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Recent work in embodied cognition has demonstrated that language comprehension involves the motor system (e.g., Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002). Such findings are often attributed to mechanisms involving simulations of linguistically described events (Barsalou, 1999; Fischer & Zwaan, 2008). We propose that research paradigms in which simulation is the central focus need to be augmented with paradigms that probe the organization of the motor system during language comprehension. The use of well-studied motor tasks may be appropriate to this endeavour. To this end, we present a study in which participants perform a bimanual rhythmic task (Kugler & Turvey, 1987) while judging the plausibility of sentences. We show that the dynamics of the bimanual task differ when participants judge sentences describing performable actions as opposed to sentences describing events that are not performable. We discuss the general implications of our results for accounts of embodied cognition.  相似文献   

Kinematic (relative phase error), metabolic (oxygen consumption, heart rate) and attentional (baseline and cycling reaction times) variables were measured while participants practised a high energy-demanding, intrinsically unstable 90 degrees relative phase coordination pattern on independent bicycle ergometers. The variables were found to be strongly inter-correlated, suggesting a link between emerging performance stability with practice and minimal metabolic and attentional cost. The effects of practice of 90 degrees relative phase coordination on the performance of in-phase (0 degrees-phase) and antiphase (180 degrees-phase) coordination were investigated by measuring the relative phase attractor layouts and recording the metabolic and attentional cost of the three coordination patterns before and after practice. The attentional variables did not differ significantly between coordination patterns and did not change with practice. Before practice, the coordination performance was most accurate and stable for in-phase cycling, with antiphase next and 90 degrees-phase the poorest. However, metabolic cost was lower for antiphase than either in-phase or 90 degrees-phase cycling, and the pre-practice attractor layout deviated from that predicted on the basis of dynamic stability as an attractor state, revealing an attraction to antiphase cycling. After practice of 90 degrees-phase cycling, in-phase cycling remained the most accurate and stable, with 90 degrees-phase next and antiphase the poorest, but antiphase retained the lowest metabolic energy cost. The attractor layout had changed, with new attractors formed at the practised 90 degrees-phase pattern and its symmetrical partner of 270 degrees-phase. Considering both the pre- and post-practice results, attractors were formed at either a low metabolic energy cost but less stable (antiphase) pattern or at a more stable but higher metabolic energy cost (90 degrees-phase) pattern, but in neither case at the most stable and accurate (in-phase) pattern. The results suggest that energetic factors affect coordination dynamics and that coordination modes lower in metabolic energy expenditure may compete with dynamically stable modes.  相似文献   

ObjectivesNumerous recent studies showed that physical training can enhance cognitive abilities, such as attention, spatial ability, memory performance, and executive functions. However, most of these studies focused on the efficiency of cardiovascular training, whereas evidence for combined motor-cognitive training emphasizing coordination abilities is scarce. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of motor-cognitive coordination training and moderate cardiovascular training on cognitive functions and to test whether these effects were related to participant's fitness level.Design and methodWe tested 50 physically active (mean age = 23.5 years, SD = 3.2) and 56 sedentary participants (mean age = 23.4 years, SD = 3.2) in a pretest-training-posttest design with 12 sessions of moderate cardiovascular training (≈60% HRmax) or motor-cognitive coordination training. The training groups were compared to a passive control group. At pretest and posttest, participants performed an untrained motor-cognitive coordination task, measures of executive control (cognitive flexibility, inhibition, working memory), spatial ability, and fluid intelligence.Results and conclusionsWe found improved coordination abilities in the coordination training group, but no transfer of training to cognitive measures in physically active participants. However, sedentary participants showed larger improvements in terms of inhibition in the coordination training group compared to the remaining groups, while the cardiovascular training group improved in cognitive flexibility compared to the remaining groups. In sum, there are positive but differential effects of cardiovascular training and coordination training on cognitive performance in sedentary young participants, suggesting that coordination training may be a useful intervention especially for individuals that cannot perform cardiovascular training.  相似文献   

