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《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(4):767-767

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(3):589-646
Book reviewed in this article:
P eterson , R ichard B. and T racy , L ane . Systematic Management of Human Resources.
T homason , G eorge . A Textbook of Personnel Management. (Third Edition)
L ansbury , R ussell D. Professionals and Management: A Study of Behaviour in Organizations.
B uros , O scar K risen . (Editor) The Eighth Mental Measurements Year Book, Vols. I and II.
D unham , R andall B. and S mith , F rank J. Organizational Surveys: An Internal Assessment of Organizational Health.
L au , J ames B. Behavior in Organizations: An Experiential Approach. (Revised Edition)
R ausch , E rwin . Balancing Needs of People and Organizations: The Linking Elements Concepts.
W atson , C harles E. Management Development Through Training.
W oodcock , M ike and F rancis , D ave . Unblocking Your Organization.
H inrichs , J ohn R. Practical Management for Productivity.
G ilbert , T homas F. Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance.
C ooper , C ary L. and A lderfer , C layton . (Editors). Advances in Experiential Social Processes: Volume 1.
Saxon House, Teakfield Limited, 1978.
K illian , R ay A. Managers Must Lead. (Revised Edition)
B risolara , A shton . The Alcoholic Employee: A Handbook of Helpful Guidelines.
W alker , J ames W. and L azer , H arriet L. The End of Mandatory Retirement: Implications for Management.
A merica , R ichard F. and A nderson , B ernard E. Moving Ahead: Black Managers in A merican Business.
A nderson , H oward J. Primer of Equal Employment Opportunity.
B arrett , R ichard S. Zetetic for Testers II. Hastings-on-the-Hudson.
J ansen , R obert B.
G arvin , C harles D., S mith , A udrey D. and R eid , W illiam J. (Editors). The Work Incentive Experience.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. Winning at Office Politics.
R osenzweig , M ark R. and P orter , L yman W. (Editors) Annual Review df Psychology, 1979. (Volume 30)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(1):135-181
Book review in this article
W olfle , D ael . The Uses of Talent. Princeton, N. J.
F reeman , R ichard B. The Market for College-Trained Manpower: A Study in the Economics of Career Choice.
C ooper , C. L. and M angham , I. L. (Eds.). T-Groups: A Survey of Research.
K obayashi , S higeru . Creative Management.
G lueck , W illiam F. and T horp , C ary D., J r . The Management of Scientific Research: An Annotated Bibliography and Synopsis.
E kval , G ökan . Creativity at the Place of Work.
B urstein , H erman . Attribute Sampling: Tables and Explanations.
B arrett , J on H. Individual Goals and Organizational Objectives: A Study of Integration Mechanisms.
B assett , G lenn A. and W eatherbee , H arvard Y. Personnel Systems and Data Management.
D ickmann , R obert A. Personnel Implications for Business Data Processing.
W eissenberg , P eter . Introduction to Organizational Behavior.
P orter , D onald E., A pplewhite , P hilip B. and M isshauk , M ichael J. Studies in Organizational Behavior and Management.
S rivastva , S uresh . (Editor) Behavioural Sciences in Management.
K olb , D avid A., R ubin , I rwin M. and M c I ntyre , J ames M. Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings.
Z impel , L loyd . (Editor) The Disadvantaged Worker: Readings in Developing Minority Manpower.
R eddin , W. J. Effective Management by Objectives: The §-D Method pf MBO.
J ennings , E ugene E. Routes to the Executive Suite.
S troh , T homas F. Managing the New Generation in Business.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(4):609-651
Book reviews in this article:
B urns , T homas J. (Editor) The Behavioral Aspects of Accounting Data for Performance Evaluation.
C ampbell , J ohn P., D unnette , M arvin D., L awler , E dward E., III, and W eick , K arl E., J r . Managerial Behavior, Performance, and Effectiveness.
K ast , F remont E. and R osenzweig , J ames E. Organization and Management: A Systems Approach.
P owell , R eed M. Race, Religion, and the Promotion of the American Executive.
W asmuth , W illiam J., S imonds , R ollin H., H ilgert , R aymond L., and L ee , H ak C hong . Human Resources Administration: Problems of Growth and Change.
