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This article examines the role of 3 types of perceived support for creativity in moderating the relation between creative self-efficacy and self-perceived creativity. The findings suggest significant interaction effects for perceived work-group support and supervisor support, but not for perceived organizational support. This study is among the first to (a) examine the importance of perceived support for creativity in unlocking creative potential and increasing creativity in organizations and (b) use interaction terms in structural equation modeling (SEM) to investigate moderator effects in an applied research setting. These results imply that organizational interventions focused on training supervisors and work-group members to support creativity in the workplace may be more effective than broader and less focused interventions at the organizational level.  相似文献   

Adopting a motivational perspective on creativity, we theorized when and how perceived cognitive diversity in teams was associated with creativity by focusing on the mediating role of intrinsic motivation and the moderating role of learning orientation. We further expanded our contribution by examining these relationships at both the individual and team levels. We used a sample of 382 Chinese employee–supervisor pairs nested within 106 teams to test our hypotheses. The results revealed that, at both the individual and team levels, learning goal orientation significantly moderated the positive association between perceived cognitive diversity and intrinsic motivation such that the latter relationship became stronger as learning goal orientation increased. Furthermore, our findings confirmed that learning goal orientation enhanced the indirect positive relationship between perceived cognitive diversity and creativity through intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

Gordon D. Kaufman 《Zygon》2007,42(4):915-928
Thinking of God today as creativity (instead of as The Creator) enables us to bring theological values and meanings into significant connection with modern cosmological and evolutionary thinking. This conception connects our understanding of God with today's ideas of the Big Bang; cosmic and biological evolution; the evolutionary emergence of novel complex realities from simpler realities, and the irreducibility of these complex realities to their simpler origins; and so on. It eliminates anthropomorphism and anthropocentrism from the conception of God, thus overcoming one of the major reasons for the implausibility of God-talk in today's world—here viewed as a highly dynamic reality (not an essentially stable structure), with God regarded as the ongoing creativity in this world. This mystery of creativity—God—manifest throughout the universe is quite awe-inspiring, calling forth emotions of gratitude, love, peace, fear, and hope, and a sense of the profound meaningfulness of human existence in the world—issues with which faith in God usually has been associated. It is appropriate, therefore, to think of God today as precisely this magnificent panorama of creativity with which our universe and our lives confront us.  相似文献   

大学生领悟社会支持的影响因素研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
叶俊杰 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1468-1471
该研究以371名大学生为被试,考察了个体的幸福感、控制感和压力对领悟社会支持的影响。结构方程模型分析的结果显示:个体属性和情境因素都直接或间接影响着大学生对社会支持的理解和评价;个体属性的影响相对比较重要;在情境因素中,累积压力比当前压力的影响更为重要。本研究结果表明,领悟社会支持是在个人属性的作用下,个体在不断应对日常生活压力的过程中形成和发展的。  相似文献   

We investigated whether a shared mental model is present in elite ice hockey and handball teams. In total, 231 male players participated in the study. Shared mental models were found to exist. Relationships between shared mental models and coaching efforts to develop a general training shared mental model and an opponent-specific model were explored. The relationship between role clarity and shared mental model, general training shared mental model, and opponent-specific model was positive. The shared mental model is a useful construct for analyzing elite team practice and coaching behavior. Coaches and sport psychologists should be aware that establishing a shared mental model in elite teams is essential in facilitating performance.  相似文献   

The factors perceived as helpful by members of three different types of self-help groups are examined, using the 12 factors identified by Yalom as operative in group psychotherapy. Questionnaires were given to 45 members of self-help groups, asking for their views of the most and least helpful aspects of their experiences of their group, and for their judgement of its effectiveness. Results indicated that members of a group concerned with social and personal support in the face of a socially problematic situation (widowhood) found the experience of Universality to be the most helpful factor, while Self-Disclosure was least helpful. Members from a group for the physically sick (asthma sufferers) also reported the least helpful factor to be Self-Disclosure, but said that the most helpful factor was Guidance. By contrast, the group concerned with providing 'therapy' for depressives reported Cohesiveness to be most helpful, and Guidance to be least helpful. Comparison with other studies using similar methodologies with different group populations suggests that the factors likely to be effective in self-help groups for the socially unsupported and physically sick on the one hand, and for the psychologically disturbed on the other, may differ.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of prior experience, task instruction, and choice on creative performance. Although extant research suggests that giving people choice in how they approach a task could enhance creative performance, we propose that this view needs to be circumscribed. Specifically, we argue that when choice is administered during problem solving by varying the number of available resources, the high combinatorial flexibility conferred by a large choice set of resources can be overwhelming. Through two experiments, we found that only individuals with high prior experience in the task domain and given explicit instruction to be creative produced more creative outcomes when given more choice. When either of these two conditions is not met (i.e., low prior experience or given non‐creativity instruction), more choice did not lead to more creative performance. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The creativity of photographers was investigated in three samples: photography students (n = 17), neophyte photographers (n = 46), and experienced photographers (n = 49). All participants completed the Adjective Check List (ACL), scored for Domino's creativity (Cr) scale; these scores were correlated with various indexes of creativity, including self- and peer-ratings, ratings of portfolios, and course grades. The findings support the validity of the ACL Cr scale as a measure of creativity.  相似文献   

清代特殊的政治文化氛围,几乎影响着每一位学者的学术创见.康有为对孔子形象的理解是一个典型例子,他以自己特殊的进路--"时"、"进化"、"大同"等思想解释<论语>,并以孔子为圣王,确定了孑L子在其所处时代的影响和地位;又以孔子为教主,将孔子形象扩大为宗教性的、历时性的影响.知识分子急于救世而无所依凭,惟有荣古虐今,寻求依托--康有为尊崇孔子与孔子尊崇古人的做法,其实相似.因此,对康氏的行为与主张,似乎应有一种同情之理解;康氏对孔子的情感,也应该重新考量.  相似文献   

The use of personality disorder (PD) categories persists, despite the evidence against them. An often overlooked reason for this is the fact that the true structure underlying the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) taxonomy is still unknown: We cannot be certain which disorders are valid, and which ones are arbitrary mixtures of heterogeneous traits. To address this gap, we factor analyzed the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ–4+; Hyler, 1994 Hyler, S. E. (1994). PDQ–4+ Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire–4+. New York, NY: New York State Psychiatric Institute. [Google Scholar]) at the criterion level in a mixed clinical and nonclinical sample of 2,519 individuals. The resulting structure was more similar to current dimensional taxonomies than to the DSM classification at all hierarchical levels. Whereas paranoid and antisocial PDs—and to a lesser extent avoidant, dependent, depressive, and schizoid PDs—were fairly homogeneous, all other disorders turned out to be combinations of 2 or 3 unrelated dimensions. Our results strongly support the structure of empirically based dimensional taxonomies and relocate DSM criteria within this emerging framework, thus contributing to preserving much of the knowledge accumulated to date.  相似文献   

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