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This study explored the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms related to social support received by the children and adolescents who survived the earthquake on January 12, 2010, in Haiti. A strategy of stratified sampling was used, and 540 children and teenagers were questioned. Questionnaires based on the PTSD Checklist, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, and the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory, among others, were used and bivariate statistical analyses were carried out. The results showed high rates of complete and partial PTSD symptoms, with higher rates among females, and indicated the need for reinforcing social support as a resilience factor for youth.  相似文献   

This study tested the extent to which negative appraisals following traumatic events and the centrality of traumatic events predicted posttraumatic growth (PTG; Tedeschi &; Calhoun, 1996 Tedeschi, R. G. and Calhoun, L. G. 1996. The posttraumatic growth inventory: Measuring the positive legacy of trauma. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 9: 7680. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Participants were 405 undergraduates at a Midwestern university who reported experiencing at least one traumatic event. Regression analyses indicated that the centrality of the event was a significant predictor for all five domains of PTG. Negative appraisals of the world were related to some domains of growth, but neither negative cognitions about the self nor self-blame was a significant predictor of any of the growth domains. Interpretation of these results is considered in light of the consistencies with Janoff-Bulman's (2004) Janoff-Bulman, R. 2004. Posttraumatic growth: Three explanatory models. Psychological Inquiry, 15: 3034. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] explanatory models of development of PTG.  相似文献   

The majority of individuals diagnosed with a psychotic episode also meet symptom criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; Mueser, Lu, Rosenberg, & Wolfe, 2010 ). Unfortunately, trauma from both previous life events and the experiences of a psychotic episode as well as PTSD symptoms are rarely recognized in this population. Steps to assessing trauma history and PTSD symptoms and initiating treatment in a client diagnosed with a psychotic disorder are highlighted.  相似文献   

The relationship between offense-specific forgiveness and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms was examined in a cross-sectional survey of 178 college students reporting interpersonal trauma exposure, that is, a trauma exposure in which they identified a specific perpetrator. Higher levels of offense-specific forgiveness were significantly related to lower levels of PTSD symptoms. In path analyses, however, when gender and offense severity were allowed to directly predict both forgiveness and PTSD symptoms, the relationship was reduced to marginal significance. Exploratory analyses revealed that within the five most-commonly endorsed trauma subtypes, the relationship between forgiveness and PTSD symptoms may differ in strength and direction as a function of trauma type. Implications for research and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

The association of service members’ combat-related PTSD with partners’ distress is weaker when spouses/partners believe that service members experienced more traumatic events during deployment. Also, when simultaneously examining partners’ perceptions of all PTSD symptoms, perceptions of reexperiencing symptoms (the symptoms most obviously connected to traumatic events) are significantly negatively related to distress in partners. These findings are consistent with the notion that partners may be less distressed if they make external, rather than internal, attributions for service members’ symptoms. The present study explicitly tests this possibility. Civilian wives of active duty service members completed measures regarding their own marital satisfaction, their perceptions of service members’ combat exposure during deployments, their perceptions of service members’ symptoms of PTSD, and their attributions for those symptoms. External attributions were significantly positively associated with perceptions of combat exposure (rp = .31) and reexperiencing symptoms (β = .33) and significantly negatively associated with perceptions of numbing/withdrawal symptoms (rp = –.22). In contrast, internal attributions were significantly negatively associated with perceptions of reexperiencing symptoms (β = –.18) and significantly positively associated with perceptions of numbing/withdrawal symptoms (β = .46). Internal attributions significantly moderated the negative association of PTSD symptoms with marital satisfaction, such that the association strengthened as internal attributions increased. These findings are the first explicit support for an attributional understanding of distress in partners of combat veterans. Interventions that alter partners’ attributions may improve marital functioning.  相似文献   

Many unemployed Vietnam veterans may be sufferers of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms and behaviors of PTSD are reviewed to assist employment counselors in identifying such individuals, and suggestions for referral are made.  相似文献   

A substantial number of military personnel who have served in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom; OIF) and Afghanistan (Operating Enduring Freedom; OEF) develop symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in response to their military experiences and many of these same individuals will drink in a risky or problematic manner following deployment. If left untreated, PTSD symptoms and alcohol problems can become chronic and have a significant, negative impact on the lives of veterans, their families and communities. Further, OIF and OEF service members are often reluctant to seek treatment for mental health symptoms or alcohol problems secondary to stigma. In order to reach this population it is essential that new strategies and venues for delivering evidence-based care are explored. Web-based interventions are uniquely suited to this cohort of veterans in that they have the potential to reach a significant number of veterans who commonly use the Web and who might not otherwise receive care. This article will review the prevalence of PTSD and alcohol problems among OIF and OEF veterans, common barriers they experience with accessing care in traditional mental health settings, and what is known about the effectiveness of Web-based approaches for PTSD and alcohol problems. It also describes the components of a new Web-based intervention, developed by the authors, that uses motivational enhancement and cognitive-behavioral strategies to intervene with returning veterans who report PTSD symptoms and problem drinking. Recommendations for future directions in working with returning veterans with PTSD and alcohol problems will be offered.  相似文献   

