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<正>《心理科学进展》创刊于1983年,原名《心理学动态》。在徐联仓、匡培梓、张侃、杨玉芳等历任主编领导下,在历届编委会成员的共同努力下,经过近30年的辛勤耕耘,《心理科学进展》逐渐形成了鲜明的学术特点,影响力也日益扩大,成为国内心理学工作者喜欢阅读、踊跃投稿的专业性学术刊物。  相似文献   

在宗教团体、宗教活动场所(本文统称为宗教组织)推广和执行《民间非营利组织会计制度》,既是建立国家统一会计制度体系、规范单位会计行为的必然要求,也是贯彻实施《宗教事务条例》,依法加强对宗教事务的管理,推进宗教团体、宗教活动场所财务管理规范化、制度化的具体步骤。今年以来,各地按照全国的统一部署,在推广和执行《民间非营利组织会计制度》方面进行了积极稳妥的探索,取得了一定的经验。本期,我们约请财政部、国家宗教局有关同志和地方宗教工作部门、宗教活动场所相关人士,就实施该制度的指导思想、重要意义、政策原则、具体步骤和成功经验进行交流,希望借此进一步推动《民间非营利组织会计制度》的深入落实,推进宗教团体和宗教活动场所财务、会计管理的规范化、制度化。  相似文献   

发展大公司是我国企业参与国际竞争的迫切需要,它虽然是一种企业行为,市场行为,但在我国现阶段离不开政府的引导、扶持和促进。本文试就我国如何推行大公司战略等问题进行一些探讨。一、发展大公司是我国参与国际竞争的迫切要求随着世界经济一体化的发展,大公司在激烈...  相似文献   

心理学工作者大都知道,由美国心理学会组织出版的《写作手册》在十几年前的第五版中就有如下明确规定:"作者对于自己的研究假设进行检验时,必须考虑采取严格的统计力(statistical power)……为了让读者能够充分地了解到你的研究发现的重要性,在你的结果段落中呈现效果大小(effect size)的索引或关系强度(strength of arelationship)是必要的"(引自陈玉玲等译:美国心理协会《写作手册》第五版,重庆大学出版社2008年出版)。2009年4月,在由《心理学报》主办,深圳大学教育科学学院承办的"第五届全国心理学学术期刊联席会议"上,有专家提出了"我国心理学学术期刊是否也应该像美国APA下属期刊那样,要求投稿者在文章中提供诸如‘统计检验力’或‘效果大小’等统  相似文献   

在“七五”计划期间,韶关市的经济建设和社会发展取得了前所未有的巨大成就。进入“八五”计划新的历史阶段,我们面临着更高的发展目标和更加宏伟的历史任务。如何制订五年计划和十年规划?如何完成“八五”计划的各项任务,取得经济和社会的进一步发展?需要我们从韶关市的实际出发,运用辩证唯物主义观点作出科学论证。  相似文献   

赵慧利 《天风》2022,(6):21-22
郑州市基督教圣乐合唱团成立于2009年,隶属于河南省郑州市基督教两会,其前身是郑州市基督教两会下辖各堂点组成的联合诗班,当时有正式成员60多人,预备成员50多人.同年11月17日,合唱团正式加入河南省合唱协会,标志着合唱团从教内走向社会,以音乐为纽带在教会和社会之间架起了一座交流的桥梁.合唱团自成立以来,一直注重加强自我管理,制定了《合唱团章程》等规章制度,严把成员入口关,把爱国爱教、遵纪守法、荣神益人放在吸纳成员的重要位置.合唱团的联合特质,体现了中国基督教的后宗派特点,对于巩固联合礼拜的局面、推动教会的合一具有示范性作用.可以说,合唱团的诞生,本身就是基督教中国化的一个结晶.  相似文献   

正山东潍坊市基督教两会积极推进宗教中国化,在思想政治教育、自身建设、神学思想建设、社会服务等方面扎实推进中国化的思考与实践。"宗教中国化"是新形势下党和政府对宗教工作提出的任务和要求,宗教能否中国化将决定宗教能否在中华大地扎根与发展。山东潍坊市基督教两会积极贯彻习近平总书  相似文献   

正坚持我国宗教中国化方向,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,是新时代宗教工作的鲜明主线,是宗教界加强自身建设的首要任务。经过这些年的实践,我们深刻体会到,只有坚持中国化方向的宗教,只有实现了中国化的宗教,才能更好与我国社会主义社会相适应,在我国社会发展进步中发挥积极作用;  相似文献   

正【本刊讯】(通联员冯玲玲)2016年3月23日,广东省伊协在广州市怀圣清真寺举行全省第11期阿訇资格认定培训班,深圳市罗湖区、龙岗区等4个礼拜点的4位阿訇参加培训。省伊协会长、教务指导小组组长王文杰阿訇,省伊协副会长、教务指导小组副组长王官雪阿訇、张建君阿訇,省伊协副秘书长、教务室主任王玉霞参  相似文献   

