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The present research investigated the question of how therapists'attitudes toward sexual assault victims predict their inferences about and treatment of clients. In addition, this study asked the following questions: (a) What percentage of female psychotherapy clients have been victims of sexual assault? (b) What treatment approaches are therapists using with victims and what attitudes toward victims do these therapists hold? (c) On the average, which demographic groups of therapists hold the most positive views of victims and are the most knowledgeable about working with victims? The results of the study indicated that therapists who held negative attitudes toward victims were more likely to endorse victim-blaming themes and therapeutic treatments which blame victims for sexual assault. Of therapists'current female clients, 18.5% ( n = 257) had been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives. On the average, therapists were knowledgeable about working with victims and showed positive attitudes toward victims.  相似文献   

The author reviews the research demonstrating not only that clients withhold personal information and reactions from their therapists but also that such discretion is associated with positive therapy process ratings and outcomes. These results run counter to traditional approaches to psychotherapy, which demand a high degree of openness from clients. These puzzling findings can be explained by conceptualizing psychotherapy as a self-presentational process, wherein clients come to benefit from therapy by perceiving that their therapists have favorable views of them. Creating these favorable impressions can involve clients' hiding some undesirable aspects of themselves from their therapists. The author offers findings from the psychotherapy and social-psychology literatures in support of this view and makes suggestions concerning what clients and therapists might optimally reveal in therapy.  相似文献   

具身心理治疗是以身体心理治疗、舞动治疗为代表的,理论上契合具身认知观点、实践中注重身体作用的一种当代心理治疗取向。它将“身体”与“躯体”区分开来,赋予身体解剖学的、感觉运动的、认知的与嵌入环境等不同层面的意义。当前,已有不少研究证实身体有助于改善治疗关系,促进来访者认知、情绪的改变,并发展出一系列注重身体内外感知、姿势或运动的非言语治疗技术。具身心理治疗重构了身体在治疗过程中的概念与角色,发展了新的技术,是传统心理治疗的有益补充; 但也存在实证证据不足、理论框架尚未完全整合、容易过分强调身体作用等问题。今后需自觉整合其他治疗流派、开发独特的核心技术,推进循证的具身心理治疗的发展。  相似文献   


This article reports the results of a qualitative exploration of fat women’s experiences with weight-related microaggressions in psychotherapy. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 women about their weight-related experiences as therapy clients and asked for their advice to therapists who work with fat women. We used a general inductive approach to code the data into themes and found that common microaggressions included therapists who overly focused on weight, therapists who appeared to be less interested in clients because of their weight, and dissatisfaction with waiting room seating options. Participants advised therapists to allow their clients to initiate conversations about weight. Results suggest the need for increased awareness of: (a) how clients’ weight may impact therapists’ attitudes and choice of interventions and (b) how weight might influence fat clients’ in-session presentations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine clients’ opinions of therapists’ personal use of psychotherapy or counselling. Participants in this study, a nationwide sample of clients recruited through Amazon’s MTurk system, were asked to complete an online survey assessing their attitudes towards treatment use by therapists as well as their general attitudes towards psychological help-seeking and perceptions of stigma (social and self) with psychological treatments. In this study, we found that clients generally had positive views about therapists’ personal use of psychotherapy or counselling. Although overall positive attitudes were found, the results from repeated measures ANOVAs indicated that attitudes depended somewhat on whether the therapist had sought out treatment as part of a training requirement for self-enrichment, or for the treatment of a psychological problem. In addition, participating clients were less supportive of therapists disclosing a treatment use history with their clients. Regression analyses also indicated that attitudes towards treatment use by therapists were significantly predicted by general help-seeking attitudes and perceptions of stigma (social and self), but attitudes towards disclosure were not. The findings from this study have important implications regarding therapist treatment use and disclosure in practice.  相似文献   

In this psychotherapy analogue investigation, the effects of client age and therapist age on transference-like projections onto therapists were examined. Young (25-35) and older (60-70) pseudoclients compared paraprofessional therapists to significant figures in their own lives after a dyadic "helping" interview. The results provide empirical support for the phenomenon of reverse transference in therapy with older patients. Older clients were more inclined than young clients to view therapists, particularly younger therapists, as similar to their children. Young clients more willingly attributed parental qualities to older therapists. Both old and young clients may see therapists more as peers or friends than as family members.  相似文献   

Androgyny, as conceptualized in psychology, is based on traditional masculine and feminine stereotypes. Masculine characteristics (as measured by two commonly used sex role inventories) contribute more to measures of self-esteem than do feminine characteristics from the same inventories, indicating that masculine characteristics have more functional value in our culture. Traditionally feminine characteristics are not highly valued by either clients or therapists. However, therapists need to be aware of potential costs to women who make nontraditional choices, moving toward androgyny. It is questionable that androgynous women are perceived in the same favorable manner as androgynous males, particularly in a traditional social context. The consequences of internal and external conflicts created by moving toward androgyny or by devaluation of feminine characteristics cannot be dismissed lightly. Psychotherapists must be willing to assist clients with the external problems that psychological research has demonstrated exist for women who either must or choose to function in roles that are not traditional.  相似文献   

