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Traditionally, parameters of multiattribute utility models, representing a decision maker's preference judgements, are treated deterministically. This may be unrealistic, because assessment of such parameters is potentially fraught with imprecisions and errors. We thus treat such parameters as stochastic and investigate how their associated imprecision/errors are propagated in an additive multiattribute utility function in terms of the aggregate variance. Both a no information and a rank order case regarding the attribute weights are considered, assuming a uniform distribution over the feasible region of attribute weights constrained by the respective information assumption. In general, as the number of attributes increases, the variance of the aggregate utility in both cases decreases and approaches the same limit, which depends only on the variances as well as the correlations among the single-attribute utilities. However, the marginal change in aggregate utility variance decreases rather rapidly and hence decomposition as a variance reduction mechanism is generally useful but becomes relatively ineffective if the number of attributes exceed about 10. Moreover, it was found that utilities which are positively correlated increase the aggregate utility variance, hence every effort should be made to avoid positive correlations between the single-attribute utilities. We also provide guidelines for determining under what condition and to what extent a decision maker should decompose to obtain an aggregate utility variance that is smaller than that of holistic assessments. Extensions of the current model and empirical research to support some of our behavioural assumptions are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By examining the theories of justice developed by Joseph Butler and David Hume, the author discloses the conceptual limits of their moral naturalism. Butler was unable to accommodate the possibility that justice is, at least to some extent, a social convention. Hume, who more presciently tried to spell out the conventional character of justice, was unable to carry through that project within the framework of his moral naturalism. These limits have gone unnoticed,largely because Butler and Hume have been misinterpreted, their relation misconstrued. Exegetes have persistently misunderstood the differences that divide them, have misconceived the notion of "public utility" in Hume's account of justice, have wrongly interpreted Butler as a forerunner of Immanuel Kant, and have altogether missed the degree to which Hume stands in the tradition of Thomas Aquinas.  相似文献   

Nowadays, utility theory and compromise programming (CP) are considered very different paradigms and methodologies to measure preferences as well as to determine decision maker's optima on an efficient frontier. In this paper, however, we show that a utility function with separate variables (presented in the form of a Taylor series around the ideal point) is reducible to a weighted sum of CP distances. This linkage between utility and compromise (based on a main assumption in which the usual utility functions hold) leads to (i) a method for specification and optimization of usual utility functions by operational technique and (ii) a reformulation of standard CP with the advantage of determining the best CP solution from a utility perspective. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

作为墨家学派的代表人物,墨子非常崇尚实用和功利,并以此作为衡量一切事物、一切行为的标准。墨子这种功利思想,对其语言观、修辞观也产生了极大的影响。墨子认为,言谈辩说具有强大的社会功用,人们要重视辩说、谨慎言语;要以有利于国家、百姓为准则,注意言说的时机、场合、对象,在“言之有物”的基础上酌情修饰,“先质后文”。  相似文献   

Recent research on providing utility analysis (UA) information has shown small positive effects on acceptance of selection tests by human resource decision-makers (Carson, Becker, & Henderson, Journal of Applied Psychology, 83 84–96 (1998). In the present study, 218 managers provided reactions to UA information. Not only do our findings replicate the positive effects of UA, we found managers also responded favorably to UA information when asked independently of the decision making process. Specifically, when asked to rank order information in terms of what they perceived to be most influential in helping them make their final decisions, those who received UA information ranked it among the highest.  相似文献   

One‐switch utility functions model situations in which the preference between two alternatives switches only once as the outcome of one attribute of both alternatives changes from low to high. Recent research cites evidence that the sum of exponential functions (sumex) is the most convincing type for modelling one‐switch utility functions. Sumex functions allow to model exactly one preferential switch and they are convenient for estimating one‐switch utility functions. However, it is unclear so far if sumex functions are suitable to model preferential switches that are perceivable by a decision maker. This paper first analyses how different the utility of two alternatives before and after a preferential can be modelled with sumex functions given that the preferential switch is caused by a particular attribute outcome improvement. It thereafter investigates how accurately decision makers perceive such utility differences. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although organizations are increasingly using interactive voice response (IVR) systems to help screen and select job applicants, few if any published studies have investigated the effectiveness of such systems. The current study responded to this need by evaluating a biodata inventory administered via IVR technology. A predictive validity study revealed that both a 42-item biodata measure and a more parsimonious 6-item composite correlated with supervisor ratings of performance and did not result in adverse impact or differential prediction. In addition, a utility analysis indicated that both IVR biodata measures would likely result in considerable financial gains to the hiring organization. The implications of these results for selection research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

