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A cognitive model of the processes underlying the arousal of a state of communication apprehension is proposed. This model draws upon current work in cognitive science to specify the nature of the relevant structures and the nature of the processes that operate over those structures. An empirical test of the model indicates strong support in that the interaction of long-term memory contents and perceived evaluative ness of the situation was a significant predictor of anxiety. Additionally, the model allowed the prediction of changes in physiological arousal (heart rate) over time that closely paralleled observed heart rate.  相似文献   

In an initial attempt to investigate whether the level of hypnotic susceptibility can be experimentally modified, ten subjects of moderate susceptibility were given individualized hypnotic experience in 4–10 sessions and tested with objective hypnosis scales before and after the experience. Some quantitative and qualitative results are presented. They indicate that in most individuals routinely measured hypnotizability can be changed for the better within a certain range, but that dramatic changes as a rule will not take place.  相似文献   

中国科学院心理研究所和一机部机械制造与工艺科学研究院的同志和上海华通开关厂合作,在該厂采用发动羣众大搞发明創造的办法,在两个車間利用业余时間,苦干两夜,創造了92付自动半自动冲模,专业車間也在业余时間突击出48付自动模子,大大提高了  相似文献   

Three personality variables - field dependence-independence cognitive style, tolerance of ambiguity and machiavellianism - and two social value variables - conformity-self-assertion and fatalism-personal efficacy - were used to investigate the relationship between attachment to norms of social traditionalism and personality orientation. Subjects were 218 first-level supervisors from five industrial plants in Auckland, New Zealand. They were classified into four cultural groups depending on whether they were immigrant or indigenous Polynesians or Europeans. It was found that, with the exception of fatalism-personal efficacy and machiavellianism, social values were significantly correlated with personality attributes. The direction of these associations supported the hypothesis that attachment to norms of social traditionalism is associated with low levels of psychological development, while attachment to norms of modernity is associated with high levels of psychological development.  相似文献   

A major goal of the Army Selection and Classification Project was to develop an experimental predictor battery that would best supplement the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery for making selection and classification decisions for entry-level enlisted personnel. That is, what predictor measures would best serve the needs of all the jobs in an entire selection/classification system? This paper describes the characteristics of the new test battery and the procedures that were used to develop it. The major steps in the procedure were a structured literature search using a standard protocol, an extensive expert judgment study of expected true validities for a population of predictor variables against a population of performance components, fabrication of modularized software and a special response pedestal for computerized measurement of perceptual and psychomotor abilities, evaluations of experimental measures in three iterative pilot tests and one major field test, and a series of reviews by a panel of scientific advisers. The test battery that resulted from this 2 1/2-year development effort is described. The basic psychometric properties of each measure, as determined in a large concurrent validation sample, are also described.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the performance of individuals in real brainstorming groups in an attempt to determine the relationship between individual ideational output, perceptions of status within the group, and communication apprehension. Results of a multiple discriminant analysis suggest that persons who are high producers of ideas perceive fewer status differences among group members, perceive themselves as high status group members and are less apprehensive as communicators than those persons low in productivity. The linear combination of discriminating variables was able to successfully classify over 75% of the subjects into their actual output group.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in Scotland, replicating as closely as possible the method and procedure of an experiment in the U.S.A. by Langer and Abelson (1972), to test the hypothesis that the form in which an appeal for help is made is dependent upon the legitimacy of the request. The data indicated that help was given at a substantially higher level in Scotland than in the U.S.A., but that the form of the interaction obtained was similar. Compliance to an illegitimate favour was higher when the request emphasised the responsibility of the helper while compliance to a legitimate favour was higher when the emphasis was placed upon the plight of the victim.  相似文献   

This paper serves as an introduction and background for the remaining papers in this issue, which describe in somewhat more detail the major pieces in the Army's Selection and Classification Project (Project A). The principal objectives, the methods being used, and the basic research design of Project A are outlined. Project A was a 7-year effort conducted by the Army Research Institute and a consortium of three research firms. The overall objective was to generate the instrumentation and validity information data base that are necessary for modeling and developing an organization-wide selection and classification system. Both the scientific and practical implications of the project are noted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this multilevel study was to test whether regulatory focus mechanisms (promotion focus and prevention focus; Higgins, 1997 , American Psychologist, 52, 1280–1300; Higgins, 2000 , American Psychologist, 55 , 1217–1230) can help explain how group safety climate and individual differences in Conscientiousness relate to individual productivity and safety performance. Results, based on a sample of 254 employees from 50 work groups, showed that safety climate and conscientiousness predicted promotion and prevention regulatory focus, which in turn mediated the relationships of safety climate and Conscientiousness with supervisor ratings of productivity and safety performance. Implications for theory and research on climate, motivation, and performance and avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

