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Two studies tested the hypothesis that certain positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. In Study 1, 60 subjects (Ss) viewed an initial fear-eliciting film, and were randomly assigned to view a secondary film that elicited: (a) contentment; (b) amusement; (c) neutrality; or (d) sadness. Compared to Ss who viewed the neutral and sad secondary films, those who viewed the positive films exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. In Study 2, 72 Ss viewed a film known to elicit sadness. Fifty Ss spontaneously smiled at least once while viewing this film. Compared to Ss who did not smile, those who smiled exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. We discuss these findings in terms of emotion theory and possible health-promoting functions of positive emotions.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that certain positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. In Study 1, 60 subjects (Ss) viewed an initial fear-eliciting film, and were randomly assigned to view a secondary film that elicited: (a) contentment; (b) amusement; (c) neutrality; or (d) sadness. Compared to Ss who viewed the neutral and sad secondary films, those who viewed the positive films exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. In Study 2, 72 Ss viewed a film known to elicit sadness. Fifty Ss spontaneously smiled at least once while viewing this film. Compared to Ss who did not smile, those who smiled exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. We discuss these findings in terms of emotion theory and possible health-promoting functions of positive emotions.  相似文献   

Positive and Negative: Infant Facial Expressions and Emotions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
One path to understanding emotional processes and their development is the investigation of early facial expressions. Converging evidence suggests that although all infant smiles index positive emotion, some smiles are more positive than others. The evidence stems both from the situations in which infants produce different facial expressions and from naive observers' ratings of the emotional intensity of the expressions. The observers' ratings also suggest that similar facial actions—such as cheek raising—lead smiles to be perceived as more positive and lead negative expressions (cry-faces) to be perceived as more negative. One explanation for this parsimony is that certain facial actions are associated with the intensification of both positive and negative emotions.  相似文献   

These studies examine employees’ emotional reactions to performance feedback from their supervisors as well as subsequent effects on attitudes and (intentions to show) affect‐driven work behaviors (counterproductive behavior, turnover, citizenship, and affective commitment). A pre‐study (N= 72) illustrates that employees regularly receive performance feedback from supervisors and that this feedback elicits different positive and negative emotions. Next, a scenario experiment (Study 1) comparing the effects of positive/negative feedback given in public/private was conducted, with a student sample (N= 240) and a sample of working adults (N= 107). In both samples, feedback has an impact on emotions and subsequently on work attitudes and behavioral intentions. The results from the scenario experiment were validated in a survey study (Study 2) among employees of a for‐profit research firm (N= 86) who reported on recalled emotions and work behaviors after receiving performance feedback during appraisals. Again, different types of feedback relate to different emotions. In turn, these emotions were related to subsequent work behaviors and attitudes. Together, these studies show that feedback affects recipients’ emotions and that such emotional reactions mediate the relationship between feedback and counterproductive behavior, turnover intentions, citizenship, and affective commitment. Ces travaux abordent les réactions émotives des salariés suite au feedback sur leurs performances en provenance de leur supérieur, ainsi que l’impact sur les attitudes et, au niveau des intentions, sur les conduites professionnelles soumises aux affects (comportements contre‐productifs, démissions, citoyenneté et implication affective). Une préenquête (N= 72) a montré que les salariés reçoivent régulièrement des informations sur leurs résultats de la part de leur supérieur et que cette situation provoque des émotions à la fois positives et négatives. Ensuite, une expérience (Etude n° 1) comparant les conséquences d’un feedback positif ou négatif exprimé en public ou en privé a été menée à bien sur un échantillon d’étudiants (N= 240) et sur un échantillon de travailleurs (N= 107). Dans les deux cas, la rétroaction avait des retombées sur les émotions et par suite sur les attitudes professionnelles et les intentions comportementales. Les conclusions de cette expérience ont été confirmées lors d’une enquête (Etude n? 2) réalisées auprès de salariés d’une société commerciale qui décrirent leurs émotions et leurs comportements professionnels à l’issue d’une rétroaction sur leur performance lors d’une évaluation. Comme prévu, les différentes sortes de feedback sont en relation avec des émotions différentes; puis ces émotions provoquent des attitudes et des conduites professionnelles spécifiques. Au total, ces travaux montrent que le feedback affecte les émotions des individus concernés et que ces réactions émotives s’insèrent dans la relation entre la rétroaction et les comportements contre‐productifs, les projets de démission, la citoyenneté et l’implication affective.  相似文献   