Coordination in health care action teams is an important factor in clinical performance and patient safety. Implementing a high-fidelity in situ simulation study, we investigated the performance-relevant effects of task distribution, provide information without request (PIWR) and closed-loop communication (CLC) in 68 medical emergency teams (METs) composed of fully qualified clinicians. We differentiated between two task types: algorithm-driven and knowledge-driven tasks. We assigned two different emergency tasks to each task type. We proposed not only a direct relationship between the three coordination behaviours and clinical performance, but also a moderating role for the type of task. Only CLC was related to performance and also moderated by task type. There was no relationship between the coordination behaviours task distribution and PIWR and performance. We discuss the differential effects of the three coordination behaviours on performance and emphasize the importance of the task in team research. In particular, we highlight theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate interlimb coordination in young and older adults with and without a history of falls during the combined task of walking and prehension with different levels of manual task difficulty. Participants walked on a pathway and grasped a dowel. A vector coding technique evaluated coordination patterns. The coordination pattern was not affected by the difficulty level of the manual task. Older adults seemed to prioritize the movement of the right shoulder to grasp the dowel and then ‘froze’ the movement of the other joint (left shoulder) not directly involved in the grasping task. The preference to pick up the dowel in the double support phase and the increase in right shoulder phase made by older adults with a history of falls suggests an even greater decoupling between walking and prehension.  相似文献   

In the present study our aim was to compare dual-task performance in thirteen adolescents and fifteen young adults while concurrently performing a cognitive and a motor task. The postural control variables were obtained under three different conditions: i) bipedal stance, ii) tandem stance and iii) unipedal stance. The cognitive task consisted of a backward digit span test in which the participants were asked to memorize a sequence of numbers and then repeat the number in reverse order at three different difficulty levels (i.e. with 3, 4 and 5 digits). The difficulty of the cognitive task was seen to have different effects on adolescents and young adults. Adolescents seem to prioritize postural control during high difficulty postural conditions while a cross-domain competition model appeared in easy postural conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, an overview of the wide variety of occurrences of mental models in the literature is discussed. They are classified according to two dimensions obtaining four categories of them: static-dynamic and world-mental, where static refers to mental models for static world states or for static mental states and dynamic refers to mental models for world processes or for mental processes. In addition, distinctions are made for what can be done by mental models: they can, for example, be (1) used for internal simulation, they can be (2) adapted, and these processes can be (3) controlled. This leads to a global three-level cognitive architecture covering these three ways of handling mental models. It is discussed that in this cognitive architecture reflection principles play an important role to define the interactions between the different levels.  相似文献   

Negative and distorted images of the observable self are important in the development and maintenance of social phobia. Previous research has shown that video feedback has potential to correct the distorted self-perception [Rapee, R. M. & Hayman, K. (1996). The effects of video feedback on the self-evaluation of performance in socially anxious subjects. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 34, 315–322]. The present experiment investigated whether the construction of a self-image prior to viewing the video may enhance the therapeutic effects of video feedback. High and low socially anxious individuals gave a speech and then viewed the video of their performance. Half of the sample were given cognitive preparation prior to viewing the video. Cognitive preparation involved asking participants to (1) predict in detail what they will see in the video, (2) form an image of themselves giving the speech and (3) watch the video as though they were watching a stranger. Participants who received cognitive preparation prior to the video feedback made higher ratings of their overall performance and of specific aspects of their performance compared to those who were not given cognitive preparation and compared to the same ratings made prior to the video feedback. These results suggest that the therapeutic effects of video feedback can be enhanced by careful cognitive preparation which maximises the perceived discrepancy between self and video images.  相似文献   

