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Emotional distress tolerance (EDT)—or the ability to withstand negative emotional states—is considered a transdiagnostic risk factor for psychopathology. Although EDT is theorized to play a role in anxiety development and maintenance, research aiming to delineate the relationship between anxiety and EDT is lacking. The current study tested whether self-reported EDT predicted self-reported and actual avoidance in the presence of feared stimuli using a heights-fearful sample. Moreover, the study tested whether EDT predicted other in-the-moment fear responses, such as peak anxiety, anxious cognitions, and bodily sensations. Participants (N = 128) completed questionnaires assessing fear of heights, negative affect, anxious cognitions, and bodily sensations, as well as two heights behavioral avoidance tasks (BATs). Results demonstrated that EDT did not predict actual avoidance or other in-the-moment fear responses, except for peak anxiety in one BAT. However, EDT predicted self-reported avoidance of heights beyond fear of heights and negative affect. Taken together, results suggest that perception of ability to tolerate emotional distress predicts perception of avoidance of heights, but not actual avoidance of heights or reactions to heights (with the exception of peak anxiety in one BAT). Given these findings, self-reported EDT may not adequately predict how individuals react in anxiety-provoking situations.  相似文献   

Distress tolerance (DT), the perceived or actual ability to tolerate negative emotional or physical states, is inversely related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in civilian, community samples. No studies to date have examined the relationship between DT and PTSD in clinical samples of veterans with a comorbid diagnosis of PTSD and a substance use disorder (SUD). Thus, the present study examined the relationship between DT and PTSD in a sample of predominately African American, male veterans (n = 75) diagnosed with comorbid PTSD and SUD (according to a structured clinical interview). Results of hierarchical linear regression models indicated that DT was inversely related to total PTSD symptom severity score, above and beyond depressive symptoms and SUD severity. Of the 4 symptom clusters, DT was inversely associated with intrusions and hyperarousal. These findings are discussed in light of previous work with civilian samples. Determining whether treatment incorporating DT skills would be useful for veterans undergoing PTSD treatment should be evaluated.  相似文献   

In the spirit of the mission of social justice in counseling, this study examined perceived racism as a moderator on the association between self‐concept (i.e., self‐esteem, shyness) and distress among African Americans. The authors examined whether perceived racism changed the relationship between self‐esteem/shyness and psychological distress by investigating a sample of 394 African Americans. With a moderation analysis, the authors found significant interaction effects of Self‐Esteem × Perceived Racism and Shyness × Perceived Racism on distress.  相似文献   

In the U.S. Black women with HIV face numerous psychosocial challenges, particularly trauma, racism, HIV-related discrimination, and gender role expectations, that are associated with negative HIV health outcomes and low medical treatment adherence. Yet many of these factors are unaddressed in traditional cognitive behavioral approaches. This study presents a case series of a tailored cognitive behavioral treatment approach for Black women living with HIV. Striving Towards EmPowerment and Medication Adherence (STEP-AD) is a 10-session treatment aimed at improving medication adherence for Black women with HIV by combining established cognitive behavioral strategies for trauma symptom reduction, strategies for coping with race- and HIV-related discrimination, gender empowerment, problem-solving techniques for medication adherence, and resilient coping. A case series study of five Black women with HIV was conducted to evaluate the preliminary acceptability and feasibility of the treatment and illustrate the approach. Findings support the potential promise of this treatment in helping to improve HIV medication adherence and decrease trauma symptoms. Areas for refinement in the treatment as well as structural barriers (e.g., housing) in the lives of the women that impacted their ability to fully benefit from the treatment are also noted.  相似文献   

Poor distress tolerance (DT) is considered an underlying facet of anxiety, depression, and a number of other psychological disorders. Mindfulness may help to increase DT by fostering an attitude of acceptance or nonjudgment toward distressing experiences. Accordingly, the present study examined the effects of a brief mindfulness training on tolerance of different types of distress, and tested whether trait mindfulness moderates the effect of such training. Undergraduates (n = 107) naïve to mindfulness completed a measure of trait mindfulness and underwent a series of stress tasks (cold pressor, hyperventilation challenge, neutralization task) before and after completing a 15-minute mindfulness training or a no-instruction control in which participants listened to relaxing music. Participants in the mindfulness condition demonstrated greater task persistence on the hyperventilation task compared to the control group, as well as a decreased urge to neutralize the effects of writing an upsetting sentence. No effect on distress ratings during the tasks were found. Overall trait mindfulness did not significantly moderate task persistence, but those with lower scores on the act with awareness facet of mindfulness demonstrated greater relative benefit of mindfulness training on the hyperventilation challenge. Mediation analyses revealed significant indirect effects of mindfulness training on cold pressor task persistence and urges to neutralize through the use of the nonjudge and nonreact facets of mindfulness. These results suggest that a brief mindfulness training can increase DT without affecting the subjective experience of distress.  相似文献   