M ueller , E va (with others). Technological Advance in an Expanding Economy: Its Impact on a Cross-section of the Labor Force.
B lake , R obert R. and M outon , J ane S rygley . The Grid for Sales Excellence: Benchmarks for Effective Salesmanship.
F rench , W endell . The Personnel Management Process: Human Resources Administration.
R eddin , W. J. Managerial Effectiveness.
B lack , J ames M. HOW to Get Results from Interviewing: A Practical Guide for Operating Management.
C ohen , J acob . Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavorial Sciences.
L ucas , R ex A. Men In Crisis:. A Study of a Mine Disaster.
G roff , G ene K. and M uth , J ohn F. (Editors) Operations Management: Selected Readings.
N i B hroin , N oirin . the motivation and Productivity of Young Women Workers.
E rdos , P aul L. Professional Mai Surveys.
A dams , S exton and F yffe , D on . The Corporate Promotables.
…Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(2):351-406
Book reviews in htis article:
R obson , M ike . Quality Circles: A Practical Guide .
C arkhuff , R obert R. Sources of Human Productivity .
L idstone , J ohn . How to Recruit and Select Successful Salesmen .
G oodstein , L eonard D., P feiffer , J. W illiam and B yrum -G aw , B everly . (Eds.) The 1983 Annual for Facilitators, Trainers, and Consultants .
L andy , F rank J. and F arr , J ames L. The Measurement of Work Performance: Methods, Theory and Applications .
G ordon , J udith R. A Diagnostic Approach to Organizational Behavior .
J ames , R oger G. and E lkins , A aron J. How to Train and Lead a Quality, Circle .
N ash , M ichael . Managing Organizational Peformance .
S tech , E rnest L. Leadership Communication .
B rown , F rederick G. Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing .
S mith , B arry J. and D elahaye , B rian L. How to Be an Effective Trainer: Skills for Managers and New Trainers .
F innigan , J ohn . The Right People in the Right Jobs .
L assey , W illiam R. and S ashkin , M arshall . (Editors) Leadership and Social Change .
B urgess , L eonard R. Wage and Salary Administration: Pay and Benefits .
S pencer , A nne . On the Edge of the Organization: The Role of the Outside Director .
L ynn , R obert J. The Pension Crisis .
How To Improve Your Listening Skills .
S weetland , R ichard C., K eyser , D aniel J. and O'C onnor , W illiam A. (Eds.) with Sam Pimazar, Contributing Consultant. Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education and Business .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1962,15(2):231-251
Book reviewed in this article:
G ordon , W illiam J. J. Synectics: The Development of Creative Capacity.
M c G ehee , W illiam , and T hayer , P aul W. Training in Business and Industry.
T agiuri , R enato . (Editor) Research Needs in Executive Selection.
J aques , E lliott . Equitable Payment: A General Theory of Work, Differential Payment, and Individual Progress.
F leishman , E dwin A. Studies in Personnel and Industrial Psychology.
K ay , B rian R., and P almer , S tuart . The Challenge of Supervision.
B uros , O csar K risen . Tests in Print: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Tests for Use in Education, Psychology, and Industry.
H uber , J ack T. Report Writing in Psychology and Psychiatry.
J erome , W illiam T ravers , III. Executive Control: The Catalyst.
S tryker , P errin .The Character of the Executive: Eleven Stud- ies in Managerid Qualities.
B ennett , T homasr ., II. The Leader Looks at the Process of Change.
B uchanan , P aulc . The Leader Looks at Individual Motivation.
T his , L esliee . The Leader Looks at Communication.
H oltzman , W ayne , H., T horpe , J oseph S., S wartz , J on D., AND H erron , E. W ayne . Inkblot Perception and Personaity.
H oltzman , W ayneh . Holtzman Inkblot Technique: Administration and Scoring Guide.
L ifton , W alterm . Working with Groups: Grwp Process and Individual Growth.
F arnsworth , P. R., M cnemar , O., and M cnemar , Q.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1975,28(2):251-298
Book reviews in this article:
D ubrin , A ndrew J. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: An Applied Perspective .
Z impel , L loyd . (Editor) Man Against Work .
