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In a self-paced task subjects responded to each of four equally probable signals with a different one of their four limbs. Response times were examined as a function of the 16 possible transitions between limbs. Repeated responses were shown to be faster than any other transitions, while responses following responses with an ipsilateral limb were relatively slow. The implications of these results for models for the “repetition effect” are discussed.  相似文献   

Subjects were required to construct verifying and falsifying cases of conditional rules in which the presence and absence of negative components was varied. Their responses gave some indication of consistent interpretation of the rules, generally conforming to Wason's (1966) idea of a “defective” truth table. Much of their behaviour, however, seemed to be determined by a task variable in the form of a tendency to construct instances which matched, rather than altered, the values named in the rules.  相似文献   

Visual–spatial attention can be biased towards salient visual information without visual awareness. It is unclear, however, whether such bias can further influence free-choices such as saccades in a free viewing task. In our experiment, we presented visual cues below awareness threshold immediately before people made free saccades. Our results showed that masked cues could influence the direction and latency of the first free saccade, suggesting that salient visual information can unconsciously influence free actions.  相似文献   

Effects of drug conditions (barbiturate, amphetamine, placebo) were investigated in a serial choice RT-task under three pacing conditions: self-paced, paced-fast (approx. 3 signals/sec) and paced-slow (approx. 1 signal/sec). Drug treatment and pacing condition were varied in a factorial design with 9 male Ss. Drugs affected the reaction time but not the error scores. Barbiturate slowed down RT and this effect was most prominent in paced-fast. Amphetamine, on the other hand, speeded up the RT but it had no effect in paced-fast. To account for these differential effects of the two drugs, it was postulated that barbiturate counteracts the arousing effect of time pressure whereas amphetamine speeds up reaction when the task is not arousing. This is consistent with Trumbo and Gaillard (1975) but it contradicts predictions derived from a theory by Broadbent (1971).  相似文献   

The estimation of sensitivity and bias from data collected in a yes/no detection‐theoretic experiment is complicated by the possibility of proportions of 0 or 1 appearing in the resulting contingency table. Inverse normal transforms of these probabilities result in mathematically intractable infinities. Typically, some transformation of the data must be applied prior to parameter estimation. Several transformations have been reviewed in the literature, in terms of both the bias and the variance of the estimates they produce. We propose three generalized transformations, which contain the two most reported transformations as special cases, and consider their performance in terms of the mean square error of the estimates they produce. Results indicate that the ‘1/N ’ and the adaptive log‐linear transformations outperform the others. Guidelines for the application of these transformations are presented.  相似文献   

Despite a clear ability to detect temporal modulations of visual stimuli in excess of 50 Hz, temporal individuation and serial order judgment tasks can be performed only when stimuli alternate at much slower rates, and the nature of such sluggishness remains unclear. One example of a task with a slow temporal limit is the individuation of a cued letter in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream. The present study investigates the nature of the code used to perform such a slow temporal individuation task and the sources of uncertainty involved. The results demonstrate that temporal, rather than ordinal, position in the RSVP stream is critical in serial order estimation, suggesting the involvement of a noisy temporal code. In addition to variability in temporal coding, observers’ choices are also limited by a number of other factors, such as categorical errors and biases related to the position of the cue in the letters’ stream. Attentional filtering improves categorization, but crucially, it does not seem to increase the temporal precision of judgment. Generalizing the present results, I suggest that perception of order is limited by an internal temporal sampling instability that is distinct and independent from attention and that, similarly to temporal jitter in a clock, acts as a low-pass filter that hinders the judgment of the order of events that unfold too quickly.  相似文献   

