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Previous research had indicated positive and significantly higher self-perceptions for disadvantaged children in comparison to advantaged children in grades four through eight. The intention of this research was to determine whether disadvantaged children maintain their more positive self-images when they enter the more integrated environment with advantaged children. It was discovered that both disadvantaged and advantaged high school students had significantly lower self-perception scores than did the elementary school pupils. The importance of the study is in the continued non-support of the hypothesis that disadvantaged children of all ages have negative self concepts—whether in segregated or integrated situations. However, the study further shows that high school students' self-images are not as high as those of younger children—whether they are disadvantaged or advantaged.  相似文献   

In a sample of 68 undergraduates, current depression scores predicted current suicidal ideation while depressive personality scores predicted prior suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

This study examined positive self-perceptions in relation to depressive symptoms and attributional style in a sample of 88 boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessed at baseline and at a 2- to 3-year follow-up. Change in boys' self-perceptions of competency in the scholastic, social, and behavioral domains was examined as a predictor of changes in depressive symptoms and depressive attributional style. Additionally, teacher-rated perceptions of competency at baseline and follow-up were considered as unique predictors. Results indicated that across all three domains, a reduction in children's self-perceptions of competency over time predicted greater depressive symptoms at follow-up, even when controlling for teacher-rated competency. Analyses also suggested that a reduction in self-perceptions in the social domain was the strongest relative predictor of later depressive symptoms and also predicted greater depressive attributional style at follow-up. In contrast, teacher-rated competency was not a significant predictor of depressive symptoms or attributional style at follow-up. Results support a protective function of positive self-perceptions in regards to depressive cognitions over a 2- to 3-year period for children with ADHD. However, literature suggesting risks for other negative outcomes also is discussed.  相似文献   

A new measure of implicit theories or beliefs regarding the traitedness versus contextuality of behavior was developed and tested across cultures. In Studies 1 (N = 266) and 2 (N = 266), these implicit beliefs dimensions were reliably measured and replicated across U.S. college student samples and validity evidence was provided. In Study 3, their structure replicated well across an individualistic culture (the United States; N = 249) and a collectivistic culture (Mexico; N = 268). Implicit trait and contextual beliefs overlapped only modestly with implicit entity theory beliefs and were predicted by self-construals in ways that generally supported cultural psychology hypotheses. Implicit trait beliefs were fairly strongly endorsed in both cultures, suggesting that such beliefs may be universally held.  相似文献   

An emerging literature indicates that dispositional bias in causal attribution of social behavior is weaker for people with working-class (vs. middle-class) backgrounds. However, it is unknown whether this difference is also present in spontaneous forms of trait inference. In the current work, American undergraduates were asked to merely memorize many pairings of a target face and a trait-implying behavior. In a subsequent lexical judgment task, after each face was presented as a fixation, either an implied trait or its antonym was given as a target. As expected, participants with college-educated parents (middle class) showed a strong N400 event-related potential component to the antonym (vs. the implied trait), suggesting spontaneous trait inference during the memorization phase. In contrast, those with high-school-educated parents (working class) showed no such effect. It is important to note that the N400 spontaneous trait inference effect was associated with perceived significance of dispositions in accounting for social behaviors.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined how depressive symptoms relate to children's self-perceptions and to estimates of children's cognitive distortions about the self in a nonclinical sample of children who were followed from 4th grade (n = 248) through 6th grade (n = 227). Report card grades measured children's academic competence, and teachers' ratings of children's level of peer acceptance at school indicated social acceptance. Self-reported depressive symptoms predicted a change in children's negative views of the self. Moreover, the self-perceptions of children who exhibited more symptoms of depression appeared to reflect an underestimation of their actual competence. Children's negative self-perceptions and underestimations about the self were not associated with a subsequent change in depressive symptoms. The implications of the findings for cognitive theories of depression and future research with this population are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on gender differences in major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BPD). Beginning in adolescence, women are at a higher risk than men of becoming depressed. Avenues of investigation that might ultimately help to explain this phenomenon include studies of gender differences in the processing of emotional stimuli, the psychotropic effects of gonadal steroids, and environment/gene interactions in men and women. With the exception of the elevated suicide rate among men, consistent gender differences in the course and symptoms of MDD have not been found. In BPD, women are more likely than men to develop a rapid-cycling course. Gender differences in treatment response, particularly in regard to mood stabilizing medications, warrant further study.  相似文献   

