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Cross-dimensional interaction and texture segregation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Goal-directed and stimulus-driven control of attention was examined in a visual texture segregation task. Recent published reports have debated the existence and efficiency of goal-directed guidance of attention. Some of this research has focused on the apparent stimulus-driven attentional priority given to salient distractors, even when they are known to be irrelevant to the task. In the present study, subjects searched a texture array for targets defined along one dimension. These displays also included distractors created by variation in an irrelevant dimension. Targets were of three different overall shapes. On each trial, distractors could be the same shape as the target or one of the other two shapes. In two experiments subjects were informed of the overall shape of the target prior to stimulus presentation. In these experiments, distractors that did not match the overall shape of the target caused less interference than distractors that matched the target’s shape. In the third experiment, subjects were not informed of the overall shape of the target. In this experiment all distractors caused roughly equal interference. The results of these experiments demonstrate that if subjects are given information about the overall shape of the target, they are able to use this information to reduce interference from distractors that do not match the overall target shape. While acknowledging some stimulus-driven interference, this illustrates a previously unexplored source of goal-directed guidance that can reduce interfering effects of even salient distractors and argues against purely stimulus-driven control of attention.  相似文献   

Perceived segregation in element-arrangement patterns composed of squares of equal size and luminance, but of two different hues, was investigated in two experiments. Element-arrangement patterns consist of two types of elements, arranged in alternating vertical stripes in the top and bottom regions and in a checkerboard pattern in the center region. Perceived segregation of the striped and checkerboard regions decreased with increasing luminance of the interspaces between the squares, a high-luminance surround, and the increased spacing of the squares. When the luminance of the horizontal interspaces was increased, the decrease in perceived segregation was greater than that when the luminance of the vertical interspaces was increased. Two explanations of the interference of the interspace luminance are discussed. One explanation is in terms of inhibitory interactions among cortical filters tuned to spatial frequency and orientation. A second explanation is in terms of interference with preattentive grouping processes.  相似文献   

Poom L  Börjesson E 《Perception》2005,34(10):1193-1203
We measured how different cues are combined in motion-segregation processes by using motion stimuli where randomly distributed target dots were organised in global revolving motion while the remaining noise dots performed random motion. Target dots were cued with a different colour, polarity, disparity depth, or texture orientation than the noise dots, or they were the same as the noise dots. The stimuli were presented with a prolonged static cue preview which provided position cues to target dots or, briefly with static pre-target and post-target noise frames, which provided false position cues (no preview). All cues efficiently facilitated global motion segregation in cued-preview conditions. Colour completely failed to facilitate global motion segregation in no-preview conditions. Polarity and disparity facilitated segregation in no-preview conditions, although sensitivities were lower than in the preview conditions. Remarkably, texture orientation largely facilitated motion segregation by the same amount in both cued-preview and no-preview conditions. So, colour provides only position cues to the motion-segregation task whereas texture orientation, disparity, and to a lesser extent polarity are integrated with the segregation process.  相似文献   

Attention-based visual routines: sprites   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Is there a common mechanism (or set of mechanisms) that controls the allocation of spatial attention in texture segregation, visual search, and location-precuing tasks? This question was addressed by comparing data from our previous research on location-cuing and search tasks with data from a new set of experiments on texture segregation, in which a common set of stimuli was used across the three paradigms. However, when we ranked the scores for the targets on texture segregation speed, search rate, and improvement due to precuing effects, agreement between these measures was less than perfect. Further analyses of these results led to the following conclusions: (a) speed of texture segregation is affected by perceptual aspects of the display other than the attentional salience of a particular target; (b) visual search rate and the size of precuing effects are strongly related over most of the set of targets we used; and (c) some cases in which search rate was not consistent with size of precue effects may be related to the presence of nearby distractors in the search task.  相似文献   

Observers were shown patterns composed of two textures in which each texture contained two types of elements. The elements were arranged in a striped pattern in the top and bottom regions and in a checked pattern in the center region. Observers rated the degree to which the three regions were seen as distinct. When the elements were squares or lines, perceived segregation resulting from differences in element size could be canceled by differences in element contrast. Minimal perceived segregation occurred when the products of the area and the contrast (areal contrasts) of the elements were equal. This dependence of perceived segregation on the areal contrasts of the elements is consistent with a simple model based on the hypothesis that the perceived segregation of the regions is a function of their differential stimulation of spatial-frequency channels. Two aspects of the data were not consistent with quantitative predictions of the model. First, as the size difference between the large and small elements increased, the ratings at the point of minimum perceived segregation increased. Second, some effects of changing the fundamental frequency of the textures were not predicted by the model. These discrepancies may be explained by a more complex model in which a rectification or similar nonlinearity occurs between two stages of orientation- and spatial-frequency-selective linear filters.  相似文献   

Five experiments were designed to test whether (1) lowering the similarity of elements within a region of texture (low-similarity arrays) would interfere with texture segregation, and (2) there would be dominance of one type of property difference over another in determining an observer's choice of boundary in two-boundary (ambiguous) displays. In Experiments 1 and 2, the interference question was assessed using stimuli formed from the dimensions hue and geometric form (circle/square or straight/curved novel shapes). The results indicated that when boundary judgments were based on form differences, segregation was significantly impaired by hue variation. However, hue segregations were not affected by form variation. In Experiments 3-5, the dominance question was examined using stimuli formed from hue and geometric form, as well as those formed from hue and line orientation (horizontal/vertical). Analyses revealed that there was no dominance of one type of property difference over another. Rather, observers' performance was completely predicted by the relative discriminabilities of the two boundaries. These findings support Beck's (1982) model of textural segmentation and call into question traditional notions of the preattentive stage of perceptual processing.  相似文献   