Decades of research have shown that many people harbor implicit attitudes that are positive toward Whites relative to Blacks. With some notable exceptions, these findings are almost always obtained using implicit attitude tasks that assess attitudes toward Whites and Black simultaneously. This makes it difficult to determine whether implicit race bias effects are the result of strong liking for Whites, dislike for Blacks, or both. The present article reports results from a study in which participants' automatic bias towards Blacks and Whites is assessed across multiple evaluative contexts. Results show consistent negative automatic attitudes towards Blacks, but there was considerable variability in participants' attitudes toward Whites. Consistent with the idea that strong attitudes are less contextually sensitive than weaker attitudes (e.g. Krosnick, 1988), it is concluded that participants harbor strong automatic bias against Blacks, but not strong favoritism for Whites. Implications for a context-centered approach to implicit attitude measurement are discussed.  相似文献   

Attentional bias to fear-relevant animals was assessed in 69 participants not preselected on self-reported anxiety with the use of a dot probe task showing pictures of snakes, spiders, mushrooms, and flowers. Probes that replaced the fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders) were found faster than probes that replaced the non-fear-relevant stimuli, indicating an attentional bias in the entire sample. The bias was not correlated with self-reported state or trait anxiety or with general fearfulness. Participants reporting higher levels of spider fear showed an enhanced bias to spiders, but the bias remained significant in low scorers. The bias to snake pictures was not related to snake fear and was significant in high and low scorers. These results indicate preferential processing of fear-relevant stimuli in an unselected sample.  相似文献   

Wilson DE  Pratt J 《Acta psychologica》2007,126(3):216-225
In a typical attentional cueing paradigm, irrelevant peripheral cues produce early facilitation (fast responses) followed by later inhibition (slow responses) to cued locations. Here we examine whether cues not only influence the speed with which responses are produced, but also impact or bias which location is ultimately selected as requiring a response. Specifically, can cues influence not only the speed with which we respond but also influence the behavior produced? To examine this question, a choice localization task was used in which no targets were presented, and subjects were asked to choose which effector (left hand, right hand) to use in response to a centrally presented tone. Thus, following either a left or right peripheral cue, and then a central tone, subjects were free to respond with either their left or right hand. Early facilitation and later inhibition with this choice procedure were found in both response times and the proportion of responses to the cued and uncued locations. These results suggest that there are processes which initially bias response selection toward cued locations and then subsequently bias response selection away from cued locations.  相似文献   

When reasoning with conditional statements (i.e., if [not] p then [not] q), for example when solving Wason's selection task, subjects tend to display matching bias: Options which match the entities named in the rule tend to be selected irrespective of whether this is logically appropriate. Recently, there have been suggestions that the underlying causes of matching bias reflect a general phenomenon that applies to many types of logical rule, not just conditionals. A study is reported in which performance is investigated for selection tasks with categorical or disjunctive rules. Although matching bias was clearly present for categorical rules, inverted matching bias was identified for disjunctive rules, calling into question the generality of the phenomenon and its explanations. In addition, performance at one task was not correlated with performance at the other, calling into question recent cognitive capacity accounts of selection task performance.  相似文献   

Although attentional bias modification (ABM) can change anxiety, recent studies failed to replicate such effects, possibly because the visual probe ABM failed to induce changes in attentional bias (AB). We investigated whether visual probe ABM generalised to different measures of AB besides the visual probe task (VPT), and thus whether ABM genuinely changes attentional processing. We trained participants (N?=?60) to either attend towards or away from angry facial expressions, and we examined training effects on the dot probe task, the exogenous cueing task, and the visual search task. We found a small change in AB in the VPT, but this effect did not transfer to the exogenous cueing task or the visual search task. Our study shows that ABM does not necessarily lead to generalised effects on AB. This finding can be explained by the poor psychometric properties of the AB measures.  相似文献   

Two auditory amplitude discrimination experiments were conducted using thesame-different experimental design. Observer bias was manipulated, in the first experiment, by varying payoff matrices and, in the second, by varying prior probabilities of signal presentation. Five levels of bias manipulation and four levels of difficulty were employed in each experiment. Each observer received all combinations of bias manipulation and difficulty, but with only one of these combinations within each block of trials. Nine indices of bias were assessed by simultaneously fitting isosensitivity and isobias functions to the data and by fitting isobias functions only. Although none of the indices tested provided an exceptionally good fit to the data, two indices stood out from the rest. These werec sd * andc i, indices with isobias contours similar in shape to those for thec index derived from theyes-no task.  相似文献   

