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Two experiments investigated the use of equal division as a social decision heuristic in a group resource-sharing task. We proposed that group members use equality as a decision heuristic to the extent that environmental cues making the rule salient are present and to the extent that competing cues are absent. In Study 1, subjects were provided with justification for being the first group member to withdraw resources from a common pool. The results showed that subjects for whom the justification was prototypical of resource-sharing situations were more likely to violate equality than were subjects with nonprototypical justifications. Study 2 investigated the extent to which arbitrary role assignments within a group affect choice behavior. As predicted, subjects assigned the role of "supervisor" made resource requests that exceeded an equal share, whereas subjects assigned the roles of either "leader" or "guide" made choices that corresponded almost precisely with equal division. Our results underscore the importance of examining implicit knowledge structures about resource-sharing situations and their implications for choice.  相似文献   

Contemporary research on survival-related defensive behaviors has identified physiological markers of freeze/flight/fight. Our research focused on cognitive factors associated with freeze-like behavior in humans. Study 1 tested if an explicit decision to freeze is associated with the psychophysiological state of freezing. Heart rate deceleration occurred when participants chose to freeze. Study 2 varied the efficacy of freezing relative to other defense options and found “freeze” was responsive to variations in the perceived effectiveness of alternative actions. Study 3 tested if individual differences in motivational orientation affect preference for a “freeze” option when the efficacy of options is held constant. A trend in the predicted direction suggested that naturally occurring cognitions led loss-avoiders to select “freeze” more often than reward-seekers. In combination, our attention to the cognitive factors affecting freeze-like behavior in humans represents a preliminary step in addressing an important but neglected research area.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2018,49(6):995-1007
Cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I) is a promising treatment modality for social anxiety disorder, but effect sizes are relatively small across investigations (Hallion & Ruscio, 2011). Additionally, the extent to which CBM-I impacts other cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes is unclear. This study investigated whether two empirically supported treatment components for anxiety disorders, imaginal exposure (IE) and relaxation, augment the effects of CBM-I and increase the extent to which the effects of CBM-I generalize to behavioral and affective outcomes. We randomly assigned 111 undergraduate students with social anxiety to undergo IE, relaxation, or neutral thinking prior to CBM-I, then measured their interpretation biases, as well as their speaking time, anxiety, and subjective evaluations of performance during a speech task. Results indicated that individuals who received IE prior to CBM-I evidenced more adaptive interpretation biases and less behavioral avoidance during the speech task than did individuals who engaged in relaxation or neutral thinking. However, they did not report differential anxiety, habituation, or evaluations of their performance on the speech task. These findings suggest that the combination of CBM-I with adjunct components that target behavioral, rather than cognitive, mechanisms can facilitate transfer of the effects of CBM-I to reducing behavioral avoidance.  相似文献   

The ability of whites and blacks to correctly identify previously-seen faces of each race was assessed in a factorial design varying the length of time between inspection and recognition phases (immediate, 2 days, or 7 days) and incentive (possibility of monetary reward for accurate recognition). Recognition of faces of males was poorer after the longer time delays, but no comparable delay over time occurred for pictures of females. Subjects' criteria for responding became more lax after the longer time delays. Incentive had no significant direct impact on recognition accuracy or on subjects' criterion levels. A significant degree of own-race bias in recognition accuracy occurred, but only among whtte subjects. An own-race bias in response criteria occurred with subjects of both races. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

任务类型与信息清晰度对社会比较中认知偏差的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会比较中的认知偏差是指个体在社会比较中表现出的过度自信与不自信现象.本研究在前人研究的基础之上,以在校大学生为被试,采用两个系列实验,探讨了社会比较中认知偏差现象的原因以及对判断和决策的影响.研究结果发现:在社会比较中,面对不同类型的问题,会出现不同的认知偏差;在社会比较中,不同类型的问题和信息清晰度共同影响认知偏差,且二者之间存在交互作用;社会比较中的认知偏差会影响个体的决策意图.  相似文献   

Philosophers have developed three theories of luck: the probability theory, the modal theory, and the control theory. To help assess these theories, we conducted an empirical investigation of luck attributions. We created eight putative luck scenarios and framed each in either a positive or a negative light. Furthermore, we placed the critical luck event at the beginning, middle, or end of the scenario to see if the location of the event influenced luck attributions. We found that attributions of luckiness were significantly influenced by the framing of the scenario and by the location of the critical event. Positively framing an event led to significantly higher lucky ratings than negatively framing the same exact event. And the closer a negative event was placed toward the end of a scenario, the more unlucky the event was rated. Overall, our results raise the possibility that there is no such thing as luck and thereby pose serious challenges to the three prominent theories of luck. We instead propose that luck may be a cognitive illusion, a mere narrative device used to frame stories of success or failure.  相似文献   

This study collapsed ingroup bias into two types: a classic Sumnerian type, in which favorable perceptions of the ingroup were linked to unfavorable perceptions of the outgroup, and a simple ingroup bias type that consisted of all other instances of ingroup superiority. Simple ingroup bias was the more common type among a General Social Survey (GSS) national probability sample of 1,119 non-Jewish whites who rated Jews, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics on five traits. The two types appear to represent different points on an ethnocentrism continuum; thus, researchers who do not distinguish between them may underestimate the possible impact of ethnocentrism. The generally low levels of classic ethnocentrism did increase for people low in education or high in authoritarianism or social distance. The research also tested an ethnocentrism typology. Many respondents fell into two nonclassic ethnocentrism categories: positivity (where own-group and other-group ratings are both favorable) and neutral matching.  相似文献   