刘寅  陈正根  张雨青  张宁 《心理科学进展》2011,19(10):1511-1517
创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的民族差异主要体现在少数民族PTSD的发生率较高和症状反应与症状结构的差异。以美国代表的西方国家的研究表明, 这些差异主要是源于暴露水平、少数民族的社会地位以及不同的文化背景。汶川地震后, 有研究也发现羌族PTSD发生率高于汉族, 然而对于羌汉民族间症状反应的具体差异及其原因, 还并不十分明确。因此, 有必要在中国进行PTSD民族差异系统深入的研究, 这既有助于灾后心理援助工作更加有针对性的开展, 也能够为从东方文化视角下理解PTSD提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Historically, administrators and clinicians have been hesitant to address posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs). However, research shows that SUD treatment recruitment and outcomes may be adversely affected if co‐occurring PTSD is left untreated. The authors provide guidelines for screening and assessment, treatment services, and workforce and organizational development that are designed to facilitate integrated PTSD–SUD treatment. Case examples illustrate the necessary precautions related to and the potential benefits of integrating treatment of PTSD and SUD.  相似文献   

Distress tolerance has been implicated in disorders of emotional regulation, such as eating disorders and borderline personality disorder; however, much less attention has been given to distress tolerance in the context of posttraumatic stress (PTS). Several conceptual linkages between distress tolerance and PTS exist. Low distress tolerance may increase negative appraisals, reducing an individual’s propensity to deal with distressing mental symptoms immediately after a trauma. Relatedly, a perceived inability to cope with the distress brought on by trauma-related memories and cues may engender maladaptive coping strategies. The few published studies examining the relationship between distress tolerance and PTS have demonstrated that lower distress tolerance was associated with increased PTS symptomatology, including increased avoidance, hyperarousal, and re-experiencing. The current study sought to replicate and extend the emerging empirical base by examining the relationship between distress tolerance and the four distinct PTS symptom clusters, while controlling for time since the index trauma and depressive symptoms. Results indicated that distress tolerance accounted for significant unique variance in re-experiencing and avoidance but not negative emotionality and hyperarousal symptoms. There was also a strong positive association between the number of traumas endorsed by participants, depression, and PTS symptoms. Findings suggest that distress tolerance is associated with PTS, lending further support to the putative relationship between PTS and distress tolerance. Accordingly, developing treatment protocols designed to increase distress tolerance in individuals affected by PTS may reduce symptom severity and increase coping abilities.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects a minority of trauma-exposed persons and is associated with significant impairment. This longitudinal study examined risk factors for PTSD. We tested whether the presence of injuries resulting from trauma exposure predicted the course of PTSD symptoms. In addition, we tested whether gender, trauma type, perceived life threat, and peritraumatic dissociation predicted the onset of PTSD symptoms. 236 trauma-exposed civilians were assessed for PTSD symptoms with a structured interview at four occasions during 6 months posttrauma. Path analysis showed that a model in which the female gender, assault, perceived life threat, and peritraumatic dissociation predicted PTSD severity at 1 week, and injury predicted PTSD severity 8 weeks after the traumatic event showed the best fit. However, a similar model without injury showed comparable fit. It is concluded that injuries have a negligible effect on the course of PTSD.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the longitudinal relations between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and violent behaviors. In this study, 415 adolescent survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake in China (May 12, 2008) were assessed by using self-report questionnaires 1 year (T1), 1.5 years (T2), and 2 years (T3) after the earthquake. The findings suggested that from 1 to 1.5 years after the earthquake, only intrusive symptoms of PTSD were a risk factor for violent behaviors, whereas violent behaviors were a risk factor for all 3 PTSD symptom clusters. Furthermore, 1.5 to 2 years after the earthquake, avoidance symptoms of PTSD were a risk factor for violent behaviors and hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD had no significant relation with violent behaviors.  相似文献   

Previous studies have examined the concurrent relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a range of psychophysiological variables, including respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). However, there is a lack of research examining the prospective development of trauma symptomatology, and the directionality of the association between RSA level and PTSD has yet to be determined. The current study is the first prospective study to examine whether RSA level and RSA reactivity are risk factors for PTSD symptoms in children. Assessments were conducted both prior to (Time 1) and following (Time 2) a natural disaster (i.e., Hurricane Katrina). Participants were 36 children who were 3–6 years-old during the Time 1 assessment. Structured diagnostic interviews were used to assess PTSD symptoms at both Time 1 and Time 2. RSA level during a neutral stimulus, RSA reactivity to emotional video stimuli (distress, joy, and trauma videos) and RSA reactivity to memory stimuli (remote happy memory, trauma memory, mother’s recall of the trauma memory) were also collected at both time points. Time 1 RSA level during a neutral stimulus was a significant predictor of Time 2 PTSD symptoms (controlling for age, Time 1 PTSD symptoms, Time 2 neutral RSA level), such that lower RSA during a neutral condition was related to higher PTSD symptoms. Also, Time 1 RSA reactivity in response to memory (but not video) stimuli, in the form of relatively less vagal withdrawal, was a significant predictor of more Time 2 PTSD symptoms (controlling for age, Time 1 PTSD symptoms, Time 2 RSA reactivity). This unique prospective study provides evidence for level of RSA and RSA reactivity as pre-existing clinical markers of stress sensitivity that predict psychopathology following a trauma.  相似文献   


The diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has achieved a major level of significance in our judicial system. The forensic examination of PTSD is identified as a specialized assessment that is non-biased and non-prejudicial. This article attempts to provide a standard methodology to offer an objective and neutral forensic assessment and diagnosis of PTSD that will stand up to legal scrutiny by identifying problems in diagnosing PTSD and establishing a six-step methodology for the differential diagnosis of the disorder. Procedures for providing a forensic examination of PTSD and details of the author's methods of providing a forensic examination are presented.  相似文献   

Anxiety sensitivity (AS), or fear of anxious arousal, is a higher-order cognitive risk-factor for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) composed of lower-order physical, cognitive, and social concerns regarding anxiety symptoms. Brief and effective interventions have been developed targeting AS and its constituent components. However, there is limited evidence as to whether an intervention aimed at targeting AS would result in reductions in PTS symptoms and whether the effects on PTS symptoms would be mediated by reductions in AS. Furthermore, there is no evidence whether these mediation effects would be because of the global or more specific components of AS. The direct and indirect effects of an AS intervention on PTS symptoms were examined in a sample of 82 trauma-exposed individuals (M age = 18.84 years, SD = 1.50) selected based on elevated AS levels (i.e., 1 SD above the mean) and assigned to either a treatment (n = 40) or an active control (n = 42) condition. Results indicated that the intervention led to reductions in Month 1 PTS symptoms, controlling for baseline PTS symptoms. Furthermore, this effect was mediated by changes in global AS and AS social concerns, occurring from intervention to Week 1. These findings provide an initial support for an AS intervention in amelioration of PTS symptoms and demonstrate that it is primarily reductions in the higher-order component of AS contributing to PTS symptom reduction.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(5):814-828
Theory suggests that, in those with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), positive emotion is likely dampened due to reexperiencing of trauma-related stimuli. Prior research has extended positive emotion experiencing to reward processing research but has not yet examined how trauma cues affect reward processing (i.e., the anticipation of and satisfaction with reward) and decision-making in individuals with PTSD. We compared 24 individuals diagnosed with PTSD to 29 trauma-exposed controls in passive and decision-making phases of a wheel-of-fortune task, following both neutral and trauma inductions. Three types of spinners were used in the task: spinners that were obviously advantageous spinners, obviously disadvantageous spinners, and ambiguously advantageous spinners with outcomes averaging to a net gain. We hypothesized that the PTSD group would report lower reward expectation and lower outcome satisfaction and make less advantageous decisions, differences that would be exacerbated following a trauma prime. The PTSD group reported lower reward expectation than controls for the ambiguous spinners only, suggesting that the reduced anticipation of reward associated with PTSD may be specific to ambiguous stimuli. Reward expectation was not affected by the type of prime. Outcome satisfaction was not affected by PTSD or type of prime. Although only marginally significant, the PTSD group played the ambiguous spinners less often than controls, and played the obviously disadvantageous spinners significantly less often than controls, suggesting that those with PTSD are more aversive to loss. Our findings suggest that PTSD-related deficits are more robust for reward expectation than outcome satisfaction, and support future research examining the role of reward-related decision-making in PTSD.  相似文献   

Several studies have employed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to examine the latent structure of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist (PCL; Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska, & Keane, 1993), a measure that assesses PTSD symptomatology. Findings have failed to support the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision [DSM–IV–TR]; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) PTSD model, consisting of reexperiencing, avoidance/numbing, and arousal factors, and no consensus has emerged regarding the best fitting alternative model. Additionally, most studies have utilized homogeneous trauma samples. This study used CFA to examine the PCL factor structure in a sample with exposure to various traumatic events. Superior fit was demonstrated by a model specifying reexperiencing, avoidance, dysphoria, and arousal factors.  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis of 46 between‐groups studies published between 1997 and 2015 detected treatment effects ranging from large to small when comparing trauma‐focused therapies with no treatment (g = ?1.05), supportive interventions (g = ?0.91), other interventions (g = ?0.57), and non‐trauma‐focused cognitive behavior therapies (g = ?0.08) for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The independent random‐effects models detected modest publication bias and a negligible influence of moderating variables on treatment outcomes. Considerations for counselors who treat PTSD and suggestions for researchers are provided.  相似文献   

The present investigation utilized a prospective design to investigate associations between changes in self-reported avoidant and active coping occurring during residential treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and PTSD symptom severity at treatment discharge. Participants were 636 military Veteran patients (91.4?% male; M age?=?51.7?years) admitted to a Veterans Affairs (VA) residential rehabilitation program for PTSD, between 2000 and 2008. Results indicated that increases in avoidant coping and decreases in active coping from treatment intake to discharge were simultaneously and incrementally predictive of total PTSD symptom severity at treatment discharge, after accounting for PTSD symptom severity at treatment intake. These findings hold particular relevance for treatment-seeking populations with severe PTSD and researchers and clinicians attempting to understand and treat these populations.  相似文献   

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