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Using a method of direct magnitude estimation, perceived brightness was measured in the dark-adapted eye with brief flashes of varying duration (1–1,000 msec), size (16’–116’), and retinal loci (0°–60°) for the lower photopic luminance levels covering the range between 8.60 and 86 cd/m2 in steps of .5 log units. Perceived brightness increased as a function of flash duration as well as luminance up to approximately 100 msec, then remained constant above 100 msec. The enhancement of brightness at about a 50-msec flash duration has been observed not in the fovea but in the periphery. Target size also has been found to be effective on brightness.  相似文献   

The relation of brightness to duration and luminance has been studied by matching one brightness to another and also by matching numbers to brightnesses (magnitude estimation). The two methods concur in confirming certain well-known visual functions: Bloch’s law, the Broca-Sulzer effect, and the shift of the Broca-Sulzer enhancement to shorter durations when luminance increases. It is shown that the shift with luminance requires the exponent of the power function for short-flash brightness to be larger than the exponent for stimuli of longer duration. An attempt is made to analyze some of the reasons why the procedure advocated by Graham may not give comparable results.  相似文献   

The biased-competition theory of attention proposes that objects compete for cortical representation in a mutually inhibitory network; competition is biased in favor of the attended item. Here we test two predictions derived from the biased-competition theory. First we assessed whether increasing an object’s relative brightness (luminance contrast) biased competition in favor of (i.e., prioritized) the brighter object. Second we assessed whether increasing an object’s size biased competition in favor of the larger object. In fulfillment of these aims we used an attentional capture paradigm to test whether a featural singleton (an item unique with respect to a feature such as size or brightness) can impact attentional priority even when those features are irrelevant to finding the target. The results support the prediction that a singleton with respect to luminance contrast receives attentional prioritization and extend the biased-competition account to include size contrast, because a large singleton also receives attentional prioritization.  相似文献   

Measurements of apparent size were obtained by distance adjustment of a peripherally viewed stimulus to produce a match to a foveally viewed standard. As eccentricity increased, the peripheral stimulus was adjusted at distances of progressively greater visual angle, indicating that a continuous diminution in apparent size occurs with increased eccentricity. This effect was found to be stable for several conditions of illumination and for changes in the light adaptive state of S. Apparent size diminution and apparent distance increase were also found for familiar objects viewed in an open field.  相似文献   

Orientation sensitivity in the peripheral visual field has been tested in two tasks: (a) setting horizontal the orientation of a grating at various retinal eccentricities, and (b) matching the orientation of a peripherally viewed grating as close as possible to an oblique reference viewed foveally. Both performances fall off with increasing retinal eccentricity. Magnification of the stimulus optimizes peripheral performance. Peripheral performance, optimized by magnification, varies with retinal eccentricity. It approaches, but does not reach, the foveal value (tested by the same method) at 10 deg of eccentricity, and is much lower at 20 and 30 deg of eccentricity.  相似文献   

Results from luminance discriminations with objects defined by apparent motion suggest an object-specific temporal integration of luminance. Further experiments suggested that this integration is weighted to favor the initial display of an object and involves the percept of surface reflectance (lightness). These results are consistent with the object-file metaphor suggested by D. Kahneman, A. Treisman, and B. Gibbs (1992), in which an object's perceived initial surface reflectance is assigned and maintained in an object file. A strategy is proposed in which the intrinsic properties of an object are assumed not to change over time. As intrinsic properties are generally invariant and possibly difficult to compute, this strategy would have the advantage of relatively high accuracy at relatively low computational cost.  相似文献   