情感适应是指对重复或连续刺激的情感反应慢慢变弱的现象。近年来有关实证研究发现, 积极情感与消极情感适应在速度和程度上具有不对称性, 对适应不对称性的解释可以从进化心理学、认知心理学以及积极心理学三个视角进行。未来的研究应该进一步关注:(1)区分主观幸福感不同成分的情感适应; (2)探讨人格因素在情感适应中的调节效应; (3)完善情感适应的干预方法; (4)提高情感适应研究在时间上的精确性。  相似文献   

Mindfulness meditation yields beneficial effects on the processing of emotions. However, it is still unclear whether the focus of attention during meditation influences these effects. In the present study we aimed at comparing the effects of breathing meditation and emotion-focused meditation on the immediate and delayed processing of negative and positive emotions. The study included 65 adult novice meditators who were exposed to positively and negatively valenced film clips. Participants were randomly assigned to three conditions. While watching the films at t1, they were asked to mindfully focus on their breath (condition 1), on emotions (condition 2), or on nothing in particular (condition 3). Ten minutes later at t2, comparable film clips were shown but all participants watched them without taking up a mindful attitude. Dependent measures were emotional states at t1 and t2. Participants of both meditation conditions particularly showed a more preferable delayed emotional reaction to negative stimuli than participants of the control condition. Breathing meditation and emotion-focused meditation may constitute effective emotion regulation strategies to deal with negatively valenced emotional states.  相似文献   

The this study was purposed to examine the validity of dispositional hope, state hope, and flourishing measures, to investigate the relationships between hope, flourishing and emotions, and to explore the roles of gender, age, ethnicity, marital status, and the level of education on these constructs in an Iranian sample. Participants included 300 individuals (15–80 years old) that randomly selected from Eghlid city in the north of Fars province, Iran. A demographic questionnaire and four self-rating inventories were used in this study. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated a one-dimensional structure for dispositional hope, state hope and flourishing constructs in this sample. Dispositional hope, state hope, and subjective flourishing constructs were positively and negatively related to positive and negative emotions. The level of education showed the significant role on state hope and flourishing. State hope and subjective flourishing explained 14 and 8 % of variances in positive emotions and negative emotions respectively.  相似文献   

Emotions are processes that unfold over time. As a consequence, a better understanding of emotions can be reached only when their time‐related characteristics can be assessed and interpreted adequately. A central aspect in this regard is the duration of emotional experience. Previous studies have shown that an emotional experience can last anywhere from a couple of seconds up to several hours or longer. In this article, we examine to what extent specific appraisals of the eliciting event may account for variability in emotion duration and to what degree appraisal–duration relations are universal or culture specific. Participants in 37 countries were asked to recollect emotional episodes of fear, anger, sadness, disgust, shame and guilt. Subsequently, they were asked to report the duration of these episodes and to answer a number of questions regarding their appraisal of the emotion‐eliciting event. Multi‐level analyses revealed that negative emotions last especially long when the eliciting event and its consequences are perceived to be incongruent with the individual's goals, values and self‐ideal, creating a mismatch. These relations are largely universal, although evidence for some limited variability across countries is found as well. Copyright © 2013 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

研究采用类比推理的四项比例式任务和事件相关电位技术,探究不同回避动机强度的消极情绪(恐惧—高动机强度、悲伤—低动机强度、中性情绪)对类比推理的影响及脑机制。结果发现:(1)行为:不同回避动机强度的消极情绪均会延长类比推理的反应时; 与中性情绪相比,悲伤会提高推理的正确率,而恐惧会降低推理的正确率。(2)脑电:图式提取阶段,N400、P300、LNC被诱发; 类比映射阶段,N400和LNC被诱发,情绪在N400和LNC上的主效应均显著,恐惧情绪下的N400和LNC幅值比悲伤情绪和中性情绪下的更大。研究表明,情绪对类比推理的作用发生在类比映射阶段。恐惧情绪窄化认知,悲伤情绪扩展认知,支持情绪动机维度模型。  相似文献   



The aim of the present study is to examine transformational leadership (TFL) from an emotion-based perspective. We apply susceptibility to positive emotions (STPE) as the moderator and follower positive emotions (PE) as the mediator in the relationship between follower perceptions of TFL and follower task performance (TP).


