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Displacing an object with a hand-held rod provided a simple paradigm for studying tool use. The authors asked how reaching was affected by manipulations of rod properties. Adults held a rod (length = .10 to 1.5 m), with its tip in the air; walked toward an object on a table; chose a place to stop; and displaced the object with the rod's tip. In 3 experiments (Ns = 9, 22, and 17 participants), the authors manipulated rod length, mass, and mass distribution to determine whether and how geometric and dynamic properties affected the chosen distance and the posture. Both the chosen stopping distance and the postures were well accommodated to rod characteristics. Postural adaptations took place only in the arm, which was organized as a synergy. Predictably, rod length explained most of the variance, but small and reliable differences in both distance and posture depended on mass and mass distribution. The chosen distance anticipated not only rod length but also the upcoming posture needed to control the rod.  相似文献   

Displacing an object with a hand-held rod provided a simple paradigm for studying tool use. The authors asked how reaching was affected by manipulations of rod properties. Adults held a rod (length =.10 to 1.5 m), with its tip in the air; walked toward an object on a table; chose a place to stop; and displaced the object with the rod's tip. In 3 experiments (Ns = 9, 22, and 17 participants), the authors manipulated rod length, mass, and mass distribution to determine whether and how geometric and dynamic properties affected the chosen distance and the posture. Both the chosen stopping distance and the postures were well accommodated to rod characteristics. Postural adaptations took place only in the arm, which was organized as a synergy. Predictably, rod length explained most of the variance, but small and reliable differences in both distance and posture depended on mass and mass distribution. The chosen distance anticipated not only rod length but also the upcoming posture needed to control the rod.  相似文献   

The authors examined anticipation in tool use, focusing on tool length and tool-use posture. Adults (9 women and 9 men in each experiment) held a rod (length 0.4-0.8 m), with the tip upward; walked toward a cube; chose a place to stop; and displaced the cube with the rod's tip. In 2 experiments, rod length, mass, and mass distribution, and the size of the cube were manipulated. Chosen distance depended on rod length and cube size. Because effects of cube size on distance resulted only from postural changes related to required control, distance anticipated displacement posture. A postural synergy comprising legs and trunk provided a stable platform for the displacement. An arm synergy was less extended for small cubes, longer rods, and handle-weighted rods. Selected distance anticipated those postures.  相似文献   

An important characteristic of mature spatial cognition is the ability to encode spatial locations in terms of relations among landmarks as well as in terms of vectors that include distance and direction. In this study, we examined children's use of the relation middle to code the location of a hidden toy, using a procedure adapted from prior work on spatial cognition in gerbils (Collett, Cartwright, & Smith, 1986). Children of 4 and 5 years searched for a hidden toy in a large-scale environment. They were trained to find the toy with either 2 or 1 landmark present. On subsequent trials we altered the number and locations of the landmarks to determine how children represented the location of the toy. With 2 landmarks present during the initial training trial, the children coded both the middle location and the distance and direction from the toy to the landmarks. With 1 landmark present during the training trial, the children coded the location in terms of distance and direction to the single landmark. Our results shed light on seemingly inconsistent prior findings in both human and nonhuman species and indicate that both relational and vector coding are present in young children.  相似文献   

LW, an individual with a stroke-related motor impairment, was asked to perceive the lengths of rods of different mass distributions by dynamic touch. His impairment dictated that wielding was primarily about the shoulder rather than the wrist. Although perceived rod lengths were in the range of actual rod lengths, scaling to the objects' mass moments was atypical for both the affected and unaffected limbs. A group of healthy young adults asked to mimic his wielding style yielded the same atypical scaling. The typical scaling was restored when LW's wielding was fixed about a mechanical axis. Discussion considered what frame of reference is suitable for revealing an object's mass moments relevant to a given task. In particular, it appears that individuals can exploit alternative forms of interaction with environmental objects that leave invariant the parameters specifying to-be-perceived properties. Perception by dynamic touch is not a function of particular neuromuscular patterns but of information made available to the haptic system during limb-object interactions.  相似文献   

