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The influential model of verbal working memory (WM) introduced by Baddeley and Hitch (Recent advances in learning and motivation. Academic, New York, 1974) comprised three interacting component parts; an executive controller and two subservient systems. The two subservient systems, one underpinning verbal processing and the other underpinning visual processing are themselves subdivided. In the verbal system, a passive phonological store is maintained by an active phonological loop, which is able to rehearse the material in the passive store. The visual working memory system has traditionally been thought of as having a similar architecture with a passive visual store being maintained by an active store, which codes in terms of movement over space. The paper discusses the evidence for this relationship in visuo-spatial WM and concludes that the architecture does not fit well with the experimental literature. A direction for future research is suggested.  相似文献   

Working memory is a set of interactive cognitive processes that maintain information on–line and available for analysis. Part of the system is specialized for maintaining verbal information, a core component of which is thought to be a phonological store. On the basis of the study of patients with acquired brain lesions, this store has been localized to the supramarginal and angular gyri of the speech–dominant hemisphere, and some functional neuroimaging studies support this localization. However, other imaging studies localize the phonological store in a more dorsal region of the parietal lobe. To reconcile these findings, we examined the phonological–similarity effect in two different tasks. A phonological–similarity effect was observed only in the task that involved sequential presentation and explicit verbal rehearsal. We conclude that at least one possible source of the differences in brain activation between different working memory tasks may be differences in phonological processing.  相似文献   

Working-memory theories often include domain-specific verbal and visual stores (e.g., the phonological and visuospatial buffers of Baddeley, 1986), and some also posit more general stores thought to be capable of holding verbal or visuospatial materials (Baddeley, 2000; Cowan, 2005). However, it is currently unclear which type of store is primarily responsible for maintaining objects that include components from multiple domains. In these studies, a spatial array of letters was followed by a single probe identical to an item in the array or differing systematically in spatial location, letter identity, or their combination. Concurrent verbal rehearsal suppression impaired memory in each of these trial types in a task that required participants to remember verbal–spatial binding, but did not impair memory for spatial locations if the task did not require verbal–spatial binding for a correct response. Thus, spatial information might be stored differently when it must be bound to verbal information. This suggests that a cross-domain store such as the episodic buffer of Baddeley (2000) or the focus of attention of Cowan (2001) might be used for integrated object storage, rather than the maintenance of associations between features stored in separate domain-specific buffers.  相似文献   

以Baddeley工作记忆模型为基础考察儿童语音环路、视觉空间模板、中央执行的发展及其与复杂广度的关系。225名6-9岁被试完成9个任务,分别测量听力广度及工作记忆三个子系统的功能。发现工作记忆各个子成分的功能在6-9岁期间发展速度不同;中央执行与语音环路和视觉空间模板的联系随年龄增长加强;结构方程模型分析发现中央执行和语音环路功能对儿童听力广度都有显著的直接影响,表明言语复杂广度任务既涉及中央执行功能也涉及语音环路的存贮功能。  相似文献   

We question the arguments and data presented by Larsen and Baddeley (this issue 2003) in support of the phonological loop account of verbal short-term memory on a number of grounds. These include the correlation between effect size and the presence of a phonological similarity effect in the data, and the existence elsewhere in the literature of effects of articulatory suppression and interference between verbal and nonverbal information that undermines the phonological loop account. We question the idea that short-term memory phenomena are best conceived of in terms of phonological storage, and we sketch an alternative perspective that does not rely on the notion of a bespoke phonological store, an entity that we argue represents a reification.  相似文献   

Baddeley and Larsen (2007) argue that a number of key findings reported by Jones, Macken, and Nicholls (2004) and Jones, Hughes, and Macken (2006) pointing to shortcomings of the phonological store construct arise from the store being abandoned with long lists. In our rejoinder we point out that Baddeley and Larsen use a procedure in which retrieval from the supposed phonological storage would not--according to their own theory--have been possible, and we present theoretical, empirical, and logical problems with their "store abandonment" argument and highlight a number of difficulties associated with the interpretation of suffix and prefix effects. We conclude that our data are still problematic for the phonological store construct and suggest that a reformulation of short-term memory theory needs to embody (or indeed focus exclusively upon) perceptual and effector systems rather than bespoke storage modules.  相似文献   

