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我国传统心理治疗思想有自己独具的文化特色,它以“中和”为核心,即通过对事物协调,使之达到和谐有序,具有形神合一、天人合一的特点。我国传统心理治疗主张利用和谐的人际关系。提出集修心、修体、修德与修行于一体进行心理调适的方案,即以养神促进调养整个形体;心理治疗与德行修养相统一。这些思想与理念是对当前哀伤辅导工作的有益补充,对建构本土化的哀伤辅导理论和实践具有重大的指导意义。  相似文献   

论医学创新中的灵感思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
灵感是一种奇妙的创新思维方式。通过对古今中外医学史上运用灵感思维完成创新的实践过程进行考察、说明灵感思维可以划分为酝酿--顿悟--验证在阶段基核心是顿悟阶段。在此阶段中有自悟型和外引整两大类,主要是十种形式。人类即将进入21世纪,与之相适应的医学领域地出现惊人的创新,研究医学创新中的灵感思维,有助于我们探讨和认识新思维的机制和规律,用以启迪和培养全民族的创新能力,为人类飞向未来插上金翅。  相似文献   


Cohesion in group treatment of spouse abusers plays an important and often overlooked role. Involuntary abuser groups can benefit from cohesion, but due to their unique structure, cohesion may develop differently than in voluntary psychotherapy groups. Initially, abuser groups may develop premature levels of cohesion that can make group members unwilling to express conflict, develop intimacy, and take responsibility for their actions. Understanding the abuser personality and the unique characteristics of involuntary abuser groups can shed light on why cohesion develops the way it does and the importance it plays in abuser groups. Developing effective interventions that target premature cohesion can help the group members express conflict, develop intimacy, and take responsibility for their actions, thus bringing about therapeutic levels of cohesion.  相似文献   

Case study of a severely disturbed patient seen in psychotherapy in a university counseling center and tested at the beginning and after the termination of therapy. It is concluded that the projective tests proved useful in estimating the extent of pathology prior to therapy and in assessing the degree and direction of change following therapy. Discussion of this patient's projective responses with him during therapy was found to be beneficial, in accord with Richman's views on the reporting of test results to patients. It is suggested that clinical psychologists doing psychotherapy may similarly find projective tests of use to them.  相似文献   

从图式心理疗法发展历程的角度探讨其起源与发展,对图式概念的提出以及早期适应不良图式和应对方式进行梳理,凸显了图式疗法的优势与传统逻辑。深入探讨简化的图式疗法——模式模型,突出模式模型是一个或多个激活的图式与相关应对方式的组合。强调模式模型的治疗机制包括了儿童模式、内在批评模式、适应不良的应对模式和健康成人模式四种模式,它们之间互相联系、互相影响。通过对现有案例及学术研究成果的梳理,证明模式模型治疗对各种精神障碍的有效性,且在国内的心理学治疗方面有较好的应用前景,应得到更多的重视、推广和应用。  相似文献   

本研究采用社会效度的方法,对346名大学生的良知内隐观进行了调查研究,结果显示:1.大学生良知内隐观所涉及的范围广泛,经因素分析可以把大学生的良知内隐观概括为9个因素;2.大学生认为良知的诸特征中较重要和具有一致性的有:孝敬父母、有责任心、守信、善良、自爱、诚实、真诚、感恩、明辨是非和自尊等;3.年龄对大学生良知内隐观的影响显著,性别和专业对大学生良知内隐观的影响不显著。  相似文献   

The need for closure and the ability to achieve closure are generally thought to be independent from one another. However, previous researchers have found inconsistent relations between these two variables, possibly due to measurement scale modifications that slightly shifted how the underlying constructs were assessed. The present research attempted to address some of these methodological issues with previous research by conducting a single-paper meta-analysis on the correlations between the ability to achieve closure scale and the full need for closure scale and each of its five subscales. Across six university student samples (N = 1983), the full need for closure scale and most of its subscales were significantly negatively correlated with the ability to achieve closure. This finding suggests that the ability to achieve closure affects the costs and benefits of closure and therefore, consistent with lay epistemic theory, the ability to achieve closure predicts individual differences in the need for closure.  相似文献   

在西方的一般观念上,“宗教自由“被视为现代民主制度下个人权利的重要体现甚至是首要体现.追溯历史,“宗教自由“的口号,是欧洲启蒙主义时代从受到政治、宗教双重压迫的资产阶级当中产生的.他们要求在信仰生活上摆脱“国教“或传统主流教会的歧视和压力,乃至形成新兴移民国家美利坚合众国诞生的契机.在历史上不乏宗教战争、宗教迫害的西方世界,在通过宪法第一修正案固化了历史反思的美国,他们对于“宗教自由“理念的特别珍视,是不难理解的.这种理念以及据之而制定的法律,保障了西方资本主义社会在历史文化连续性基础上的精神支柱的稳固,又随着资本主义经济的世界性发展,推广成为代表西方价值标准的强势话语,以至“宗教自由“似乎成了超出其他一切原则之上的绝对自由,成了不可人为设限的“天条“.……  相似文献   