F rost , C arl F., W akeley , J ohn H. and R uh , R obert A. The Scanlon Plan for Organizational Development: Identity, Participation, and Equity .
H inrichs , J ohn R. The Motivation Crisis: Winding Down and Turning Off .
G rossman , L ee . The Change Agent .
K ay , E manuel . The Crisis in Middle Management .
M c C onkey , D ale D. No-Nonsense Delegation .
M angum , G arth L. and W alsh , J ohn . A Decade of Manpower Development and Training .
J ohnson , M iriam . Counter Point: The Changing Employment Service .
D ubrin , A ndrew J. Survival in the Sexist Jungle: A Psychologist's Program for Combating Job Discrimination Against Women .
Proceedings: Fourteenth Human Relations Conference .
Proceedings: Thirteenth Human Relations Conference .
C ooper , R obert . Job Motivation and Job Design .
C hristopher , W illiam F. The Achieving Enterprise .
G raves , D esmond . (Editor) Management Research: A Cross-Cultural Perspective .
R ichards , M ax D. and N ielander , W illiam A. (Eds.) Readings in Management .
K olb , D avid A., R ubin , I rwin M. and M cintyre , J ames M. (Eds.) Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings .
…Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(4):823-894
H ackman , J. R ichard and O ldham , G reg R. Work Redesign.
J ensen , A rthur R. B ias in Mental Testing.
P feiffer , J. W illiam and J ones , J ohn E. (Editors) The 1980 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators.
M c C ormick , E rnest J. and I lgen , D aniel . Industrial Psychology.
T agliere , D aniel A. The Participative Prince: Techniques for Developing Your Organization and Improving Its Performance.
H enderson , R ichard . Performance Appraisal: Theory to Practice.
V iscusl , W. K ip . Employment Hazards: An Investigation of Market Performance.
C ohen A llan R., F ink , S tephen L., G adon , H erman and W illits , R obin D. Effective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts and Student Experiences.
L efkowitz , B ernard . Breaktime: Living without Work in a Nine-to-Five World.
S hafritz , J ay M. Dictionary of Personnel Management and Labor Relations.
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know.
G enua , R obert L. The Employer's Guide to Interviewing: Stategy and Tactics for Picking a Winner.
G ardner , J ames E. Training the New Supervisor.
H unt , J ohn . Managing People at Work.
B urack , E lmer H. and M athys , N icholas J. Human Resource Planning.
B urack , E lmer H. and M athys , N icholas J. Career Management in Organizations.
A lvarez , R odolfo , L utterman , K enneth G. and A ssociates . Discrimination in Organizations: Using Social Indicators to Manage Social Change.
L indo , D avid K. Supervision Can Be Easy.
K azmier , L eonard J. Management: A Programmed Approach with Cases and Applications.
B aldridge , J. V ictor and T ierney , M ichael L. New Approaches to Management: Creating Practical Systems of Management Information and Management by Objectives.
S cheer , W ilbert E. Personnel Administration Handbook.
P ande , N. R. W. A Study of Scores on Intelligence Test Batteries.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1967,20(3):343-368
Book reviews in this article:
D onnette , M arvin D. Personnel Selection and Placement.
B ass , B ernard M., and V aughn , J ames A. Training in Industry : The Management of Learning.
H aire , M ason , G hiselli , E dwin E., and P orter , L yman W. Managerial Thinking: An International Study.
A ndrews , K enneth R. The Effectiveness of University Management Development Programs.
D ickson , W illiam J., and R oethlisberger , F. J. Counseling in an Organization: A Sequel to the Hawthorne Researches.
O ppenheim , A. N. Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement.
B eer , M ichael . Leadership, Employee Needs and Motivation.
F lippo , E dwin B. Principles of Personnel Management.
B ritt , S teuart H enderson (Editor). Consumer Behavior and the Behavioral Sciences: Theories and Applications.
B lack , J ames M enzies , and L ynch , E dith M. How to Move in Management: An Executive's Guide to Changing Jobs.
B ennis , W arren G., and S chein , E dgar H. with M c G regor , C aroline (Editors). Leadership and Motivation: Essays of Douglas McGregor.
K err , W illard A., and D unbar , F lorence W. Theory and Problems of Industrial Psychology.
Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1967,20(2):211-228
Books reviewed in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick . Work and the Nature of Man. by Saul W. Gellerman .
R onan , W illiam W., and P rien , E rich P. Toward a Criterion Theory: A Review and Analysis of Research and Opinion.
J ennings , E ugene E merson . The Executive in Crisis .
B owers , R aymond V. (Editor) Studies on Behavior in Organizations: A Research Symposium. Reviewed by William Litzinger .
M cpherson , J. H. Care, Commitment, and Involvement .
M cpherson , J. H. Change. Reviewed by Frank Friedlander .
R ood . A llan . Realizing Your Executive Potential: Job Strategy for the Management Career Man .
B lake , R obert R., A vis , W arren E., and M outon , J ane S. Corporate Darwinism .
K uriloff , A rthue H. Reality in Management .
F arnsworth , Paul. R., M cnemar , O., and mc C nemar , Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 18, 1967 .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1955,8(3):387-401
Book Reviewed in This Article:
S eashore , S tanley E. Group Cohesiveness in the Industrial Work Group.
C halmers , W. E llison , et al . Labor Management Relations in Illini City. I. The Case Studies.
K ornhauser , A rthur , D ubin , R obert , and R oss , A rthur M. (Eds.) Industrial Conflict.
H eron , A lexander R. Reasonable Goals in Industrial Relations.
A rgyris , C hris . Organization of a Bank: A Study of the Nature of Organization and the Fusion Process.
B ellows , R oger M. Psychology of Personnel in Business and Industry.
F inlay , W. W., S artain , A. Q., and T ate , W. M. Human Behavior in Industry.
D onahue , W ilma . (Compiler) Education for Later Maturity: A Handbook.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(1):111-134
Books reviewed in this article:
F ord , R obert N. Motivation through the Work Itself.
D ale , E rnest . Management: Theory and Practice.
A llison , D avid (Editor). The R & D Game: Technical Men, Technical Managers, and Research Productivity.
K elly , J oe . Organizational Behaviour.
Q uinn , R obert P., T abor , J oyce M., and G ordon , L aurak . The Decision to Discriminate: A Study of Executive Selection.
M aurer , J ohn G. Work Role Involvement of Industrial Supervisors.
R obinson , J ohn P., A thanasiou , R obert , and H ead , K endra B. Measures of Occupational Attitudes and Occupational Characteristics. (Appendix A to Measures of Political Attitudes)
B lackwell , R oger D., E ngel , J ames F., and K ollat , D avid T. Cases in Consumer Behavior.
B elasco , J ames A., and T rice , H arrison M. The Assessment of Change in Training and Therapy.
K azmier , L eonard J. Principles of Management: A Program for Self-Instruction.
R itzer , G eorge , and T rice , H arrison M. An Occupation in Conflict: A Study of the Personnel Manager.
B auer , R aymond A., G reyser , S tephen A., et al . Advertising in America: The Consumer View.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(3):405-412
Book Reviewed in This Article:
G olembiewski , R obert T. Renewing Organizations: The Laboratory Approach to Planned Change.
P feiffer , J. W illiam and J ones , J ohn E. (Editors) The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators.
D yer , W illiam G. The Sensitive Manipulator: The Change Agent Who Builds with Others.
M arrow , A lfred J. (Editor) The Failure of Success.
V an C ott , H arold P. and K inkade , R obert G. (Editors) Human Engineering Grade to Equipment Design.
K ellogg , M arion S. Career Management.
H aney , W illiam V. Communication and Organizational Behavior: Text and Cases.
L uthans , F red . Organizational Behavior: A Modern Behavioral Approach to Management.
M aier , N orman R. F. Psychology in Industrial Organizations.
S chultz , D uane P. Psychology and Industry Today.
G orman , L iam and M olloy , E ddie . People, Jobs and Organizations.
Proceedings: Twelfth Human Relations Conference.
T orbert , W illiam R. with R ogers , M alcolm P. Being for the Most Part Puppets: Interactions Among Men's Labor, Leisure, and Politics.