Survey data were collected from multiple sources, comprising 304 supervisor-subordinate dyads in 42 functional units of the Taiwanese military. Hierarchical linear analysis (HLM) was performed to examine our proposed model.


The HLM results confirmed that follower perceptions of TFL were positively related to follower PE. Further, individual differences in STPE moderated the relationship between follower perceptions of TFL and follower PE. Finally, follower PE mediated the moderated relationship among TFL, STPE, and follower TP.


This study advances understanding of when, how, and why TFL can enhance follower TP. The findings also address the complex role of STPE and follower PE in the relationship between follower perceptions of TFL and follower TP.


Emotions have attracted increasing attention in the leadership literature recently, particularly with regard to the transformational leader–follower relationship. This study enhances understanding of how TFL functions by accounting for followers’ STPE. In addition, we respond to Avolio et al.’s (Ann Rev Psychol 60:421–449, 2009) call to test the mediated-moderation effect that links TFL to follower outcomes.  相似文献   

Although there is an extensive literature showing that both rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral interventions (REBT/CBT) and music can alter various emotional responses, little is known about their ability to impact on both positive and negative emotions simultaneously. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate whether classical music combined with REBT/CBT psycho-education on emotions can alter people’s levels of positive and negative emotions. A number of 459 participants (62.7% females; m age = 36.67, SD = 11.754) were recruited for this study from the public attending to a classical music concert. The classical music pieces were selected by a group of experts in order to be conceptualized in relationship with components of the REBT/CBT’s ABC model of emotions (e.g., catastrophyzing, acceptance/meditation) and this conceptualization was also delivered during the concert (i.e., before each corresponding musical part). Emotions were assessed before and after the entire performance for all participants. Results indicated a significant change in emotions between the two assessments (F(11,397) = 59.99, p < .001, partial η2 = .62), revealing significant increases for all the positive emotions and decreases for all the negative emotions that have been evaluated. This is one of the first experimental studies conducted on large-scale in fully ecological settings to confirm that music-based rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral education might change the intensity of people’s positive and negative emotions simultaneously. These findings are discussed in line with the existing models of music and emotions.  相似文献   

白学军  岳鹏飞 《心理学报》2013,45(7):715-724
在情绪标注的研究中,存在着情绪标注是增强还是抑制负性情绪以及非情绪标注能否抑制负性情绪的争论。研究选择负性情绪面孔和图片为实验材料,以女大学生为被试,采用了16导生理记录仪记录其完成任务时皮电、指温和指脉率上的变化。实验1以负性情绪面孔为材料,采用经典范式试图验证以往研究结果。实验2采用负性情绪图片为材料,探讨了情绪标注和非情绪标注对负性情绪的抑制作用。结果发现:(1)在情绪标注条件下被试的指脉率比情绪匹配条件下的更低;性别标注(即非情绪标注)条件下被试的指脉率与性别匹配条件下的差异不显著;(2)在情绪标注条件下被试的指温比自然或人工标注条件(即非情绪标注)下的更高。研究结果表明,情绪标注可以抑制负性情绪,而非情绪标注则不能抑制负性情绪。  相似文献   


Millions of children in the United States experience parental incarceration, yet it is unclear how this experience might shape social cognition. We asked children of incarcerated parents (N = 24) and children whose parents were not incarcerated (N = 58) to describe their parents. Both groups of children also rated the extent to which they agree that they feel positive and, separately, negative emotions when thinking about their parent and best friend. This approach allowed us to test between two alternative hypotheses. On the one hand, cultural narratives in the United States convey negative messages about incarcerated people, and these messages could prompt children to report negativity when thinking about their incarcerated parents. On the other hand, children’s positivity toward close others is robust. Thus, when thinking about their incarcerated parents, children may report a great deal of positivity. Consistent with the latter possibility, children were more likely to describe their incarcerated parents using positive rather than negative terms. Moreover, children of incarcerated parents were more likely to agree that thinking about close others made them feel positive emotions than they were to agree that thinking about close others made them feel negative emotions. A similar pattern of results emerged among children whose parents were not incarcerated. These findings demonstrate the robustness of children’s positivity and can inform debates regarding contact between incarcerated parents and their children.  相似文献   