This research tested hypotheses for a mechanism by which low perceived support may lead to psychological distress. According to social‐cognitive models, perceived support guides the interpretation of interpersonal situations. People with low perceived support interpret these situations more negatively than do people with high perceived support, and these negative interpretations lead to psychological distress. This mechanism is hypothesized to be distinct from similar mechanisms involving other social‐cognitive constructs, such as dysfunctional attitudes. These hypotheses were tested in 2 samples of adults adjusting to divorce. The data were consistent with predictions. Implications for understanding low perceived support's relation to distress and adults' adjustment to divorce were discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the associations among perceived adherence to the system of care philosophy, changes in internalizing and externalizing behaviors, and consumer satisfaction with services. Participants included 98 families, interviewed at two time points across a one-year period. Hierarchical multiple regressions indicated that the more a child and family perceived services to be consistent with the system of care philosophy, the greater their level of satisfaction with services and the fewer internalizing and externalizing behaviors they reported one year after receiving services (controlling for initial levels of problem behaviors). Implications for children’s mental health service delivery are offered.  相似文献   

HIV treatment adherence interventions increasingly rely on peer facilitators to promote treatment adherence and improve patient retention, yet little is known about how participants perceive the role performed by peer facilitators. The present study examined participant perceptions in terms of the social support from peer facilitators in a hospital‐based intervention in Chicago. Content analysis was conducted with reference to four types of social support (instrumental, informational, emotional and affiliational) on exit interviews with 11 participants enrolled in the intervention that targeted African‐American patients living with HIV/AIDS. We examined how the type of social support perceived by participants was related to their self‐reported behaviours in three domains: adherence, sexual safety and general coping. Our analysis revealed that most participants perceived informational and emotional support from their peer facilitators, followed by instrumental support. Affiliational support was the least frequently perceived type of social support. We found that perceived informational support from peer facilitators with regard to adherence had greater impact and credibility amongst participants than the same type of support from medical providers. Informational support was cited most frequently with regard to influencing adherence and sexual safety behaviours, whereas perceived emotional support was cited primarily with helping participants cope with HIV. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hoarding is characterized by emotionally reinforced saving behaviors, which often combine with excessive acquisition to give rise to clutter, distress, and impairment. Despite the central role emotional processes are thought to play in hoarding, very little research has directly examined this topic. There is suggestive evidence linking hoarding with several facets of emotional intolerance and avoidance, though one key limitation of this past research has been the exclusive reliance on self-report questionnaires. The aim of the current study was to conduct a multimethod investigation of the relationship between hoarding and perceptions of, and cognitions about, negative emotional states. A large unselected sample of nonclinical young adults (N = 213) completed questionnaires, behavioral tasks, and a series of negative mood inductions to assess distress tolerance (DT), appraisals of negative emotions, and emotional intensity and tolerance. Hoarding symptoms were associated with lowered tolerance of negative emotions, as well as perceiving negative emotions as more threatening. Individuals high in hoarding symptoms also experienced more intense emotions during the mood inductions than individuals low in hoarding symptoms, though there was no association with poorer performance on a behavioral index of DT. Across measures, hoarding was consistently associated with experiencing negative emotions more intensely and reporting lower tolerance of them. This relationship was particularly pronounced for the difficulty discarding and acquiring facets of hoarding. Our results offer initial support for the important role of emotional processes in the cognitive-behavioral model of hoarding. A better understanding of emotional dysfunction may play a crucial role in developing more effective treatments for hoarding.  相似文献   

Trait loyalty has received virtually no attention from researchers; consequently, the basic goal of this research was to create a measure of interpersonal loyalty. Principal factor analyses of an initial pool of items revealed 2 factors: Individual Loyalty (e.g., “I stand by my friends, even when they make mistakes”) and Group Loyalty (e.g., “I am loyal to my country”). Analyses of a revised item pool identified the same 2 factors in a second sample. Scales based on these factors were internally consistent and only moderately related to one another. Additional analyses indicated that both scales (a) were stable over time; (b) showed moderate to strong self-peer agreement; (c) positively correlated with conscientiousness, agreeableness, altruism, and positive emotionality; and (d) negatively related to an avoidant attachment style. However, these associations all were moderate in magnitude (in fact, none was as high as |.40|), indicating that the Individual and Group Loyalty Scales tap unique variance that is not captured by existing instruments.  相似文献   

