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Proverbs were used to examine recognition memory for four types of sentence information (figurative meaning, literal meaning, lexical information, syntactic information) with two levels of comprehension. Forced-choice recognition tasks showed that subjects were successful in remembering all four types of information. Recognition scores for the figurative meaning of unfamiliar proverbs presented in isolation were above chance and were also significantly improved when procedures were employed which encouraged comprehension of this level of meaning. The results are most consistent with theories of comprehension which provide for different types of processing for figurative and literal language.  相似文献   

Summary Subjects were asked to read sentences which described scenes containing objects. In the scene described in each sentence, a specific part of a particular object was necessarily implied as having an important role. The object was named but none of its parts were. The assumption was that the subjects, while processing the sentence and immediately afterward, would cognitively center on the important part, as a function of the context created by the sentence. Immediately after reading the sentence, the subjects were probed with a picture of either the important part, or of an unimportant part of the object. Judgments of the compatibility of this picture probe with the sentence were faster for pictures of important parts than for pictures of other parts. This was taken as supporting the hypothesis of cognitive centration. In a second experiment, in which words were used as probes instead of pictures, a purely verbal process to account for the results was ruled out. In a third experiment, subjects were given instructions to intentionally form visual images of the scenes described by the sentences. In this case, overall response times to the picture probes were shorter than in the absence of such instructions, but this decrease was greater for pictures of unimportant parts. This finding was interpreted as showing that imagery instructions increase the rate of activation of features to varying degrees as a function of the previous level of activation.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined predictions of the relational-distinctive processing view to account for the influence of sentence constraints on memory of target words. In Experiment 1, congruous expected words were recalled better than incongruous words. Words appearing in high-constraint sentences were recalled better than words appearing in low-constraint sentences. In Experiment 2, word expectancy and sentence constraint interacted so that unexpected congruous words appearing in high-constraint sentences were recalled better than their expected counterparts, but this difference was not present for low-constraint sentences. A hybrid model including aspects of the featural restriction model of sentence constraint and the relational-distinctive processing view is proposed.  相似文献   

Most Artificial Intelligence theories of language either assume a syntactic component which serves as “front end” for the rest of the system, or else reject all attempts at distinguishing modules within the comprehension system. In this paper we will present an alternative which, while keeping modularity, will account for several puzzles for typical “syntax first” theories. The major addition to this theory is a “marker passing” (or “spreading activation”) component, which operates in parallel to the normal syntactic component.  相似文献   

Two groups of college students (40 and 56) gave what they felt to be the literal and figurative interpretation of 30 different idiomatic expressions and rated their interpretations for frequency of use and for familiarity. Ratings were done on 7-point scales where 1=never and 7=very often. Subjects gave higher ratings to figurative interpretations than to literal interpretations and higher ratings of frequency than familiarity. Nevertheless, there was a high correlation between ratings of frequency and familiarity. It was also found that figurative ratings were independent of literal ratings. In the main, figurative ratings were found to be high (5–7) irrespective of their literal ratings. A small subgroup of idioms, however, had relatively low ratings on both scales. The differences noted between idioms may help to account for certain discrepancies that have appeared in recent experimental studies on idiom processing.  相似文献   

Grodner D  Gibson E  Watson D 《Cognition》2005,95(3):275-296
The present study compares the processing of unambiguous restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses (RCs) within both a null context and a supportive discourse using a self-paced reading methodology. Individuals read restrictive RCs more slowly than non-restrictive RCs in a null context, but processed restrictive RCs faster than non-restrictive RCs in supportive context, resulting in an interaction between context and RC type. These results provide evidence for two theoretical points. First, principles analogous to those in referential theory [Altmann G. T. M., & Steedman, M. (1988). Interaction with context during human sentence processing. Cognition, 30, 191-238; Crain, S., & Steedman, M. (1985). On not being led up the garden path: The use of context by the psychological parser. In D. Dowty, L. Karttunnen, A. Zwicky (Eds.), Natural language parsing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press] apply not only in resolving ambiguity but also in processing unambiguous sentences. Second, the discourse context can guide and facilitate interpretive processing. This result suggests that intrasentential factors such as syntax are not autonomous from contextual processing, contrary to the modularity hypothesis [Fodor, J. A. (1983). Modularity of mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press].  相似文献   

