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The Porteus Maze has been used as a cross-cultural test for more than 50 years. The Maze may be of use to the cross-cultural researcher or cross-cultural practitioner because it is a performance test, has high intrinsic interest for most persons from various cultural groups, has simple instructions, is easy to administer, and has ease and objectivity of scoring. Variables that may have confounded the results of the cross-cultural studies of the Maze consist of background factors, prior learning, inherited factors, physiological factors, and sampling problems. Other difficulties of equating cultural groups were discussed. It was suggested that the future use of the Maze be in conjunction with various environmental variables and measures of performance.  相似文献   


David, Henry P. and Brengelmann, J.C., (eds.). Perspectives In Personality Research. New York: Springer, Inc., 1960. 370 pp. $7.50. Reviewed by Kenneth R. Wurtz

Gottsegen, Monroe G. and Gottsegen, Gloria B. Professional School Psychology. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1960, Pp. 292, $7.75. Reviewed by Henry L. Levy

Klopfer, Walter G. The Psychological Report: Use and Communication of Psychological Findings. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1960. Pp. ix and 146. Reviewed by Dale S. Higbee  相似文献   


This study investigated helping behavior on Election Day, 1972, at 20 polling places in southeastern Michigan. One experimenter, posing as a “campaign worker,” dropped his political literature as he attempted to give some to a subject approaching or exiting from the polls, while a second experimenter recorded the subject's behavior and then ascertained the subject's presidential preference and/or party affiliation. It was found that (a) subjects were more likely to help the “campaign worker” if he had the same political preference; (b) McGovern supporters were more likely to help than were Nixon supporters; and (c) neither sex of subject or campaign worker, nor whether the interaction took place before or after voting, was significantly related to the likelihood of helping behavior occurring.  相似文献   

The Francis Scale of Attitude toward Alcohol was completed by 324 adolescents (M= 17.1 yr., SD=3.6) in Northern Ireland to examine reliability of the measure among this age group. These data support its internal consistency (.89) and suggest that the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Alcohol is psychometrically appropriate for use among this age group.  相似文献   

本研究目的在于探索社会性发展迟滞大学生对社交信息的内隐认知特点,三个实验分别通过GNAT、IRAP、IAT范式探讨社会性发展迟滞大学生对社交活动、社交关系的内隐态度和内隐社交自我评价的内隐加工特点。结果发现:①社会性发展迟滞组对群体活动的反应时更短;②社会性发展迟滞组对师生关系持消极的内隐态度,对同学关系持积极的内隐态度;③社会性发展迟滞组存在社交自我评价积极偏向,但对积极评价他人/消极评价自我的反应时更短,对评价的整体反应时更短。结论:迟滞个体对社交活动较敏感,对师生关系持消极态度和对同学关系持积极态度,对社交自我评价存在积极偏向。  相似文献   

A Pearson correlation of .55 was found for a sample of 243 female undergraduates in Wales (M age=20.9 yr., SD=4.6) between high scores on the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity and rejection of premarital sex.  相似文献   

The efficiency of aptitude and mental ability measures to predict high school grade-point average for Negro students in secondary school was studied. The total sample of 222 students was randomly divided into two samples in order to determine the consistency with which the variables predicted the criteria. The predictor variables were: The Differential Aptitude Tests, the California Test of Mental Maturity, The Cooperative Ability Tests, The Sequential Tests of Educational Progress, Junior High School Grade-Point Average, and Social Status Ratings. The data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The instruments consistently yielded substantial correlations with High School Grade-Point Average. Negro students appeared to be as predictable as other groups.  相似文献   

南北朝时代,禅学是佛教的重要修持方式,尤其是在北朝形成了相对稳定的禅师传承关系和禅僧群体,在南朝则是沿着长江两岸和浙东出现多处禅修基地,颇具时代特色。本文拟就南北朝禅学及其特点作一简要的论述。  相似文献   

关于中国青少年对神秘现象态度的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
据专家的调查显示,中国青少年目前对神秘现象的热衷有增无减,尤其是对诸如特异功能、天外来客、星座、电脑预测等问题认识模糊,由此对超自然力的信奉而相信鬼神的存在,使得其身心、学习和生活受到影响.本文对此问题做一客观阐述,并简要分析其产生的原因.  相似文献   

探讨不同风险态度的大学生在职业决策中的线索偏好及信息搜索特点。以大学生为被试,以Weber的风险态度问卷为工具,筛选出风险寻求大学生26名,风险规避大学生23名,采用信息板技术进行模拟职业决策研究。结果发现:(1)风险寻求和风险规避大学生在职业决策中点击次数最多的职业属性均依次是工资、发展空间和兴趣;(2)在信息板的点击次数上,风险寻求被试比风险规避被试更多;在搜索模式上,风险寻求组被试和风险规避组的得分均为正值,但风险寻求组被试的得分显著高于风险规避组。因此,大学生职业决策中偏好的线索主要是工资、发展空间和兴趣;风险寻求者的信息搜索模式与风险规避者不同,风险寻求者更倾向于以选项为基础的搜索模式。  相似文献   

犹太教是一个民族性的宗教。对改宗犹太教的外邦人,拉比们一方面给予他们积极的评价,另一方面又对他们表现出怀疑排斥的消极态度。从根本上说,这种矛盾态度是由犹太教对自身的不同理解造成的。一方面,犹太人将自身看成由律法塑造的宗教共同体;另一方面,犹太教又始终将自身理解为一个民族,甚至其改宗程序,也是为了在象征意义上建立改宗者与犹太人的血缘关系。犹太教对其民族性的坚持是她无法向外邦人敞开怀抱的主要原因。  相似文献   

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