In two experiments, achromatic color matches for a fixed target, under constant illumination, were compared under conditions where the target appeared perpendicular to illumination direction and coplanar with the background (monocular viewing) and where the target appeared nonperpendicular to illumination direction and noncoplanar with the background (binocular viewing). Contrary to the coplanar ratio hypothesis, which predicts a “lightening” of the target seen coplanar with a darker background, a general “darkening” of the target occurred for both white (N9.5/) and black (N3/) backgrounds and for both dark (N5.5/) and light (N6.5/) targets. This darkening effect was greatest for the darker target and black background, and approximately equal for other combinations of target value and background. The direction of the darkening effect is consistent with the albedo hypothesis, which assumes an inferential correction for changes in conditions of illumination. However, variation in the magnitude of the darkening effect is problematical, and cannot be easily explained by any existing theory. In both experiments, instructions to judge “lightness” or “brightness” failed to produce any substantial differences in performance, although postexperimental questioning suggested that subjects had a verbal understanding of these concepts. Apparently, under reduction conditions, subjects lack cues to illumination and make only lightness matches, regardless of instructions.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of both response probability and response time for testing models of choice, there is a dearth of chronometric studies examining systematic asymmetries that occur over time- and space-orders in the method of paired comparisons. In this study, systematic asymmetries in discriminating the magnitude of paired visual stimuli are examined by way of log odds ratios of binary responses as well as by signed response speed. Hierarchical Bayesian modeling is used to map response probabilities and response speed onto constituent psychological process, and processing capacity is also assessed using response time distribution hazard functions. The findings include characteristic order effects that change systematically in magnitude and direction with changes in the magnitude and separation of the stimuli. After Hellstr?m (1979, 2000), sensation weighting (SW) model analyses show that such order effects are reflected in the weighted accumulation of noisy information about the difference between stimulus values over time, and interindividual differences in weightings asymmetries are related to the relative processing capacity of participants. An account of SW based on the use of reference level information and maximization of signal-to-noise ratios is posited, which finds support from theoretically driven analyses of behavioral data.  相似文献   

D R Bradley  S M Mates 《Perception》1985,14(5):645-653
According to a number of theories subjective contours arise from brightness contrast and/or assimilation. The apparent brightness gradients generated by these effects are assumed to give rise to the perception of contours delineating the gradients. A study is reported in which naive observers were shown a subjective contour display and asked to report what they saw. They were then asked to judge whether the center or the surround of the display appeared brighter. Subjects whose reports indicated that they had seen the subjective contour figure showed an overwhelming preference for the center of the display being brighter than the surround. However, subjects who did not see the subjective contour figure did not differ significantly in their selection of the center over the surround. This finding presents difficulties for any theory which derives subjective contours from the apparent brightness difference.  相似文献   

Flicker-fusion frequencies have been measured against a photopic level of surround luminance in the four quadrants of the visual field and the critical fusion frequences (c.f.f.s.) taken in direct vision compared with those determined at 15° and 35° in the periphery. The central c.f.f.s. of 47 subjects exceeded the peripheral values only in just over half of all the quadrants tested, although smaller differential thresholds were given almost without exception in the centre than in the periphery by the same observers and under similar conditions on a test of brightness discrimination. Likewise higher central than peripheral c.f.f.s. were recorded in the great majority of all quadrants when determinations were made against a dark surround. The contrasting types of flicker response observed against the photopic ground were shown to be relatively reproducible, and the same pattern was as a rule found in at least three quadrants of any one visual field. It was ascertained that the different patterns might result from a reciprocal shift of fusion frequencies either in central or peripheral vision.

Interpretations of the higher peripheral c.f.f.s which adduce the effect of accentuated pupillary constriction with central stimulation mere contra-indicated since such patterns of flicker perception survive after the photopupillary reflex has been abolished. Some evidence was, however, forthcoming for the view that peripheral fusion frequencies tend to exceed central values when the test object is larger than about 1·5° in angular size and more intense than the surround. It was suggested that the contrasting types of flicker response might be related to individual differences in the effect that stimulus size has on the flicker pattern.  相似文献   

