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The influence of General Systems Theory on mental health disciplines and pastoral care has grown rapidly in recent years. The central concepts of a systems perspective-organization, control, and stability, and energy-provide an effective means to address organic, relational, and wholistic dimensions of marriage and marriage counselingThis article reflects research for a dissertation/project, including A Guide for Clergy.  相似文献   

The following article presents some of the challenges experienced by a European pastoral counselor during a two year service period in a Protestant hospital in Central Java, Indonesia. The incompatibility of some of the Western, First-world counseling approaches with Javanese culture suggests the urgent need for pastoral counselors to rethink their methods in the face of cultures not their own.  相似文献   

Crisis interventionists frequently confront a moral dilemma when violating client trust seems necessary if self-destructive behavior is to be prevented. Two fundamental moral values conflict in such cases: concern for client welfare and respect for client rights and autonomy. Each of these values is grounded in one of two important Western ethical traditions: Utilitarianism and Kantian Formalism, respectively. Following critical examination of each of these theories, attention is given to a series of hypothetical cases involving the confidentiality dilemma.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a difficult time for most children, but even more complex for the adolescents coming from immigrant families. Immigrant is a vague, broad concept and is difficult to define. Not all immigrants experience financial, psychological and social adjustment in the same way. In this paper it refers to the ones who experience ‘cultural misunderstanding’ characterized by social isolation, social confusion and deep general uncertainty. The paper focuses on some of the general aspects of the lack of appropriate support that the offspring of immigrant parents experience. A brief outline is given to show the attempt made by the Intercultural Therapy Centre (NAFSIYAT) to provide a transcultural therapeutic milieu for the adolescents from immigrant parents.  相似文献   

涧水疗法要义——心理咨询的中国阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以周易哲学为基础,采西方咨询理论之精华,建构一套开放的本土心理疗法——涧水疗法。认为每个人都有一个心理调节系统,该系统有六个维度,即时间、意志、身体、爱心、参照和战略,并且每个维度均有阴阳两极。心理咨询可围绕这六个维度展开。咨询的指导思想是“真诚谦卑,镇定安详;以退为进,以柔克刚;因势利导,阴消阳长;惧以终始,笑对无常”。咨询过程分为“望”、“闻”、“问”、“辨”和“导”,五个部分分别与五行的“火”、“水”、“金”、“土”和“木”对应。  相似文献   

以周易哲学为基础,采西方咨询理论之精华,建构一套开放的本土心理疗法--涧水疗法.认为每个人都有一个心理调节系统,该系统有六个维度,即时间、意志、身体、爱心、参照和战略,并且每个维度均有阴阳两极.心理咨询可围绕这六个维度展开.咨询的指导思想是"真诚谦卑,镇定安详;以退为进,以柔克刚;因势利导,阴消阳长;惧以终始,笑对无常".咨询过程分为"望"、"闻"、"问"、"辨"和"导",五个部分分别与五行的"火"、"水"、"金"、"土"和"木"对应.  相似文献   

戴晓妍  胡谊  张亚 《心理科学进展》2022,30(9):2078-2087
人际同步性是指两个或两个以上的人的言语特点、行为表现、生理指标以及神经生理活动在时间上出现重合的现象, 得益于近10年内技术上的突破, 研究者开始对心理咨询领域的人际同步现象进行初步的探索, 试图从该视角揭示心理咨询过程中咨访双方的互动模式和同盟建立的内在机制。近期研究主要关注非言语同步、生理同步、人际脑同步与同盟及其影响因素之间的关系, 并针对它们各自对同盟的作用机制发展出了相应的理论。未来的研究者可以更多地关注同盟动态变化过程中的人际同步性, 发展整合理论来回应同盟建立的内在机制, 并在临床应用上促进具有人际同步性的心理咨询互动过程。  相似文献   

