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The Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) was administered to 92 preschool children. Because of the considerably above average performance of the group on the SIT, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale was administered to a sample of the group and the results compared to the results on the SIT. The differences between the two sets of scores was highly significant, and as a result the SIT appears to over estimate the performance of average preschool children.  相似文献   

Mean squared error of prediction is used as the criterion for determining which of two multiple regression models (not necessarily nested) is more predictive. We show that an unrestricted (or true) model witht parameters should be chosen over a restricted (or misspecified) model withm parameters if (P t 2 ?P m 2 )>(1?P t 2 )(t?m)/n, whereP t 2 andP m 2 are the population coefficients of determination of the unrestricted and restricted models, respectively, andn is the sample size. The left-hand side of the above inequality represents the squared bias in prediction by using the restricted model, and the right-hand side gives the reduction in variance of prediction error by using the restricted model. Thus, model choice amounts to the classical statistical tradeoff of bias against variance. In practical applications, we recommend thatP 2 be estimated by adjustedR 2 . Our recommendation is equivalent to performing theF-test for model comparison, and using a critical value of 2?(m/n); that is, ifF>2?(m/n), the unrestricted model is recommended; otherwise, the restricted model is recommended.  相似文献   

A short-term longitudinal study was carried out on a group of 67 preschool children. At three points in time over a 12-month period, the children were given tests measuring their syllable, rime, and phoneme awareness, speech and language skills, and letter knowledge. In general, children's rime skills developed earlier than their phoneme skills. Structural equation models showed that articulatory skills and syllable and rime awareness predicted later phoneme awareness.  相似文献   

The scope of teleological thinking in preschool children   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Deborah Kelemen 《Cognition》1999,70(3):231-272
These studies explore the scope of young children's teleological tendency to view entities as ‘designed for purposes'. One view (‘Selective Teleology') argues that teleology is an innate, basic mode of thinking that, throughout development, is selectively applied by children and adults to artifacts and biological properties. An alternative proposal (‘Promiscuous Teleology') argues that teleological reasoning derives from children's knowledge of intentionality and is not restricted to any particular category of phenomena until later in development. Two studies explored the predictions of these two hypotheses regarding the scope of children's functional intuitions. Using different methods, both studies found that, unlike adults, preschoolers tend to attribute functions to all kinds of objects – clocks, tigers, clouds and their parts. A third study then explored this finding further by examining whether the developmental effect was due to differences in children's and adults' concept of function. It found that both children and adults predominantly view an object's function as the activity it was designed to perform. Possible explanations for the developmental differences found in the first two studies, and implications for notions of a teleological stance are discussed.  相似文献   

In previous studies using the Preschool Racial Attitude Measure (PRAM) and other measurement procedures, preschool children have displayed a tendency to evaluate light-skinned (Euro-American) persons more positively than dark-skinned (Afro-American) persons. Both Euro- and Afro-American children demonstrate this pro-Euro/anti-Afro (E+A?) bias, though it is less pronounced among Afro children.Two experiments designed to modify this racial bias are reported. The first study involved 39 Euro- and Afro-American preschool children and employed operant learning principles to modify E+A? bias via a teaching machine procedure which provided reinforcement for pro-Afro/anti-Euro responses. Following training, the children showed a reduction in E+A? bias on a test procedure not associated with the training. Follow-up testing of 30 of the children approximately 1 yr after the posttest revealed a tendency for the pro-Euro bias to be partially reestablished. The second study involved 70 Euro-American kindergarten children and was concerned with the modification of E+A? bias via a classroom curriculum procedure and the possible influence of the race of the teacher associated with the curriculum. The experimental curriculum, designed to develop positive associations to dark-skinned persons and to the colors black and brown, was shown to have no effect on E+A? bias, nor was race of teacher a variable of significance. Possible explantations for the findings of both experiments were discussed.  相似文献   

Free recall, cued recall, color recall, organization in recall, and sorting of 3- and 4-year-olds was assessed on 9-item lists of objects that were orthogonally varied on color and category dimensions. Half of the children in each age group were presented items successively, and the other half simultaneously. Older children recalled more items than younger children in both free and cued recall, and also organized their recall more. Moreover, simultaneous presentation benefited the older, but not younger children. Clustering and sorting data suggested a decreasing reliance on perceptual information, and increasing utilization of conceptual information, over the preschool years. The results were discussed in terms of the importance of concrete, external stimulus support at both time of encoding and retrieval.  相似文献   