Visual judgments of distance are often inaccurate. Nevertheless, information on distance must be procured if retinal image size is to be used to judge an object’s dimensions. In the present study, we examined whether kinesthetic information about an object’s distance—based on the posture of the arm and hand when holding it—influences the object’s perceived size. Subjects were presented with a computer simulation of a cube. This cube’s position was coupled to that of a rod in the subject’s hand. Its size was varied between presentations. Subjects had to judge whether the cube they saw was larger than, smaller than, or the same size as a reference. On some presentations, a small difference was introduced between the positions of the rod and of the simulated cube. When the simulated cube was slightly closer than the rod, subjects judged the cube to be larger. When it was farther away, they judged it to be smaller. We show that these changes in perceived size are due to alterations in the cube’s distance from the subject rather than to kinesthetic information.  相似文献   

Raag  Tarja 《Sex roles》1999,41(11-12):809-831
Children, whose ethnic/racial backgrounds (primarily caucasian) and household compositions (primarily two-parent homes) reflected local population statistics, were videotaped playing with toy dishes and tools. The amount of time spent with each toy was calculated to determine whether this varied as a function of children's perceptions of social expectations of gender, awareness of gender stereotypes, and situational constraints (no information, gender-typed information unrelated to the toys, gender-typed toy labels). In study 1, the toy choices of girls and boys with perceptions of having one or more familiar people who thought cross-gender-typed play was “bad,” were influenced by gender-typed toy labels. However, only boys with perceptions of having one or more people who thought cross-gender-typed play was “bad,” were somewhat influenced by gender-typed information unrelated to the toys. Furthermore, in study 2, boys' (but not girls') perceptions of having one or more people who thought cross-gender-typed play was “bad,” independent of an awareness of gender stereotypes predicted the amount of time boys spent with cross-gender toys. The discussion highlights the utility of measures of children's perceptions of others' social expectations of gender in gender research. Additionally, the discussion highlights the complex relationships between such perceptions, situational constraints, and different socialization that girls and boys experience in the domain of toy play.  相似文献   

Information associated with the inertia tensor is the preeminent explanation for haptic perception of object properties, notably wielded rod length. Critics counter that tensorial-based information requires non-tensorial supplementation (mass, torque). However, those critiques omit important constraints. With relevant constraints included, the inertia tensor alone completely specifies rod length. I list constraints inherent (but tacit) in haptic rod length perception, and show that object properties associated with the inertia tensor are invariant, even with constraints removed, by involving (a) longitudinal moment equivalents for rod mass and (b) derivatives of moments with respect to varying rotation axes. Analytic outcomes show tensorial-based information is a robust basis for wielded rod length perception, and suggest open questions for empirical exploration.  相似文献   

We carried out 3 experiments to determine what role different task demands play in 2.5-year-old children's performance on DeLoache's (1987) model-room task. The results of Experiment 1 reveal that the size of the toy to be retrieved had little bearing on performance; only the size of the spaces affected performance. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the large number of perseverative errors produced by children in these tasks was not reduced when the toy on each of the 4 test trials was changed and, thus, further suggested that characteristics of the toy had little influence on performance. Experiment 3 showed that elimination of the possibility of perseverative response through removal of the previously used hiding locations did not facilitate transfer. The results point to conceptual inflexibility or difficulty of engagement in dual representation associated with the search space as important contributors to the lack of representational insight demonstrated by 2.5-year-old children.  相似文献   

Face‐to‐face interaction between infants and their caregivers is a mainstay of developmental research. However, common laboratory paradigms for studying dyadic interaction oversimplify the act of looking at the partner's face by seating infants and caregivers face to face in stationary positions. In less constrained conditions when both partners are freely mobile, infants and caregivers must move their heads and bodies to look at each other. We hypothesized that face looking and mutual gaze for each member of the dyad would decrease with increased motor costs of looking. To test this hypothesis, 12‐month‐old crawling and walking infants and their parents wore head‐mounted eye trackers to record eye movements of each member of the dyad during locomotor free play in a large toy‐filled playroom. Findings revealed that increased motor costs decreased face looking and mutual gaze: Each partner looked less at the other's face when their own posture or the other's posture required more motor effort to gain visual access to the other's face. Caregivers mirrored infants' posture by spending more time down on the ground when infants were prone, perhaps to facilitate face looking. Infants looked more at toys than at their caregiver's face, but caregivers looked at their infant's face and at toys in equal amounts. Furthermore, infants looked less at toys and faces compared to studies that used stationary tasks, suggesting that the attentional demands differ in an unconstrained locomotor task. Taken together, findings indicate that ever‐changing motor constraints affect real‐life social looking.  相似文献   