T homas , J ohn M. and B ennis , W arreng . (Editors) Management of Change and Conflict. Baltimore. Penguin Books, Inc., 1972. Pp. 507. $4.50 (Paper)
M ackenzie , R. A lec . The Time Trap: Managing Your Way Out.
M iller , M artin R. Climbing the Corporate Pyramid.
M iller , E rnest C. (Editor) Conference Leadership.
K orman , A braham K. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
H annings , R obert B., A sh , P hilip and S inick , D aniel . (Editors) Forensic Psychology in Disability Adjudication: A Decade of Experience.
B acon , J eremy . Corporate Directorship Practices: Membership and Committees of the Board.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1955,8(4):507-529
Book review in this article
G hiselli , E dwin E., and B rown , C larence W. Personnel and Industrial Psychology.
L ombard , G eorge F. F. Behavior in a Selling Group.
H ersey , R exford . Zest for Work.
H enriksson , E rik . Frånvaro från Arbetet.
B ursk , E dward C. (Ed.) The Management Team.
L indgren , H enry C. Effective Leadership in Human Relations.
P lanty , E arl G., and F reeston , J. T homas . Developing Management Ability.
W olfle , D ael . America's Resources of Specialized Talent.
N ational M anpower C ouncil . A Policy for Skilled Manpower.
W hitehill , A rthur M., J r . Personnel Relations: The Human Aspects of Administration.
B urlington , R ichard S tevens , and M ay , D onald C urtis . Handbook of Probability and Statistics with Tables.
W ert , J ames E., N eidt , C harles C., and A hmann , J. S tanley . Statistical Methods in Educational and psychological Research  相似文献   

J ung , C. G. The visions seminars.
M c G uire , W illiam and H ull , R. F. C. (Eds.). C. G. Jung speaking: Interviews and encounters.
C arotenuto , A ldo . (Ed.). The annual of Italian analytical psychologists.
G uggenbühl -C raig , A dolf . Marriage—dead or alive.
W innicott , D. W. The Piggle (Ed. I. Ramzy).
B lum , H arold P., M.D. (Ed.). Female psychology: contemporary psychoanalytic views.
R obert , M arthe . From Oedipus to Moses
B iller , H enry B. Father, child and sex rôle.
E liade , M ircea . No souvenirs, Journal 1957–1969.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(2):283-336
Book Reviewed in This Article:
C rooks , L ois A. (Editor) An Investigation of Sources of Bias in the Prediction of Job Performance: A Six-Year Study.
F amularo , J oseph J. (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Modern Personnel Administration.
W ard , L ewis B. and A thos , A nthony G. Student Expectations of Corporate Life: Implications for Management Recruiting.
L awless , D. J. Effective Management: A Social Psychological Approach.
W haley , D onald L. Psychological Testing and the Philosophy of Measurement.
F rench , W endell L. and B ell , C ecil H. J r .
F rederiksen , N orman , J ensen , O llie and B eaton , A lbert E. With a contribution by Bruce Bloxom. Prediction of Organizational Behavior. Elmsford
U llrich , R obert A. A Theoretical Model of Human Behavior in Organizations: An Eclectic Approach.
B rethower , D ale M. Behavioral Analysis in Business and Industry: A Total Performance System.
B eynon , H. and B lackburn , R. M. Perceptions of Work: Variations within a Factory.
L oring , R osalind and W ells , T heodora . Breakthrough: Women into Management.
L evinson , H arry . The Great Jackass Fallacy.
B uck , V ernon E. Working Under Pressure.
W ilson , A ubrey . The Marketing of Professional Services.
B auby , C athrina . OK, Let's Talk About It: Dynamics of Dialogue.
M orris , J ohn O. Make Yourself Clear: Morris on Business Communication.
W edderburn , D orothy and C rompton , R osemary . Workers' Attitudes and Technology.
T aylor , L ynda K ing . Not for Bread Alone: An Appreciation of Job Enrichment.
Top Executive Compensation (1972 Edition).
P aturi , F elix R. The Escalator Effect: How to Get to the Top Without Effort.
M old , H oward P. The Mechanics of Management by Objectives—Preparing and Writing Objectives. (Bulletin No. 37)
M ussen , P aul H. and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 24.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1956,9(1):132-154
Books reviewed in this article:
S mith , G eorge H orsley . Motivation Research in Advertising and Marketing.