西安市小学生中独生与非独生子女个性品质的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究了西安城区10所小学787名独生与非独生子女个性品质方面的情况。我们设计了有18个行为项目的教师问卷(每项按五等评分)及家长问卷;对结果进行了因素分析,据所聚类的项目内容,将所得四个因素命名为人际关系、自我中心、学习动力和独立性,进行多变量的变异数分析结果表明,独生子女的自我中心和学习动力比非独生子女强烈;而独立性却比非独生子女差.这说明独生子女在个性品质方面既有缺点,也有优点,不能说得一无是处;关键在于正确的教育思想和方法。  相似文献   

As a complement to previous comparative studies focusing on cognition, this study compares a number of personality and behavioural traits of Australian Anglocelt and Aboriginal children. The personality scales are Extraversion (E), Neuroticism (N), Psychoticism (P), Lie (L), Impulsiveness (Imp), Venturesomeness (Vent), and Empathy (Emp); and the behavioural scales are Relating (R), Asserting (A), Investing (I). and Coping (C). The personality scales were administered to 113 and 42 sixth- and ninth-grade children, respectively. The teachers of the children completed a behavioural rating scale for each child. Thirty-three sixth-graders and 16 ninth-grader were Aboriginal. Sixth-grade males had higher means on P and Vent, while sixth-grade females averaged higher on L, Emp, R, I, and C. Aboriginal sixth-graders averaged higher on P, while Aboriginals overall averaged higher on E, R, A, I, and C than Anglocelts. Ninth-grade males averaged significantly higher on E, Imp, and Vent, and lower on L. The only significant difference for ninth-graders was that Aboriginals averaged higher on L. These results indicate cultural influences bearing upon contact, and support previous informal judgements that Aboriginal children tend to be more reserved in response to formal situations than Anglocelts. Implications are inferred for educational policy.  相似文献   

“华人工作相关人格量表”的编制、意义与效度   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
该文介绍了“华人工作相关人格量表”及其意义、结构、效度的一系列研究。CPW选取与人工作相关人格特点有关的题目,在传统人格维度的基础上,增加了服务了取向(CSO)和管理才能(OMR)这两个针对工作民表境的人格维度。信度分析表明了15个量表都具可接受内部一致性信度,15个CPW量表分数与一个形容词检测表的相关分析结果支持了CPW的内容效度,CPW的相关矩阵和因素结构初步确证了CPW的结构效度,进一步的  相似文献   

The effects of success and failure on task performance, and attributions about performance, were compared for high and low instrumental college women. For the high instrumental group, success facilitated task performance, whereas failure, had no debilitating effect; for the low instrumental group, success had no effect on subsequent performance, whereas failure interfered with it. High instrumental women attributed their success primarily, to internal factors and their failures to external factors (the "egotistical" attribution profile) whereas low instrumental women revealed the opposite profile. The gender-appropriateness of the task had little effect on performance or attribution. Four potential mediators of these differences were investigated: self-esteem, perceived ability, expectancy of success, and attainment value. High-instrumental women's higher perceived ability and performance expectations accounted for their superior task performance, but none of the four mediators accounted for the relationship of instrumentality to attributions.  相似文献   

Although research has consistently shown that men and women use intimate partner aggression (IPA) at approximately equal rates, there is little empirical research on whether the predictors of IPA are the same for men and women. The current study investigated whether borderline personality (BP) differentially predicted the use of IPA for men and women across 67 university sites from around the world. Results showed that BP predicted several forms of IPA and that gender did not moderate the association between IPA and BP. Although the strength of the association between IPA and BP significantly differed across sites, it was in the predicted direction for the overwhelming majority of sites. Implications of these results and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the interactionist approach has been applied to understanding situational influences on the expression of personality at work, examination of within‐person variation in personality trait expression in the workplace is lacking. Using experience sampling methodology, this study examined the moment‐to‐moment influences of situational characteristics on personality states (i.e., situational contingencies) during social interactions on 56 customer service employees over 10 days at work. At the within‐individual level, state Conscientiousness was associated with the immediacy of the task, and state Extraversion and Agreeableness were associated with the friendliness of the other party in the interaction. At the between‐individual level, self‐monitoring did not moderate the associations between situational characteristics and personality states but predicted the mean level of state Conscientiousness at work over and above trait Conscientiousness. Contrary to expectations, the relationship between state Extraversion and friendliness was weaker in customized service jobs than in noncustomized ones.  相似文献   

679 Egyptian boys and 696 girls completed the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, translated into Arabic. Factor comparisons were moderately high for extraversion and social desirability but weak for neuroticism and psychoticism. Suitable item substitution produced a scoring key resulting in adequate reliabilities with the exception of a somewhat low reliability for the boys on extraversion and low reliabilities on psychoticism for both sexes. Sex differences on means of the dimensions were as usual, boys scoring higher than girls on extraversion and psychoticism, but lower on neuroticism and social desirability. Moreover, on comparing Egyptian with English means, using scales of items in common only, the English boys and girls scored higher than their Egyptian counterparts on extraversion but significantly lower on social desirability. British boys scored higher on psychoticism than did Egyptian boys but British girls scored lower than Egyptian girls.  相似文献   

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