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The effect of a 6‐week loving‐kindness meditation (LKM) on the multidimensional empathy of 103 master's‐level counseling students was evaluated, in addition to the correlation between reported levels of time spent meditating and empathy. Statistical analyses indicated that participants who received the LKM intervention experienced gains in dimensions of empathy. A significant relationship between quantity of meditation and perspective taking was noted. Implications and suggestions for future research are explored.  相似文献   

Yoga has gained popularity as a way to relieve stress and maintain well-being. It may also be a helpful resource for counselors to learn effective self-care strategies to sustain personal wellness and professional competence. This pilot study examined the impact of Luna Yoga, a four-week program created specifically for women to enhance creativity, connection, and self-awareness, and facilitate a socially supportive environment unlike traditional yoga sessions. This pilot study employed a delayed treatment control group design to test the impact of the Luna Yoga intervention on reported levels of wellness, resulting in an increase in social wellness among female professional counselors and counselors-in-training.  相似文献   

The authors surveyed 210 adults ages 56 to 97 to better understand which variables affect perceptions of aging. A correlational design was used to determine whether wellness and resilience predicted positive age perception and internalized ageism among this group. Both variables were found to significantly predict age perception, and the data supported an interaction effect between age and resilience when predicting internalized ageism. Results may inform counselors, counselor educators, and other professionals who work with older adults.  相似文献   

The authors explored how midlifers and older adults perceive wellness by factor analyzing the Perceived Wellness Survey (PWS; Adams, Bezner, & Steinhardt, 1997 ). Results indicated a 4‐factor solution different from the 6 originally proposed wellness dimensions of the PWS, suggesting that wellness perceptions change as people age. Suggestions for further research are proposed.  相似文献   

Despite the counseling profession’s widespread interest in wellness, little research has been conducted on wellness in older adulthood. The author reviews the literature to identify current trends in research on wellness among older adults. Out of 273 articles, only 40 (14.63%) used a multidimensional, holistic framework. Further analysis revealed a lack of multidimensional models that were normed on older adults or tailored to their needs. The author concludes with an 8‐dimensional wellness framework to guide future research.  相似文献   

Resulting from the assumption that older adulthood is a time of decline, there is a dearth of research on the application of wellness counseling with older adults. This article reviews the literature on wellness and older adults, synthesizes wellness with adult development theory, and describes wellness counseling with older adults.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore potential benefits of yoga, an ancient Indian tradition for spiritual growth and development, for counselors. Counselors use themselves as instruments to support clients and are constantly exposed to the traumatic experiences of clients, which may leave them susceptible to secondary traumatic stress or compassion fatigue (Shallcross, 2011). Yoga can help counselors not only in achieving holistic wellness but also in developing a way of being consistent with the characteristics of an effective counselor. Furthermore, yoga, as a spiritual practice, can empower counselors to embark on a spiritual journey driven by their own personal experiences.  相似文献   

This article details a year-long project in which the author created a series of 365 sandtrays and journaled about them as a professional and personal growth project. The author shares professional and personal lessons learned from this experience and describes how reflective practices can be used as a method to improve clinical work.  相似文献   

The Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC; Ratts, Singh, Nassar-McMillan, Butler, & McCullough, 2015) provide recommendations for social justice advocacy through a socioecological lens. The authors conceptualize and apply the MSJCC to inform counselor engagement in social justice advocacy for an often-neglected area of diversity: religion and/or spirituality. Practice and ethical examples, considerations, and recommendations related to religion and/or spirituality in MSJCC-compatible social justice advocacy are provided.  相似文献   

Colorism is discrimination based on skin tone. Skin color influences clinicians’ diagnostic impressions. The degree to which colorism influences counseling students’ clinical decision making is unknown. This study examined colorism's effect on counselor education master's students’ (N = 154) clinical decisions. Analysis of covariance failed to produce statistically significant results when comparing students’ evaluations of a male African American's mental health and wellness, when controlling for presentation management, across 4 skin tones. Counselors should include colorism in diversity training. El colorismo es la discriminación basada en el tono de la piel. El tono de la piel influye en las impresiones diagnósticas de los profesionales clínicos. Se desconoce hasta qué punto el colorismo influye en las decisiones clínicas de los estudiantes de consejería. Este estudio examinó el efecto del colorismo en las decisiones clínicas de estudiantes de maestría en educación de consejeros (N = 154). El análisis de la covarianza no produjo resultados estadísticamente significativos al comparar las evaluaciones de los estudiantes sobre la salud mental y el bienestar de un cliente afroamericano varón, controlando la gestión de la presentación de 4 tonos de piel diferentes. Los consejeros deberían incluir el colorismo en la capacitación de diversidad.  相似文献   