Studies investigating whether simultaneous bilateral movements can facilitate performance of the impaired limb(s) of stroke patients have returned mixed results. In the present study we compared unilateral limb performance (amplitude, cycle duration) with performance during an interlimb coordination task involving both homologous (both arms, both legs) and non-homologous (one arm, one leg) limbs in stroke participants (n=7) and healthy age-matched controls (n=7). In addition, the effect of on-line augmented visual feedback on interlimb coordination was investigated. Participants performed cyclical flexion-extension movements of the arms and legs in the sagittal plane paced by an auditory metronome (1 Hz). Movement amplitudes were larger and cycle durations shorter during homologous limb coordination than non-homologous coordination. Compared with unilateral movements both groups had reduced movement amplitudes and the stroke group increased cycle duration when interlimb coordination tasks were performed. These effects were most evident during non-homologous (arm and leg) coordination. No evidence of facilitation of the impaired limb(s) was found in any of the interlimb coordination conditions. Augmented visual feedback had minimal effect on the movements of control participants but lead to an increase of cycle duration for stroke participants.  相似文献   

Although cognitions are known to play a major role in team adaptation, the cognitive dynamics underlying a team’s responsiveness are poorly understood. The studies brought together in this special issue break new ground in this area. In this introductory article, we offer a brief summary of the research field, provide an overview of the contributions, and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

Motor-respiratory coordination occurs naturally during exercise, but the number of coordination patterns performed between movement and breathing is limited. We investigated whether participants could acquire novel ratios (either 5:2 or 5:3). To examine complex temporal relationships between movement and breathing, we used lagged return plots that were produced by graphing relative phase against relative phase after a time delay. By the end of practice, participants performed 5:2 consistently and performed 5:3 using more stable ratios (3:2 and 2:1). Lagged return plots revealed that 5:3 learners harnessed the stable inphase and antiphase patterns to stabilize the required ratio. That strategy resulted in the performance of smaller-integer ratios in the production of 5:3 but not 5:2. Despite those differences, there was positive transfer to unpracticed ratios that was similar in both learning conditions. The time series analysis of lagged return plots revealed differences in ratio performance at transfer. Ratios whose component frequencies were farther apart, like 7:2, were performed consistently, while ratios whose component frequencies were more similar, like 5:4, elicited attraction to inphase and antiphase. The implication is that participants can combine more stable chunks of rhythmic behavior to produce more complex ratios.  相似文献   

A cognitive model of insomnia   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Insomnia is one of the most prevalent psychological disorders, causing sufferers severe distress as well as social, interpersonal, and occupational impairment. Drawing on well-validated cognitive models of the anxiety disorders as well as on theoretical and empirical work highlighting the contribution of cognitive processes to insomnia, this paper presents a new cognitive model of the maintenance of insomnia. It is suggested that individuals who suffer from insomnia tend to be overly worried about their sleep and about the daytime consequences of not getting enough sleep. This excessive negatively toned cognitive activity triggers both autonomic arousal and emotional distress. It is proposed that this anxious state triggers selective attention towards and monitoring of internal and external sleep-related threat cues. Together, the anxious state and the attentional processes triggered by it tricks the individual into overestimating the extent of the perceived deficit in sleep and daytime performance. It is suggested that the excessive negatively toned cognitive activity will be fuelled if a sleep-related threat is detected or a deficit perceived. Counterproductive safety behaviours (including thought control, imagery control, emotional inhibition, and difficulty problem solving) and erroneous beliefs about sleep and the benefits of worry are highlighted as exacerbating factors. The unfortunate consequence of this sequence of events is that the excessive and escalating anxiety may culminate in a real deficit in sleep and daytime functioning. The literature providing preliminary support for the model is reviewed and the clinical implications and limitations discussed.  相似文献   