We combined several single‐subject designs to assess the effects of contingent and noncontingent token reinforcement on moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity (MVPA) exhibited by 4 preschool‐aged children. Higher overall levels and longer bouts of MVPA reliably occurred when tokens were delivered contingent on MVPA for 3 of the 4 children when compared to baseline (no token) and for 2 of the 4 children when compared to noncontingent‐token conditions. The present study demonstrated that the delivery of tokens contingent on MVPA can increase and maintain MVPA exhibited by preschool‐aged children, resulting in more MVPA than in baseline conditions and conditions in which tokens are awarded without respect to MVPA. These results demonstrate that token economies can be used to increase MVPA and they add to the evidence base supporting the use of token economies to address a range of behavior problems.  相似文献   

The development of awareness of stuttering and of fluent speech in preschool children was examined by means of an instrument designed for this purpose. The measure employs a videotape of two identical puppets, one of whom stutters. Twenty stuttering children and twenty normally fluent children were followed for three visits over two years. The effects of group, age, and severity on the awareness score over the three visits were investigated. Results indicated statistical significance for experimental versus control groups, for older versus younger subgroups, and between the first and second, and first and third visits. Differences in stuttering severity were not associated with statistically significant differences in awareness scores. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

传统的最小二乘回归法关注于对当前数据集的准确估计, 容易导致模型的过拟合, 影响模型结论的可重复性。随着方法学领域的发展, 涌现出的新兴统计工具可以弥补传统方法的局限, 从过度关注回归系数值的解释转向提升研究结果的预测能力也愈加成为心理学领域重要的发展趋势。Lasso方法通过在模型估计中引入惩罚项的方式, 可以获得更高的预测准确度和模型概化能力, 同时也可以有效地处理过拟合和多重共线性问题, 有助于心理学理论的构建和完善。  相似文献   

Compound nouns have multiple meanings in English. The purpose of this study was to explore when children know that compound nouns refer to two objects, one ideally interacting with the other (e.g., "fish shoes" are shoes with fish on them, not next to them). Thirty-five English-speaking three- and four-year-old children participated in this study. They were given both a production and comprehension task with novel compound nouns. The results showed that the three-year-olds and the four-year-olds were equally likely to produce compounds to name two interacting objects. However, the three-year-olds were less likely than the four-year-olds to understand that a compound referred necessarily to two objects. These results demonstrate that children's knowledge of the meaning of compound nouns is still developing in the preschool years. Three possible interpretations of the mismatch in comprehension and production are discussed: (1). there are modality differences in processing by children, (2). the meaning tapped by production and comprehension is not identical, and (3). the tasks differed in complexity.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effectiveness of group safety training and in situ feedback and response interruption to teach preschool children to avoid consuming potentially hazardous substances. Three children ingested ambiguous substances during a baited baseline assessment condition and continued to ingest these substances following group safety training. In situ feedback and response interruption resulted in a decrease in opening ambiguous containers; this decrease was maintained when ambiguous novel containers were presented and when assessments occurred in a novel setting and with a novel experimenter. For 2 children, these gains were also maintained during a brief follow-up period. Twelve children did not ingest ambiguous substances prior to training, and group safety training did not evoke inappropriate ingestion.  相似文献   

Psychologists used 7 subtests based on Western intelligence tests but developed for rural preschoolers in Tagalog-speaking regions of the Philippines to estimate intelligence of 177 5-6 year old children in 4 agricultural villages in the provinces of Batangas and Oriental Mindoro. They also assessed the height for age, weight for age, and mid upper arm circumference of the children to determine nutritional status. They used 2 subtests from the Philippine Aptitude Classification Test to estimate the intelligence of 181 mothers and asked the mothers questions from the Environmental Interview Questionnaire to determine the status of the home environment. The psychologists hoped to examine the association between home environment, nutritional status, and intellectual development in these preschool children. A moderate association existed between home environment and intellectual development. It contributed more to child intellectual performance than did socioeconomic status and maternal intelligence. The physical and psychosocial environment also contributed to intellectual development. Maternal intelligence, a partial index of genetic influence, could not altogether explain the association between home environment and intellectual development. These results may identify environment experiences concerning environmental specificity such as exploration of the surrounding environment and spatial ability. Intellectual development was not significantly related to nutritional status in normal to moderately malnourished children.  相似文献   