Research has consistently shown that endorsing a religion or spirituality is to some extent related to one’s well-being. Common studied explanations tap into the social and cognitive aspects of religion and spirituality. The present research aims at understanding how religiosity and spirituality exert their impact on well-being and investigates the role of a surprisingly neglected mechanism: positive emotions. Two cross-sectional studies using a quantitative approach are presented. In two different contexts (churchgoers in a European country and US university employees interested in meditation), results showed that the relation between religion (Study 1), spirituality (Study 2) and well-being is mediated by positive emotions. Distinguishing between more and less relevant positive emotions in a religious/spiritual context, it was found that the effect was mediated by self-transcendent positive emotions (awe, gratitude, love, and peace) but not by other positive emotions (amusement and pride).  相似文献   

This study analyzes the relationship between three dimensions (economic, social, and political) of globalization and quality of life using a panel of 44 Islamic countries from 1970 to 2010. Using different estimation techniques, we find that overall globalization has a robust positive effect on quality of life, even when controlling for income, dependency ratio, literacy, number of physicians, and other factors. Nevertheless, the results do not hold for all forms of globalization. Economic and political forms of globalization tend to improve quality of life. In contrast, social globalization does not improve quality of life.  相似文献   

正、负性情绪的跨文化心理测量:PANAS维度结构检验   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
张卫东  刁静 《心理科学》2004,27(1):77-79
对中国大学生(N=201)和美国大学生(N=321)进行PANAS测评,以检验该量表中、英文版的因素效度。探索性因素分析会聚性地验证了该量表的PA和NA两维度结构具有跨文化一致性,中、英文量表两因子的累积方差贡献率分别为51.31%和44.25%,接近Watson等的研究结果。然而研究结果也显示测项偏差问题,因此中文量表的PA分量表的测项组成不等同于原量表。中、英文量表的PA与NA分量表同样具有较高内在一致性信度,表明其符合心理测量学要求。  相似文献   


Three computational models: a narrative reader (BORIS), an editorial reader (OpEd), and a stream of thought generator (DAYDREAMER), are presented and discussed, with specific focus on the emotion-related processing and representational elements of each. These models exhibit comprehension and/or generation of emotional behaviour through the interaction of cognitive processes (memory retrieval, planning, and reasoning) over intentional constructs (goals and beliefs).  相似文献   

Abstract Resilience has been frequently associated with positive emotions, especially when experienced during taxing events. However, the psychological processes that might allow resilient individuals to self-generate those positive emotions have been mostly overlooked. In line with recent advances in memory research, we propose that emotional memories play an important role in the self-generation of positive emotions. The present research examined this hypothesis in two studies. Study 1 provided initial data on the validity and reliability of a measure of emotional memories networks (EMN) and showed that it had a predictive value for broad emotion regulation constructs and outcomes. In addition, Study 1 showed that positive EMN mediated the relationship between psychological resilience and the experience of positive emotions in a context of sadness, even after controlling for pre-experimental positive mood. Study 2 replicated results of Study 1 in a context of anxiety and after controlling for positive affectivity trait.  相似文献   

Meng and Bader have presented evidence that a Case conflict is a more effective cue for garden-path reanalysis than a number conflict is, for German wh-sentences with subject–object ambiguities. The preferred first-pass analysis has the wh-trace in subject position, although object position is correct. In a speeded grammaticality judgment task, perceivers accepted Case-disambiguated examples more often and more rapidly than number-disambiguated examples, although comprehension questions indicated that both were eventually understood correctly. For ungrammatical sentences, a Case mismatch error resulted in more false positive grammaticality judgments than a number mismatch error. We offer an explanation for why Case and number features differ in these two ways in their effects on sentence processing. We propose, within the Diagnosis Model of garden-path processing, that reanalysis triggered by a Case mismatch guides the parser more effectively toward the correct structure. Case is a positive symptom, which carries information about the new structure that must be built. By contrast, a number mismatch is a negative symptom; it invalidates the incorrect structure without showing how to rebuild it. This difference in the transparency of garden-path repair can also account for the greater overacceptance of Case-disambiguated ungrammatical sentences. The speeded grammaticality judgment task is designed to encourage hasty responses. Usually, these are hasty rejections of garden path sentences that, on calmer reflection, the parser would find acceptable. Conversely, over-hasty acceptance could occur if some initial progress is made in resolving a grammatical problem. Thus, a higher rate of false positives on ungrammaticals is to be expected where reanalysis proceeds successfully for a while before blocking.  相似文献   

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