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Electronic searches were conducted on PubMed and the American Psychological Association's database (PsycINFO) for articles that discussed the role of rabbis in relation to some aspect of healthcare. The two searches were conducted in each electronic database using the search-terms: (1) (rabbi OR rabbinical OR synagogue) OR (2) (Judaism OR Jewish) AND (clergy OR chaplain). Articles were classified by the year of their publication, professional discipline, type of journal (either religious or secular), and type of article: either research, or narrative and expositional. Rabbis were discussed most often in psychology, psychiatry, and behavior-related fields, and close to two-thirds of the articles dealt with mental health concerns. A statistically significant increase in articles across decades was found in the secular journals, r=.98, p≤.01, with over 70% of the articles about rabbis in the secular journals being published between 1980 and 1999. Many of the articles addressed collaboration between rabbis, psychiatrists, and other and mental health professionals and discussed previously identified themes related to professional collaboration and referral.  相似文献   


In recent decades, the positive youth development approach has gained momentum among researchers and practitioners who focus on youth potential and adolescent well-being. In this study, 1435 academic works on positive youth development (PYD) are collected from the Web of Science using CiteSpace, reviewed and analyzed. First, the number, subject distribution, country, and institution of published papers are presented, and the author collaboration network involved in PYD is analyzed using network analysis. The results show that authors and institutions in Western societies are the main contributors to PYD research and that interdisciplinary collaboration is gradually growing. Using document co-citation analysis, research hotspots in the field were investigated. Furthermore, the research frontiers and trendy topics in PYD from 2010 to 2019 were found by using burst detection, and research gaps were identified. The findings provide research directions for future PYD studies in the field of applied quality of life research.


What kind of citizenship education, if any, should schools in liberal societies promote? And what ends is such education supposed to serve? Over the last decades a respectable body of literature has emerged to address these and related issues. In this state of the debate analysis we examine a sample of journal articles dealing with these very issues spanning a twenty-year period with the aim to analyse debate patterns and developments in the research field. We first carry out a qualitative analysis where we design a two-dimensional theoretical framework in order to systematise the various liberal debate positions, and make us able to study their justifications, internal tensions and engagements with other positions. In the ensuing quantitative leg of the study we carry out a quantitative bibliometric analysis where we weigh the importance of specific scholars. We finally discuss possible merits and flaws in the research field, as evidenced in and by the analysis.  相似文献   

Research documents the application of cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) with technology either as therapeutic adjuncts or stand-alone interventions. The literature evaluating the feasibility and efficacy of using technology with CBT for youth experiencing internalizing disorders is small though steadily emerging. Technological approaches offer cost-effective and efficient service to an increased number of anxious youth for whom a CBT treatment would be otherwise unavailable. The present article aims to review the use of two broad types of technology in CBT for anxious children and adolescents: computer- and internet-based CBT and mobile mental health applications (i.e., mobile phone, smartphone, and tablet technology). Within each section, we provide an overview of the advantages and general principles of each type of technology, and review evidence for the use of each type of technology along with examples of current applications. Finally, we discuss ethical issues, barriers, and future directions for the use of technology in facilitating dissemination of effective treatments.  相似文献   

The current correlational study examines the association between internal and external military family contextual factors (e.g., parental rank, having multiple military parents, school changes, living more than 30 min from a military installation, parental deployment, relationship provisions) and military youth well-being outcomes (i.e., depressive symptoms, anxiety, self-efficacy) in a sample of children of active duty military members (i.e., military youth). Data from 749 military youth, ages 11–14, were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The model explained a reasonable amount of the variation in the outcomes of interest (r-square statistics for depressive symptoms, anxiety, and self-efficacy were .151, .018, and .086, respectively). Results indicated that military youth who reported more social provisions experienced fewer depressive symptoms and more self-efficacy. Youth who reported certain military risk factors (i.e., parental rank; living farther from the military installation; multiple school changes) were associated with decreased well-being (i.e., more depressive symptoms and anxiety and less self-efficacy). However, findings suggest that participation in military programs may serve a moderating or buffering factor for these youth.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-020-09905-3  相似文献   

