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M Mikulincer 《Journal of personality and social psychology》1986,51(6):1248-1256
Following the learned helplessness paradigm, I assessed in this study the effects of global and specific attributions for failure on the generalization of performance deficits in a dissimilar situation. Helplessness training consisted of experience with noncontingent failures on four cognitive discrimination problems attributed to either global or specific causes. Experiment 1 found that performance in a dissimilar situation was impaired following exposure to globally attributed failure. Experiment 2 examined the behavioral effects of the interaction between stable and global attributions of failure. Exposure to unsolvable problems resulted in reduced performance in a dissimilar situation only when failure was attributed to global and stable causes. Finally, Experiment 3 found that learned helplessness deficits were a product of the interaction of global and internal attribution. Performance deficits following unsolvable problems were recorded when failure was attributed to global and internal causes. Results were discussed in terms of the reformulated learned helplessness model. 相似文献
R L Jackson T R Minor 《Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes》1988,14(4):390-400
The present experiments reveal that shuttle-escape performance deficits are eliminated when exteroceptive cues are paired with inescapable shock. Experiment 1 indicated that, as in instrumental control, a signal following inescapable shock eliminated later escape performance deficits. Subsequent experiments revealed that both forward and backward pairings between signals and inescapable shock attenuated performance deficits. However, the data also suggest that the impact of these temporal relations may be modulated by qualitative aspects of the cues because the effects of these relations depended upon whether an increase or decrease in illumination (Experiment 2) or a compound auditory cue (Experiment 4) was used. Preliminary evidence suggests that the ability of illumination cues to block escape learning deficits may be related to their to reduce contextual fear (Experiment 3). The implications of these data for conceptions of instrumental control and the role of fear in the etiology of effects of inescapable shock exposure are discussed. 相似文献
Abstract Stressful life events and learned helplessness attributional styles have been shown to impact a variety of personal outcomes. This study examined how these factors influence two classes of cognitive behaviors: the occurrence of intrusive thoughts and performance in memory and verbal-spatial reasoning tasks. Negative life change and attributions for negative events predicted different types of cognitive responses. Individuals reporting higher levels of life stress were more likely to experience distracting thoughts that were unrelated to the current task, whereas individuals with learned helplessness attributional styles tended to have more worrisome thoughts about their task performance. In general, individuals reporting high levels of negative life stress tended to perform more poorly in tasks, whereas individuals with learned helplessness attributional styles tended to perform better than those who did not share this explanatory style. These results suggest that life stress and attributional style have important influecnes on cognitive processes, and that a learned helplessness attributional style can have beneficial effects on behavior in some situations. 相似文献
In this experiment, learned helplessness was studied from an ethological perspective by examining individual differences in social dominance and its influence on the effects of helplessness. Ninety animals were used, 30 randomly selected and 60 selected because of their clear dominance or submission. Each condition (dominant, submissive, and random) was distributed in three subgroups corresponding to the triadic design. The test consisted of an escape/avoidance task. The results showed that the animals in the uncontrollable condition performed worse than those in the controllable and no treatment conditions. Social submission and dominance reduced vulnerability of the subjects against learned helplessness. Submission had a facilitating effect on subsequent learning, independently of whether pretreatment was controllability or uncontrollability. Learned mastery was observed in the submissive condition, because submission benefited the subjects in the controllable condition in comparison with the untreated subjects, and dominance impaired the subjects in the controllable condition. 相似文献