This article proposes four revolutions in psychotherapy. The first revolution invites therapists to focus on building client’s strengths rather than patching up weaknesses. The second revolution proposes a technique of translating symptoms into gifts. The third revolution invites therapists to consider alternative goals of psychotherapy other than returning the client to previous levels of functioning. Finally, the fourth revolution challenges the dictum of psychotherapy training that therapists should only teach their clients how to fish, metaphorically speaking, rather than giving them fish. Case studies are offered focusing particularly on clients diagnosed with Major Depression and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.  相似文献   

The psychotherapy experiences of a sample of Iraqi refugee men, in later stages of exile, were explored with the aim of shedding some light on how this client group can experience therapy. Ten adult male Iraqi refugees – who had lived in Sweden for at least five years and had been psychotherapy clients at some point during that time – were recruited for this study. Using individual semi-structured interviews (in Arabic), three main areas were explored with each participant: (1) reasons for seeking psychotherapy; (2) perceptions of the psychotherapy professional; and (3) experiences of the psychotherapy process and outcome. The interviews were then translated into English, transcribed, and then analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Most participants/clients described exile-related stressors as their main reason for seeking psychotherapy, but some described distress due to a combination of pre-migration trauma and post-migration stress. They also found some aspects of therapy to be positive (mainly verbalising ones thoughts and feelings, and feeling less marginalised) and some negative (mainly experiencing racist or culturally insensitive treatment by therapists, and experiencing a lack of competence and transparency in therapists). The findings were explored in terms of clinical implications and a pluralistic model was proposed to address the identified needs.  相似文献   

Three studies investigating the self-report correlates of women's hostility toward other women were conducted among a total of 477 college women. In Study 1, hostility toward women was negatively associated with both personal and collective self-esteem and positively associated with hostility toward men, controlling for state anger. In Study 2, hostility toward women was negatively associated with self-efficacy and age and positively associated with emotional dependence on men, but not with self-identification as a feminist or support of the feminist movement. In Study 3, women's hostility toward women was negatively associated with measures of intimacy and life satisfaction and positively associated with acceptance of interpersonal violence. We suggest that women's hostility toward other women not only is an important aspect of women's personal satisfaction, happiness, intimacy, and self-esteem, but also may serve as a barrier to women's progress as a group.  相似文献   

Psychotherapy clients read two consumer-oriented brochures: a general brochure on psychology and a brochure on the topic of client-therapist intimacy. Half of the participants read the general brochure first and the brochure on client-therapist intimacy second, and half the participants did the reverse. Participants reported favorable reactions to the brochures, indicating they thought both should be made available to psychotherapy clients; that neither were too long, too sensitive, or too difficult to read; and that the brochures should be made available early during the therapeutic process. After reading the client-therapist intimacy brochure, participants also showed some changes in Likert-type scores measuring attitudes regarding intimate contact between clients and therapists. Although participants were more negative about issues of sexual misconduct after reading the client-therapist intimacy brochure, they did not indicate a decrease in trust of therapists, nor did they indicate a greater likelihood of filing a false complaint. We concluded that therapists' reservations about presenting clients with factual information regarding therapist sexual exploitation of clients are not empirically founded.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(1):17-28
Psychotherapy clients read two consumer-oriented brochures: a general brochure on psychology and a brochure on the topic of client-therapist intimacy. Half of the participants read the general brochure first and the brochure on client-therapist intimacy second, and half the participants did the reverse. Participants reported favorable reactions to the brochures, indicating they thought both should be made available to psychotherapy clients; that neither were too long, too sensitive, or too difficult to read; and that the brochures should be made available early during the therapeutic process. After reading the client-therapist intimacy brochure, participants also showed some changes in Likert-type scores measuring attitudes regarding intimate contact between clients and therapists. Although participants were more negative about issues of sexual misconduct after reading the client-therapist intimacy brochure, they did not indicate a decrease in trust of therapists, nor did they indicate a greater likelihood of filing a false complaint. We concluded that therapists' reservations about presenting clients with factual information regarding therapist sexual exploitation of clients are not empirically founded.  相似文献   

All therapists experience reactions toward clients, which have traditionally been called countertransference. Such reactions toward families pose special issues for beginning and developing family therapists. This clinically based and clinically oriented article describes some of the reactions, clues pointing to their existence, and indicates some of the ways beginning and developing family therapists and their supervisors and consultants can deal constructively with these reactions.  相似文献   