The highly influential Baddeley and Hitch model of working memory (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974; see also Baddeley, 1986) posited analogical forms of representation that can be broadly characterized as sensorimotor, both for verbal and for visuospatial material. However, difficulties with the model of verbal working memory in particular have led investigators to develop alternative models that avoid appealing either to sensory coding or to motoric coding, or to both. This paper examines the evidence for sensorimotor coding in working memory, including evidence from neuropsychology and from sign language research, as well as from standard working memory paradigms, and concludes that only a sensorimotor model can accommodate the broad range of effects that characterize verbal working memory. In addition, several findings that have been considered to speak against sensorimotor involvement are reexamined and are argued to be in fact compatible with sensorimotor coding. These conclusions have broad implications, in that they support the emerging theoretical viewpoint of embodied cognition.  相似文献   

Individuals with Down syndrome suffer from relatively poor verbal short-term memory. Recent work has indicated that this deficit is not caused by problems of audition, speech, or articulatory rehearsal within the phonological loop component of Baddeley and Hitch's working memory model. Given this, two experiments were conducted to investigate whether abnormally rapid decay underlies the deficit. In a first experiment, we attempted to vary the time available for decay using a modified serial recall procedure that had both verbal and visuospatial conditions. No evidence was found to suggest that forgetting is abnormally rapid in phonological memory in Down syndrome, but a selective phonological memory deficit was indicated. A second experiment further investigated possible problems of decay in phonological memory, restricted to item information. The results indicated that individuals with Down syndrome do not show atypically rapid item forgetting from phonological memory but may have a limited-capacity verbal short-term memory system.  相似文献   

工作记忆中的语音回路对汉语阅读理解的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
鲁忠义  张亚静 《心理学报》2007,39(5):768-776
语音回路是工作记忆中一个重要的组成部分,主要负责加工和存储语音信息。采用混合实验设计,以正确数和反应时 为指标,汉语语篇为阅读材料,探讨工作记忆中的语音回路对汉语阅读理解的影响。本研究包括两个实验,实验一采用发音抑制的范式,结合错误干扰考察了语音回路中的发音复述装置对汉语阅读理解的影响;实验二采用无关言语的范式,结合错误干扰考察了语音回路中的语音存储装置对汉语阅读理解的影响。结果表明:(1)通过发音抑制和无关言语的方法证明,语音回路中的发音复述装置和语音存储装置在汉语阅读理解中起着重要作用。(2) 字音和字形都影响汉语的阅读理解,但字形比字音起着更大的作用,而且它们的作用机制也不相同,字音直接进入语音存储装置,而字形要经过字音的转换进入语音存储装置。(3) 词频与语音回路有密切关系,语音回路中的发音复述装置的作用在高频词上有明显的表现。(4) 词频与字形、字音也有密切关系,在低频词的条件下,字形的作用大于字音的作用  相似文献   

Baddeley and Larsen (2007) argue that a number of key findings reported by Jones, Macken, and Nicholls (2004) and Jones, Hughes, and Macken (2006) pointing to shortcomings of the phonological store construct arise from the store being abandoned with long lists. In our rejoinder we point out that Baddeley and Larsen use a procedure in which retrieval from the supposed phonological storage would not—according to their own theory—have been possible, and we present theoretical, empirical, and logical problems with their “store abandonment” argument and highlight a number of difficulties associated with the interpretation of suffix and prefix effects. We conclude that our data are still problematic for the phonological store construct and suggest that a reformulation of short-term memory theory needs to embody (or indeed focus exclusively upon) perceptual and effector systems rather than bespoke storage modules.  相似文献   