This article introduces a practical model for therapists to promote recovery from eating and body image problems in their clients. The history of The Body Positive, a nonprofit eating disorders prevention organization that addresses the impact of gender and other intersecting identities on body image, is shared. Five competencies are offered that were developed through The Body Positive’s feminist-informed process of dialog with students engaged in activism against sizeism in their communities. The competencies (Reclaim Health, Practice Intuitive Self Care, Cultivate Self Love, Declare Your Own Authentic Beauty, and Build Community) offer resources to support therapists to model an alive, attuned relationship to their own bodies as well as skills to guide their clients to a kinder and more passionate embodiment.  相似文献   

骨质疏松症和细胞因子关系的新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在骨质疏松症患者体内,细胞因子的改变和雌激素减少是骨质疏松症发生、发展的启动因素,造成骨的代谢紊乱,致使骨吸收超过骨形成,出现骨重建平衡失调与骨转换加快。细胞因子的提出使骨质疏松症防治观念发生了根本的转变,提出了骨质疏松症防治新策略,对细胞因子与骨质疏松症的关系的认识,体现了循证医学的思想和创新思维的启动。  相似文献   

We propose a new method for the history of ideas that has none of the shortcomings so often ascribed to this approach. We call this method the model approach to the history of ideas. We argue that any adequately developed and implementable method to trace (dis)continuities in the history of human thought, or concept drift, will require that historians use explicit interpretive conceptual frameworks. We call these frameworks models. We argue that models enhance the comprehensibility of historical texts, and provide historians of ideas with a method that, unlike existing approaches, is susceptible neither to common holistic criticisms nor to Skinner's objections that the history of ideas yields arbitrary and biased reconstructions. To illustrate our proposal, we discuss the so-called Classical Model of Science and draw upon work in computer science and cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

作为中国传统文化之主体的儒家伦理,已经确立了中国传统文化的"基德"或"母德",这是在长达2000多年历史发展中形成的,经过先秦时期的百家争鸣,形成了独树一帜的儒家思想,董仲舒提出"抑黜百家、独尊儒术"的建议,确立了儒家在中国社会的统治地位。经过以后历代的兼收并蓄和对立融合,发展成为儒、道、佛融合一体的宋明理学,近代中国社会对儒家思想的批判性发展,促使人们对儒家伦理思想进行时代的反思。荣格的分析心理学思想为东西方道德观的比较提供了一种独特的研究视角。  相似文献   

Capps  Donald 《Pastoral Psychology》2004,52(3):193-218
Continues the psychoanalytic study of mathematical genius John Nash in Capps (2003) by focusing on the decade, during his thirties, when he was most delusional. Explores the connections between the content of his delusions and his life history and immediate circumstances, with particular attention to the way in which his delusions reflected the bisexual confusion discussed in the previous essay. Uses Freud's analysis of the mechanism of paranoia in his Dr. Schreber study to account for the nature and progression of Nash's delusions.  相似文献   

Combinations of pharmacologic and psychosocial interventions have garnered much enthusiasm over the past 30 years. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm is often disproportionate to the empirical support for these approaches. However, a new wave of basic, translational, and clinical research has demonstrated that the use of some substances—themselves having little to no therapeutic benefit—may help to increase or potentiate the effectiveness of certain psychological treatments. While these drugs have shown promise in the treatment of other anxiety disorders, they have yet to be thoroughly studied in PTSD populations. This article will describe the movement towards the use of pharmacologic substances as adjuncts to psychotherapy and will describe the rationale, initial support, implications, and future directions of their use in the treatment of PTSD.  相似文献   

This study explores the thesis that dissonant music is of significant help in psychoanalytic process and treatment. The survey emphasizes the spiritual dimension of abstract music, which creates an ego-less state, affording an important treatment toward the listener's well being. The term “spiritual” as used here, refers not to organized religion, but rather to positive, evolutionary self-growth beyond the ego. The investigation involved seven individual listening sessions conducted in psychoanalytic training schools and four sessions with non-analytic minded subjects. The verbal feedback showed that dissonant music, abstract and unfamiliar sound styles, can make a meaningful contribution to healing during psychoanalytic treatment.  相似文献   

This article discusses the need for a systematic method that enables researchers to evaluate integrative therapy approaches using a range of therapy process measures. The Narrative System Process Coding (NPCS; Angus, Hardtke, & Levitt, 1996) is proposed as such a method, and is applied with the Experiencing Scale (Klein, Mathieu, Gendlin, & Keisler, 1970) and the Levels of Client Perceptual Processing (LCPP; Toukmanian, 1986) to three brief good outcome integrative therapy modalities to illustrate this need. The study found higher Experiencing Scale scores to be most strongly related to an experiential approach to therapy and to the NPCS internal narrative processes. Higher LCPP scores were most strongly related to the NPCS reflexive narrative process and to a perceptual-processing approach. The discussion initiates a discourse on the importance of explicating process measures' origins when comparing different therapy approaches in order to allow for the meaningful consolidation of process research findings.  相似文献   

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