The process of psychotherapy among 16 low-income clients was explored using grounded theory (Charmaz, 2006; Glaser & Strauss, 1967) in order to understand and identify their unique experiences and needs. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 12 women and 4 men who had attended at least 6 sessions of psychotherapy within 6 months of the interview. Our grounded theory that evolved depicted a tapestry of the dynamic process by which low-income clients experience social class within psychotherapy. Specific therapist behaviors that contribute to more and less positive experiences emerged from the data and pointed to the importance of acknowledging social class within the therapy room. The significance of therapists enhancing the 50-min hour via advocacy and meaningful moments within and outside of the therapy room was highlighted among all participants. Implications for practice with low-income clients and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):161-174
The purpose of this article is to examine the relevancy of traditional wilderness programs, such as Outward Bound, to women who have been violated by experiences of childhood incest and/or adult sexual assault. Applications to African-American women, women with physical challenges, and women who are economically disenfranchised will be emphasized. The overview is from a feminist perspective, one that advocates empowerment over struggle and resisting revictimization on any level. The Rape Assistance and Awareness Program (RAAP) is a non-profit agency in Denver, Colorado dedicated to providing low-cost group psychotherapy for women who have been recently sexually assaulted as well as for women with histories of incest. About five years ago, a three-day Colorado Outward Bound School (COBS) experience was incorporated into RAAP's treatment program. While the COBS weekend generally has been viewed positively by most of the clients and group facilitators, aspects of this element of the program have become increasingly problematic. Its applicability to women with physical disabilities and women with conflicting social and economic priorities is questioned. When RAAP received a special grant to provide sexual assault services specifically targeting women of color, groups for Latinas and African-American women were established and facilitated by therapists of color. These women of color, both clients and therapists, consistently challenge the relevance and practicality for them of the COBS experience. In this article, we contend that wilderness experiences, in their traditional application, do not support the feminist, woman-centered approach to life which is advocated and nurtured at RAAP, nor does it specifically honor cultural diversity or ethnic multiplicity. Recommendations for wilderness experiences attracting a broader range of the feminine experience are made.  相似文献   

The Facilitative Interpersonal Skills (FIS) task is a performance test of therapists’ use of common relational skills (e.g. empathy, building expectations). The FIS method includes (a) materials that simulate difficult client moments on video, which are used to collect therapists’ responses to these situations; and (b) independent ratings of these responses. Many of the FIS items are informed by psychotherapy processes that have been linked to outcome and facilitative conditions that have been reframed as individual therapist skills (e.g. alliance bond capacity). Overall, the FIS has predicted psychotherapy outcome. A single study is described in which FIS predicted the therapist effect using multilevel modelling of a large sample of clients who were nested within therapists. We also summarise two additional outcome studies that used experimental designs. One future direction is to better understand how therapists form responses to these difficult moments. We conclude that forming an optimal therapeutic response during challenging, emergent in‐session situations involves responsiveness (Stiles et al., 1998), or finding a response that fits the clients’ needs within any moment.  相似文献   

语言是心理咨询的重要内容。语言探索和词频统计(Language Inquiry and Word Count, LIWC)被广泛用于分析语言使用的心理意义。本研究收集了28名当事人共144次有效咨询录音及每次会谈后当事人的症状自评结果。将录音转录成文本后,抽取当事人的LIWC语言特征,进行主成分降维,结果获得8个因子,解释了总体方差的75.11%。一般线性回归中,躯体感受、功能词、情绪、认知和口语赘词对当事人的症状水平具有显著的预测作用,进一步多层线性模型中,躯体感受和情绪用词显著预测咨询效果。LIWC文本特征能够呈现与当事人症状相关的信息,为未来计算机自动化监控咨询过程和结果提供了新视角。  相似文献   

Bulletin Board     

When psychotherapy is viewed as shared reconstruction, there are implications for both clients and therapists. My clients become sources of expectations, myths, thought, and feelings about themselves and their therapists. I, as therapist, become a source of intentions and reflections, with capacities for self-awareness and abilities to construe my clients and their constructs, languages, and metaphors. Both participants in psychotherapy can then be seen as involved in reconstruction through the sharing and rebuilding of narratives. It is the life stories of clients that are likely to be more changed in therapy, but my life stories and my stories about the therapeutic process are also open to change  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(4):79-92
Women therapists are similar and dissimilar to our clients in a variety of ways. Previously, we have focused on and celebrated our similarities. Both similarities and differences can be disruptive to the psychotherapy process, however, when not recognized. This paper attempts to delineate and to describe in a preliminary way some of the dimensions, both obvious and subtle, along which we may be similar and different from our clients. The greatest difficulty appears to arise from similarities and differences in values. Using examples, the paper disusses problems which can occur with similarity and with difference.  相似文献   

The present article describes six strategies found useful when working with depressed clients who are struggling with severe financial limitations. First, it is important to help clients maintain an attitude of hope for a better future, so they remain as positive yet realistic about their current options and future goals. Second, empathy is considered to be a central component in all psychotherapy sessions, helping therapists to understand their clients’ life experiences and ongoing struggles. Third, clients can learn to develop more adaptive perspectives about life, family, and friends, trying to focus on the positive events they have experienced and the supportive bonds they have developed. Fourth, clients can develop new specific coping skills that may help them to manage the problems they encounter. Fifth, many clients can better utilize the social support that is often available, starting to ask family members and friends for assistance and support when help is needed. Sixth, an interdisciplinary treatment team is often optimal when the treatment plan integrates the potential benefits derived from psychotherapy, medications, and social service agencies. An effective psychotherapist respects the limits of psychology while consulting with colleagues from other health care professions. These six strategies can help guide therapists when working with clients who are struggling with persistent depression in the face of adversity.  相似文献   

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