Two studies were conducted to test the hypothesis that exposure to non-contingent escape leads to performance deficits similar to those observed when subjects are exposed to noncontingent aversive outcomes from which there is no escape, and that causal attributions mediate these deficits. Previous attempts to produce “appetitive helplessness” (deficits resulting from exposure to noncontingent positive events) have been plagued by subjects' tendency to believe that they are responsible for positive events. In Experiment 1, 40 subjects were exposed to contingent or noncontingent noise escape trials. As predicted by the learned helplessness model, subjects who received inescapable noise performed less well on a subsequent anagram task than subjects exposed to escapable noise. Similarly, subjects who escaped from the noise owing to the benevolence of a powerful other rather than because of their own efforts, showed performance deficits paralleling those of the inescapable noise subjects. In Experiment 2, subjects who escaped an aversive tone through no effort of their own showed subsequent performance deficits, but globality of their self-reported attributions did not predict subsequent anagram performance. The results of these studies provide support for the hypothesis that uncontrollability, independent of the valence of a particular outcome, is responsible for helplessness deficits, but do not support the mediational role of attributions, at least in the laboratory. 相似文献
P J Bersh W G Whitehouse J E Blustein L B Alloy 《Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes》1986,12(3):277-290
In four experiments we used triads, consisting of escapable-shock (ES), yoked inescapable-shock (IS), and no-shock (NS) rats, to investigate the effect of the interaction between Pavlovian contingencies and a zero operant contingency (i.e., uncontrollability) upon subsequent shock-escape acquisition in the shuttle box. After exposure to 50 signals and shocks per session for nine sessions, interference with shuttle box escape acquisition for IS rats was a monotonically increasing function of the percentage of signal-shock pairings during training (Experiment 1), with 50% pairings producing little or no impairment. Without regard to signaling, ES rats performed as well as NS rats. Experiment 2 demonstrated that our training and test conditions led to substantial and equal impairment in IS rats preexposed for one session to 100% or 50% signal-shock pairings or to unsignaled shocks. In Experiment 3, chronic exposure to 100% signaled inescapable shocks resulted in impairment only if the signal (light) was present during the shuttle box test. The continuous presence of the signal during the test contrasted with its discrete (5-s) presentation during training and suggested that an antagonistic physiological reaction rather than a specific competing motor response had been conditioned. Experiment 4 provided evidence for possible conditioned opioid mediation by demonstrating contemporaneous stress-induced analgesia and shock-escape impairment in IS rats chronically exposed to 100%, but not to 50%, signal-shock pairings, and the elimination of both analgesia and escape interference by the opiate antagonist naltrexone. Thus, chronic exposure to uncontrollable shocks appears to maintain the impairment produced by acute exposure only if the shocks are adequately signaled. 相似文献
W L Gregory G M Chartier M H Wright 《Journal of personality and social psychology》1979,37(11):1982-1992
Female undergraduates (n = 62) who scored as extreme internals or externals on the Mirels Personal Fate Control Scale participated in a partial replication of Hiroto's learned helplessness experiment. Lights were added to the treatment apparatus, which made explicit to subjects the contingency or noncontingency between their responses and the termination of an aversive tone. As predicted, the performance of internals was significantly impaired by uncontrollability (learned helplessness), while that of externals was facilitated by controllability (learned effectiveness). Externals performed as well as internals in the "escapable" condition, but their performance was inferior to that of internals in the control condition. Following "inescapable" treatment, internals performed worse than externals. These results are supportive of Lefcourt's theory of cue explication. Implications for locus of control and learned helplessness research are discussed. 相似文献
In Experiment I acquisition and extinction of instrumental escape conditioning with rats (N = 64) were studied as a function of reinforcement magnitude under conditions of partial and continuous reinforcement. In Experiment II the effects of partial and continuous reinforcement were studied in rats (N = 96) during acquisition followed by small, medium, and large reductions in reinforcement magnitude. A water-tank escape apparatus was used with temperature as the relevant variable. It was found that (1) with large reinforcement magnitude a continuously reinforced group was superior in acquisition to one that was partially reinforced; there were no differences with small reinforcement; (2) disruptive effects of a nonreinforced trial (a) appear early in learning, (b) are quite strong after each nonreinforced trial, and (c) persist through several succeeding reinforced trials; (3) major competing behaviors persist throughout acquisition for small reinforcement magnitude regardless of schedule, decline with large reinforcement (more so with continuous than with partial), and return to a high level in extinction for all conditions; (4) the partial reinforcement extinction effect occurs after large reinforcement but not after small, and it appears only with large reductions in reinforcement magnitude which approach extinction conditions. Only the first part of the last finding appears to be consistent with the appetitive conditioning literature. 相似文献