Growing concern with population control has focused attention on various methods of contraception including vasectomy. Psychological research on this topic is scant, however. In this study, 9 vasectomy candidates who were undergoing the operation were compared to 9 husbands whose wives were about to have a tubal ligation. Their responses on the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale and the Adjective Check List were compared. Most of the data showed no significant differences except on one scale of Counseling Readiness. The results, and others, indicate that vasectomy candidates may have a tendency to deny the anxiety connected with the operation due to its irreversible nature.  相似文献   

107 Marshall University students were categorized as less, moderate, and more autonomous imagers according to the Gordon Test of Visual Imagery Control. More autonomous imagers obtained higher mean creative perception scores than moderate and less autonomous imagers, and moderate imagers obtained higher scores on creative perception than less autonomous imagers as measured by Something About Myself.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether several life events or concerns were differentially related to depressive symptoms across 3 adult age groups (young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults). They examined the relationships of 2 measures of depressive symptoms to work status and satisfaction, relationship status and satisfaction, loneliness, recent losses, parenting strain, and caregiving. Some differences between age groups in these relationships were found. Yet, most results suggested that, although the frequency with which people experience specific life events or concerns varies across the adult life span, the relationships between these events or concerns and depressive symptoms are similar across age groups.  相似文献   

Recent literature suggests specific dynamic commonalities among hypertensives are unlikely; study of development, building and evaluation of programs tailored to the individual is in order.  相似文献   

827 undergraduate students, 549 males and 278 females, responded to a set of 18 questions relating to individual self-perceptions. A second group of 35 males and 29 females responded to the questions in terms of population sex-role stereotypes for both sexes. It was hypothesized that the sexes would demonstrate convergence in self-perceptions when compared with their sex-role stereotypes. The results tended to support the hypothesis, with females demonstrating a greater deviation from the traditional sex-role stereotypes than males. The possible relationship to much publicized social movements was noted.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy has emerged around the issue of sex differences in depression. A recent study of a large sample of young, unmarried college student found no sex differences in degree of depression as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory, and yet significant sex differences emerged in the patterns of symptoms expressed by the most depressed subsample. It was speculated that sex differences in symptom expression may lead to sex differences in self-presentation, help-seeking, and evaluation by professionals — eventuating in predominance of women treated for depression. Two studies were conducted to clarify these issues. The first study attempted to replicate the findings on a similar large sample of college students using discriminant function analysis of male and female responses to the D30 subscale of the Depression scale of the MMPI. The results confirmed the previous finding that depressed men in a college population are more likely to express social withdrawal, cognitive and motivational deficits, and somatic concerns. Depressed women are characterized on the D30 by a lack of confidence, a lack of concern for what happens to them, and being hurt by criticism. The second study examined possible sex differences in the self-labeling of depression, attitudes toward seeking help for depression, and actual help-seeking behaviors. Men and women did not differ in willingness to report depression. However, there were clear sex differences in both help-seeking attitudes and reported behaviors, with men more reluctant to seek help.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted aimed first at establishing the reliability and validity of a measure of individual differences in sleeping schedules. Two samples of subjects completed a questionnaire concerning their sleeping behavior which was scored according to the diurnal or nocturnal pattern of their responses. The scores were then used to classify subjects as morning people or evening people. Both the internal reliability and cross-time reliability of the scale were assessed and found to be high. In addition, three indices of construct validity, obtained 4 months after the administration of the scale, supported its validity. In a second part of the experiment, subjects classified as either morning or evening people rated themselves on a set of behavioral and personality dimensions. Another sample of subjects indicated their perceptions of morning people and evening people in general, along the same dimensions. It was found that subjects did have strong beliefs about personality and behavioral differences between morning people and evening people. However, the self-perceptions of the actual morning and evening people did not differ, thereby casting doubt on the validity of popular stereotypic perceptions about the two groups.  相似文献   