The performance of bimanual movements involving separate objects presents an obvious challenge to the visuo-motor system: Visual feedback can only be obtained from one target at a time. To overcome this challenge overt shifts in visual attention may occur so that visual feedback from both movements may be used directly (Bingham, Hughes, & Mon-Williams, 2008; Riek, Tresilian, Mon-Williams, Coppard, & Carson, 2003). Alternatively, visual feedback from both movements may be obtained in the absence of eye movements, presumably by covert shifts in attention (Diedrichsen, Nambisan, Kennerley, & Ivry, 2004). Given that the quality of information falls with increasing distance from the fixated point, can we obtain the level of information required to accurately guide each hand for precision grasping of separate objects without moving our eyes to fixate each target separately? The purpose of the current study was to examine how the temporal coordination between the upper limbs is affected by the quality of visual information available during the performance of a bimanual task. A total of 11 participants performed congruent and incongruent movements towards near and/or far objects. Movements were performed in natural, fixate-centre, fixate-left, and fixate-right vision conditions. Analyses revealed that the transport phase of incongruent movements was similar across vision conditions for the temporal aspects of both the transport and grasp, whereas the spatial aspects of grasp formation were influenced by the quality of visual feedback. We suggest that bimanual coordination of the temporal aspects of reach-to-grasp movements are not influenced solely by overt shifts in visual attention but instead are influenced by a combination of factors in a task-constrained way.  相似文献   

This study examined coordination of the spine and pelvis during lateral bending of the trunk in older adults. Thirty-four healthy subjects (17 young and 17 older adults) demonstrated lateral bending at a controlled speed while holding a bar at approximately 180 degrees of shoulder flexion. Kinematic data collection was completed on the thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis. The coupling angle was calculated to examine the thorax–lumbar, lumbar–pelvis, and thorax–pelvis coordination patterns. The older adults demonstrated a reduced range of motion (ROM) of the lumbar spine, while both groups revealed similar ROM in the thorax and in the pelvis. The coupling angle between the straightening and bending phases was different only for the older adults in the thorax–lumbar (23.4 ± 8.0 vs. −1.6 ± 4.4, p = 0.004) and the lumbar–pelvis (65.4 ± 7.2 vs. 86.1 ± 7.8, p = 0.001) coordination. However, there was no group difference in the thorax–pelvis coordination. These findings indicate that age-related changes in the lumbar region affect coordination patterns only during the bending phase. The older adults preserved a similar pattern of movement to the young adults during the straightening phase, but the coordination variability of the coupling angles was greater for the older adults than for the young adults. This movement pattern suggests that the older adults lacked consistent trunk control in an attempt to optimize lateral bending coordination.  相似文献   

With some prominent exceptions, much of the research designed to elucidate the nature, prevalence, and correlates of suicidal behavior has been conducted from an atheoretical perspective. Conversely, psychological theories to explain suicidal behavior are largely untested by rigorous experimental designs. We propose a cognitive model of suicidal behavior that is grounded in the empirical literature on cognitive and behavioral correlates of and risk factors for suicidal behavior. In addition, we demonstrate the manner in which the theoretical components are targeted in cognitive therapy for suicidal patients. We highlight aspects of the model with less empirical support, and we propose ways those constructs can be tested in future research.  相似文献   

Cognitive Robotics can be defined as the study of cognitive phenomena by their modeling in physical artifacts such as robots. This is a very lively and fascinating field which has already given fundamental contributions to our understanding of natural cognition. Nonetheless, robotics has to date addressed mainly very basic, low-level cognitive phenomena like sensory-motor coordination, perception, and navigation, and it is not clear how the current approach might scale up to explain high-level human cognition. In this paper we argue that a promising way to do that is to merge current ideas and methods of ‘embodied cognition’ with the Russian tradition of theoretical psychology which views language not only as a communication system but also as a cognitive tool, that is by developing a Vygotskyan cognitive robotics. We substantiate this idea by discussing several domains in which language can improve basic cognitive abilities and permit the development of high-level cognition: learning, categorization, abstraction, memory, voluntary control, and mental life.  相似文献   