The role of imagery, analogy, and instantiation in understanding proverbs was examined in the light of the Conceptual Base Theory (CBT). The CBT proposes that proverb comprehension involves four phases and that (a) after Problem Recognition, imagery is often used during the Literal Transformation Phase with the intention of constructing a figurative meaning but that imagery does not enter into this meaning; (b) figurative meaning is the solution to a four-part, a:b::c:d, analogy, which occurs during the Figurative Phase; (c) the Instantiation Phase can be entered only if a figurative meaning is constructed, but once instantiation occurs it serves to refine this meaning. A transfer paradigm was used to test these hypotheses. During acquisition, the subjects were presented proverbs and given rating tasks in connection with one of the following: pictures that illustrated the literal proverb information (picture groups), instructions to image the literal proverb information (imagery groups), or analogies involving literala andb terms drawn from the proverb andc andd terms that constituted an interpretation of the proverb (analogy group), concrete verbal instances that illustrated the proverbs' figurative meanings (instance group), or an analogy and an instance (analogy-instance group). During transfer, all subjects attempted to distinguish between novel sentences that were either positive or negative instances of the figurative meaning of the acquisition proverbs. The picture and imagery groups, which were assumed to have used imagery without the intention of constructing a figurative meaning, performed at chance. The analogy group performed above chance and on a par with the instance group subjects, who theoretically had constructed and solved an implicit analogy. The analogy-instance group showed superior performance. Discussion centered on the pattern of the results in relation to the CBT and on the role of imagery and analogy in understanding proverbs as opposed to metaphors.The authors wish to thank Suzanne Leake for help in designing the experiment, preparing materials, and running subjects.  相似文献   

Four experiments on metaphor functions were designed to test a functionally orientated problem-solving approach, where act, content, and experience are treated as three aspects of cognition. Two experiments showed imagery strategies to be superior to verbal strategies as regards comprehension and production of metaphors. However, the results of the two other experiments showed no differences between imagery and verbal strategies.
Metaphor performance was uncorrelated with performance on general intelligence tests. The intercorrelations between different metaphor tasks were also generally low. The highest positive correlation was found with a measure of imagery control under imagery processing conditions. Aptness ratings of metaphors were unrelated to level of metaphor memory. However, comprehension of metaphors was observed to correlate positively with metaphor memory.
The results show that attitude factors are important for comprehension and production of metaphors, and that alternative memorization strategies may work equally well. In order to explain the observations a multi-level coding model was suggested.  相似文献   

Two lexical decision experiments were conducted to further investigate the notion that metaphor comprehension involves the formation of a new association between topic and vehicle. Experiment 1 was essentially a replication and extension of Camac and Glucksberg (1984) demonstrating that known word associate pairs show a significant lexical decision latency advantage over their randomly paired counterparts, while topic/vehicle word pairs drawn from apt metaphors do not. The results of Experiment 1 confirm their initial findings even when printed word frequency of the two pair types is held equivalent (a factor not controlled for in the original Camac and Glucksberg study). This result suggests that preexisting topic/vehicle similarity is not an important factor in metaphor comprehension. Experiment 2 was an attempt to detect the hypothesized shift in attribute salience that results in the formation of a new association between topic and vehicle during metaphor comprehension. In Experiment 2, subjects made lexical decisions on topic/vehicle word pairs that were preceded by a paragraph designed to induce either a metaphorical or literal interpretation. For many subjects, a latency advantage was observed for topic/vehicle pairs preceded by a metaphorical context as compared to a mismatching literal context. This finding suggests that metaphor comprehension is a dynamic process which modifies preexisting topic/vehicle similarity, and that metaphorical interpretations are facilitated by extended context.Portions of this paper were submitted to the Department of Psychology, Iowa State University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Special thanks to Dr. Veronica J. Dark for her comments on theoretical aspects of this work, as well as her assistance with the use of microcomputers for the collection and analysis of data. The feedback provided by Thomas Andre, Lloyd L. Avant, Harry S. Gill, Donald H. Schuster, and Horabail, Venkatagiri is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Motor sequence learning under high levels of contextual interference (CI) disrupts initial performance but supports delayed test and transfer performance when compared to learning under low CI. Integrating findings from early behavioral work and more recent experimental efforts that incorporated neurophysiologic measures led to a novel account of the role of CI during motor sequence learning. This account focuses on important contributions from two neural regions—the dorsal premotor area and the SMA complex—that are recruited earlier and more extensively during the planning of a motor sequence in a high CI context. It is proposed that activation of these regions is critical to early adaptation of sequence structure amenable to long-term storage. Moreover, greater CI enhances access to newly acquired motor sequence knowledge through (1) the emergence of temporary functional connectivity between neural sites previously described as crucial to successful long-term performance of sequential behaviors, and (2) heightened excitability of M1—a key constituent of the temporary coupled neural circuits, and the primary candidate for storage of motor memory.  相似文献   

