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Patricia Gurin 《Sex roles》1981,7(11):1079-1092
Comparisons are made of the labor market experiences of a national sample of employed Black and White men and women. While women had invested in their human capital nearly as often as men, they less often had tried job training or job changes, and more often had acquired additional schooling, to improve their market positions. Compared to White men, both groups of women also expressed lower work-related expectancies. Part of the White male expectancy edge can be attributed to differences in past investment strategies. Black and white women who had tried to make work changes did not differ from White men in present expectancies. While the causal relationship between experiences and expectancies needs further examination, especially in longitudinal studies, these results suggest that adult socialization in the labor market, while generally neglected, is a potentially important area of research on women's employment.  相似文献   

The interaction of two expectancies was examined. These were either two perceptual or two response-related expectancies. Perceptual expectancies were induced by combining spatial cuing with feature cuing on a trial-by-trial basis. Cues consisted either of two integrated parts, such as two arrows, or two separated pieces, such as an arrow and a word. Spatial-cuing effects were reduced on trials with invalid feature cues, as compared with valid ones. However, the interaction of spatial cuing and feature cuing was modulated by the type of cue used to induce expectancies. With integrated cues, spatial-cuing effects were reduced about twice as much as with separated cues. The same effect of type of cue was found in Experiment 2, although finger cuing was combined with hand cuing. With integrated cues, finger-cuing effects were much smaller on trials with invalid hand cues, as compared with valid ones. With separated cues, however, finger-cuing effects were additive to hand-cuing effects. The similarity of the results within perceptual- and motor-cuing tasks suggests that a general principle governs the combination of expectancies, such as that outlined in the framework of the proposed adjusted expectancy model.  相似文献   

The dimensional approach to psychosis suggests that research should focus on the performance of psychiatrically normal individuals on measures derived from the study of psychosis. Recent theories of schizophrenia postulate a defect at the interface of preconscious/conscious processes. Such a defect could occur as a result of some disturbance in inhibitory attentional mechanisms. A group of normal S's were assessed on three measures; (a) a priming task measuring inhibition, (b) a perceptual task, the verbal transformation effect, and (c) a number of questionnaires of relevance to the psychoticism dimension. As predicted low inhibition was correlated with unusual experiences on the perceptual task. Each of these measures correlated with a questionnaire measure of predisposition to hallucinations, but not with the other measures of psychoticism. No correlations with other personality variables as assessed by the EPQ were found.  相似文献   

The anhedonic symptoms of depression have been linked to a lack of incentive responsiveness, which is a function of the Behavioral Activation System (BAS). Using structural equation modeling within the context of a cross-sectional design, we found that a lack of positive experiences and positive expectancies mediated the BAS-depression link among an undergraduate sample (N = 171). We tested the specificity of this model across four alternative models substituting negative experiences, negative expectancies, threat sensitivity, and symptoms of anxiety for their theoretical counterparts in the original model. In each case, the alternative model did not fit the data as well as our original model. This pattern of results is consistent with the position that a lack of positive experiences and positive expectancies uniquely mediate the relationship between the BAS and anhedonic symptoms of depression.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in perceptual part-whole preferences as a function of experienced success and experienced failure were investigated. All Ss went through one testing session in which their perceptual preference was established. Forty-two Ss of the experimental group went through two additional testing sessions, one in which success and another in which failure experiences were induced. Parallel sets of a Two-Alternative Perception Test were used after each session to measure part or whole preferences. The Ss of the control group were administered the three sets of the perception test at intervals of one week, with situations kept constant. Results of a three-way analysis of variance (p<0.0001) supported the hypotheses of success situations favoring whole perceptions and of failure situations favoring part perceptions. Highly significant correlations (p<0.01) were found between the three testing sessions of the Ss in the control group, indicating stability of perceptual part-whole preferences over time, with situations held constant.This article was based, in parts, on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research. The author would like to express her appreciation to Mary Henle, chairman of the dissertation committee.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pictures were presented to subjects two, five, or eight times, and subjects were asked to imagine each pciture two, five, or eight times. Subsequently, subjects estimated the number of times each picture had been presented. Their estimates of the frequency of these external events were influenced by imagination trials; this effect was greater for good imagers than for poor imagers. Experiment 2 involved a similar design in which subjects were asked either to imagine the same referent for a word or to imagine a different referent for a word on successive imagination trials. Consistency (same referent) did not increase the influence of imaginations on immediate judgments of external frequency. Thus, the results of Experiment 1 were attributed to the greater accuracy (as opposed to greater consistency) of good imagers' internal generations of the stimuli. Furthermore, variation (imagining different referents), like greater accuracy, increased the effects of imagination trials on immediate but not on delayed judgments of frequency. Possible mechanisms underlying these effects are discussed. In general, the two studies show that qualitative characteristics of completely covert generations influence their impact on estimates of the frequency of external events.  相似文献   