Creativity plays a critical role in today’s society by aiding an individual’s response to the mounting complications of modern life and assisting in the maintenance of mental health. Though counselors seek to promote similar developments in their clients, they often do so without the benefit of any particular training in theories of creativity or creativity-enhancing techniques. This article examines literature in the fields of creativity, counseling, and education to highlight the essential nature of creative processes in counseling and psychotherapy, ultimately presenting a rationale for the incorporation of creativity in counselor education.  相似文献   

Theoretical research asserts that social justice advocacy (SJA) represents an extension of multicultural competence (MC). However, limited empirical literature examines if and how SJA manifests and is developed as an aspect of trainee MC. The current study used path modeling to examine direct and indirect links between aspects of training environment and trainee MC and SJA for a sample of 197 trainees embedded in counseling-oriented training programs. MC demonstrated the strongest positive association with SJA. In addition, multicultural training environment, but not social justice training environment, influenced SJA indirectly through MC. Results are encouraging of a differentiation between multicultural and social justice training emphases, with practical implications for training programs seeking to enhance and foster both MC and SJA among their trainees.  相似文献   

Giftedness can be both an asset and a burden when gifted students respond to developmental challenges. Characteristics associated with high intellectual ability likely affect how gifted students experience social, emotional, and career development, regardless of level of academic achievement. Counselors' lack of awareness of such qualitative differences, as well as positive and negative biases, may interfere with the therapeutic relationship. Characteristics related to giftedness, vulnerabilities, concerns, and counseling strategies are the focus of this article.  相似文献   


Suicide is a leading cause of American deaths. Given suicide's overall frequency and negative effects, specialized suicide training is warranted. This article describes a creative self-suicide assignment designed to enhance doctoral students? suicide assessment and intervention knowledge and clinical skills, and promote greater counselor empathy for clients presenting with suicidal ideation. Doctoral students who participated in the assignment reported increased suicide assessment and intervention knowledge and skills, and enhanced empathy toward clients presenting with suicide-related issues. Student summarizations related to their assignment experiences are included.  相似文献   

This pilot study explores the relationship between perceived transformational leadership skills of college counselors and outcomes in counseling. College students receiving counseling (= 46) were given a revised version of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), the Working Alliance Inventory, Short Form (WAI-S), and the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS-34). Results yielded significant relationships between improvement in areas of client functioning and subscales measuring aspects of transformational leadership in counselors as perceived by clients. In addition to significant correlations between alliance and subscales of the MLQ, there were strong negative relationships between social anxiety and management by exception (active); academic distress and idealized influence (behavior); and alcohol use and management by exception (passive).  相似文献   

Although much has been written to help counselors understand the potential impact of their own biases toward clients from traditionally marginalized groups, much less attention has been given to assist counselors working with clients who express discriminatory views that counselors may find offensive. In this article, the authors briefly outline how constructive clinical supervision can be integrated with aspects of relational–cultural theory and moral foundations theory to help counselors work with clients who espouse discriminatory views.  相似文献   

In this article, the author suggests that Hip‐Hop culture and rap music, in particular, can be integrated into individual counseling interactions with Black male clients to discuss the social injustices (e.g., hypercriminalization) they face. Literature examining the history of Hip‐Hop culture and how rap music has been used therapeutically with Black males is presented. The article concludes with a vignette illustrating how Elligan's ( 2000 ) rap therapy framework can help explore experiences Black male clients encounter.  相似文献   

The Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC; Ratts, Singh, Nassar-McMillan, Butler, & McCullough, 2015) ask counselors to “apply knowledge of multicultural and social justice theories” (p. 8). Counselors who implement the MSJCC in this manner have the opportunity to critically examine traditional counseling theories that were developed within a predominantly White and Western framework, that reproduce North American and European colonist ideology if not contextualized, and that neglect Indigenous approaches to healing (Tuck & Yang, 2012; Watkins & Shulman, 2008). In this article, the authors present 4 key multicultural and social justice theories that can support counselors in adopting a decolonizing paradigm and implementing the MSJCC in their practice with clients: relational-cultural theory (Miller, 1976), critical race theory (Bell, 1995), intersectionality theory (Crenshaw, 1989, 1991), and liberation psychology (Martín-Baró, 1994).  相似文献   

In the 29 years since the last special issue in the Journal of Counseling & Development focusing on gifted individuals, there has been considerable research regarding giftedness. However, meeting the counseling needs of gifted individuals has not been on the national agenda in counselor preparation. This article outlines the status of counseling the gifted from the standpoint of both the counseling and the gifted education professions and includes recommendations for future directions for both fields.  相似文献   

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