Two auditory amplitude discrimination experiments were conducted using the same-different experimental design. Observer bias was manipulated, in the first experiment, by varying payoff matrices and, in the second, by varying prior probabilities of signal presentation. Five levels of bias manipulation and four levels of difficulty were employed in each experiment. Each observer received all combinations of bias manipulation and difficulty, but with only one of these combinations within each block of trials. Nine indices of bias were assessed by simultaneously fitting isosensitivity and isobias functions to the data and by fitting isobias functions only. Although none of the indices tested provided an exceptionally good fit to the data, two indices stood out from the rest. These were c*sd and ci, indices with isobias contours similar in shape to those for the c index derived from the yes-no task.  相似文献   

Durgin FH  Doyle E  Egan L 《Acta psychologica》2008,127(2):428-448
Three experiments with a total of 87 human observers revealed an upper-left spatial bias in the initial movement of gaze during visual search. The bias was present whether or not the explicit control of gaze was required for the task. This bias may be part of a search strategy that competed with the fixed-gaze parallel search strategy hypothesized by Durgin [Durgin, F. H. (2003). Translation and competition among internal representations in a reverse Stroop effect. Perception &Psychophysics, 65, 367-378.] for this task. When the spatial probabilities of the search target were manipulated either in accord with or in opposition to the existing upper-left bias, two orthogonal factors of interference in the latency data were differentially affected. The two factors corresponded to two different forms of representation and search. Target probabilities consistent with the gaze bias encouraged opportunistic serial search (including gaze shifts), while symmetrically opposing target probabilities produced latency patterns more consistent with parallel search based on a sensory code.  相似文献   

By 2½ years of age, children typically show a shape bias in object naming – that is, they extend object names mostly to new instances with the same shape. The acquisition of a shape bias is related to a marked increase in the rate of object name learning. This study asks whether, conversely, children who do not readily acquire new object names lack a shape bias. Twelve 2- to 3-year-old ‘late talkers’– children whose total vocabularies rank below the 30th percentile for their age – were compared with age-matched children with larger vocabularies in a novel object name extension task. The controls extended novel names across novel objects with the same shape. The late talkers showed no group perceptual bias, but many individuals extended novel names across objects with the same surface texture. The implications of the results both for the role of attentional biases in object name learning and for the etiology of some late talking are discussed.   相似文献   

While many studies in the theory of mind (ToM) literature have investigated how we understand others' mental states, few have explored the mechanism by which we reflect on our own mental states. This study examined how adults reflect on their own and others' mental states within the same ToM task. To do so, we modified the Smarties task, one of the traditional ToM tasks for children. The results showed that adult participants were biased by outcome knowledge when recalling their false belief and that the participants who overestimated their false belief also overestimated the mental states of a naive other. These results were analogous to young children's failure in the Smarties task. Considering the current findings, we discuss possible cognitive processes that are common across children and adults when reflecting on their own mental states and the mental states of others.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined participants' ability to produce surface characteristics of sentences using an on-line story reading task. Participants read a series of stories in which either all, or the majority of, sentences were written in the same style, or surface form. Twice per story, participants were asked to fill in a blank consistent with the story. For sentences that contained three stylistic regularities, participants imitated either all three characteristics (Experiment 2) or two of the three characteristics (Experiment 1), depending on the proportion of in-style sentences. Participants demonstrated a recognition bias for the read style in an unannounced recognition task. When participants read stories in which the two styles were the dative/double object alternation, participants demonstrated a syntactic priming effect in the cloze task, but no consistent recognition bias in a later recognition test (Experiments 3 and 4).  相似文献   

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