The use of an investigator-based interview (Autism Diagnostic Interview—Revised; ADI-R) in the diagnosis of 51 autistic and 43 nonautistic mentally handicapped preschool children of equivalent mental and chronological age is described. Significant differences occurred between the groups on every diagnostic subdomain from the DSM-IV/ICD-10 draft criteria, except specific aspects of stereotyped language, still relatively rare in these young children. All but one of the 51 children judged to be autistic by clinical observation and only two of the 30 nonautistic mentally handicapped children with mental ages of 18 months or higher met criteria for autism on an algorithm to DSM-IV/ICD-10 draft criteria. However, discrimination using domain totals between autistic and the 13 nonautistic, nonverbal mentally handicapped children with mental ages under 18 months was poor. Quality of social overtures to adults and peers, play, and unusual sensory behaviors and mannerisms continued to differentiate these two groups. The relevance of these findings to the diagnosis of autism in preschool children is discussed.  相似文献   

Many pre-school children show closing-in behaviour (CIB) in graphic copying tasks: a tendency to place their copy abnormally close to or even on top of the model. Similar phenomena have been studied in patients with dementia, though it is unclear whether the superficial similarities between CIB in development and dementia reflect common underlying cognitive mechanisms. The aim of the present study was to investigate the cognitive functions involved in CIB in pre-school children. Forty-one children (3–5 years) were assessed for CIB, and completed a neuropsychological battery targeting visuospatial abilities, short term memory (verbal and spatial) and attention (sustained attention, selective attention and attention switching). Binary logistic regression found that performance on the attention subtests was the best unique predictor of CIB. A second analysis, in which the three attention subtests were entered as separate predictors, suggested that attention switching ability was most strongly related to CIB. These results support the view that CIB in children reflects inadequate attentional control. The convergence of these results with similar observations in patients with dementia further suggests that similar cognitive factors underlie CIB in these two populations.  相似文献   

An important goal of parents and preschool educators alike is to introduce young children to a variety of symbol systems, and to help children begin to master some of these crucial cultural tools. Our research indicates that, in spite of the importance that adults place on symbolization, adult intuitions about the acquisition of symbolic functioning and how to facilitate it are often poor. In this article we summarize research on toddlers' understanding of two kinds of symbols—models and pictures. We show that the initial insight that something is a symbol or representation of something else is extremely challenging for young children, and it is an insight that must be achieved with each symbol system they encounter. Two factors that contribute to the difficulty children have appreciating symbolic relations are discussed: dual representation (the ability to think about something in two different ways at the same time; specifically, the ability to think of something both as an object itself and a symbol for something else) and representational specificity (understanding that a symbol can stand for a specific reality). Implications of these factors for preschool practice are considered.  相似文献   

This study investigated different types of planning skills in 4- and 5-year-olds. The planning tasks consisted of three search tasks and two clustering tasks. Each task was measured in three ways: by a planning score, the Bronson task attack strategy measure of ongoing behaviors, and by self-report. A varimax rotation of the scores in a factor analysis produced the same two factors for both the planning scores and the Bronson task attack strategy scores. One factor was formed by tasks that allowed for a variety of open-ended solutions, but also had heavy information-processing demands. Tasks that allowed for only one task-imposed solution, but with lighter information-processing demands, formed the second factor. Two of the primary planning tasks used in prior research with preschoolers did not load on the same factor, the grocery store search task (Gauvain & Rogoff, 1989) and the Wellman search task (Wellman, Fabricus, & Sophian, 1985), which suggests that these tasks measure different types of planful search. Self-report data indicated that children were not able to adequately describe their plans. In addition, the one task that required semantic clustering was too difficult for the majority of the preschoolers. Taken together, this suggests that language-based planning measures will underestimate preschoolers' actual planning capacity.  相似文献   

We used a numerical bisection procedure to examine preschool children's sensitivity to the numerical attributes of stimuli. In Experiment 1 children performed two tasks. In the Cups Task they earned coins for choosing a green cup after two drumbeats and a blue cup after eight drumbeats. In the Gloves Task they earned coins for raising a red glove on their left hand after two drumbeats and a yellow glove on their right hand after eight drumbeats. Then in each task a psychometric function was obtained by presenting intermediate numerosities and recording the percentage of trials in which children chose the "many" option. In Experiment 2 children's performance in a '2 vs. 8' discrimination was compared with their performance in a "4 vs. 16" discrimination. Results showed that the individual psychometric functions were of two types, one in which the percentage of "many" choices increased gradually with stimulus numerosity and another in which it increased abruptly, in a step-like manner. Although the average point of subjective equality was close to the geometric mean of the anchor numerosities and the average functions for "2 vs. 8" and "4 vs. 16" superimposed when plotted on a common scale (the scalar property), the individual data were highly variable both across tasks (Cups and Gloves) and numerosity ranges ('2 vs. 8' and '4 vs. 16'). It is suggested that between- and within-subjects variability in the psychometric function is related to children's verbalizations about the sample stimulus.  相似文献   

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