自人类社会进入文明时代以来,宗教与政治就结下了不解之缘。从古到今,无论是我们不愿意看到的神权政治或世界上屡屡发生的恐怖事件,还是我们倍加赞赏的个人修身养性或社会慈善事业,宗教总是以这样或那样的方式与政治纠缠在一起,总是以这样或那样的方式形成某种互动。宗教与政治的互动,涉及到政治生活的各个层面,也涉及到宗教生活的不同层面。不同层面的互动在关系性质、作用力度、运作模式等方面各有不同,而且还要考虑到不同时代、不同国家、不同的文化传统等因素,这就使我们认识到宗教与政治的互动是在十分复杂的历史过程中进行的。“宗教…  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relationship between gender processing and the properties of speech errors. Studying German noun substitution errors it was found that intended and intruded nouns were more often of the same grammatical gender than one would expect by chance (identical gender effect). In the present study, German slips of the tongue were investigated on the assumption that the occurrence of the identical gender effect depends on the processing level, where the error arises. The syntactic context preceding errors of nonidentical gender was also explored. In the German language, interactions of nonidentical gender nouns often result in agreement violations. It can be shown that gender congruency between nouns and preceding articles also depends on the processing level at which the noun error occurs. The results are consistent with two-stage models of lexical retrieval and speech production, according to which the syntactic information of a noun is only represented during the first stage of lexical access.  相似文献   

This paper studies the reliability and validity of naturalistic speech errors as a tool for language production research. Possible biases when collecting naturalistic speech errors are identified and specific predictions derived. These patterns are then contrasted with published reports from Germanic languages (English, German and Dutch) and one Romance language (Spanish). Unlike findings in the Germanic languages, Spanish speech errors show many patterns which run contrary to those expected from bias: (1) more phonological errors occur between words than within word; (2) word-initial consonants are less likely to participate in errors than word-medial consonants, (3) errors are equally likely in stressed and in unstressed syllables, (4) perseverations are more frequent than anticipations, and (5) there is no trace of a lexical bias. We present a new corpus of Spanish speech errors collected by many theoretically naïve observers (whereas the only corpus available so far was collected by two highly trained theoretically informed observers), give a general overview of it, and use it to replicate previous reports. In spite of the different susceptibility of these methods to bias, results were remarkably similar in both corpora and again contrary to predictions from bias. As a result, collecting speech errors “in the wild” seems to be free of bias to a reasonable extent even when using a multiple-collector method. The observed contrasting patterns between Spanish and Germanic languages arise as true cross-linguistic differences.  相似文献   

The performance of 14 poor readers on an audiovisual speech perception task was compared with 14 normal subjects matched on chronological age (CA) and 14 subjects matched on reading age (RA). The task consisted of identifying synthetic speech varying in place of articulation on an acoustic 9-point continuum between /ba/ and /da/ (Massaro & Cohen, 1983). The acoustic speech events were factorially combined with the visual articulation of /ba/, /da/, or none. In addition, the visual-only articulation of /ba/ or /da/ was presented. The results showed that (1) poor readers were less categorical than CA and RA in the identification of the auditory speech events and (2) that they were worse in speech reading. This convergence between the deficits clearly suggests that the auditory speech processing difficulty of poor readers is speech specific and relates to the processing of phonological information.  相似文献   

John N. Williams 《Synthese》2006,149(1):225-254
G. E. Moore famously observed that to say, “ I went to the pictures last Tuesday but I don’t believe that I did” would be “absurd”. Why should it be absurd of me to say something about myself that might be true of me? Moore suggested an answer to this, but as I will show, one that fails. Wittgenstein was greatly impressed by Moore’s discovery of a class of absurd but possibly true assertions because he saw that it illuminates “the logic of assertion”. Wittgenstein suggests a promising relation of assertion to belief in terms of the idea that one “expresses belief” that is consistent with the spirit of Moore’s failed attempt to explain the absurdity. Wittgenstein also observes that “under unusual circumstances”, the sentence, “It’s raining but I don’t believe it” could be given “a clear sense”. Why does the absurdity disappear from speech in such cases? Wittgenstein further suggests that analogous absurdity may be found in terms of desire, rather than belief. In what follows I develop an account of Moorean absurdity that, with the exception of Wittgenstein’s last suggestion, is broadly consistent with both Moore’s approach and Wittgenstein’s.  相似文献   

Three experiments demonstrate gender congruency effects (i.e., naming times of a picture are faster when the name of the target picture and a distractor noun are gender congruent) in Czech. In the first experiment, subjects named the pictures by producing gender-marked demonstrative pronouns and a noun. In the second and third experiments, subjects produced a gender-marked numeral (marked with a suffix) plus a noun. Two types of such suffixes exist in Czech. Some numerals vary in nominative singular with gender, others do not. The results show significant gender congruency effects in all experiments. They suggest that gender congruency effects can be obtained not only with free, but also with bound morphemes. In the second and third experiment the effect only emerged when the suffix was gender-marked (as opposed to gender-invariant), supporting the view that the gender congruency effect is due to competition at the level of phonological forms rather than at the grammatical level.  相似文献   

The dominant viewpoint regarding phonologically driven speech errors is that segments are the units responsible behind the errors. The goal of this paper is to illustrate the point that other potential candidates for explaining these speech errors, which have gone largely unnoticed, provide a better explanatory framework for speech errors than do segments. By looking at unambiguous cases and patterns of markedness, it can be shown that there exists good evidence for features and prosodic constituents in speech errors, but never any positive evidence for segments. All of these considerations taken into account together lend strong support to the argument that there is no need for a segmental level of analysis in phonology.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the ways in which a person’s character (ethos) and a hearer’s emotional response (pathos) are part of the complex judgments made about experts’ claims, along with an actual assessment of those claims (logos). The analysis is rooted in the work of Aristotle, but expands to consider work on emotion and cognition conducted by Thagard and Gigerenzer. It also draws on some conclusions of the general epistemology of testimony (of which expert testimony is a special subset), where it is argued that we learn not just from the transmission of another’s beliefs, but from the words they speak. This shifts the onus in testimony away from the intentions of a speaker onto the judgments of an audience, capturing better its social character and reflecting our experience of receiving testimony. I conclude, however, that accepting the arguments of experts involves much more than simply believing what they say.  相似文献   

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