觉域派是公元 1 1世纪产生于西藏的藏传佛教重要宗派之一 ,由藏族著名的女密宗大师玛久拉仲所创立。觉域派的教法 ,主要是以般若波罗蜜多为宗义 ,结合大手印觉法修持的一种法门 ,就是以菩提心或慈悲心来断灭自利心 ,以般若性空来断除我执。故觉域派的教法 ,又称般若波罗蜜多之觉域法或大手印觉法。  相似文献   

Utility independence is a central condition in multiattribute utility theory, where attributes of outcomes are aggregated in the context of risk. The aggregation of attributes in the absence of risk is studied in conjoint measurement. In conjoint measurement, standard sequences have been widely used to empirically measure and test utility functions, and to theoretically analyze them. This paper shows that utility independence and standard sequences are closely related: utility independence is equivalent to a standard sequence invariance condition when applied to risk. This simple relation between two widely used conditions in adjacent fields of research is surprising and useful. It facilitates the testing of utility independence because standard sequences are flexible and can avoid cancelation biases that affect direct tests of utility independence. Extensions of our results to nonexpected utility models can now be provided easily. We discuss applications to the measurement of quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) in the health domain.  相似文献   

Declining marginal utility (DMU) describes the reduced value that additional units of money or consumer goods have in comparison to units acquired earlier. We extend this idea to social resources and activities such as socializing time, free time, and number of children, suggesting that most resources will show DMU as the person experiences more of them. In Study 1, participants reported how many years of adult life they would sacrifice to have increasingly more of each resource or activity. Income showed declining marginal utility, but other goods showed an ideal-level pattern in which they were valued less after an optimal amount. In Phase 2 of Study 1, we assessed the mix of activities people most prefer. Participants rated the desirability of various combinations of time spent in different activities. Spending all of one’s free time in a pleasant activity was not as desirable as spending some of the time in other desirable, but less enjoyable, activities. In Study 2, we used a representative sample of the world to assess people’s affect balance (positive minus negative moods) on the previous day, along with how much time they spent in activities such as socializing with family and friends. The most popular activity was socializing with family and friends, but even here there was DMU for more hours of this behavior. We also analyzed several forms of well-being in reference to household income. Income showed a clear DMU pattern using daily moods as the outcome, as well as for life evaluations and satisfaction with standard of living. The results of the two studies explain why people do not pursue happiness by spending all of their time in the most pleasant activities, such as socializing, but instead choose a mixture of activities. A desire for balance in human activities and resources has important implications for the structure of the workplace, leisure time, work hours, and other important domains of life.  相似文献   

记忆的可提取性效用是人们在评估过往事件时所感受到的愉悦或满意程度, 这种评估建立在人们从记忆中提取出的信息基础上。研究发现, 人们对过往事件进行评估时会出现违反效用最大化原则的决策, 主要表现在三个实验现象上:峰终律、时长忽视和违背单调叠加性。研究者多从原型判断的角度去理解这些现象, 但可提取性效用是否还有其他内在机制仍然有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

For binary gambles composed only of gains (losses) relative to a status quo, the rank-dependent utility model with a representation that is dense in intervals is shown to be equivalent to ten elementary properties plus event commutativity and a gamble partition assumption. The proof reduces to a (difficult) functional equation that has been solved by Aczél, Maksa, and Páles (in press).  相似文献   

This article continues our exploration of the utility of gambling, but here under the assumption of a non-additive but p(olynomial)-additive representation of joint receipt. That assumption causes the utility of gambling term to have a multiplicative impact, rather than just an additive one, on what amounts to ordinary weighted utility. Assuming the two rational recursions known as branching and upper gamble decomposition, we investigate separately the rational property of segregation and the non-rational one of duplex decomposition. Under segregation, we show that each pair of disjoint events either exhibits weight complementarity or both support no utility of gambling, a property called UofG-singular. We develop representations for both cases. The former representation is a simple weighted utility with each term multiplied by a function of the event underlying that branch. The latter representation is an ordinary rank-dependent utility with Choquet weights but with no utility of gambling. Under duplex decomposition, we show that weights have the intuitively unacceptable property that there is essentially no dependence upon the events, making duplex decomposition, in this context, of little behavioral interest.  相似文献   