Baddeley and Larsen (2007) argue that a number of key findings reported by Jones, Macken, and Nicholls (2004) and Jones, Hughes, and Macken (2006) pointing to shortcomings of the phonological store construct arise from the store being abandoned with long lists. In our rejoinder we point out that Baddeley and Larsen use a procedure in which retrieval from the supposed phonological storage would not—according to their own theory—have been possible, and we present theoretical, empirical, and logical problems with their “store abandonment” argument and highlight a number of difficulties associated with the interpretation of suffix and prefix effects. We conclude that our data are still problematic for the phonological store construct and suggest that a reformulation of short-term memory theory needs to embody (or indeed focus exclusively upon) perceptual and effector systems rather than bespoke storage modules.  相似文献   

The phonological loop model for retention of auditory verbal material in working memory, developed by Baddeley, assumes that irrelevant speech and phonological similarity influence only one and the same element of the system—that is, the phonological short-term store. We tested this idea by recording eventrelated potentials (ERPs) to auditorily presented letters that were phonologically similar or dissimilar and were to be memorized in the presence of more or less disturbing irrelevant speech. Irrelevant speech and phonological similarity caused ERP effects with clearly different scalp topographies, indicating that these factors influence different brain systems and hence probably different cognitive elements. Moreover, ERPs indicated that the phonological similarity effect might involve processes at the level of phonological analysis. Our data also support recent suggestions that the irrelevant speech effect is not based on the phonological similarity between relevant and irrelevant material, but on the phonological variability within the irrelevant stream.  相似文献   

The Baddeley and Hitch (1974) formulation of short-term or working memory embodied a phonological store within the articulatory loop component of the model. Later formulations specifically postulated an acoustic filter that endowed only speech-like stimuli with obligatory access to this phonological store. This paper presents evidence that this phonological store may have two filters, one of which is subject to habituation and can therefore attenuate the entry of irrelevant speech, thus undermining the obligatory access assumption of the model. An experiment is reported in which subjects were presented with a habituation period comprising 20 min of irrelevant speech--speech to be ignored by the subject--before a test phase in which a visually presented serial recall task with concurrent irrelevant speech was performed. The effect of irrelevant speech, which impairs performance on the primary task when there is no habituation phase, is reduced markedly in those conditions where the speech used in the habituation phase is the same as that used in the test phase, if the irrelevant speech is in a language different from that presented during the subsequent trials or if the habituator is a hummed version of the irrelevant speech passage. When a nonspeech sound (pink noise) is used in the habituation phase, a large irrelevant speech effect is found in the test phase. Morris, Quayle, and Jones (1989) found that humming did not produce an irrelevant speech effect, which suggests that the first filter is permeable to humming but that the second filter is not.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A case study is presented of a female patient, ELD, who has difficulty in the immediate recall of short sequences of visuo-spatial material following a right-hemisphere aneurysm. Despite poor performance on tasks such as the Brooks Matrix and the Corsi Blocks, ELD is good at the immediate serial recall of letters even when presentation modality is visual and shows effects of phonological similarity and articulatory suppression. This pattern of performance represents a double dissociation from that which has been observed with the short-term memory patient PV (Vallar & Baddeley, 1984), who is extremely poor at serial recall of verbal material but shows no visual memory impairment. It is argued that ELD has an impairment to the visuo-spatial component of working memory (Baddeley, 1986) in the absence of any phonological loop deficit. Further investigation reveals that ELD performs poorly on mental rotation tasks and finds it difficult to use imagery mnemonics, but has no difficulty in retrieving visuo-spatial information from long-term memory so long as it was learnt before her illness.  相似文献   