Distortions in sensory experiences that precede a migraine attack have been extensively documented, the most well-known being the visual aura. Distortions in the experience of other senses are also reported as part of an aura, albeit less frequently, together with changes in the perception or ownership of the body or body parts. There are many examples of differences in aspects of visual perception between migraine and control groups, between attacks, but not as much on unusual experiences involving other senses, the sense of the body or the experience of the environment. Seventy-seven migraine (33 with aura) and 74 control participants took part. Anomalous perceptions were experienced by both migraine and control groups, but more with migraine experienced them and rated them as more distressing, intrusive and frequent. Associations with reports of visual triggers of migraine and visual discomfort are presented. This study is the first to show relationships between these factors.  相似文献   

Expectancy and visual-spatial attention: effects on perceptual quality   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
When we expect important stimuli at a particular spatial location, how does our perceptual sensitivity change over space? Subjects were cued to expect a target stimulus at one location and then required to perform one of the following tasks at that and three other locations: luminance detection, brightness discrimination, orientation discrimination, or form discrimination. The analysis of subjects' performance according to signal detection theory revealed changes in both sensitivity and bias for each of these tasks. Sensitivity was maximally enhanced at the location where a target stimulus was expected and generally decreased with distance from that location. Factors that influenced the gradient of sensitivity were (a) the type of task performed and (b) the spatial distribution of the stimuli. Sensitivity fell off more steeply over distance for orientation and form discrimination than for luminance detection and brightness discrimination. In addition, it fell off more steeply when stimuli were near each other than when they were farther apart.  相似文献   

This article describes a scale measuring dispositional optimism, defined in terms of generalized outcome expectancies. Two preliminary studies assessed the scale's psychometric properties and its relationships with several other instruments. The scale was then used in a longitudinal study of symptom reporting among a group of undergraduates. Specifically, respondents were asked to complete three questionnaires 4 weeks before the end of a semester. Included in the questionnaire battery was the measure of optimism, a measure of private self-consciousness, and a 39-item physical symptom checklist. Subjects completed the same set of questionnaires again on the last day of class. Consistent with predictions, subjects who initially reported being highly optimistic were subsequently less likely to report being bothered by symptoms (even after correcting for initial symptom-report levels) than were subjects who initially reported being less optimistic. This effect tended to be stronger among persons high in private self-consciousness than among those lower in private self-consciousness. Discussion centers on other health related applications of the optimism scale, and the relationships between our theoretical orientation and several related theories.  相似文献   

Attention and perceptual priming in the perceptual identification task   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Prior research indicates that manipulations of attention during encoding sometimes affect perceptual implicit memory. Two hypotheses were investigated. One proposes that manipulations of attention affect perceptual priming only to the extent that they disrupt stimulus identification. The other attributes reduced priming to the disruptive effects of distractor selection. The role of attention was investigated with a variant of the Stroop task in which participants either read words, identified their color, or did both. Identifying the color reduced priming even when the word was also overtly identified. This result held regardless of whether color and word were presented as a single object (Experiments 1 and 2) or as separate objects (Experiment 4). When participants read and identified a color, the overt order of the responses did not matter; both conditions reduced priming relative to reading alone (Experiment 3). The results provide evidence against the stimulus-identification account but are consistent with the distractor-selection hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two studies examined whether trait expectancies and stereotype expectancies similarly affected memory for expectancy-relevant behaviors. The results of both studies showed that, when activated in identical ways, trait expectancies and stereotype expectancies had similar effects on recall. Better recall was obtained for expectancy-incongruent items when expectancies were activated in relatively overt ways, while better recall for expectancy-congruent items was obtained when expectancies were activated in less overt ways. Additional analyses examining the order of events that emerged in the recall protocols provided little evidence that participants attempted to reconcile the items, as would be predicted by some earlier models of person memory (e.g., Srull, 1981). The implications of these findings for how social expectancies guide social information processing are discussed.  相似文献   