幸福的体验效用与非理性决策行为的偏差机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于体验效用的幸福包括预期幸福、即时幸福和回忆幸福,这三者有极其重要的本质差异,导致决策偏差和非理性。本研究运用行为科学和认知神经科学相结合的研究方法,首次从行为层次—信息加工层次—脑神经层次三个层面,立体地开展幸福感的体验效用与非理性决策行为研究。研究计划分为三个部分:(1)预期幸福、即时幸福和回忆幸福的本质特点和行为规律;(2)三种体验效用产生偏差的认知心理机制;(3)体验效用与非理性决策偏差的脑神经机制。通过系列研究,拟解决三个关键问题:(1)在人类判断与决策过程中,预期、即时和回忆三种效用是如何影响人们的判断与决策?(2)三种体验效用出现偏差的信息加工特点和脑神经机制究竟是什么?(3)三种效用的偏差规律及对政府公共政策的启示。对这些问题的深入探讨,不仅对决策理论研究的发展是一个贡献;对政府管理制定有效的公共政策,避免"牺牲体验追求指标",解决"幸福悖论",同样有很强的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

Various U.S. laws, such as the Clean Air Act and the Food Quality Protection Act, require additional protections for susceptible subpopulations who face greater environmental health risks. The main ethical rationale for providing these protections is to ensure that environmental health risks are distributed fairly. In this article, we (1) consider how several influential theories of justice deal with issues related to the distribution of environmental health risks; (2) show that these theories often fail to provide specific guidance concerning policy choices; and (3) argue that an approach to public decision making known as accountability for reasonableness can complement theories of justice in establishing acceptable environmental health risks for the general population and susceptible subpopulations. Since accountability for reasonableness focuses on the fairness of the decision-making process, not the outcome, it does not guarantee that susceptible subpopulations will receive a maximum level of protection, regardless of costs or other morally relevant considerations.  相似文献   

Incorporated in a simulator design project, this study assessed the utility of a simulator prototype for air combat training to optimize continued development. After several scenarios, the 13 male participants completed a survey. Seven fidelity levels: visual feedback, head-up/head-down, instrumentation, flight controls, graphics, visual resolution, and field-of-view were rated for three dimensions: realism, limitation of performance, and importance of realism. The results informed decisions about which fidelity levels, head-up/head-down and field-of-view, that should be prioritized during the next design cycle, and generated recommendations for continued simulator design and directives for further evaluations.  相似文献   

The traditional fallacy of many questions, also known as the fallacy of complex question, illustrated by the question, "Have you stopped sexually harassing your students?", has been known since ancient times, but is still alive and well. What is of practical importance about this fallacy is that it represents a tactic of entrapment that is very common in everyday argumentation, as well as in special kinds of argumentation like that in a legal trial or a parliamentary debate. The tactic combines the use of loaded questions with the complexity of the question. A key notion is that of the presupposition of the question. How to deal with such questions is a point of departure for interrogative theory, and for any attempts to construct formal dialogues of a kind that can be used as normative models of argumentation.  相似文献   

Multicriteria decision making (MCDM) can provide an efficient mean for considering various and conflicting objectives to reveal the alternative that maximizes the decision maker's (DM) utility. In this paper, we propose a new interactive MCDM method for implicit alternatives to help a DM obtain a most preferred solution. We employ a Tchebycheff function to generate weights for objectives consistent with the DM's responses to pairwise comparisons between alternatives and present a mixed integer linear programming formulation to generate these weights. Thus, we approximate the DM's utility function by a Tchebycheff function and generate weights consistent with the DM's responses. We test our approach with different true utility functions on various sized multiple criteria linear programming problems. The computational results show that even with non‐Tchebycheff true utility functions, our method can generate alternatives very close to the optimal solution with few questions. The comparison of our results with other methods reveals its advantages. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While openmindedness is often cited as a paradigmatic example of an intellectual virtue, the connection between openmindedness and truth is tenuous. Several strategies for reconciling this tension are considered, and each is shown to fail; it is thus claimed that openmindedness, when intellectually virtuous, bears no interesting essential connection to truth. In the final section, the implication of this result is assessed in the wider context of debates about epistemic value.  相似文献   

Physicians often use health status assessment tools to evaluate a patient's condition, then apply established guidelines to determine the most medically effective treatment. Yet additional criteria, such as the appropriateness of the treatment given the particular patient's preferences and attitude toward risk, are also highly relevant to quality care. While such preferences could be addressed via patient utility functions, their use in actual practice is somewhat limited because elicitation is often considered too burdensome for patients, unreliable, or redundant given other measures. For a small group of real patients who have suffered a stroke, we measure both traditional health status and patient utility for the current state to determine whether limited, focused utility assessment is a practical means of obtaining additional and relevant patient information. We find that utility assessment is perceived as reasonable and useful by patients, even when quite ill, and that utilities and health status are not redundant. In fact, investigating apparent inconsistencies between patient utility and observed health status can alert the physician to patient concerns and criteria not captured by more traditional measures. We propose an approach to medical decision making that uses both measures to improve patient–physician communication.  相似文献   

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