The investigation of a patient with a selective impairment of phonological short-term memory has recently provided evidence that this system may be involved in long-term learning of novel words, for which a pre-existing semantic representation is not available (Baddeley, Papagno, & Vallar, 1988). The present series of experiments in normal subjects explored this hypothesis. We assessed the effects of phonological similarity and item length, which reflect the operation of the phonological short-term store and the rehearsal component of verbal memory, upon paired associate long-term learning of auditorily presented words and non-words. Phonological similarity affected the learning of novel words more than known words (Experiment 1); when a delay was interposed between presentation and recall, the disruptive effect was confined to novel words (Experiment 2). Also word length disrupted the learning of novel words, but not of known words (Experiment 3). These results tie in with neuropsychological evidence to suggest a role for phonological short-term memory in the learning of new words, and they have developmental implications for the study of language acquisition.  相似文献   

In Mewhort and Campbell's (1981) model of visual word recognition, a scan-parse mechanism transfer information from a character buffer to a short-term store and is largely responsible for the familiarity effects observed in tachistoscopic free recall. Although Mewhort and Campbell do not elaborate on the role of articulation in this task, they do suggest that the scan-parse mechanism acts prior to any involvement of articulatory processes (see Mewhort & Campbell, 1980). However, proponents of working memory (see Baddeley, 1986) are clear that articulation is necessary for the transfer of visual information to a phonological short-term store. In order to clarify the role of articulation in the parsing and retention of letter string, we asked subjects to undertake a tachistoscopic free-recall task, involving first- and fourth-order letter strings, with and without articulatory suppression and/or unattended speech. Unattended speech was observed to interfere with recall, but only when subjects were free to articulate the strings. This implies that subjects were retrieving information from the phonological store and that articulation is necessary for the registration of visual information in this store. The lack of interaction between order-of-approximation and suppression supports the view that the scan-parse mechanism acts independently of articulation. It appears, therefore, that letter strings are parsed at a stage preceding their transfer of the pharmacological store. Finally, the results indicate that subjects are able to draw directly on a representation of the parsed components of a letter string and may do so when phonological storage is difficult.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Using the dot task (see Jones, Farrand, Stuart, & Morris, 1995)--regarded as a good visuospatial analogue of the verbal serial recall task--we examined whether the Hebb repetition effect and its characteristics can be extended to visuospatial material. Classically, the Hebb effect has been associated with serial verbal memory: Repetition of a to-be-remembered sequence of verbal items every third trial markedly improves serial recall of that sequence. In the present study, Hebb effects were observed with visuospatial information, and a direct comparison between verbal and spatialsequence learning revealed that the Hebb repetition effect for visuospatial information shares similar characteristics with its verbal analogue. Our results cast some doubt regarding the parsimony of the view that the classical verbal Hebb effect is driven by a store specialized for phonological information and impose some further constraints on modeling serial memory and implicit sequence learning.  相似文献   

工作记忆的提出迄今已有30多年的历史了,随着实验方法和技术的发展对工作记忆的研究取得了很大的突破,但在很多问题上仍存在争议,特别是在工作记忆与长时记忆、语音回路与视空间模板的联结上的解释还有许多不足.基于此,Baddeley于2000年提出了工作记忆模型的第四个组成部分--情景缓冲器(episodic buffer).情景缓冲器是一个容量有限的暂时贮存多种编码信息的装置,它受中央执行系统的控制,而中央执行系统能够通过意识觉察从存贮中提取信息,反映信息,在必要的时候能够修正信息.新的工作记忆模型更加完整,更加有解释力.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between phonological loop functioning and age. Phonological loop is a time-based subsystem of the Working Memory Model of Baddeley and Wilson, which uses rehearsal of information as an active process to avoid phonological decay. Performance differences were examined between young and older adults in two speech-based memory tasks, such as the immediate serial recall of words and the Digit Ordering Task. Analysis showed that performance on both tasks was lower for the older group. Articulation rate was also measured to test the hypothesis that the impairment of some cognitive functions in adults can be associated to their slowness or the greater time needed by older adults for the rehearsal process. A significant negative correlation was found for articulation rate with age. When the effect of articulation rate on Serial Recall and Digit Ordering Tasks was partialled out, the difference between the two groups was eliminated.  相似文献   

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