forms in terms of accuracy and depth of the interpretation, in percentage terms the short form was more favorably evaluated.  相似文献   


Does mimicking affect the way you think about yourself in relation to other people? In the present study, we instructed participants to either mimic or not mimic the expressions of their interaction partner. After a 3-minute interaction, participants' self-view in relation to others was measured. Results revealed that mimickers defined themselves more in relation to others than nonmimickers. Thus, mimicking others, compared to not mimicking others, changes your self-view.  相似文献   

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