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We examine how minority ethnic employees account for witnessing selective incivility to ethnically similar others. Our study is based on qualitative interviews with British Asian employees – the majority who witnessed incivility directed towards migrant Asian employees working for the same company. Our findings indicate that, for those whose minority ethnic identity was of central importance, witnessing selective incivility towards others from a similar ethnic background can be perceived as an identity threat. We provide insights into three identity work strategies undertaken by witnesses of selective incivility, while illuminating how minority ethnic identity shapes the way witnesses' respond to selective incivility in the workplace.  相似文献   

Presently, there is increased in research on job strain and the effects of religiosity on employee well-being. Despite increased recognition of religiosity as a moderator of well-being, limited research has focused on Islamic perspective of moderating job strain. This study examines the moderating effects of Islamic personal religiosity on the relationship between job strain and employee well-being in Malaysian universities. One hundred and seventeen (117) Muslim academic and administrative staff from four public universities were sampled. Data were collected via questionnaires, and our findings show that the effect of job strain on well-being is significant for employees and that personal religiosity of employees contributed to alleviating job strain and enhancing well-being. Thus, the study concludes that Islamic personal religiosity moderates the relationship between job strain and employee well-being.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between supervisor support, flourishing at work, and intention to leave in a South African higher education setting. Participants comprised a convenience sample of 339 academic employees from three universities of technology. They completed the Supervisor Behaviour Scale (SBS), Flourishing-at-Work Scale (Short Form: FAWS-SF), and the Turnover Intention Scale (TIS). The results showed that supervisor support (autonomy, competence, and relatedness of employees) predicted employees’ flourishing at work. Higher supervisor support was associated with lower intention to leave. Employees with work flourishing were less likely to report intention to leave.  相似文献   

For some time there has been a growing concern about violence in the workplace. This concern has tended to focus on employees with jobs which involve them in witnessing and dealing with the effects of disasters or traumas, such as the police, firefighters and ambulance personnel, rather than the actual victims of violent incidents. In the early 1980's, a psychological intervention known as either critical incident or psychological debriefing was introduced by the emergency services as a way of reducing the long term effects of exposure to traumatic events. The techniques involved in debriefing have been described by a number of workers (Dyregrov, 1989; Mitchell & Everly, 1993; Raphael, 1986). In all these models of debriefing, the debrief is undertaken with groups of victims, all of whom have been involved in a single traumatic incident as emergency workers. This paper describes the common features of the debriefing process; explains why debriefing is helpful; differentiates between debriefing and counselling; explores and contrasts three models of debriefing. Finally, it looks at a model of individual debriefing developed within the British Post Ofice to meet the specific needs of employees who have suffered personal attacks or other traumatic incidents.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(1):39-49
State universities have grown to become monumental enterprises generating revenues of more than $124 billion a year in the sale and delivery of education and other services. They compete in a marketplace composed of private secular, nonsecular and for-profit higher education institutions. In addition, state universities in their own right engage in a number of traditionally for-profit "business" enterprises competing with the private sector. However, as the enterprise aspect of state universities grows; so too does the impact of a unique competitive advantage enjoyed solely by state universities--that is, the ability of state universities to immune themselves from lawsuit in federal court under the guise of "sovereign immunity" for disputes arising under federal employment laws. Indeed, as a consequence of recent Supreme Court rulings, state agencies, including universities, are the only entities in the United States that are effectively exempt from the enforcement of federal employment laws in federal or state courts. This article reviews the condition of the "two faces" of the state university regarding federal employment law and the apparent new barriers to federal court access of employees to judicial review of employment disputes.  相似文献   

Many universities have experienced financial hardships during the recent economic downturn. To save money, several have resorted to laying off employees, which has often resulted in increased work and stress for the remaining employees. Such an increase has the potential to adversely affect employees' sense of job satisfaction. This study created and tested the fit of a conceptual model containing role stress and interrole conflict as a way to account for employees' job satisfaction. The model demonstrated an acceptable fit to the data and contained several significant paths. Implications of the results, study limitations, and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

British sociology was established as an academic discipline between 1945 and 1965, just as the British Empire was gearing up for a new phase of developmental colonialism backed by the social and other sciences. Many parts of the emerging sociological discipline became entangled with colonialism. Key themes and methods in sociology and the staff of sociology departments emerged from this colonial context. Historians have tended to place postwar British sociology in the context of expanding higher education and the welfare state, and have overlooked this colonial constellation. The article reconstructs this forgotten moment of disciplinary founding and explores three of the factors that promoted colonial sociology: the Colonial Social Science Research Council, the so‐called Asquith universities, and the social research institutes in the colonies; and the involvement of sociologists from the London School of Economics in training colonial officials.  相似文献   