How do perceivers apply knowledge to instances they have never experienced before? On one hand, listeners might use idealized representations that do not contain specific details. On the other, they might recognize and process information based on more detailed memory representations. The current study examined the latter possibility with respect to musical meter perception, previously thought to be computed based on highly-idealized (isochronous) internal representations. In six experiments, listeners heard sets of metrically-ambiguous melodies. Each melody was played in a simultaneous musical context with unambiguous metrical cues (3/4 or 6/8). Cross-melody similarity was manipulated by pairing certain cues-timbre (musical instrument) and motif content (2-6-note patterns)-with each meter, or distributing cues across meters. After multiple exposures, listeners heard each melody without context, and judged metrical continuations (all Experiments) or familiarity (Experiments 5-6). Responses were assessed for "metrical restoration"-the tendency to make metrical judgments that fit the melody's previously-heard metrical context. Cross-melody similarity affected the presence and degree of metrical restoration, and timbre affected familiarity. Results suggest that metrical processing may be calculated based on fairly detailed representations rather than idealized isochronous pulses, and is dissociated somewhat from familiarity judgments. Implications for theories of meter perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Discriminative facility refers to an individual's sensitivity to subtle cues about the psychological meaning of a situation. This research aimed at examining (a) the conceptual distinctiveness of discriminative facility, (b) the situation-appropriate aspect of this construct, and (c) the relationship between discriminative facility and interpersonal experiences. Discriminative facility was assessed by a new measure of situation-appropriate behaviors across a variety of novel stressful situations. Results from study 1 showed that discriminative facility had weak positive relationships with cognitive complexity and nonsignificant relationships with self-monitoring and social desirability, indicating that discriminative facility is a unique construct. Results from Study 2 revealed that higher levels of discriminative facility were associated with higher levels of perceived social support and a greater number of pleasant interpersonal events experienced, thus providing support for the theoretical proposition that discriminative facility is an aspect of social intelligence.  相似文献   

Reaction time techniques were used to examine the role of attention in the construction and maintenance of expectancies. In Experiment I, a primed letter matching task, expectancies were observed through a delay (cost) in responding to misprimed letter arrays. A secondary probe task was interpolated between prime and array letters on some of the trials, with attentional demands inferred from delayed responding to probes. By varying the amount of time between onset of the prime and either a probe or letter array, it was found that there is attentional involvement (as reflected in probe inhibition) prior to the observation of expectancies (as reflected in letter matching cost). It was also found that the interpolation of an attention-demanding probe task did not entirely disrupt primed expectancies. Experiment II found that an expectancy persists even when an interpolated distractor task signals that the expectancy is no longer valid. These expectancies were found to decay as a function of time. The implications of these results for attention allocation and memory activation views of expectancy were discussed.  相似文献   

Although a growing body of scholarly work explores the unique utility and therapeutic uses of psychological assessment, less work has focused specifically on feedback, with few studies that have explored empirically the underlying processes that may describe the role of feedback in a successful assessment. The purpose of this project was to add to the discourse on this topic by engaging in an empirical study exploring assessee and assessor experiences of significant events in psychological assessment feedback. The methodology is qualitative and modeled after significant events research in the study of psychotherapy process. I analyze the accounts of 6 assessment clients and 6 assessment clinicians regarding key events in their experience of feedback.  相似文献   


Objective: Pre-treatment side effect expectancies often influence subsequent experiences; however, expectancy-based reduction strategies are lacking. We explored whether framing information about adverse responses (in positive or negative formats) altered expectancies and experiences of a cold pressor task. We further investigated associations between expectancies and experiences, to inform potential interventions.

Design: Healthy volunteers (N?=?134), randomised to receive positively- or negatively-framed pre-cold pressor task information, self-rated 12 expectancies for cold pressor experiences, emotional state and coping style.

Main Outcome Measures: Self-reports of the same 12-experiences (recorded during and after the experiment) were assessed.

Results: Framing had minimal impact on expectancies and experiences; however, discomfort threshold (p?=?.08, d?=?0.22) showed a trend in the expected direction. Hierarchical regressions revealed expectancies uniquely, significantly predicted 6–23% of the variance for 11 subsequent experiences. Following a popular charity event (Ice Bucket Challenge), all participants showed higher ‘discomfort thresholds’ (p?=?.001, d?=?0.59), and those in the negative frame reported more overall ‘discomfort’ (p?=?.01, d?=?0.60) than participants in the positive condition.

Conclusion: Expectancies uniquely influenced subsequent cold pressor experiences. Framing had minimal impact in this ‘analogue’ medical setting, only influencing ‘discomfort threshold’. ‘Discomfort threshold’ and overall ‘discomfort’ were also impacted by a social media challenge, highlighting a potential area for intervention.  相似文献   

Two experiments used the gaze-contingent moving-window paradigm to investigate whether reading comprehension and spelling ability modulate the perceptual span of skilled adult readers during sentence reading. Highly proficient reading and spelling were both associated with increased use information to the right of fixation, but did not systematically modulate the extraction of information to the left of fixation. Individuals who were high in both reading and spelling ability showed the greatest benefit from window sizes larger than 11 characters, primarily because of increases in forward saccade length. They were also significantly more disrupted by being denied close parafoveal information than those poor in reading and/or spelling. These results suggest that, in addition to supporting rapid lexical retrieval of fixated words, the high quality lexical representations indexed by the combination of high reading and spelling ability support efficient processing of parafoveal information and effective saccadic targeting.  相似文献   

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