Empirical work has suggested relationships among suicide-related outcomes and several constructs related to affect dysregulation, notably anxiety sensitivity (AS) and distress tolerance (DT). However, important questions remain, including the relative contributions of these affect regulation variables as well as the direct contribution of DT on suicidal ideation and prior attempts. The current study sought to better elucidate the nature of these relationships by examining AS, DT, and suicidal ideation and attempt in a clinical sample (N = 192). Consistent with prior work and prediction, findings revealed a significant relationship between the AS cognitive concerns subfactor and suicidal ideation and suicide attempt history after accounting for the effects of DT, gender, and depressive symptoms. In addition, depressive symptoms significantly moderated the relationship between the AS cognitive concerns subfactor and suicidal ideation. After accounting for the influence of AS, analyses revealed that DT approached significance in predicting suicidal ideation, but did not significantly predict suicide attempt history. These results suggest that elevated AS cognitive concerns are particularly relevant to suicide in the context of depressive symptoms. Clinicians may benefit from implementing AS reduction strategies with individuals who endorse elevated suicide risk as well as elevated AS cognitive concerns.  相似文献   

This review described and compared empirical investigations of adherence to pediatric antiretroviral therapy (ART) and predictors/correlates of adherence with regard to methodology and outcome. Thirteen empirical studies of children's adherence to ART, conducted between the years 1981 and 2002 were identified. Investigations varied by age of participant, drug therapy regimen, method of adherence assessment, and by the reporting of predictors/correlates of adherence. Conclusions from the literature are limited by the lack of common sample characteristics and adherence assessment methodologies. Nevertheless, consistent with much of the pediatric adherence literature, adherence to antiretroviral medications among children and adolescents appears to be frequently suboptimal. Few investigations identified predictors/correlates of adherence, but these appear generally similar to those found in adult samples. Recommendations for future investigations are proposed.  相似文献   

Findings on executive functioning in psychopathy are inconsistent. Different associations between psychopathy dimensions and executive functioning might explain contradicting findings. This study examined the role of psychopathy dimensions and types of aggression in response inhibition among 117 male adolescents (53 antisocial delinquents and 64 controls). Participants completed a self‐report measure of aggression and a GoNoGo task. Psychopathy dimensions were assessed using the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version. Although high scores on the antisocial dimension and reactive aggression were associated with poor response inhibition, the affective–interpersonal dimension, proactive aggression, and verbal intelligence (IQ) were related to better response inhibition (two‐factor model). Associations with the affective–interpersonal dimensions did not reach significance. Exploratory analyses showed that affective and antisocial facets accounted for the obtained opposing associations of the affective–interpersonal and antisocial psychopathy dimensions with response inhibition. The interpersonal and lifestyle facets (four‐facet model) were unrelated to response inhibition. Results could not be explained by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Findings suggest differential associations between the psychopathy dimensions, types of aggression, and response inhibition. Therefore, a dimensional approach to psychopathy and related concepts, such as aggression, might strongly improve diagnostic procedures. Global scores could mask important differential associations. Aggr. Behav. 38:77‐88, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective was to identify the degree to which illness perceptions and medication beliefs explain variations in reported adherence to medication prescribed for the treatment of non-malignant chronic pain and to test the applicability of an extended version of the self-regulatory model to the chronic pain population. A cross-sectional design included 217 clinic patients completing validated questionnaires assessing their illness perceptions, medication beliefs and reported adherence to medication. Perceptions of illness (pain) as chronic, uncontrollable and unremitting were associated with greater adherence, fewer medication concerns and a belief that treatment was necessary. Structural equation modelling supports an extended SRM for chronic pain. It suggests that patients holding perceptions of serious consequences of pain and high emotion levels have more concerns about medication and are less adherent. Perceptions of serious illness consequences are also associated with stronger beliefs about the necessity of medicines and greater adherence. Beliefs about illness and medication are associated with adherence to treatment in chronic pain and this can be explained by an extended SRM. Results are preliminary and require replication. Further studies should explore the role that emotion has on coping strategies in chronic pain. Interventions should focus on altering unhelpful beliefs that reduce adherence.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to conduct a pilot investigation to determine the effectiveness of Multisystemic Therapy (MST) for improving regimen adherence and metabolic control among adolescents with poorly controlled Type 1 diabetes. Thirty-one adolescents were randomly assigned to either MST or a control condition. MST treatment lasted approximately six months. Data were collected at study entry and at a six-month posttest. Twenty-five adolescents completed the study. Adolescents who received MST had significantly improved adherence to blood glucose testing and metabolic control from study entry to the six-month posttest, whereas controls did not. Adolescents receiving MST also had a decreased number of inpatient admissions at the six-month posttest. Improvements in metabolic control were related to improvements in parent report of adolescent adherence. Results suggest that MST holds promise as an intervention for improving adherence behavior and health outcomes among adolescents in poor metabolic control.  相似文献   