Compliance with adult requests and directives has often been described as a keystone behavior in children, meaning it is associated with engagement in other desirable and socially appropriate behaviors. As such, a great deal of research has been directed toward identifying strategies that increase compliance in children. Antecedent strategies, which focus on increasing the probability of compliance prior to or during the delivery of the directive or request, are popular because they have the potential to prevent noncompliance; however, it is not clear which of the numerous antecedent strategies are effective or for whom. Therefore, a systematic review of the antecedent strategies for compliance was completed. Forty-two studies were identified evaluating eight different antecedent strategies for children aged 1–19. It was determined that high-probability command sequences, effective instruction delivery, and errorless compliance training may all be considered evidence-based antecedent strategies to increase children’s compliance with adult requests.  相似文献   

Two questions were central: What are the current and what were the past new developments in the therapist–client relationship? By means of a “philosophy of science analysis,” what principles may be taken as helping to account for these new developments? Nine principles were identified in a review, including the articles in the present theme issue of the journal. The proposal and invitation are to use these nine principles to generate further, future, promising new developments in the therapist–client relationship.  相似文献   

Contrary to the findings from previous reviews we found little support for the general notion that greater amounts of participation in afterschool programs was related to academic, behavioral, or socio-emotional outcomes. However, some relationships did emerge depending on how participation was conceptualized and measured, and the methodology used to assess the relationship between participation and outcomes. For example, some benefits occurred when participants with high levels of participation were compared to non-participants, not when they were compared to other program participants. Several suggestions are offered to improve future research on the relationship between aspects of participation and developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared self-ratings and informant ratings of personality as predictors of implicit motives, need for achievement (nAch), and need for affiliation (nAff). A total of 120 participants wrote creative stories to 5 images from the Picture Story Exercise (Smith, 1992 Smith, C. P., Feld, S. C. and Franz, C. E. 1992. “Methodological considerations: Steps in research employing content analysis systems”. In Motivation and personally: Handbook for thematic content analysis, Edited by: Smith, C. P. 515536. New York: Cambridge University Press.  [Google Scholar]) and completed the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (Costa &; McCrae, 1992 Costa, P. T. and McCrae, R. R. 1992. Revised NEO Personality Inventory and NEO Five-Factor Inventory: Professional manual, Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.  [Google Scholar]). Three well-acquainted informants rated each participant's personality with the Big Five Inventory (John &; Srivastava, 1999 John, O. P. and Srivastava, S. 1999. “The Big Five trait taxonomy: History, measurement, and theoretical perspectives”. In Handbook of personality: Theory and research, , 2nd ed., Edited by: Pervin, L. A. and John, O. P. 102138. New York: Guilford.  [Google Scholar]) and Saucier's (1994) Saucier, G. 1994. Mini-Markers: A brief version of Goldberg's unipolar Big-Five markers. Journal of Personality Assessment, 63: 506516. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Mini-Markers. Consistent with the study hypotheses, peer ratings of Conscientiousness significantly predicted nAch scores after controlling for word count and self-rated Conscientiousness. Contrary to hypotheses, peer ratings and self-ratings in all 5 domains did not significantly predict nAff scores. The findings are considered in the interest of bridging the gap between trait and motive concepts in personality assessment.  相似文献   

Surveys reveal that religion and spirituality are highly valuable to many people in times of crisis, trauma, and grief. The relationship between coping with trauma and the use of various spiritual beliefs is well established. The importance of clergy in trauma recovery is also well documented. A review of the 469 research and non-research articles published between 1990 and 1999 in the Journal of Traumatic Stress revealed that 8.7% (6/69) of non-research articles, 4.1% (15/366) of quantitative research articles and 2.9% (1/34) of qualitative research articles considered religion or spirituality in their work. Analysis of variance found a significant overall increase in the percentage of articles that mentioned religion/spirituality between the first half (1990–1994) and the second half (1995–1999) of the study period. The results are discussed in the context of the trauma research and in comparison to related disciplines. Recommendations for future research and clinical application are suggested for both traumatologists and religious scholars.  相似文献   