Research has convincingly shown that leader–member exchange (LMX) is associated with a range of beneficial outcomes for employees within organizations. As employees increasingly pursue boundaryless careers that straddle multiple organizations, it is important to ask: Do advantages from LMX extend beyond the current organization and persist even after employees have left it? We propose that employees in higher quality LMX relationships with their managers benefit from stronger professional development, which can pay off in the form of better career outcomes on the external job market. Further, after leaving, whether or not ex‐employees (i.e., alumni) harbor goodwill toward their former organizations is likely to depend on their LMX quality prior to leaving. Alumni goodwill matters because organizations can potentially reap important strategic benefits from their alumni. Using time separated data including alumni interviews conducted by third‐party consultants, we find that, among employees who quit, pre‐turnover LMX is positively related to higher salaries and greater responsibility in their next jobs and is also positively related to alumni goodwill. Moreover, the strength of the LMX–alumni goodwill relationship depends on whether managers made robust retention efforts after employees communicated their decisions to quit.  相似文献   

During his visit to Cairo in early October 1995, Dr George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury, gave a lecture at Al‐Azhar University, the oldest and one of the most prestigious Islamic universities. Given on 4 October, the lecture was widely reported in both the Egyptian and British press. Following is the full text of the lecture as delivered, reproduced by the kind permission of Dr Carey.  相似文献   

Employee satisfaction surveys were examined for five universities in the US, UK and Canada, selected because they presented results for faculty and other staff separately. Faculty consistently score more negatively on employee satisfaction across a wide range of areas. The most negative responses are for areas such as personal/worklife balance, work demands/workload, university direction, and whether the employee would choose to work at the same institution again/would recommend it for employment. The results are consistent with previous studies which have shown that education level is negatively associated with job satisfaction. The results suggest that university faculty have high aspirations, since in a number of indicators faculty working conditions appear superior to those of staff (tenure; average income; sabbatical leaves; work control; involvement and consultation in university decision-making), although junior faculty prior to tenure may experience more stress than staff. Employers undertaking employee satisfaction surveys need to take into account systematic differences in aspirations among their employees, when interpreting survey results.  相似文献   


The impact of the Shaughnessy Hospital closure on a sample of full-time health care employees (n = 59) is examined within the context of the restructuring of the British Columbia health care system. Employee concerns focused on lack of consultation, concern for patients, and their own well being. Results from a repeated measures ANOVA (pre- and post-closure) revealed that the negative emotions (e.g., anxious, distressed, angry, nervous) associated with the closure did not dissipate until a full year after the announcement of the hospital closure. A pooled time series analysis (n = 177) found that both social support and positive coping activities were associated with greater coping effectiveness, perceptions of justice, and fewer sick days. The study findings suggest that health care organizations going through closure or restructuring activities should explore interventions which improve communication, develop supervisory support, provide employee assistance or counseling, and offer training interventions which help employees to maintain a positive mental outlook.  相似文献   

Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory suggests that supervisors have relatively high-quality exchange relationships with some employees and relatively low-quality relationships with others. Prior investigations indicate that employees who have high-quality LMX relationships with their supervisors benefit in terms of more positive work attitudes and higher performance than those who do not. However, when employees feel like their supervisors are favouring some employees over others, it is likely to undermine the positive effects of LMX (even among employees who have high-quality exchanges with their supervisor). Using data from 305 employees and their coworkers, we found that the positive effects of LMX (regarding organizational citizenship behaviour, withdrawal behaviour, and relative deprivation regarding one’s career) were weakened by perceived leader favouritism. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests a framework for understanding the relative importance and predictive efficacy of commitment to one’s profession, organization, supervisor and job in both standard and fixed-term employment arrangements. Drawing from the commitment and employment arrangement literatures, we test a set of hypotheses identifying distinct patterns of commitments (i.e., commitment profiles) to these four targets that should yield desired work-related outcomes in standard and fixed-term employment arrangements. We test our hypotheses using latent profile analysis on data collected from two Finnish universities (N1 = 235, N2 = 233). A high macro profile, characterized by high commitment to profession, organization and job, and moderate commitment to supervisor, emerged for employees in standard employment relationships, and this profile was associated with significantly higher positive work behaviours and work effort and lower turnover intentions than the other profiles. For employees with fixed-term employment contracts, a high cosmopolitan profile emerged, characterized by high commitment to the profession and job and low commitment to the organization and supervisor. For these employees, this profile was associated with positive work behaviours and work effort comparable to the high macro profile. Implications for theory, research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Reasonable accommodation under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for employees with mental disabilities is explored from a behavior analytic perspective. Although much of the attention in issues of reasonable accommodation is concentrated on persons with physical disabilities, it is argued that the needs of individuals with mental disabilities are in greater need of further study. The criteria for successful accommodation in the workplace for employees with mental disabilities is seen to be structurally different, but functionally similar to successful accommodations for employees with physical disabilities, and is based on the development of enabling environments. Behavior analysis offers a theoretical basis and performance management presents a methodological basis for analyzing, developing, implementing, and evaluating reasonable accommodation for persons with mental disabilities, largely in terms of effective supervision. It is concluded that Title I of the ADA may be seen as providing a mandate for effective supervision, which may also be extended to all employees.  相似文献   

