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The complete WISC protocols of 100 emotionally disturbed children were rescored according to 30 selected-subtest and 1 selected-item methodologies and then compared for their correspondence to the standard form. High correlations between all of the short forms and the standard WISC were obtained. However, 16 of the selected-subtest short forms and the selected-item short form resulted in a significantly different mean than the standard. In addition, all short forms resulted in a high percentage of individuals changing IQ classification. Results are interpreted as indicating the inappropriateness of short forms with emotionally disturbed children when individual scores are of prime interest.  相似文献   

Sixty-five emotionally disturbed children were administered the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF) and standard achievement tests. Significant correlations were obtained between MFF errors and achievement and Mental Age (MA) but not between MFF latencies and achievement and MA. Fifteen impulsive and fifteen reflective children, matched on MA and not differing on Chronological Age (CA), did not differ on their levels of academic achievement. However, the reflective group was found to be two grades above the impulsive group in actual grade placement. Results are discussed in terms of possible behavioral differences and their consequences for the individual.  相似文献   

Seventy-two school psychologists in the tri-state area of Michigan, Illinois and Ohio administered both the WISC and WISC-R to 164 black, white and Latino children in a counterbalanced order with a specific test-retest interval of not less than a week or more than a month. These children had been referred to the school psychologist because of concerns about their intellectual ability. Significant WISC/WISC-R differences were found, with the WISC-R yielding lower results. These results have implications for test users, special education programs, and mainstreaming efforts.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship among the subscales of the Revised Behavior Problem Checklist and intelligence, academic achievement, and sociometric ratings for a sample of 62 severely emotionally disturbed adolescents enrolled in a special school. A relationship of the Attention Problems-Immaturity subscale with intelligence scores and mathematics achievement was found. Four of six subscales were found to be related to peer sociometric ratings of social acceptance, while only one subscale was related to sociometric ratings of peer acceptance of his/her classmates. These findings are discussed within the context of previous research.An earlier version of this study was presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, March 1989. The author would like to acknowledge the special support and assistance of the faculty, administration, and students of the Alternative School in Brooklyn, New York.  相似文献   

Forty-four emotionally disturbed children were administered the Matching Familiar Figures Test by one examiner after which the 13 most impulsive and 13 most reflective were chosen. A second examiner administered the Fixed Alternatives Question-Asking Game in whichSs sought information by asking questions that could be answered either yes or no. These questions were classified on a developmental basis; reflective children were found to employ more mature questions than did impulsive ones. Indirect comparisons between the present results and those obtained with normalSs were made.  相似文献   

The State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) and the Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (CMAS) were administered to 50 emotionally disturbed children (40 males and 10 females). In addition, ratings on a Locus of Conflict Rating Scale were obtained from their special education teachers. Significant correlations were obtained between all anxiety measures. However, anxiety, as measured by the CMAS, A State and A Trait, was not significantly correlated with the ratings of internalization, externalization, or the total maladjustment index. Girls reported greater anxiety than boys on the CMAS and the STAIC A Trait scale, while boys were rated as significantly higher on the internalization and externalization scales, and in total maladjustment.  相似文献   

The test-retest reliability and the internal consistency of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) was determined for 30 emotionally disturbed children. The STAIC was administered at the beginning and end of a three month period. Test-retest reliability for the STAIC A-State and A-Trait scale were. 63 and 44, respectively. Alpha values of internal consistency were 89 and 88. Differences in these results and findings previously reported by Spielberger (1973) are discussed in terms of population differences.  相似文献   

Preadolescent emotionally disturbed, learning-disabled, and normal boys were compared on social perspective-taking and behavioral measures to examine possible contributions of social cognitive deficits to children's adjustment problems. Antisocial-prosocial and withdrawn-gregarious behavior dimensions were studied through subscales derived from teacher ratings. Results indicated that across all groups, high perspective-taking was associated with significantly less withdrawal than was low perspective-taking; within groups, this finding was significant only for the emotionally disturbed boys. Contrary to theoretical assumptions, antisocial behavior was not significantly related to perspective-taking across the sample. Among emotionally disturbed boys, relatively higher affective perspectivetaking was significantly correlated with higher antisocial behavior. This positive correlation for the emotionally disturbed group was significantly different from the nonsignificant negative correlation between antisocial behavior and perspective-taking among normals. Findings for learning-disabled boys were intermediate. between results for emotionally disturbed and normal boys on both perspectivetaking and behavioral measures, and the learning-disabled group generally did not differ significantly from either other group. Theoretical and clinical implications of the findings are discussed The authors acknowledge the invaluable assistance and cooperation of many teachers and principals in Jefferson County School District in Colorado, especially Ms. Norma Sobesky, coordinator of the program for Significantly Impaired Emotionally and Behaviorally Disturbed Children, and Ms. Beth Young, coordinator of the program for Perceptual and Communicative Disorders.  相似文献   