Swimming Pool. Directed by François Ozon.  相似文献   

Wraparound is a team-based care coordination strategy for children and youth with complex behavioral health needs and their families. Despite widespread adoption, a review of the literature pertaining to Wraparound has not previously been conducted. To address this gap, we conducted a comprehensive review, ultimately identifying 206 unique Wraparound-related publications in peer-reviewed outlets. We then coded and analyzed the publications’ methods, main foci, measures, and findings. Eighty-three publications (40%) were non-empirical, most of which focused on defining Wraparound and advocating for its use, largely based on its alignment with the System of Care philosophy. Among empirical studies (n?=?123; 60%), 22 controlled studies were found, most finding positive or mixed evidence for Wraparound’s effectiveness. Other empirical studies examined implementation issues such as necessary system conditions and measurement and influence of fidelity. Major gaps include rigorous tests of Wraparound’s change mechanisms, workforce development models, peer support, and the use of specific treatments. We conclude that literature produced to date has provided useful information about Wraparound’s core components, program-level and system-level implementation supports, and applicability across systems and populations, as well as preliminary information about effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. The Wraparound research base would, however, benefit from additional studies of the model’s intervention and implementation components, as well as more rigorous effectiveness studies.  相似文献   


After expressing my appreciation to Heather MacIntosh and highlighting her article’s significant contributions to the field, I comment briefly on some of the implications of her methodology and findings. I then elaborate on her summary of the history of the application of self psychology (Kohut, 1971) and intersubjective systems theory (Stolorow, Brandshaft, and Atwood, 1987) to couple therapy, highlighting the key contributions of both theories and describing the current state of the field.  相似文献   

Is Self‐Complexity Linked to Better Coping? A Review of the Literature   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Initial theorizing depicted self-complexity as the number of nonoverlapping self-aspects, such as traits, roles, and behaviors, and proposed that greater self-complexity is linked to better coping in response to stress and negative events. A review of the literature, however, finds inconsistent results. The inconsistency apparently arises from variation in the measurement of self-complexity. The different measures stem from disagreement over the definition of self-complexity, and the various definitions apparently result from theoretical disagreement about how to conceptualize the structure of self-knowledge. The present paper reviews the self-complexity literature and suggests directions for future research. The present paper suggests a positive, moderating relationship between self-complexity and coping, and additional research that includes careful measurement and definition of self-complexity may provide stronger support for this relationship.  相似文献   

The ability to retain and process an object's identity and spatial location is essential for many daily tasks, often referred to as visual-spatial working memory. Research investigating visual-spatial processing has concentrated on three aspects or mechanisms thought to sub-serve this process; perceptual processes, anatomical correlates and working memory functions. An approach integrating all three areas has largely been neglected. Hence, this review sought to (1) outline some of the advances made to the understanding by these three concepts or models of visual-spatial processing, (2) establish the relationship between these processes, and discuss the challenges faced by researchers attempting to dissociate this functions from other visual-spatial processes as well as other working memory functions. It is suggested that a more comprehensive and integrative understanding of visual-spatial working memory has implications for research seeking to investigate visual-spatial memory, and to relate visual-spatial memory to other cognitive functions, such as executive function and attention.  相似文献   

The extensive interest in the work-nonwork interface over the years has allowed scholars from multiple disciplines to contribute to this literature and to shed light on how professional and personal lives are related. In this paper, we have identified 48 terminologies that describe the interface or relationship between work and nonwork, and have organised them into mature, intermediate, and immature categories according to their stage of development and theoretical grounding. We also provide a taxonomy that places work-nonwork interface terminologies into a matrix of six cells based on two dimensions: (1) type of nonwork being narrow or broad; and (2) nature of the mutual impact of work and nonwork domains on one another, characterising the impact as negative, positive, or balanced. The type of nonwork dimension was informed by Frone’s (2003) classification of employees’ lives into multiple subdomains; the mutual impact dimension was informed by frameworks that organised the literature in part by negative, positive, and balanced work-nonwork interface constructs (e.g., Allen, 2012; Greenhaus & Allen, 2011). Theoretical contributions of the proposed taxonomy are discussed along with suggestions on important avenues for future research.  相似文献   

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