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The public image of rural areas being characterized by social stability, integration, and supportive interpersonal networks has been challenged with recent evidence showing a large increase in the suicide rate in these areas. Increases have been reported for a number of European countries, including Sweden, Denmark, Scotland, and Ireland. This paper reviews the evidence relating to those groups at risk of suicide. The group at most risk of committing suicide in rural areas is males between the ages of 25 and 60, who are unemployed and live alone, and who have a history of psychological disturbance. These findings are discussed in relation to the psychological implications of socio-economic changes brought about by changes in the Common Agriculture Policy of the European Community.  相似文献   

The existence of a negative stereotype of stutterers among residents of three small, rural communities in Newfoundland, Canada was investigated. Members of these communities (n = 106) completed a 25-item semantic differential scale developed by Woods and Williams (1976) which asked them to rate a hypothetical adult male stutterer and nonstutterer. Results indicated that community members perceived hypothetical stutterers in a negative manner in comparison to nonstutterers, despite the fact that 85% of the respondents reported knowing stutterers and 39% reported being related to stutterers. It is suggested the negative stuttering stereotype exists because nonstutterers generalize state to trait anxiety, and because of the nature of the stuttering moment itself. Since this study and previous studies appear to show that the stereotype is not modified by exposure to stutterers, familial relationships, and/or educational background, further research is needed to determine what, if any factor, can modify the pervasive negative stereotype.  相似文献   

Conclusion Because of the relatively small and homogeneous population in rural communities, community-wide prevention efforts are often more manageable than in urban areas. Community needs and resources can be identified more easily, and the feasibility of different interventions can be assessed more readily.To guide the rural prevention agent in developing community programs, the stress-coping-support framework has been proposed here. The value of this model is that it delineates the aspects of community life that must be assessed, and it outlines several different intervention goals. The model in its most general form proposes that prevention activities should reduce stress, increase coping, and build support. While this model can be applied to any community or target group, the framework has been elaborated here to address the unique physical, occupational, and societal characteristics of rural communities.Although some of the issues in applying this model to rural, as opposed to urban, areas have been pointed out here, the variation among rural communities has not been addressed fully. The different types of rural communities, e.g., the mining town, the isolated farmlands, the Indian reservation, have unique characteristics which may determine whether a proposed prevention program is needed, feasible, and effective.It is hoped that rural practitioners, long sensitive to the need for prevention, will use this model to devise additional prevention directions and to generate useful and culturally syntonic programs for their communities.  相似文献   

The practice of psychology in rural areas offers unique challenges for psychologists as they try to provide optimal care, often with a minimum of resources. Psychologists are frequently required to be creative and flexible in order to provide effective services to a wide range of clients. However, these unique challenges often confront psychologists with ethical dilemmas and problems for which their urban-based training has not prepared them. The author examines how certain characteristics of rural communities may lead to specific ethical dilemmas. By being a part of a small community, psychologists will inevitably face multiple relationship dilemmas. Confidentiality is harder to maintain in a small town, particularly with its informal information-sharing network. To provide services to meet community needs, with a limited number of referral options, psychologists typically need to be generalists. This may lead to concerns about scope of practice, training, and experience with diverse populations. Psychologists also face other competency issues, such as a lack of supervision and consultation resources. Other concerns addressed include the psychologist's personal life, and the blurring of professional and personal roles. Suggestions are made for coping with each of these ethical issues, although more quantitative research and discussion are needed on the practice of psychology in rural areas.  相似文献   

Problem-solving consultation in schools has been found to be an effective method of service delivery to support teachers who are struggling to address student social–emotional behavioral (SEB) concerns. Despite its benefits, a number of barriers (e.g., lack of time and limited access to trained professionals) restrict the use of consultation within schools, especially in rural settings. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of teleconsultation designed to improve behavior support to students living in rural communities. Both student outcomes and teacher perceptions were evaluated. Results indicated that (a) student disruptive behaviors improved through the implementation of an individualized behavior support plan developed through teleconsultation, and (b) teachers found the teleconsultation experience acceptable and feasible. As the demands placed on psychologists and the quality of videoconferencing continue to increase, teleconsultation is becoming a viable option for service delivery within rural school settings.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the Newfoundland and Labrador groundfish moratorium on the health and social wellness of two communities severely affected by the industry collapse. A qualitative study was conducted involving individual and group interviews with residents from communities in which differences (as indexed primarily by economic and demographic statistics) were observed. Using the concept of social capital and its associated themes of help and support, trust, leadership, and civic engagement, it was observed that the ‘high crisis community’ also demonstrated negative alterations in social and political characteristics which may have compromised its capacity to cope with the crisis and translated into detriments in resident wellness. Among a variety of identified challenges, out‐migration appeared to be the greatest threat as it has translated into an assortment of negative realities. The utility of social capital as a framework for understanding community crises is also discussed.  相似文献   

本刊讯2022年1月11日上午,由中国佛教协会、南京鸡鸣寺、江苏省同泰慈善基金会、苏州弘化社慈善基金会联合发起的向陕西疫情防控工作捐助的103.5万个医用外科口罩顺利到达法门寺。经过法门寺常住与法门寺佛学院师生的共同协作,对口罩包装箱进行了全面消杀,并在第一时间全部发送给一线防疫人员。  相似文献   