Children's comprehension of the semantic rules for temporal prepositions was investigated. The temporal prepositions werein, on, andat. Lech's (1969) semantic analysis was used as the framework for the study. The contextual property [(x)]→TIM[PERI] with its related constraints indicates the ill-formedness of phrases like* in noon,* on January and* at Saturday. Correct usage of these prepositions is based on the implicit distinction between time with or without duration (period versus moment). Comprehension differences among the prepositions, based on semantic differences were hypothesized, as well as developmental differences across age levels. Thirty-five children at each of three levels (kindergarten, grades 2, and 4) in Experiment 1, and 24 grade 4 children in Experiment 2, judged the appropriateness of sentences containing temporal prepositions and attempted to revise the ill-formed sentences. Significant developmental differences were observed. Kindergarten children could not discriminate between well- and ill-formed sentences; second grade children could discriminate but could not identify the reason for their discrimination, nor could they revise the ill-formed sentences. Fourth grade children could discriminate and identify or revise the ill-formedness. Ability to revise the prepositions was found to be related to cognitive developmental level. None of the children in either experiment were able to articulate the periodicity-moment temporal distinction which provides the basis for the semantic constraints. The awareness of semantic rules for temporal prepositions may be relatively late in developing, perhaps between the ages of 8 and 10 years. An advanced awareness of these rules may develop considerably later.  相似文献   

Recent work from an embodied-cognition perspective suggests that symbolic understanding involves bodily actions. Indeed, laboratory evidence and cultural phenomena such as magic rituals and symbolic aggression show that the behaviors evoked by a word and its referent can be quite similar to each other. In other circumstances, however, words and objects fail to display the expected degree of functional equivalence: Although we regularly sit on chairs, for example, we normally do not sit on the word “chair.” In two experiments we evaluated whether functional equivalence between word and object depended on behavioral support and contextual stimuli, as suggested by some Pavlovian views of symbolic performance. Children spent more or less time seated on a token of the word “chair,” depending on supports for sitting and background stimuli. This study may help to understand the determinants of response frequency in symbolic understanding.  相似文献   

Objects likely to appear in a given real-world scene are frequently found to be easier to recognize. Two different sources of contextual information have been proposed as the basis for this effect: global scene background and individual companion objects. The present paper examines the relative importance of these two elements in explaining the context-sensitivity of object identification in full scenes. Specific sequences of object fixations were elicited during free scene exploration, while fixation times on designated target objects were recorded as a measure of ease of target identification. Episodic consistency between the target, the global scene background, and the object fixated just prior to the target (the prime), were manipulated orthogonally. Target fixation times were examined for effects of prime and background. Analyses show effects of both factors, which are modulated by the chronology and spatial extent of scene exploration. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for a model of visual object recognition in the context of real-world scenes.  相似文献   

华西圣教书会于1899年初成立于重庆,存续40余年,于1941年关闭,是基督教在华西地区最重要的文字机构之一①.本文以清末民初为时限,考察华西圣教书会成立过程及其出版、发行状况,并分析基督教文字事业对华西社会变迁所起到的重大作用.  相似文献   