Cognitive reappraisal can alter emotional responses by changing one’s interpretation of a situation’s meaning. Functional neuroimaging has revealed that using cognitive reappraisal to increase or decrease affective responses involves left prefrontal activation and goal-appropriate increases or decreases in amygdala activation (Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & Gabrieli, 2002; Ochsner, Ray, et al., 2004). The present study was designed to examine whether patterns of brain activation during reappraisal vary in relation to individual differences in trait rumination, which is the tendency to focus on negative aspects of one’s self or negative interpretations of one’s life. Individual differences in rumination correlated with increases in amygdala response when participants were increasing negative affect and with greater decreases in prefrontal regions implicated in self-focused thought when participants were decreasing negative affect. Thus, the propensity to ruminate may reflect altered recruitment of mechanisms that potentiate negative affect. These findings clarify relations between rumination and emotion regulation processes and may have important implications for mood and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Trait anxiety has long been associated with impaired selective attention to task-irrelevant threat stimuli, both when threat is presented consciously and outside of awareness. However recent research has suggested broader deficits in selective attention, with poorer ability to ignore supraliminal non-emotional information in anxiety. Here, we investigated whether anxiety could equally be associated with poorer selective attention for non-emotional stimuli in a subliminal context. Participants performed a simple arrow discrimination task, where prior incompatible or compatible response primes were presented before targets either unmasked (supraliminal) or masked (subliminal). While distractor interference was evident in both conditions, trait anxiety was associated with increased task-irrelevant processing only in the supraliminal condition; group effects were eliminated when primes were masked. Our findings are in line with traditional accounts suggesting that differences in selective attention and cognitive control solely modulate conscious distractor processing.  相似文献   

Cognitive—clinical theorists such as Beck have implicated various personality traits as vulnerability factors in the experience of negative, distressing cognitions. A cluster analysis, performed on the basis of Ss' responses to a questionnaire specially constructed to assess anxious and depressive thoughts for features such as frequency, sadness, worry, controllability and unacceptability, demonstrated individual differences in the experience of negative cognitions. These differences were associated with varying levels of trait anxiety, dysphoria and obsessionality. Further analysis revealed that trait anxiety and neuroticism were more strongly associated with depressive rather than anxious cognitions. Obsessional complaints evidenced minimal association with anxious thoughts, though a moderate correlation was obtained between the former and depressive self-statements. It is suggested that personality factors are influential in the experience of negative cognitions in a highly specific manner.  相似文献   

Conditions requiring greater attention or cognitive control, such as fatigue, lead to changes in the motor performance of a task. Perceived fatigue refers to subjective feelings of fatigue, can be expressed as a state variable or trait characteristic and is influenced by demographic factors, such as sex. The purpose of this study was to determine how sex interacts with state and trait physical fatigue (PF) and mental fatigue (MF) to influence gait variability. METHODS: 123 healthy adults (77 female, 46 male), aged 18–36 years, completed the Mental and Physical State and Trait Energy and Fatigue Scale. Using a median split for each fatigue variable, participants were placed into “low” or “high” fatigue categories. Gait variability was defined as the asymmetry of lateral step variability (ALSV) and coefficient of variation (CV) of gait speed, stride length and double limb (DL) support during overground walking. RESULTS: Males with low state PF had greater ALSV than females with low state PF (p = 0.05, η2p = 0.07) and males with high state PF (p = 0.007, η2p = 0.15). Females with high trait MF had greater CV of gait speed than females with low trait mental fatigue (p = 0.02, η2p = 0.08). Males with low trait MF had greater CV of gait speed (p = 0.01, η2p = 0.10) and stride length (p = 0.002, η2p = 0.17) than females with low trait MF. CV of DL support did not vary based on fatigue level or sex (p ≥ 0.11). CONCLUSIONS: There are sex-specific differences in the impact of state PF on asymmetry of lateral step variability and trait MF on the variability of gait speed and stride length.  相似文献   

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