While many studies have examined the life quality of HIV-infected persons in large metropolitan areas, few studies have investigated quality of life issues among persons living with HIV disease in America's small and rural communities. In the present study, 78 people living with HIV/AIDS in small and rural communities (i.e., populations <25,000) reported on their health-related quality of life. Many respondents reported decreased social, emotional, functional, and physical well-being. Results revealed that participants' emotional well-being and the quality of their relationship with their doctor were related to their overall quality of life. The majority of participants (73%) expressed interest in participating in a telephone-linked support group involving other people living with HIV designed to improve quality of life.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a randomized controlled trial examining the effect of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation (CBC), a family-school partnership intervention, on children's behaviors, parents' skills, and parent-teacher relationships in rural community and town settings. Participants were 267 children, 267 parents, and 152 teachers in 45 Midwestern schools. Using an Intent to Treat approach and data analyzed within a multilevel modeling framework, CBC yielded promising results for some but not all outcomes. Specifically, children participating in CBC experienced decreases in daily reports of aggressiveness, noncompliance, and temper tantrums; and increases in parent-reported adaptive skills and social skills at a significantly greater pace than those in a control group. Other outcomes (e.g., parent reports of internalizing and externalizing behaviors) suggested a nonsignificant effect at post-test. CBC parents reported using more effective parenting strategies, gaining more competence in their problem-solving practices, and feeling more efficacious for helping their child succeed in school than parents in the control group. Parents participating in CBC also reported significant improvements in the parent-teacher relationship, and the parent-teacher relationship mediated the effect of CBC on children's adaptive skills. Implications for practice in rural communities, study limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The urban biases of empirical research on gay men, women, and families have resulted in minimal knowledge about gay people in rural settings. The diversity of lives of rural gay women and men and the variety of patterns of meeting the challenges of rural living are described. Processes of help-seeking and help-giving are discussed and the need for a helping community of family, friends, and caring others is affirmed. Collaboration between rural gay people and rural community psychologists is suggested to promote the development of helping communities for gay people and thereby initiate a process of change in rural settings.  相似文献   

Relations of maternal and child characteristics to child cortisol reactivity to and recovery from emotional arousal were examined prospectively at approximately 7 months of age (infancy) and then again at approximately 15 months of age (toddlerhood). The sample was diverse and population based (N = 1,292 mother-infant dyads) and included families from predominantly low-income, rural communities. Maternal behavior, family income-to-need ratio and social advantage, and child temperament, attention, and mental development were assessed, and children's saliva was sampled before and after standardized procedures designed to elicit emotional arousal. Maternal engagement in infancy was associated with greater cortisol reactivity at the infancy assessment and with reduced overall cortisol level at the toddler assessment. Also at the toddler assessment, child attention, mental development, and temperamental distress to novelty were associated with increased cortisol reactivity and regulation, whereas temperamental distress to limitations and African American ethnicity were associated with reduced cortisol reactivity. Findings are consistent with prior work linking early caregiving to the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis stress response system and with a conceptual model in which developing temperament is characterized by the interplay of emotional reactivity and the emergence of the ability to effortfully regulate this reactivity using attention.  相似文献   

Research focusing on the relationship between the frequency of stressful life events and perceptions of stress among the aged has increased considerably over the past few decades. The present research focused on expanding the simple life-events/stress-perceptions paradigm by including several other variables that have previously been assumed to be associated with an increase in perceptions of stress among elderly persons. More specifically, the present investigation concerned evaluation of mediating effects of levels of social support, problem-solving, and frequency of daily hassles on the perceptions of stress by elderly individuals. A prospective design evaluated over a 24-mo. period was used to assess the mediating effects. A conceptual model of mediating effects was tested using path analysis statistical techniques on data from a sample of 80 community-based elderly volunteers. The postulated model accounted for 53% of the variance associated with the prediction of perceptions of stress among the elderly subjects. Implications for current theory and research in the study of mediating variables in the stress symptomatology of older adults are discussed.  相似文献   

Classical conditioning has been explained by two main types of theories that postulate different learning mechanisms. Rescorla and Wagner (1972) put forth a theory in which conditioning is based on the ability of the US to drive learning through error correction. Alternatively, Mackintosh (1973) put forth a theory in which the ability of the CS to be associated with the unconditioned stimulus is modulated. We have proposed a reconciliation of these two mechanisms as working in parallel within different neural systems: a cerebellar system for US modulation and a hippocampal system for CS modulation. We developed a computational model of cerebellar function in eyeblink conditioning based on the error correction mechanism of the Rescorla-Wagner rule in which learningrelated activity from the cerebellum inhibits the inferior olive, which is the US input pathway to the cerebellum (Gluck et al., 1994). We developed a computational model of the hippocampal region that forms altered representations of conditioned stimuli based on their behavioral outcomes (Gluck & Myers, 1993; Myers et al., 1995). Overall, computational modeling and empirical findings support the idea that, at least in the case of eyeblink conditioning, there may be two different neural systems: the cerebellum which mediates US-based error correction and hippocampus which alters representations of CSs.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis demonstrated that interventions have a significant (p less than .05) immediate posttreatment influence on elders' subjective well-being but that their beneficial effect dissipates within 1 month. For 28 effect sizes derived from immediate posttreatment occasions (delay = 0 days), the median value was 0.67. Immediate posttreatment effect sizes for control enhancement (M = 1.12), psychoeducational (M = 0.70), and social activity (M = 0.66) treatments were significantly (p less than .05) above zero and not significantly different from each other. In contrast, for 17 effect sizes derived from delayed posttest occasions (delay greater than 0 days), the median value was 0.07. For effect sizes extracted from studies with both an immediate and a delayed posttest, the mean decrease over a 30-day period was 1.02.  相似文献   

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