Domestic dogs are reported to show intense but transient neophilia towards novel objects. Here, we examine habituation and dishabituation to manipulable objects by kennel-housed dogs. Labrador retrievers (N?=?16) were repeatedly presented with one toy for successive 30-s periods until interaction ceased. At this point (habituation), a different toy was presented that contrasted with the first in both colour and odour (since the dog’s saliva would have accumulated on the first), colour alone, or odour alone. No effect of the type of contrast was detected in the number of presentations to habituation, the difference in duration of interaction between the first presentation of the first toy and the presentation of the second toy (recovery), or the duration of interaction with the second toy (dishabituation). Varying the time interval between successive presentations of the first toy up to habituation between 10?s and 10?min had no effect on the number of presentations to habituation, nor did it alter the extent of dishabituation. Varying the delay from habituation to presentation of the second toy, between 10?s and 15?min, affected neither the recovery nor the dishabituation. Overall, the study indicates that loss of interest in the object during object-orientated play in this species is due to habituation to the overall stimulus properties of the toy rather than to any single sensory modality and is also atypical in its insensitivity to the interval between presentations.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the effects of TV ads with celebrity endorsement on the product preference and understanding of 8- to 14-year-old boys. Study 1 compared two ads for a model racer. One had celebrity endorsement (by a famous race driver) and footage of real automobile racing featuring the celebrity (live action); the second had neither feature. Study 2 employed one ad for a different brand of model racer edited to generate a 2 (endorser presence) by 2 (inclusion of live racetrack action) factorial design. A total of 415 boys were exposed to one of the experimental ads or a control ad, embedded in a new animated children's adventure program. Preference for the advertised brand of model racer (pre- and postviewing) and a number of cognitive variables were assessed. Exposure to endorsement led to increased preference for the toy and belief that the celebrity was expert about the toy. Live action led to exaggerated estimates of the physical properties of the toy and the belief that the ad was not staged. The 8- to 10-year-olds associated the glamour of the endorser with the toy and were more reliant on his advice than were 11- to 14-year-olds. However, the two age groups were not differentially affected by the ads. Contrary to the speculation of many researchers, understanding about advertising intent and techniques and cynicism about ads had almost no influence on product preference after viewing.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have explored young children's ability to use information from physical representations of space to guide search within the real world. In one commonly used procedure, children are asked to find a hidden toy in a room after observing a smaller toy being hidden in the analogous location in a scale model of the room. Three-year-old children readily find the hidden toy, although children at 2.5 years often have difficulty with the task. This experiment examined the causes of 2.5-year-olds' difficultly with this symbol system by incorporating testing procedures previously used with chimpanzees. Results indicate that young children's poor performance primarily stems from a difficulty achieving symbolic insight (i.e., recognizing the model-room representational relationship) but is also strongly affected by deficits in inhibitory control.  相似文献   

Three experiments on the effect of density and diameter on haptic perception of rod length are reported. In Experiment 1, the subjects wielded visually occluded rods of different densities. Perceived length was found to be affected by the density of the rod regardless of the actual length. In Experiment 2, three aluminum rods of different lengths with handles of four different diameters were wielded. Perceived length of the rod was found to be shorter as the diameter of the handle with which it was wielded increased. A diameter—length illusion was thereby produced. In Experiment 3, visually occluded rods of different diameters but of the same moment of inertia about thex-axis were wielded with the right hand, and tubes of different diameters were felt with the left hand. The subjects were instructed that their right hand was grasping a handle, and that the actual diameter of the rod could be felt with the left hand. Rods were perceived to be shorter if a larger diameter was felt with the left hand. The results showed that perceived length is not just a function of actual rod length, and that it is not accounted for by inertia only. The results are further discussed in terms of the nature of invariants and the effect of knowledge on perception.  相似文献   

Claims about the relative holding-power and play-versatility of low-versus high- realistically detailed replica toy cars were tested in a solitary play environment with and without the use of props using 36 middle-class preschoolers. Results are contrary to traditional claims and suggest that when detail is varied within the toy prototype, highly detailed cars as compared with low-detailed cars had a greater holding power on children's pretend play as evidenced by a greater play elaboration and less distracted behavior with the highly detailed cars. Also, contrary to traditional claims, there were no significant differences in the subjects' play versatility between high- and low-detailed cars. Props in the form of roads had little impact upon the length of time children spent in pretend play; however, props did appear to focus play toward prototypic-theme behaviors.  相似文献   