In the experiments reported here, we attempted to find out more about how the auditory system is able to separate two simultaneous harmonic sounds. Previous research (Halikia & Bregman, 1984a, 1984b; Scheffers, 1983a) had indicated that a difference in fundamental frequency (F0) between two simultaneous vowel sounds improves their separate identification. In the present experiments, we looked at the effect of F0s that changed as a function of time. In Experiment 1, pairs of unfiltered or filtered pulse trains were used. Some were steady-state, and others had gliding F0s; different F0 separations were also used. The subjects had to indicate whether they had heard one or two sounds. The results showed that increased F0 differences and gliding F0s facilitated the perceptual separation of simultaneous sounds. In Experiments 2 and 3, simultaneous synthesized vowels were used on frequency contours that were steady-state, gliding in parallel (parallel glides), or gliding in opposite directions (crossing glides). The results showed that crossing glides led to significantly better vowel identification than did steady-state F0s. Also, in certain cases, crossing glides were more effective than parallel glides. The superior effect of the crossing glides could be due to the common frequency modulation of the harmonics within each component of the vowel pair and the consequent decorrelation of the harmonics between the two simultaneous vowels.  相似文献   

Saunders JA 《Perception》2003,32(2):211-233
Texture can be an effective source of information for perception of slant and curvature. A computational assumption required for some texture cues is that texture must be flat along a surface. There are many textures which violate this assumption, and have some sort of texture relief: variations perpendicular to the surface. Some examples include grass, which has vertical elements, or scattered rocks, which are volumetric elements with 3-D shapes. Previous studies of perception of slant from texture have not addressed the case of textures with relief. The experiments reported here test judgments of slant for textures with various types of relief, including textures composed of bumps, columns, and oriented elements. The presence of texture relief was found to affect judgments, indicating that perception of slant from texture is not robust to violations of the flat-texture assumption. For bumps and oriented elements, slant was underestimated relative to matching flat textures, while for columns textures, which had visible flat top faces, perceived slant was equal or greater than for flat textures. The differences can be explained by the way different types of texture relief affect the amount of optical compression in the projected image, which would be consistent with results from previous experiments using cue conflicts in flat textures. These results provide further evidence that compression contributes to perception of slant from texture.  相似文献   

Julesz (1975) proposed a theory of texture discrimination, based on an order statistics principle, which states that no two textures can be perceptually discriminated if they have identical second-order statistics. The experiments reported here demonstrate that this principle is not adequate to predict visual texture discriminability. Both letter and dot micropatterns were used to create texture pairs that either differed or were identical with respect to secondorder statistics. The subject’s task was to decide which quadrant of an array contained a disparate texture. In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, when controlling for spatial overlap, texture pairs having identical second-order statistics were discriminated more quickly than similar texture pairs having different second-order statistics, in contradiction to the principle. Although a significant effect in the direction predicted by the order statistics principle was found in Experiment 4 for texture pairs created from the dot micropatterns, other factors, such as spatial overlap, border differences, and goodness of pattern, must also be considered in predicting texture discriminability.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the temporal phase of flickering stimuli on perceptual organization. When two regions of a uniform random-dot field are flickered in temporal alternation with the same flicker rate, one of the regions appears to lie in front of the other. Within the range of temporal frequencies used in the present experiments, depth perception was maximal between 5 and 31.3 Hz. Which region of the two is perceived as lying in front is different from person to person and sometimes fluctuates within the same subject, but when two regions are of different sizes, the smaller region tends to be perceived in front for longer than the larger region. The depth segregation was not due to a luminance difference, because the average temporal luminance of the regions was kept equal. Strikingly, the illusory depth segregation is perceived even between two adjacent regions whose densities of dots, sizes, shapes, and flicker rates are identical. This result suggests that a difference of temporal phase between two flickering regions is crucial for this new depth perception.  相似文献   

Color segregation and visual search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Feria CS  Braunstein ML  Andersen GJ 《Perception》2003,32(12):1423-1440
Sinai et al (1998 Nature 395 497-500) showed that less distance is perceived along a ground surface that spans two differently textured regions than along a surface that is uniformly textured. We examined the effect of texture continuity on judged distance using computer-generated displays of simulated surfaces in five experiments. Discontinuities were produced by using different textures, the same texture reversed in contrast, or the same texture shifted horizontally. The simulated surface was either a ground plane or a frontoparallel plane. For all textures and both orientations, less distance was judged in the discontinuous conditions than in continuous conditions. We propose that when a surface contains a texture discontinuity, a small area adjacent to the perceived boundary is excluded from judged distances.  相似文献   

Dimensional interactions of width and orientation stimuli in early visual processing were assessed in a texture-segregation paradigm. The basis for detecting a discrepant quadrant in 6 x 6 arrays of objects was varied in accordance with Garner's Control, Correlated, and Orthogonal conditions. Individual differences as measured by Witkin's Group Embedded Figures Task differentiated performance patterns on the texture-segregation task. Individuals with high scores on the Embedded Figures Test, termed Field-independent, exhibited redundancy gains in the Correlated condition and no interference in the Orthogonal condition whereas those scoring low, termed Field-dependent, demonstrated no redundancy gains and no interference effects. Results support recent findings that individual differences in field dependence-independence are associated with differences in low-level visual mechanisms and suggest that individual differences in attentional flexibility exist in early visual processing.  相似文献   

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