The duration of the effects of a common learned helplessness induction procedure, exposure to insoluble concept-formation problems, was assessed by varying the interval between the induction procedure and subsequent exposure to soluble anagrams. Participants tested immediately or 30 min after the induction procedure exhibited reliable helplessness deficits on all dependent measures. These effects, relative to the performance of a nonhelpless control group, were absent in subjects who experienced delays of 2 or 6 hr before anagram testing. The implications of these results for the development of more enduring helplessness effects and for the conducting of research into analogue intervention are discussed. 相似文献
A P Field G C Davey 《Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes》1999,25(2):211-224
In 2 studies, the authors investigated whether evaluative conditioning (EC) is an associative phenomenon. Experiment 1 compared a standard EC paradigm with nonpaired and no-treatment control conditions. EC effects were obtained only when the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UCS) were rated as perceptually similar. However, similar EC effects were obtained in both control groups. An earlier failure to obtain EC effects was reanalyzed in Experiment 2. Conditioning-like effects were found when comparing a CS with the most perceptually similar UCSs used in the procedure but not when analyzing a CS rating with respect to the UCS with which it was paired during conditioning. The implications are that EC effects found in many studies are not due to associative learning and that the special characteristics of EC (conditioning without awareness and resistance to extinction) are probably nonassociative artifacts of the EC paradigm. 相似文献
Alleviation of learned helplessness in the dog 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
D. A. Bekerian 《Current Psychology》1984,3(1):19-37
This article focuses on the theoretical statements of the reformulated helplessness hypothesis (Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale,
1978). The argument is that the reformulated hypothesis should be regarded primarily as a psychological framework. However,
most interpretations of the hypothesis have treated it as a specific, experimental model. Consequently, some of the more essential
ideas presented in the original helplessness statements have been criticized inappropriately. If the helplessness position
is acknowledged as a framework, the possibility of resolving some of these questions will be more realistic. Examples of research
strategies which rely on interdisciplinary approaches are presented as potential means to this end. 相似文献
Francis X. Brennan Kevin D. Beck Richard J. Sevatius 《Integrative psychological & behavioral science》2002,38(1):36-44
Leverpress escape/avoidance is an excellent model for assessing coping in rats. Acquisition of the leverpress response is
determined by the interstimulus (signal-shock) interval, as well as the type and duration of the aversive event. One factor
that has received less research attention is the safety or feedback signal. The safety signal presumably negatively reinforces
leverpress responding through fear reduction. Here, we present a parametric manipulation of safety signal length and avoidance
performance. All rats were trained with a 60-s tone conditioned stimulus and an intermittent 1-s, 1.0-mA footshock. Training
was further accomplished with a 1−, 2−, 4−, or 6-min safety signal. Acquisition of the avoidance response was comparable at
all safety signal durations. Rats trained with the shortest safety signal (1 min) exhibited more leverpresses during the safe
period, a measure of anxiety. Thus, acquisition of the leverpress avoidance response was efficient regardless of safety signal
duration, even though shorter periods were associated with greater anxiety. 相似文献
The current study examines the effects of exposure to unsolvable problems on the processing of a persuasive message. Participants
exposed to either unsolvable failure or no-feedback tasks were presented with one of four versions of an advertisement about
a hair shampoo and rated their attitude towards this product. Two aspects of the message were manipulated: the quality of
arguments (strong, weak) and the attractiveness of the communicator (attractive, non-attractive). In addition, participants
rated their anxiety and the frequency of off-task thoughts during the experiment. Attitude towards the target product of participants
in the failure condition was less affected by the argument’s quality and more influenced by communicator attractiveness than