The majority of individuals in the UK with severe haemophilia treat themselves at home with clotting factor. The aim of this study was to examine patient's beliefs about their haemophilia, their beliefs regarding treatment with clotting factor and to assess whether relationships existed between these factors and adherence to home treatment. Patient beliefs were assessed by posting individuals with severe haemophilia A and B ( n = 104) the Illness Perceptions Questionnaire (IPQ) and the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ). The final analysis was based on 65 questionnaires yielding a response rate of 63%. Adherence to the frequency and to the amount of each clotting factor dose was assessed for individuals treating prophylactically and the amount of each clotting factor dose for those only treating 'on-demand'. Adherence scores were calculated by comparing individual patient treatment records with recommended regimens. Regression analysis indicated that perceptions of illness identity and treatment necessity explained a significant amount of the variance in adherence to frequency of prophylactic infusions and that illness identity was associated with the adherence to the amount of each prophylactic dose. Further regression analysis also showed that the amount of each dose of clotting factor administered on-demand was associated with perceptions regarding the necessity of treatment. Analysis with a combined measure of adherence to dose amount indicated that patients treating on-demand or with prophylaxis who under treated, recorded significantly lower perceptions of illness consequence than individuals who were fully adherent or who over-treated. The results suggest that assessing illness perceptions, especially beliefs regarding identity , consequence and necessity of treatment, may play a valuable role in identifying which individuals are least likely to adhere to treatment.  相似文献   

The present investigation evaluated the main and interactive effects of distress tolerance and negative affect intensity in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity and symptom cluster severity. Participants were 190 trauma-exposed adults (52.6 % women; M age?=?25.3 years, SD?=?11.4) recruited from the community. Distress tolerance (i.e., perceived ability to withstand distressing emotional states) demonstrated significant incremental associations with global PTSD symptom severity as well as Re-Experiencing, Emotional Numbing, and Hyperarousal symptom cluster severity. Negative affect intensity (i.e., perceived intensity of negative emotional responses) demonstrated significant incremental associations with each of the PTSD symptom outcomes. Moreover, the incremental interactive effect of distress tolerance and negative affect intensity was significantly associated with PTSD symptom severity as well as PTSD—Emotional Numbing symptom cluster severity. These incremental effects were evident after accounting for the variance explained by anxiety sensitivity (i.e., fear of anxiety-related sensations). Post hoc probing analyses supported the moderating role of negative affect intensity in the association between distress tolerance and PTSD symptom severity, such that low levels of distress tolerance, in the context of elevated levels of negative affect intensity, were associated with the greatest levels of PTSD symptoms.  相似文献   

The study examined a circumscribed class of cognitions (i.e., dispositional optimism and perceived consequences) in connection to the emotional distress experienced in anticipation of a major seismic event (i.e., pre-hazard emotional distress). Grounded on cognitive-behavioral theory, it was argued that dispositional optimism exerts distal influence on distress, while the perceived consequences of a major seismic event are proximal to distress and, therefore, interpose the optimism-distress relationship. The hypothesis was tested via a cross-sectional study on a sample of 189 volunteers located in areas of high seismic hazard. Participants reported their level of pre-hazard emotional distress, their dispositional optimism, and their perceived consequences of a major seismic hazard. The results showed that there was a partial indirect effect from dispositional optimism to emotional distress via perceived consequences, indirect effect = ?0.190, SE = 0.114, 95 % CI [?0.487; ?0.021], k2 = 0.051. These findings could inform future prevention programs targeting emotional distress in anticipation of a natural hazard with impact on post-disaster recovery.  相似文献   

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