Perceiving aperture size by striking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the ability to perceive surface separation on the basis of mechanical stimulation resulting from striking the surfaces' interiors with a hand-held rod. The variables manipulated were aperture size, angular displacement theta, distance b of the point of contact with the surfaces from the axis of rotation, hand-rod mass m, location of the hand-rod's center of mass a, and moment of inertia Io of the hand-rod. Given a particular rod and an aperture at a given distance, lambda = sin(theta/2)[1 - (2a/b) + (ma2/Io)] was invariant over explorations. Perception of aperture size was specific to lambda; it predicted successfully the interdependent effects of theta, b, and the mechanical properties of the implement. The results of 7 experiments were discussed in terms of the specificity of perception to information and the general ability to perceive distant things by means of body appendages.  相似文献   

We investigated the information that supports perception of whether an object is within reach using a locomotor task. Participants adjusted their own position relative to a fixed target by stepping or by propelling a wheelchair until they judged it to be within reach. The to-be-reached object was presented in virtual reality. The display of the target was driven in real time as a function of the observer's movement, thus depicting a stationary virtual object at a definite distance only through the relation across optical and nonoptical patterns of stimulation. We asked participants to judge the distance they could reach with their unaided hand or when holding a rod that extended their effective reach. They could see neither their body nor the rod thereby limiting available visual information about “reachability.” As expected, our results showed that despite the limited information that was available, participants' locomotor adjustments were influenced by (a) their simulated distance from the target, (b) their arm length, and (c) the presence or absence of the rod. The type of motion (stepping or wheelchair) had little influence. However, judgment accuracy was influenced by participants' initial simulated distance from the target. We compare the performance obtained in our locomotor judgment task with previous studies that have used different methods for measuring perceived reaching-ability. We discuss perceptual information that could have supported performance within the framework of the global array.  相似文献   

Nine experiments were conducted on the haptic capacity of people to perceive the distances of horizontal surfaces solely on the basis of mechanical stimulation resulting from contacting the surfaces with a vertically held rod. Participants touched target surfaces with rods inside a wooden cabinet and reported the perceived surface location with an indicator outside the cabinet. The target surface, rod, and the participant's hand were occluded, and the sound produced in exploration was muffled. Properties of the probe (length, mass, moment of inertia, center of mass, and shape) were manipulated, along with surface distance and the method and angle of probing. Results suggest that for the most common method of probing, namely, tapping, perceived vertical distance is specific to a particular relation among the rotational inertia of the probe, the distance of the point of contact with the surface from the probe's center of percussion, and the inclination at contact of the probe to the surface. They also suggest that the probe length and the distance probed are independently perceivable. The results were discussed in terms of information specificity versus percept-percept coupling and parallels between selective attention in haptic and visual perception.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we investigated whether observation of bodily cues—that is, hand action and eye gaze—can modulate the onlooker's visual perspective taking. Participants were presented with scenes of an actor gazing at an object (or straight ahead) and grasping an object (or not) in a 2?×?2 factorial design and a control condition with no actor in the scene. In Experiment 1, two groups of subjects were explicitly required to judge the left/right location of the target from their own (egocentric group) or the actor's (allocentric group) point of view, whereas in Experiment 2 participants did not receive any instruction on the point of view to assume. In both experiments, allocentric coding (i.e., the actor's point of view) was triggered when the actor grasped the target, but not when he gazed towards it, or when he adopted a neutral posture. In Experiment 3, we demonstrate that the actor's gaze but not action affected participants' attention orienting. The different effects of others' grasping and eye gaze on observers' behaviour demonstrated that specific bodily cues convey distinctive information about other people's intentions.  相似文献   

We evaluated the extent to which noncontingent access to one or multiple items and the contingent removal of a specific item decreased a young boy's spitting. Results indicated that the boy's spitting did not decrease when he was given noncontingent access to multiple, alternative stimuli or to a toy radio. By contrast, when the toy radio was removed contingent on spitting, the rate of the boy's spitting decreased to zero or near‐zero levels. Similar results were produced in the boy's special education classroom. Follow‐up sessions conducted 2 and 4 months later indicated that the reduction in the boy's spitting persisted across time. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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