Existing marital counseling procedures have not been experimentally evaluated or generally have not been based on an experimentally derived theory. The present study formulated a model of marital discord based on reinforcement theory, developed a marital counseling procedure based on that theory and experimentally evaluated its effectiveness. The model viewed marital discord as the resultant of non-reciprocated reinforcement. The counseling procedures attempted to establish general marital reciprocity of reinforcement by teaching reciprocity in several specific areas of marital unhappiness. The reciprocity procedure was conducted for about 3–4 weeks with 12 couples, after first conducting a catharsis-type counseling as a control procedure. The results showed that the reciprocity procedure increased reported marital happiness, whereas the control procedure did not. Once reciprocity was achieved in a specific problem area, the benefits generalized somewhat to other yet-to-be counseled areas. The increase in marital happiness occurred for each of the specific areas of marital interaction, for 96 per cent of the clients, and was maintained and increased during the available follow-up period. These results indicate that the procedure is an effective, rapid and enduring method of producing marital happiness.  相似文献   

This essay argues that making a diagnosis in medicine is essentially a hermeneutic enterprise, one in which interpretation skills play a major part in understanding a disease. The clinical encounter is an event comprised of two voices; one is the voice of science which is grounded in empiricism, the other is that of human experience, which is grounded in story-telling and the interpretation of those stories.Using two voices, one from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-III-Revised, which describes alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence, and the other, that of Claire, a character in Edward Albee's play, A Delicate Balance, who is conversing with her brother-in-law, Tobias, I apply principles from Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutics to the clinical diagnostic process. The essay will demonstrate that we overlook an enormous amount of information about alcoholism by an overreliance on objective data and that our hope for understanding alcoholics is in listening to their voices, and sharing the interpretation of their experiences with them.  相似文献   

A. R. Andreasen's (1995) social marketing model (SMM) is applied to structure feedback counseling for individuals who are unemployed. The authors discuss techniques used in commercial marketing and how they are equally applicable to solving societal problems; SMM and its application to social interventions; and structured feedback that moves a person from contemplating change to sustained behavioral modification, which can facilitate attitudinal and behavioral change. The relationship of SMM to motivational theories that support the potential of SMM for unemployment counseling is also discussed. The article concludes with a review of the integration of SMM by the New Zealand Employment Service.  相似文献   


As a way for practitioners to integrate various models of marital therapy into their treatment,a flow chart of the process of psychotherapy with couples is presented. Basic steps and questions to be addressed are sequentially discussed. Resolution of each stage is considered important for movement to following stages. The flow chart, as a device for conceptualizing clients independent of a theoretical approach, allows for intervention strategies to be developed at each process level  相似文献   

This interview describes an emerging tenor in pastoral psychology, growth counseling. Philosophically cultivated by the Human Potentials Movement, this school of counseling has genetic components in biblical theology, as well as intrapsychic and interpersonal psychotherapy. Church-related issues are also linked, especially crisis intervention models for the laity and the pastoral counselor's unique vantage for ministry. In addition to these characteristics, the dialogue underscores two other concerns many health care professionals share: (1) a deemphasis of psychopathology via a renewed emphasis of the human growth drive; and (2) the therapeutic complementarity of affirmation vis-à-vis empathic confrontation.He is also Research Chairman of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors' Southeast Region, as well as Book Review Editor for thisJournal.  相似文献   

The empirical research pertaining to the effectiveness of telephone counseling and referral systems personnel was critically reviewed. The assessment was organized according to several evaluation strategies that researchers have utilized to evaluate effectiveness. These strategies included, for example, client self-reports, client "shows" versus "no-shows" following referral, data pertaining to suicide rates, counselor ratings of personal effectiveness, and phone workers' ability to offer empathy to clients. It was concluded that discussions of effectiveness should be constrained by a careful consideration of the specific index of efficacy chosen by investigators as well as methodological issues associated with current research in this area. There is reason to believe that the availability of telephone crisis services may be related to reduced suicide rates among young white females. Also, there is a significant need to empirically associate counseling technique and indices of effectiveness with substantive measures of client outcome in future research. Additional topics reviewed include the probable differential effectiveness of lay workers with various presenting problems of clients, and the role that training and maturity seem to play in successful interventions. Guidelines for the use of evaluation techniques which coincide with service goals are also offered.  相似文献   

Although in recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in the correlation of theology and pastoral care and counseling, most writings have only given the pastor's perspective. Presented here is a theological poem written some two years after depression began to plague Rachel Hansen. She describes not only her view of the pastor and the counseling process, but also the impact of the counseling on her theology and faith.Dr. Stone is Professor of Pastoral Care and Pastoral Psychology at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 76129.  相似文献   

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