the attitude of participants in the no-feedback condition. Participants exposed to failures reported more anxiety and task-related
worries than those exposed to no-feedback, and these ratings were found to mediate the effects of failure on the processing
of a persuasive message. Results were discussed in terms of Learned Helplessness theories and the Elaboration Likelihood Model. 相似文献
Yair Amichai-Hamburger Mario Mikulincer Nir Zalts 《Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.)》2003,22(1):37-46
The current study examines the effects of exposure to unsolvable problems on the processing of a persuasive message. Participants
exposed to either unsolvable failure or no-feedback tasks were presented with one of four versions of an advertisement about
a hair shampoo and rated their attitude towards this product. Two aspects of the message were manipulated: the quality of
arguments (strong, weak) and the attractiveness of the communicator (attractive, non-attractive). In addition, participants
rated their anxiety and the frequency of off-task thoughts during the experiment. Attitude towards the target product of participants
in the failure condition was less affected by the argument’s quality and more influenced by communicator attractiveness than
the attitude of participants in the no-feedback condition. Participants exposed to failures reported more anxiety and task-related
worries than those exposed to no-feedback, and these ratings were found to mediate the effects of failure on the processing
of a persuasive message. Results were discussed in terms of Learned Helplessness theories and the Elaboration Likelihood Model. 相似文献
Two experiments were simultaneously conducted in which two different groups of 40 rats each were exposed to one of two different stressors. In both experiments half the subjects were pretreated with shock, half with underwater exposure. For each pretreatment stressor, half the subjects were allowed to escape, the other half were not. The experiments differed in the test task used. Approximately 24 hr after pretreatment, one-half the subjects from each pretreatment group received 20 water-escape trials in an underwater maze, the other half received 20 shock-escape trials in a two-way shuttle box. The subjects in each of the inescapable pretreatment conditions were slower to escape in the subsequent shock-escape and water-escape tasks when compared with subjects in the corresponding escapable pretreatment condition. The “learned helplessness” effect appeared to be no smaller when aversive stimuli were changed between pretreatment and test than when they remained the same. 相似文献
Howard Tennen 《Journal of personality》1982,50(4):526-541
The findings of Oakes and Curtis (1982), Tennen, Drum, Gillen, and Stanton (1982), and Tennen, Gillen, and Drum (1982) provide a challenge to learned helplessness theory's focus on cognitive mediators of the helplessness phenomenon. In response to these findings, Alloy (1982) argues that these studies do not challenge helplessness theory because they do not measure expected control and because they confuse necessary and sufficient causes of learned helplessness. Silver, Wortman, and Klos (1982) contend that these studies provide an inadequate test of the model because subjects are confronted with experiences which are unlike those in their natural environment. The present article argues that by Alloy's (1982) criteria, an adequate test of the learned helplessness model has not yet been conducted. Previous studies which measured expected control have not supported the model's predictions. Moreover, if perceived response–outcome independence is a sufficient, but not a necessary cause of learned helplessness, the model loses much of its heuristic value. In response to the argument that these studies lack ecological validity, this article clarifies the distinction between experimental realism and mundane realism. While real-world studies have discovered intriguing relations between perceptions of control, attributions, and coping with illness or victimization, they have not tested predictions of the learned helplessness model. 相似文献
James G. Barber 《The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology》1989,41(2):339-354
In two experiments designed to assess the effect of varying amounts of exposure to noncontingency training, it was discovered that performance decrements could be produced after relatively brief training and again after extended training. Between these conditions was a period of recovery during which no performance deficits were evident. There was also a tendency for individual differences in motivation to moderate deficits following brief but not extended training. A four-stage model is proposed to account for these results. In response to uncontrollable outcomes, individuals are said to pass through a phase of no effect, followed by temporary helplessness, recovery, and final helplessness. The model also proposes that motivational differences and perceptions of noncontingency exert independent and opposing influences on learned helplessness deficits. 相似文献