The useful visual field size at each fixation in a pattern was investigated by artificially supplying various visual field sizes on a TV display. The degree of pattern perception was measured in terms of recognition memory for pictures, and the speed of processing pictures was determined as a function of field size. A serious deterioration in the perception of pictures occurred as the visual field was limited to a small area around the fovea (about 3.3° × 3.3°), processing speed becoming extremely slow. Speed increased gradually as visual field size became larger, to reach a certain level beyond which no further increase was observed. The visual field size at this asymptotic speed was called the useful visual field and was found to be about 50% of the entire pattern size. Analysis of eye-movement records demonstrated that in terms of the useful visual field, the scanning characteristics of the eye over the pattern occurred in a heavily overlapping manner to assure good perception of the pattern.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to compare visual reaction time and visual brightness within the same subjects. Simple reaction times and magnitude estimates of brightness were obtained in response to 1000-msec. flashes of 60.7, 67.5, 76.4, 85.1, and 93.4 dB re 10(-10)L white light. The relationship between reaction time and stimulus intensity was best described by a negative logarithmic function, while the relationship between magnitude estimates of brightness and stimulus intensity was best described by a power function. Linear correlations between reaction times and magnitude estimates indicated that visual reaction time and brightness are not proportional within all subjects. Previous reports of proportionality between these two measures were discussed as possibly being the result of inappropriate cross-experiment comparisons.  相似文献   

Recent research revealed considerable decline in visual perception under low luminance conditions. However, systematic studies on how visual performance is affected by absolute luminance and luminance contrast under low mesopic conditions (<0.5 cd/m2) is lacking. We examined performance in a simple visual discrimination task under low mesopic luminance conditions in three experiments in which we systematically varied base luminance and luminance contrast between stimulus and background. We further manipulated eccentricity of the stimuli because of known rods and cones gradients along the retina. We identified a “deficiency window” for performance as measured by d’ when luminance was < 0.06 cd/m2 and luminance contrast as measured by the luminance ratio between stimulus and background was below < 1.7. We further calculated performance-based luminance as well as contrast efficiency functions for reaction times (RTs). These power functions demonstrate the contrast asymptote needed to decrease RTs and how such a decrease can be achieved given various combinations of absolute luminance and luminance contrast manipulations. Increased eccentricity resulted in slower RTs indicative of longer scan distances. Our data provide initial insights to performance-based efficiency functions in low mesopic environments that are currently lacking and to the physical mechanisms being utilized for visual perception in these extreme environments.  相似文献   


Diverse adaptive visual processing mechanisms allow us to complete visual search tasks in a wide visual photopic range (>0.6 cd/m2). Whether search strategies or mechanisms known from this range extend below, in the mesopic and scotopic luminance spectra (<0.6 cd/m2), has yet to be addressed. Based on a study that addressed simple target discrimination in luminance environments using contrast-dependent behavioral efficiency functions, we assessed visual search in more complex-feature and conjunction-search paradigms. The results verify the previously reported deficiency windows defined by an interaction of base luminance and luminance contrast for more complex visual-search tasks. Based on significant regression analyses, a more precise definition of the magnitude of contribution of different contrast parameters. Characterized feature search patterns had approximately a 2.5:1 ratio of contribution from the Michelson contrast property relative to Weber contrast, whereas the ratio was approximately 1:1 in a serial-search condition. The results implicate near-complete magnocellular isolation in a visual-search paradigm that has yet to be demonstrated. Our analyses provide a new method of characterizing visual search and the first insight in its underlying mechanisms in luminance environments in the low mesopic and scotopic spectra.


The potential influence of target location in a visual field on search should be considered in layouts of control panels and advertisements. This investigation was done to verify the assumption that the upper-left portion of a page or its equivalent naturally attracts the attention of the viewer. Exp. 1 used a tachistoscope to test which of eight Chinese characters first attracted the attention of viewers. The eight Chinese characters are arranged in a square and a circular configuration. In the square layout, a large square (18 cm x 18 cm) was first conceptually subdivided into nine equal parts (6 cm x 6 cm). Then, the eight Chinese characters were put in the center of each part, leaving the central part blank. In the circular layout, the same Chinese characters were symmetrically placed on the conceptual circumference (r = 6 cm) of a circle within a large square. Exp. 2 was a paper-and-pencil test. An embedded-fault-character-search was used to examine the location of the first faulty character discovered by the subjects. 60 college students and 36 schoolchildren were selected as subjects for the tachistoscopic experiment and paper-and-pencil test. Finally, five graduate students participated in Exp. 3 in which an eye camera registered subjects' eye movements to measured distribution of durations of looking over eight locations. The measurements indicated a slight predominance of the upper-left portion for college students and graduate students, and a slight predominance of the upper-right portion for schoolchildren.  相似文献   

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