B rown , C larence W., and G hiselli , E dwin E. Scientific Method in Psychology.
K eown , W illiam H. Some Dimensions of Company-Union Downward Communication.
R osen , H jalmar , and R osen , R. A. H udson . The Union Member Speaks.
H alsey , G eorge D. Selecting and Developing First-Line Supervisors.
H are , P aul , B orgatta , E dgar F., and B ales , R obert F. Small Groups: Studies in Social Interaction.
G ordon , T homas . Group-Centered Leadership.
B ellows , R oger M. Case Problems in Personnel Management.
W illiams , E dgar G., and M ee , J ohn F. Cases and Problems in Personnel and Industrial Relations.
K nowles , W illiam H. Personnel Management: A Human Relations Approach.
G ray , J. S tanley . Psychology Applied to Human Affairs.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1954,7(4):576-596
Books reviewed in this article:
F ruchter , B enjamin . Introduction to Factor Analysis.
A rbous , A. G. Tables for Aptitude Testers.
A ckoff , R ussell L. The Design of Social Research.
C ox , D avid . Women's Attitudes Toward Repetitive Work.
L ivingstone , E lizabeth and H andyside , J ohn D. two Studies in Supervision
S cott , W alter D ill , C lothier , R obert C, and S priegel , W illiam R. Personnel Management
T ufts C ollege I nstitute F or A pplied E xperimental P sychology . Handbook of Human Engineering Data
W eschler , I rving R., and B rown , P aula (E ds .) Evaluating Research and Development.
J ennings , E ugene E. Improving Supervisory Behavior.
T aylor , W. S. Notehand for Psychologists.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1989,42(1):155-155
Book Review in this Article: GAEL, SIDNEY (Ed.)- The Job Analysis Handbook for Business, Industry, and Government. Vol. I and Vol. II. MAJCHRZAK, ANN. The Human Side of Factory Automation: Managerial and Human Resource Strategies for Making Automation Succeed. SHETTY, Y. K. and BEUHLER, VERNON M. (Eds.). Productivity and Quality Through Science and Technology. FINCHAM, ROBIN and RHODES, PETER S. The Individual, Work and Organization: Behavioural Studies for Business and Management Students. CONNOR, PATRICK E. and LAKE, LINDA K. Managing Organizational Change. WESTIN, ALAN F. AND ARAM, JOHN D. Managerial Dilemmas: Cases in Social, Legal, and Technological Change. HIRSCHHORN, LARRY. The Workplace Within: Psychodynamics of Organizational Life. SMITHER, ROBERT D. The Psychology of Work and Human Performance. WOODWARD, HARRY and BUCHHOLZ, STEVE. Aftershock: Helping People Through Corporate Change. PAREEK, UDAI. Motivating Organisational Roles. VANCIL, RICHARD F. Passing the Baton: Managing the Process of CEO Succession. FRIEDMAN, STEWART D. (Ed.). Leadership Succession. GINZBERG, ELI (Ed.)- Executive Talent: Developing and Keeping the Best People. QUICK, JAMES C, BHAGAT, RABI S., DALTON, JAMES E., and QUICK, JONATHAN D. (Eds.). Work Stress: Health Care Systems in the Workplace. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.)- The 1988 Annual: Developing Human Resources. KRAVETZ, DENNIS J. The Human Resources Revolution: Implementing Progressive Management Practices for Bottom-Line Success. GOLDFIELD, RANDY J. Training in the Automated Office: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Systems Planning and Implementation. STEWART, DOROTHY M. (Ed.). Handbook of Management Skills. CARUTH, DONALD L., NOE, ROBERT M. III, AND MONDY, R. WAYNE. Staffing the Contemporary Organization: A Guide to Planning, Recruiting, and Selecting for Human Resource Professionals. BRODY, E. W. Communicating f or Survival: Coping with Diminishing Human Resources. HOWARD, ANN and BRAY, DOUGLAS W. Managerial Lives in Transition: Advancing Age and Changing Times. MITCHELL, GARRY W. The Trainer's Handbook: The AM A Guide to Effective Training.  相似文献   

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