近几年来,在社会心理学的研究中社会比较中的认知偏差现象越来越多的受到研究者的关注。该文主要介绍了社会比较中的认知偏差现象:“优于常人”效应和“差于常人”效应。并对其理论依据、测量方法以及研究的理论意义分别进行了介绍。最后,在对以往研究回顾的基础上,提出了对今后研究的展望。  相似文献   

心境一致性认知偏向指的是抑郁病人的认知加工偏向负性情绪效价, 简称认知偏向。大量行为学、电生理学以及脑成像学的研究显示该认知偏向主要包括知觉偏向、注意偏向、记忆偏向以及解释偏向。该认知偏向以加工偏向负性、积极偏向缺失以及认知控制受损为特点, 且是杏仁核等边缘系统对负性信息过度激活、纹状体对正性信息激活不足以及额区激活模式异常三个相应脑机制协同作用的产物。目前此领域存在各认知偏向之间联系不清楚、认知偏向和抑郁症的因果关系难以确定以及各研究结果不一致等有待回答的问题, 这些重要问题值得引起该领域未来研究者的注意。  相似文献   

何文广 《心理科学进展》2015,23(9):1540-1549
二语(L2)和母语(L1)在句法加工方面的差异是量的不同还是质的表现?当前, 该问题已成为语言认知领域研究的热点。研究表明, 二语句法加工受到二语习得年龄、语言熟练度、工作记忆、二语习得方式等因素的影响。有关二语句法加工的理论主要有浅层结构假说、D/P模型和统一竞争模型。未来研究应注重探讨二语句法加工中二语熟练度及二语习得年龄的交互效应, 同时也应当加强儿童二语句法加工能力的研究。  相似文献   

Crowdsourcing is the process of obtaining input or enlisting the services of a crowd of people with the aim of finding the best solution to a proposed problem. The method with which the collected input is aggregated affects the outcome of the crowdsourcing process. In this paper, we introduce a modelling framework through which we compare several aggregation methods for crowdsourcing systems. The work reveals a surprising result where confidence-related approaches lack in performance when compared to other approaches such as simple plurality voting or approaches which consider respondent competence. This inadequacy stems from a psychological phenomenon brought forth by David Dunning and Justin Kruger related to people’s bias in assessing their own cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Researchers only recently have begun to examine the environmental and contextual factors that influence adolescent drinking behavior. The objective of this study was to create and test a comprehensive model of adolescent problem drinking. Items from the National Education Longitudinal Study: 1988–1994 (NELS:88; National Center for Educational Statistics, 1996) were used to create measurement models for all latent variables in the hypothesized structural model. Results indicated that high levels of parental support and a positive school climate in the 8th grade influence the formation of relationships with peers with positive values in the 10th grade that guarded against problem‐drinking behavior in the 10th grade.  相似文献   

Why are some entrepreneurs so much more successful than others in starting new companies—ones that create wealth for their societies as well as themselves? Growing evidence suggests that the answer involves the influence of both cognitive and social factors. Successful entrepreneurs appear to think differently than other persons in several respects (e.g., they are less likely to engage in counterfactual thinking but more likely to show overconfidence in their judgments). Similarly, successful entrepreneurs appear to be higher in social competence —the ability to interact effectively with others (e.g., they are better at social perception and adapting to new social situations). These results suggest that the principles and findings of psychology can be invaluable to researchers in the field of entrepreneurship, providing important insights into the factors that influence entrepreneurs' success.  相似文献   

对应偏差(correspondence bias)是指当情境因素已经能够很好地解释某一行为时,观察者仍然倾向于将其归因为行为者稳定的内在特质的现象。随着对应偏差的年龄差异在一系列研究中被证实,研究者也开始探讨造成这一差异的原因。目前主要存在两种假设性的解释,即认知能力限制假设和社会/动机假设。文章着重介绍近年来与这两种假设相关的研究进展。  相似文献   

This study investigated factors associated with social anxiety during early adolescence using multiple informants, including self and peer perspectives, teacher ratings, and direct observations. Negative social performance expectations, maladaptive coping strategies, and social skill deficits were examined as correlates of social anxiety and mediators linking social anxiety with poor peer relations. Participants were 84 middle school students (47 girls, 37 boys) over-sampled for elevated social anxiety. Analyses revealed correlations linking social anxiety with decreased peer acceptance and increased peer victimization. Path analysis indicated that negative social performance expectations and social withdrawal-disengagement accounted for the association between social anxiety and decreased peer acceptance. Social anxiety, self-directed coping strategies, and social withdrawal-disengagement were each directly linked with increased peer victimization for boys. The results replicate findings based on clinical samples, extend understanding of cognitive, social, and behavioral factors associated with social anxiety in middle school, and provide new information regarding gender differences in the correlates of social anxiety.  相似文献   

Assessment is described from the perspective of counselor inferential judgment. Types of cognitive bias and ways to avoid inferential error are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether the isotropy bias (estimating one's own motor variance as an approximately circular distribution rather than a vertically elongated distribution) arises in tennis players for the estimation of the two-dimensional variance for forehand strokes in tennis (Experiment 1), as well as the process underlying the isotropy bias (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, 31 tennis players were asked to estimate prospectively their distribution of ball landing positions. They were then instructed to hit 50 forehand strokes. We compared the eccentricity of the ellipse calculated from estimated and observed landing positions. Eccentricity was significantly smaller in the estimated ellipse than in the observed ellipse. We assumed that the isotropy bias for the estimated ellipse comes from the process of variance estimation. In Experiment 2, nine participants estimated the 95% confidence interval of 300 dots. Eccentricity was significantly smaller in their estimated ellipses than it was in the ellipses for the dots, though the magnitude of bias decreased for the estimation of dots. These results suggest that the isotropy bias in tennis ball landing position includes the bias of recognizing landing position and the bias of estimating the ellipse confidence interval from the recognized landing position.  相似文献   

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