Peer conflicts in two age groups (toddler and preschool) of emotionally disturbed children were examined for developmental trends and for changes over time in an intervention program. Children were observed in their peer groups six times over the course of a year. Prosocial and agonistic social behaviors were coded in a continuous coding observational procedure. Friendship pairs were identified from the observational records and validated by teacher reports. It was hypothesized that agonistic responses to both prosocial and agonistic bids would decrease over time and that friendships would facilitate conflict resolution and conflict avoidance in the emotionally disturbed children. Agonistic responses to agonistic bids decreased over time for all children. Older acquaintances responded to prosocial bids with agonistic responses. Friendship relationships facilitated conflict resolution and avoidance skills in preschool-age but not toddler-age friends. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for intervention.  相似文献   

This study examined the mental health services available to severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents in San Francisco. Social, familial, developmental, and clinical data—as well as service use histories—on 192 youths were collected. Results indicated high levels of family dysfunction, physical and sexual abuse, and neglect in the total study population. The study also identified case history and demographic factors that were associated with repeated psychiatric inpatient hospitalizationand high annual rates of change in residential placement. These factors included being male, older, non-English-speaking, and having a history of physical and sexual abuse. The impact of the service system on the lives and course of illness of these youth is discussed and future directions for research are suggested.  相似文献   

The association between bullying behaviour and academic achievement was investigated in 1016 children from primary schools (6-7-year-olds/year 2: 480; 8-9-year-olds/year 4: 536). Children were individually interviewed about their bullying experiences using a standard interview. Key Stage I National Curriculum results (assessed at the end of year 2) were collected from class teachers, and parents completed a behaviour and health questionnaire. Results revealed no relationship between direct bullying behaviour and decrements in academic achievement. Conversely, higher academic achievement at year 2 predicted bullying others relationally (e.g. social exclusion at year 4). Relational victimisation, Special Educational Needs (SEN), being a pupil from a rural school or small classes and low socioeconomic status (SES) predicted low academic achievement for year 2 children. Findings discount the theory that underachievement and frustration at school leads to direct, physical bullying behaviour.  相似文献   

In this pilot study, 20 middle-school-age children classified as emotionally handicapped were administered Forms L and M of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test--Revised in test-retest fashion. Pearson correlations for Form L were .90, for Form M, .69, and these dependent correlations were significantly different from each other. As triennial school psychological evaluations typically contain tests which have been administered previously, e.g., WISC-R, WRAT-R, we suggest that psychologists use caution when using Form M to test or retest the receptive vocabulary of emotionally handicapped or disturbed middle-school-age children.  相似文献   

Children of mentally-ill parents are population at increased risk for psychiatric disorder, and recent research has focused on the psychological development of these individuals. The Rochester Adaptive Behavior Inventory (RABI) was developed to measure the adaptive behavior of such high-risk children based upon a parental interview. Scales defining specific behavior spheres were reproduced in four samples of 30- and 48-month-olds. These scales differentiated high-risk children along dimensions of maternal psychopathology and social status. Global measures of maternal illness, such as severity of symptoms, proved to be more powerful than specific diagnosis. Race and socio-economic status also had a major impact on adaptive behavior. Implications of the data for high-risk theories of schizophrenia are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to compare the television viewing habits of handicapped and nonhandicapped children. In Study 1, one group (N = 38) of emotionally disturbed (ED), learning disabled (LD), and educable mentally retarded (EMR) children and two groups of matched controls comprised of nonhandicapped peers were interviewed about their television viewing habits. In Study 2, 42 ED boys and 42 non-ED boys completed a television program diary. The studies found that handicapped children watch more television overall and more aggression-laden programs (i.e., crime dramas and cartoons) than nonhandicapped children. The potential impact of viewing television aggression on the behavior of handicapped children is discussed.  相似文献   

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