The present study examined the concurrent validity of a new computer-assisted ADHD screening system, the Pediatric Attention Disorders Diagnostic Screener (PADDS; Pedigo, Pedigo, &; Scott, 2006 Pedigo, T., Pedigo, K. and Scott, V. B. Jr. 2006. PADDS Pediatric ADHD Screener: An evidence-based assessment system for screening attention and executive disorders, clinical and users guide, Okeechobee, FL: Targeted Testing, Inc.  [Google Scholar]) in relation to the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA; Greenberg, 1999 Greenberg, L. M. 1999. Test of Variables of Attention, Los Alamitos, CA: The Tova Company.  [Google Scholar]), the Conner's Continuous Performance Test- II (CPT-II; Conners &; MHS Staff, 2000 Conners, C. K. and MHS Staff. 2000. Conner's continuous performance test II, Toronto: Multi-Health Systems.  [Google Scholar]), and the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia, Isquith, Guy, &; Kenworthy, 2000 Gioia, G. A., Isquith, P. K., Guy, S. C. and Kenworthy, L. 2000. Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function: Professional Manual, Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.  [Google Scholar]) in three clinically referred samples of children 6 to 12 years of age. The PADDS is a recently published multidimensional screening measure that incrementally merges computer-administered executive tasks with parent and teacher behavior ratings to aid in the diagnostic decision-making process for youth with attention disorders. To date, no published study has examined the concurrent validity of the PADDS. In a clinic-referred sample of 217 subjects diagnosed with ADHD concurrent validity was assessed through correlation coefficients, paired t-tests (p < .001), and Cohen's d effect sizes. In comparison to the TOVA, the CPT-II, and the BRIEF scales, the PADDS demonstrated strong concurrent validity between conceptually similar scales, providing initial evidence for the concurrent validity of the PADDS. Relative to other measures, the PADDS appears to have some unique scales designed to assess attention and various aspects of executive functioning.  相似文献   

Research on working memory has suggested domain-specific components for visual, verbal, and spatial information, and more recently for emotion. Affective working memory has been proposed as the set of processes involved in the maintenance of emotions to guide behaviour. The current study examined the reliability of an emotion maintenance/affective working memory task over two experimental sessions separated by one week. Subjective accuracy based on individual ratings was found to correlate over time and was highest for negatively valenced pictures. Results suggest that this paradigm is a reliable measure of emotion maintenance, underscoring the utility of this measure as an assessment tool for normative and clinical populations.  相似文献   

A number of neurobiological, psychological and social factors may account for cognitive impairment. In animal studies a relation between dental status and cognitive performance has been found. It is unclear whether such a relation exists for humans. In a first step we compared the performance of 1,351 participants (53% women, 47% men; age M = 54.0) with natural teeth to 487 edentulous participants (59% women, 41% men; age M = 71.3) on 12 cognitive tests. The natural teeth group had a lower mean age, fewer women, more years of education, higher mini-mental state (MMSE), and performed significantly higher on several cognitive tests. In a subsequent analysis, the cognitive performance of a subset of the participants (50-85 years) was examined. In this analysis, 211 had natural dentition and 188 were edentulous. The groups were matched for gender, age, social variables, diseases, stress and MMSE. The cognitive disadvantage of the edentulous group was still apparent. The results suggest that functional natural teeth relate to relatively preserved cognitive functioning in older age.  相似文献   

While the extended cognition (EC) thesis has gained more followers in cognitive science and in the philosophy of mind and knowledge, our main goal is to discuss a different area of significance of the EC thesis: its relation to philosophy of science. In this introduction, we outline two major areas: (I) The role of the thesis for issues in the philosophy of cognitive science, such as: How do notions of EC figure in theories or research programs in cognitive science? Which versions of the EC thesis appear, and with which arguments to support them? (II) The potentials and limits of the EC thesis for topics in general philosophy of science, such as: Can naturalism perhaps be further advanced by means of the more recent EC thesis? Can we understand “big science” or laboratory research better by invoking some version of EC? And can the EC thesis help in overcoming the notorious cognitive/social divide in science studies?  相似文献   

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