Research into the role of ethnicity in behaviour in US organizations has been the subject of several reviews. However no such review of British research has thus far been undertaken. Fifty‐four years' worth of selected occupational psychology, organizational behaviour and human resource management journals were therefore reviewed to identify the number and focus of articles relating to ethnicity in British organizations. On the basis of the review findings four key questions were addressed: (i) How much work has been done? (ii) Why has relatively little work been done? (iii) What have we learned about ethnicity and the British workplace? and, (iv) What do we still need to learn? The research shows that only a limited amount of research has been conducted and most of this focuses on a small number of topics. Six recommendations for future research are made: (i) studying ethnicity in a more careful and detailed way; (ii) developing theory; (iii) examining what happens to minority ethnic employees after selection; (iv) more research on minority ethnic professionals; (v) more qualitative research; and, (vi) a greater focus on specific ethnic groups. Recommendations to draw lessons from the way other disciplines have conceptualized and researched ethnicity are also discussed.  相似文献   

采用自行研制的工作伦理问卷, 通过对全国8个城市955名员工、6所高校508名在校大学生以及两大军区461名现役军人进行问卷调查, 对企业员工工作伦理的因素结构进行了探讨。探索性因素分析(n=478)表明, 企业员工工作伦理由职业操守、工作意义、勤奋奉献、积极进取和人际和谐5个维度构成。验证性因素分析(n=477)结果表明五因素模型是比较理想的模型。复核效化检验结果表明, 基于企业员工样本得到的工作伦理五因素结构在大学生样本(n=508)和军人样本(n=461)中具有一定程度的稳定性与预测力。文章最后对企业员工工作伦理维度的构成和内容进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

We investigated the extent to which perceived job demands and resources influenced work-related flourishing and job performance among academic staff in South African universities of technology. Participants were 339 lecturers from three universities of technology (female = 53.8%; junior lecturers = 15.7%; mean age = 45 years, SD = 10 years; job tenure = 77.3% more than five years). Lecturers completed job demands, job resources, flourishing at work, and job performance measures. We utilised latent variable modelling to predict flourishing at work and job performance scores from job demands and resources scores. The results indicated job resources (specifically role clarity, advancement, and remuneration) to predict flourishing at work. Role clarity and flourishing at work predicted job performance. In line with job demands theory, the availability of resources was positively associated with flourishing at work and job performance of academic employees.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated that allocators frequently distribute lesser rewards to employees with constrained mobility, and that this tendency is more pronounced among more competent employees. This phenomenon is termed "rational selective exploitation." This allocation rule is rational in that it serves to maintain membership among the most desirable group members–those who contribute most to the group's task goals–but is exploitative in that it produces an erosion of equity: Although deserving of high rewards, the outcomes of competent but entrapped employees are lower than those of their counterparts with greater mobility. Four experiments tested several predictions concerning reward allocation processes. First, allocators distributed greater rewards to more competent employees. This tendency was more pronounced under conditions of instrumental allocator orientation than under conditions of social-emotional orientation. Second, allocators distributed greater rewards to more mobile employees. This tendency was more pronounced under conditions of instrumental orientation and constrained labor pool, and was weakly promoted by the anticipation of future allocations. Third, employee competence and employee mobility interacted; the tendency to allocate greater rewards to more mobile employees was especially pronounced among highly competent employees. This interaction of competence with mobility–the rational selective exploitation effect–was stronger under conditions of instrumental allocator orientation than under conditions of greater social-emotional concern, and was weakly promoted by the anticipation of future allocations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the interrelations of the psychological contract with work engagement and turnover intention, which has hitherto been a largely overlooked topic in psychological contract research. Although previous research has mainly focused on how psychological contracts influence job attitudes and behaviours, it is proposed here that attitudes and behaviours also affect the psychological contract that the employee has with the organization. Moreover, it is proposed that because reciprocity norms are more important among shortly tenured employees, mutual relationships between psychological contracts and work engagement and turnover intention were stronger for employees with lower organizational tenure. Longitudinal data were collected among 240 employees and proposed models were evaluated with structural equation modelling. The results show that indeed psychological contract fulfilment was longitudinally related to higher work engagement and lower turnover intentions, but only for employees with low tenure. Moreover, stability in work engagement, turnover intention, and psychological contract over time was higher for those with high tenure, whereas the relations between turnover intention and the psychological contract were stronger for those with low organizational tenure. These findings demonstrate that psychological contracts are reciprocally interrelated with work outcomes, and that such relations are stronger for those with low tenure.  相似文献   

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