Time-course studies of semantic verification are reviewed, discussed, and reinterpreted with the aim of drawing general theoretical conclusions about semantic memory structure. These reaction time, speed-accuracy tradeoff, speed-accuracy decomposition, and event-related (brain) potential (ERP) studies suggest that semantic memory is structured on at least three levels. In particular, specific models of the intermediate (macrostructural) level are discussed and compared. ERP investigations of this level suggest that context-independent and context-dependent types of semantic information are potentially isolable and analyzable.  相似文献   

We examined how features of the situation and the target's behavior in the attitude-attribution paradigm may lead observers to infer that the behavior was performed purposefully and how these perceptions may contribute to correspondence bias. Experiment 1 demonstrated that cues suggesting that essay assignment resulted from the target's purposeful action lead to correspondent inferences. When these cues were absent, observers' inferences were not correspondent. Experiment 2 demonstrated that observers are sensitive to cues emitted by the target (facial expressions of delight and disappointment) and that those cues' meaning depends on the context in which they take place. When the essay was freely chosen, the expression had little effect; observers judged that the essay accurately reflected the target's attitudes. When the essay assignment was constrained, observers used the expressions to discount the essay when judging the target's attitudes. We discuss the implications of these findings for the study of correspondent inferences and correspondence bias.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of activating specific motor codes on the comprehension of passages that describe the use of an object requiring similar motor manipulations. In three experiments, participants either imagined or pantomimed performing an action involving a common object. Participants then held the action in memory while reading a brief story, which described another object that required similar or different motor behaviors. Reading times were collected on the complementary actions. Finally, participants acted out the original action. In Exp. 1 and 2, reading slowed to the verbs. Exp. 2 revealed the slowing to be true interference, which disappeared in Exp. 3 when the action did not need to be recalled. The results suggest that readers activate motor codes when reading story actions, which supports an embodied view. The results also indicate that activated codes bound to an action will, at least briefly, impair reading about a complementary action requiring the same codes, consistent with Hommel's (2009) theory of event coding.  相似文献   

Previous empirical studies that have relied on debugging (Lucas & Kaplan, 1974) and memory (Sheppard, Borst, Curtis, & Love, 1978) as measures of computer program comprehension have led to inconsistent results and conclusions regarding the benefits of structure. The present experiment utilizes a new technique for measuring comprehension that is sensitive to contextual factors that help the programmer to anticipate upcoming lines of a program. Subjects in this experiment were told the general purpose of a program written in English and asked to anticipate the subsequent lines. After the subjects entered their anticipated line, the actual line of the previously written program was shown. Subjects used the lines of the program shown as a contextual guide for their next anticipation. The percentage of correctly anticipated lines was greater for structured programs than for unstructured programs. However, the advantage of structure was more pronounced for long, complex programs than for short, relatively straightforward programs.  相似文献   

Comprehension of ambiguous three-term locative sentences such as The book is on the desk in the crate was examined in a verification experiment. Subjects consistently chose a representation in which the spatial ordering of the objects described was congruent with the surface order of terms in the sentence. This rule was overridden, however, by the presence of semantic constraints among the terms (e.g., The shirt is in the house on the chair). When the order of locative clauses within each sentence was reversed in the second half of the experiment, subjects tended to change their representation to conform with the new surface order if the initial coding had been based on surface order. This change occurred more frequently when the objects involved more abstract, geometric shapes. The importance of syntactic, semantic, and episodic information in the comprehension of sentences is discussed.This research was conducted by the second author under the directorship of the first author.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined individual differences in metaphor processing. In Experiment 1, the subjects judged the literal truth of literal, metaphorical, and scrambled sentences. Overall, metaphors were more difficult to judge as false, in comparison with scrambled controls, suggesting that the metaphorical meaning was being processed automatically. However, there were individual differences in that high-IQ subjects showed more interference. These effects were reflected in ERP amplitude differences at the onset of N400 and after the response. In Experiment 2, the subjects completed IQ tests and a series of working memory tests and then rated and interpreted the same set of metaphors. The results showed that IQ was correlated with working memory capacity and that low-IQ subjects had similar ratings but poorer quality interpretations than did high-IQ subjects. The results were most consistent with a constraint satisfaction approach to metaphor comprehension.  相似文献   

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